PC 86-196,."'".., RESOLUTION N0. FC86-196 A KESUL,UTIUN OF THE ANAHEIf9 CTTX PLANNING COMMISSTON THAT PETITIUN FOR VARIANC~ N0. 3586 BE GRAN'_~ED WHEREAS, khe Anaheirn City P14nning Cominissio» did recexve a verifiai3 Petition for Varianc:e Fro-n GLDEN W. BSINBRTDGc: A~D SHARON ANN BA7NBRrDGC TkUSTE~S OF THE F,LD~N W. AND SHARON At3N BAI[JBRIDGF TRUST, 1Q52 ioC~h Tustin Avenue, Nnah~irn, Califurnia 9280%, ownecs of certain real property situated in th~ City of Anahelm, i.ouricy oi Or.ange, Sta~e of California described as: PARCEL 13, AS P~R MAP C'ILFD TN EtOVK 202, PAGES 41 TO 44~ INCLUSJVL OF PI~RCk•I~ tdAl'S IN THE UEEICE G~' THE COUNTY RECORI>ER QF ORANGE COUN`PY~ CALiFO.RNIA. WHERGAS, the City Plannina Commission did hold a public hearing at the Ci~ic Center in the Ciky o~ Anahei~ on July 21, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., »Uti.ce of said public raearing h~,vina been duly ~iven as requi~ed by la~a and in accordance with the pzovisi~ns oi• the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapte~ 18.q3, to hear and consider evidence foc and aqainst said prop~sed variance and Eo investigate and m~ke Findings anc7 recommendations i~ conncction ther.ewith; and WHERI3AS, said Commis,sion, atcer due inspection, investigation and stady rnade by itself anr~ in its behal~, and afte~r due consideration of a11 cvidence arid reports oftered at said hear.ing, d.oes find and determine tr~e following Tacts: 1. That the petil-iaier prcposes wai.ver of the [u].lowinq l:o consrruct a two-stoz~y office buiJ.d.ing: SECTlON - Minimum side ard .~etback.. (10 fe~t required; 5 feet from ~tie sou~h property line and 0 f:eet from future west property line propcsed) 2. That the above-mentior,ed waivers are hereby granted on l-.he basis tna~ theCe ace special citcumstances applicable "_o the property suGh as sizA, shape, topoyraphy, location and surcounclin,as which do not apply to nther identically zoned property i~i th~ same ~;icinity; ar~d that ~trict app].icakion of t.he Zoniiig Code deprive~ the property of ~rivi].eyes ~:njoyc:d by c~the~: pro~Prties in the idenl•ical zone and ciassi£ication in the vicinity. 3. That ther.e are exceptional or extraocdinary ~irci,ms~.ances ~r cr~ditions app],icablE lo tne properLy i.nvolved or tc the i7~.e:tded use of the pro~erty that do not up~ly generall.y to the prc,perty or cla~^ of u~e in the same vicfnit,y and zone. 4. 'Phat the requested varia~ce is necessary far the preservat:on and er.aoymznt oP a substantial pi:c~l~erty right po~sessed by other propFrrX in tne same vicinit;~ and zen~, and deniGd to the property in c~ueskion. U884r PC86-196 ;. , ,,: ; ,, i ;~ ,; ~ S ~. 5~ ~~har rhe requesl;ed var.tance N111 1~~ be materi~l'~,y detrimental to CGUP.CtY or improt'~merl~ ~ in such ~, lcinity ttie public welfare r,t injuriou.~ ta the ~ ~ i3 locaL-e~t. and z<~ne in which tt~e prop~rrY 6. 'Ch~~t ~~o on~ indicat~~d rh~W j J~'rFecei.vted a inb opE,oaition ~.oa ubject oppr~sitian; and thar, no corre~pond_ncc ~~tition. Piannina E:tJVIROtJM~N'Pr~U IMPA~'P~, E~Z~~~': That tt~e Anaheim City ofEa.ce bailding arcel ot land ~~ Commi.3~ion has .Ce inimu side~`a d,o et ack on nan ~i.r[eyula[ly3shape~ E~ `~ ~~rith a waiver. ~~ ~• . ,,oximatelY 1•~ acres, locaL•ed at the southwes~319~11`'Eas ~ Kais~t consisring of aPE' that it aoulevar~:i and U1dc 5priny:~ `l -~o o~V` ~~~ ^fu ~~1V~ Declar.ation~upcn Eindiny `~ ~ cumments received t3o-~]-;vacd; and dot~ hezeby ~'' ~n th~ basis of the initlal has considered `tlC~vie~wap~:oces and,furlhero~inding ~~th any during thc, pub2i ~tud and any comments rec~ived ~har ~,n~~ tF-elenviGOnn e~t,.n~ial