PC 86-195, .r~ RESOi,UTION N0. PCf36-195 A RESOLUTION OE THE AHAHETDI CITY PLANNING COMMISfiION TkIAT PE'PITIUN FOR VARIANCE N0. 3~83 DE GRANTED WtiEK~AS, the Anaheim CiL-y Planning C~n~.miss;ion did receive a verifzed ~ Petition fc~r Variance [rom MICfIAEL POLING Ahll CECELE l~OLII~G~ 1827 Bud.lony r~,; Circ.le, Anaheim, C~li`cznia 92$07, owners and CASEY JURADO - CALIFURNIA R~MODEGI:I~, 2021 White Stac, #C, Anat~eim, California 92806, ager.t Eor certain real property situated in th~~ City of Anaheim, County of Oz~,nge, State o£ California described as: C,0`P 32 UF TRAC7' Nn. G68f3, AS PGR !\ MP.P RECORU~U IN BOOK ?.6~3, PAGES 28 AtdD 29 UF MISCEI,LA[dFOUS ~lAPS, 7I3 T(•IL•; OEFIC:E 0~ TFIE: COUNTY RE;CORDGR OE SF~ID COUIJ'PX. WNERLAS, the City Pla;ining Canmission did hold a public hearing at l•h~ Civic: Center in khe Citx of An~heim on ,7uly ~~, 1986, at 1:30 p.m., notice oE said pub?ic hcaring having been duly yiven as required by law and in accordance with ~he pr~t~isi~n.~ oE che Anaheim Municipal Cod~, Chapter 18.03, L•o hear and consider evidence £or and against said proposed variance ~nd to inve~tigate and make findings and rQcommendul•ions i[- conn~ckion tP-ecewitn; ana WHBRCAS, said Com~nis~ion, lfter due ins~ection, investigation and st~.tdy made by itselF and in its bel~alf•, anci ~.f:ter due considetation o£ all evidence and reports ofLered at sai,d l~~aring, does Eind anrS cletermin~ the f:ollowxng facts: ].. That rhe petitinner pr~~pos~s waiver uf the Fo?.l.owing to construct a room addir.iun to a single-•family residenc~~: SE;CTTON 1t3.27.062.020 -• Maximum lo~ coveca e. ~ (35~, ~~e~:rnitted; 398 pr~~pos~d) 2. That the aboae-meritioned waivers aYe hereby granted on the basis that there are s~oec:ial circumstances «pplica~le to the pro~erty SUCh as ~ize, shape, topography, location and surrnundings which do not ~tp~ly to othec identi.ca).ly zoned ~ropex::y in the same vicini.ty; and that strict applicatiun o~ the 'Loning Cocie deprives the pr~p~rty of pr~vilege~ enjoyed by other properties .in the i.dentical zo-i~ and clzssiEicati~n in the vir.inity. 3. `PE~at l:h~re are exce~~ional ur extraordi.nary circumstancas or conditions applicable to the prop~rL.y in~:ol.ved or k~ the ~~ntended use of the properl•y that do not apply ye;ierally to the ~ro~er.hy or class of i.~se in the ~ame vi.cinity an~l zone. 4. That the reguested variance is n~cesa~~cy tor the preser.vation and en~oy~ii~r.t uF a substar~tial propert;y right possessed by ot~zer pr.opert.y i~~ ~h~ same vici.ni:ty and zone, and denied to rhe proparty in que:~lion. 5. Thak tY:~ requestec] varzance wi]..1 not be materially detrimanta.l t~ the public welEare or ir~jurious t~ the ~rr~ptc;ty or im~~r~vements in sucn vicinity and 2one in which tne property is locGLed. , 0883r Q~86-.195 t ,~ s,', F,~ ; ' 6. That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic heariny in o~+pa~it~i.on~ an~ that no corres~ondence was r.ece:ived i.n oppo~it.ion to subject petit~on. FNVIRONMGNTAL IMPAC`P FINllING: The ~lanning Director or his authorized representative has determined that ~he pcoposed projec~ falZs within the definition ~f G~tegorical Exemptions, Class 5, as defined in the ,,,, State GIR Guidelines and is, ~herefore, categori~ally ex~mpt from the ~'_ requirement ~.a prepare an EIR. NCW, 'PE1FR~:FOR~, BE IT RF'SOLVFO tt~at thc Anahei-n CiLy Planr.ing Commission c]o~s hereby grarit subject Petition for Variance, upon the following condi'.:ions which are hereby [ourid to be a necesaary prerequisit,e to ~he ~ropased us~ of. the subject proper~y ir~ order to preservE the saEety and general we].Pare u~ l•he Ci~ize.ns oE the City ot Anahein~: 1. .~hat subject p~operty sl:all be developed subs':antially in accordance w:.t-~ plans and specifications on file with the .^ity af Ariaheim marked Exhibii: No. 1. r: BE IT FUR`1'HEk RGSOLV~D ~hat the Anaheim City P.lanninc~ Commission does hereby find and dst~rmine ~i~at acloption of this Resolu,tion is expressly predicated upon appliranL-=s compJ.iance witk~ each and a].1 oE the cunditians herEinabove ~e~ forth. Should any suc:~ cond:;tion~ or any part ~hereaP, be declared invalid or unenfor.ceable by t:~c final judyment oE any court of cr~mpetent jurisdictior:, then this R~solutian~ and any approvals herein contained, si~all t;e deemNd null and void. THI; I'OR~'GUT~ = RESOL,U'TION is siy~~ed and apprcvad by ~rte tnis 21th day uf ~1uly, ].986. 1--=~~~ _, ~%' ~~ vi ~ ,_.,,G,~Yf~-~.~,_ '''~ !~ ~ .r,. ~.- CH,'1:~RMAN, ANAHF. M CITY PLA I~MMISStON ~ AT`.~EST: c.p. . ~ „ - ,~`~,~_~-~ ~ :~~~,..~.,~... .. SE~CRETAf~X, ANAHEIt4 C.I'rY PLAIJN:[NG COMMISSION STATG 0~ CALT['URNIA ) COUN'PY OF ORANGE ) ss. ':ITY UF ANAHEIM ) ~` I, Cdith L. Eiarris, Secret~cy Q~ the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning ~or„missi on, do h~reby cer.tify tha~ thc foregaing resolutio~i was passed and ~ a~iopted at a meeting of th~ Fnaheim City L~lanning Commissian nel.d ~n .Tuly 21, 1986, by the fol~low'.ng vote of t!-~e members thereof: ~ AYES: GUMMTSSION~;RS: DOU,~S~ FRY, HERBST~ LA L'GAI12E, LAWICK:[~ MC BURNEY, ~ ~ h1ESSE NUES: CUMMISST()N~;kS: NON~ ~. : ABSENT.: COMMISSI~N~ftS: N~N13 ;,; IN bVI'I~N~;SS WHEREOr, I have her.eunt~ seL- my tiarid t:his 21th day o~ ',~ July, 19 86. / ~_ ~. ~ f, , .~' ,~~ ~Le._4 ~~ ~~: ~~E~z,t~~.~ :',~ SECRJ:TAk , ANAFiEIM CITY PLANNING COMM'iSSION ;'; ~2° FC86-195 0 :;,,a; :;~; '~;: :~^ ;;;,