PC 86-2--1 RESOLUTZf./D1 NQ. PC86-2 A RE;SGLU'PI~N OP' THE J1PIh~IFJIM CITY PLANNlNG COMMISSION D~NYINC; GENLRAL PLAN TiMEIyDME!J1' N0. 205 T,AND USG ELEMENT wHEREAS, 'rt•ie Ciry Council uf tf;~ ~i~y oE Anaheim d~.a adupt the Anaheim G~ncral Plan t~y Resolution No, fi912-544, shc~wing the general description a~nd exkent of passible future development within the City; and 4JHEREAS, pursuanl-. ta a r.equest from the pro~~erty owrter for. a Genera:l P1an A:nendment ~tudy, Cit.y sL•aff prepared a General P].an Amendment for an area consisting oE ~3 rF:~rangialarl,y-shaped parcel oF lanc hav9.ng an area of ~pproximately 1.3 ~cces, havin~ approximately 190 feet af frontage on the north side of Katel.la Avenue, ana b~ing loc;a~ed aporuximately 315 feet Fast oL the cenCerline of Carneli.an Stre~L; and 4JHrRE,~S, ~he Planni.ng Uepartment emed it appropriatc, pursuant to Che pr~avision of the Caliior.nia ~'nvironmental 4uality Ach., af.tF:r review ~f the p~opusal ancl Ini1:ia1 SLudy and findi:i~s r~o siani£icant enviranmental impact, that a Negal:i~J~~ Declar ation be ~zpnroved; and FJI~IEREAS~ the ?~naheirn City ~la~!ning Commis;;icn dic] ho1~ a gub].ic hearinq aL• the Anaheim Civic Center, Council ChambEr, 7.00 South An~~heim Boulevar.d, on ,7an«a~y (i, 1985, aL 1:3U p.m., nuticE of ,aid p~ihlic hear.ir~g having been duly c~iven as requir~d by .law anc] i.n accordance witl, t'ne provisl.~ns of tt~e Anaheim Mur; icipa]. Cod~, to heac and cunsider evidence for anca ag~inst• said AmFndment to t~~e Anai~eim General Plan ar~c~ ~o invesriyate and make findings and recomme7dations in connec:l-ion therewith; and H1liL•'REAS~ s~i.d Commi~sion, after due c;onsider.ation, inspecti.on, investigation and yludy made by itsel.f, and af.Lee ciue consi~leration oF a11 evidence and reports offered Ut sai~l hearing, DO"S HGREBY FIND: .1. That sufL•icient. evidence was not presen~ed to substantiate the need for an amendrnent. ta tne Anaheim General Plan at this tim~~. '?. That tr,~. ~co~osea Medium D~nsity Re:idential and low-medium densi~y residenr,ia]. designati~ns are incompatible with t::e surrounding CornmerciaJ Profes~i.onal <~nd Low Uensiky Resiw'entialland uyes. Therefore, nu change k,e adopk~~d for the suk,ject study ar.ea. 3. 7'hat traffic causec] by a rnulli-~amily development wculd create an unc:i~e burden on the surr~unding area. Lt~VIRONMF'NTAL IMPAC'P L~ INAING_ :!'i~at the Anaheim C.ity Ylanning i:ommission has r~view~d the .~roposal co r_hange the~ ~;;er,eral Plan r]esigr~ation from Commercial Frofesyional tn Medium Density Resid~~nt;ial ar Low-Medium Denstty Res~dential and to ceclaasify subject pcnperty from the RS-10,0U0 (Resid~n~ia.l, Single-Fami].y) Zone to the Rt4-12U0 (he,idential, Multii,le-Family) Zonc~ r.o r.onstruct a 48-unit apartm~nt cum~l~x with waivers of masimum structural height on a ractangulacly-~haped parcel o~ :land cc,n~ist;ing of ap~r.oximately 1.3 acres, having ~ fxont:age o~ a~~L~roximately 190 Ecet. on the nor.th side of Katella Avenue, and further describeci as 15u5 ~1e~L• Katella rvenue; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaratfon upon ;Einding that :it has COIIfilCj@I@d the N~gacive ~ OG74c P~86-2 `;;I . _:t's a :' . . ' . . . \ ..yt, ~5 . . , ~ .. ~"~i ~~, Declara~.ion together with any cumments ceceived during the public .review process l and Eurther finding on the basis of the iniL-ia1 study and any commc~~,ts received ',~' Y~ that ther.e is no substantial evidence that the project wi11 have a significant efJ'ect on th~ environment. NOW, ~'FIEREE`OR~, [3~ t'.P RESOLVED, tr~at uursuant to L•he Eoregoing Pindings, the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny General Plan Amendment No. 2Ub. TEIE I~JRLGOING I~ESOLU7'iC~N is si,ncd and apprnvEd by me this 6th day of Januar.y, 1986. ii' ' ~' ~' ~, ~, ~. _ 1"~'~G'~ .-I_~~(.c'r~--C.... C ~~~ _ = C ~L•C~~.i::.%~ !,'HAIRWUMAN, ANAHE:[M CITY PLANNING C'OMMISSION A`L'TEST : F LQ^~.~Gt.... ~ ~~..1 s_.[-o _ SLCRE'.C7+RY, ANAHT:IM CITY PLANhING CUMMISSION SL'ATE U'r' CAL'!E'OR~~IA ) CUUN'i'Y ~1~ ORANGE ) s:~ . CT`i'Y Uk ANAHEIM ) T, F.di.Eh ~. Flarris, Secretary oE the Anahcim City Planning Commission, do hereby cNr ify L•hat the for.~yoing reso.lutian was passed and ado~ted at a m~eti.ng of. the Anaheim City Plannirig Comrr:iss~on held un ,7anuary 6, 19~6, by the fo:llowing vore of the members thereof: AYES: CUMhlISS.IONI:RS: HOUAS, FFtY, FIERDST, LA CLAIRE, t4C BURNEY, MESSE NOES: COM6IISSIONERS: NUNL ABSLIJ7.': COMMISSIONF~tS: LAWTCKI IN WITNUSS WHLREOE', I have hereunto set my l~anc this 6th day af January, 198G. ------~~~(~ ~i ' •~~t,.c..~.. SF~CRE:'PARYo r1D1;,HEThI CITY PLANNTNG COMMZSSION -z- ,.. _ .. ~C86-2 ~ ,~~, ~ ~;~ -sh ~~ i; 2 ,;.~y ': Sd •"'~~ , ,~ -,. , _... ...-,: ., .. . ._, .~,,,raro~~~.,~. . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ .. ~ _ ,u%