evidence that t.ie Y projec` wi11 have a aiqniEicant ef~`~t planning Anaheim City t,':'~J, `PHEREhORE:, Ei~: I'1' RL.SULV~D that the does hereby yrant :iuojecL Petition f:O~ Vareeequisil:eo ~o thef p=oposed Comm.ission c~nc9ition:; whict~ are heteby Lound to be ~ necessarY in arder t~ ~r~~erve ~t1P saEety and genezal welEaze u,e of the subject pLOperG`~ uf An~h~.im: o£ the Cici•r.ens o£ ti:he City r~~t~ ~najor t. 2. That ~ri~r to isssance ot a building peemit, the ap~rop tnoro~~~,hfare and bridge fee M~loL ~1'horoughf4~ thea et~ria~~enFeel Pr°Ci~m coved by Y amoun~ as specified in 1-~~ 7 ~S a~p for thE iour.hi.l.l/Eastern Transpacta~i~n Cor.ridur, Council. ~esolu~icn No. 45it-423. ,~hat subjec~ pco~erty sP,all bE s~~xved bY underyrounG utilities. 1 -~. n'i~at nrior to ias~anck~ ot- a~~i:diny permit, o~ within a perl.od af one rhis resoluti.on, whichever ~~cur~ firat, yeac f~'°m tit'~ ~`~~e °E shall be C:OIfl~1~.lP~ ti~j~h• ~•+tPnsions Conc~itio~ ~io. 1, at~ov~:-mentioned, , fc~r fucths[ time ~~ c~m~~'eayU ofitkieCAnaheim11Municipal~CodrAn*ed in _ dCCOKddilC@ wi~h Sectir)~1 18.03. ~C86-19~i in accordance and SanLtatian erty, a 5, ~ttiat in the event a E~arcel -:iaC~ ~~ recor.ded on ~~~~7eC~ p~~~ rPCiprocal acc~.:s ~nd paCkln~ ayreeinc~t, in a EoLm sati~factory to the City 11ttGCtlny ;~hal.l ~~ ~ r C~COCdP.d WayKeQ ~~ o ~hall henh beOr ubmitt~dnto RecoCdeC. A ~opY ot .h -,:h2 '.'larning Uepar~me-~t • rc, e~ty shct.ll be ~e~~~lop~~j 3~~batantiaily in accordance 6. That subject P P with plans an~] speciF 3 ati~ns on Eite with the ~il•;~ oF Anahei~n matkE Exhio~~ ~~os. 1.- 2 anrl fcamingr ~ice hydran~s shal dztecmined ~~ pe necessarY bY h. 1~h;iti tra,h atoraye ar~a3 ~hal.l be pcovicled ~nd mainLained with ~~PPr~v~ci ~~lan~ on [ile d:.th ~f-e Stteet Mainten~nce Uivision. 3• ! 1ea i nstalled and ' ct11 ged "a~ Ut equi ed uand the Cnic=f of ehe I~'ice o~pacr.m,~nt. -2- ~ 4 ~ ' ~~ - -- ti ~ . ~~~ f~~ ,;1 ~` 8. Tnat ~rior to Linal uui.lding and zoni.m~ inspections, Conditi~n Nos. 2, 4 and G, ab~v~-ment.ione~~, shal.l be cumplieci with. I3E IT f~'UR'PHER FtESOLVGD that the Anahei.m City 1?lanning Commis3ion doe~ hereby Etnd ~and de~ermine th~t adoption oE this R~salution is axpresRly predicated upon a~p.liaant's compliance with each and a11 ot the conditions hereinauove set torth. ShouJ.~ ~?ny such con~3it:i.cr., ar any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenEorceabl~ by ~he fxnal j~dqment of any courl• uE campetent ;}urisdict.ton, then this ResoJ.ut.ion, anc~ any appr~vals herein cont~ined, :~hall be deeme~] null and void. 'PEIE ~OitFtGUING ltESULU'I'IUN i:~ signed anci approved by me this 21L-h day ~af July, 198b.. ~~ , L + ~ ~ ~,~ .. ~.:~ ' ~ ' ' ~ , ~!' ~~' s. ,,, ~ j CEiAIRMAN, ANAf~EIM CT'PY ~ NNING COMMIS~ION ~• A'PiE3'I': ,~ . ~-=-~1 '~~ ~~ '~~ °~-- y~=- ~- " : ~ } SECK~TAR't,( ANAHEIM CiTY PLA[vMIhG CUMMIS5:[GD, , ! .~ v" STATL•: O~' t;;~LIE'OF2NZA j ' COUNTY OE ORANG':~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHI:.CNi ) I, Edith f~. Harris, Secretary of the. Anuhei.m City Planni ng Commission, do hereby cF:ctify tY~al the foregoiny resolution w~-:~ passed and adopted at a meeting of i,;he Anaheim City Planning C~irtinission held on Ju1y 21, 1986, by the follcwiny v~~te of the members thereof: 9YE5: COI9MI:iSIUNER5: 3UUAS, FRY, HF;I2BST, LA CC~A:[KF~ LAW.ICKI, MC BURNEY~ MES5L•' ' NOES: ~:OMMISSIONERS: NOMG ABSENT: ~OMMIS5IOP~EftS: NONE IN 'v~I~i'NF;SS WHERc,OE, I t~.ave l~ereunto~et my t~anc] this 21rh day of July, 1986. • ~ ~ ---~.~.ec~:. ~.. SF;CRETAFtY, ANAHEIM CI'PY PLAtJNING COMMISSION -3- , ; ~:,......,.. . ~...~~;:~•, ~ ~ PC86-196 ~ ~