PC 86-200;~ ~'''~ 5 RF:SOLU'PI(7N N0. i'C86-200 A ItESC)LUTiO[d OE' THE ANAHEIM CI'PY L~liANNYt~G COMM'LSSION THA`i' PE'1'JTtON I~UR CONDI'C.[UNAL USE~ PPRtdZ~' N0. 2~i25 B~ GFtAN'C~.p tidHERCAS, the Anaheim c:ity P?.anning Comn~ission did cecPive a veri£ied Netition ~or C:onditi.onal Use Permi.G Cr~~m f3ttYAN INUUS`PRIA[, PROP~R't'TES, INC., 146 ~a.st Orangethorpe Avenue- ~nAhei.m, CaliEornia 928U1, owr.er and JCNNiI'ER C. HOY't, 14~ East, Uranye:thur~e Avenue, Anat,eim, CaliEornia 92801, ayent Eoc certain real property siL-uaked in ~ha CiL•y oE Anahei-n, Coun~y of Uranae, State ot Ca.lifornia, described as: 'rHr' ~;AS`ik;RLY 7.95.39 EwET OC THE SOU'TH 1Q.U0 t1Ck2L5 OF TKE SOUTHI:AST ~UAR'PFR OF THE SUU'PHWEST t~UAR'1'FR OF SLC'PlON .34 ~ TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTIi, I~ANGL 10 WF~S`P~ IN `i'HE hANt:HO :iAN JUAN CAJON llE SANi'A ANA~ AS SHGWN QN A,,AP RFCOf2DGD IN SOnK 51, PAGE 7 OF MISCLLLANr:OUS HAF.'5, RECO4~US 0~ ORANGE c:UUN'P'1, CALIFORNIA. ~r1Ii~REAS, the City Planni.ng Con~mission clid hold a public heariny at the Civi~ Cent.er in the City ot- Anaheim un ..iuly ~.1, 1586, at 1:s0 p.m., notice of saii] ~ublic heariny having been duly yi~:en a~ required by .law and in accoiclanci~ with the pcovi.sic~ns of the Anaheiir~ M~inici~al Cocie, Cha~~ter 1fi.03, to hear ~.~d c~nsidtc e~adence Eor and aqainst sai.d propo,e~ cond.it~onal use permit and to i::vestigar,e and make Ei.~din~~ and recommendat~.ons in connection therewiLti; and WHEN,CIIS, sa,,d Commission, aftee ;3uP insp~~cGion, invest,iyaL•ion and ~Lu~3y rnade by itself and ~ri ils 'r,aY~a.lE, and ~~f.ter due considecatiun af all evidence and ~enorts o~FC:.a~l a~ said heariny, does fi.nd and dnterm.inc~ the foliowi.ng facts: 1. 'rl~at the pro[~o:~~~~:1 use is pcoperly on~ fo~ wkiich a conciitional use permit .is authorized by t,naheim Municipal Co~e S~ction . tv wit: to pecmit in~]usL•rially-related ofEice use:~ in .3n existing one-~tary buildin,y in the ML 'Lone. 2. 'P-~,at the pco~~osed u:3e will noc adversely afEect the ad7oininy lar.d uses and the gtowth and deve:ioptner.t ot ttie are. zn which it is pr~posed to k~c: .l~~c.zt:ed. 3, That th~ si•r,e ancJ ~hage of the site proposed foC the use adeyu~it.~~ to al~ow ~he C-ull i]eveloE~mertt of the proposed use i.;~ a mannee not detrima~nta.l to thi: ~~articula[ acea nor to the peace, health, safety and yeneral ~aelfare of the C.~C1'I.C(la of. the C'ity oE Anaiieim. 4, 'that the yran~;.ng oE Che Condi.t.ional U~c~ Permir unGer tt~e conditi.nns imE~o:;ecl, if any, wi.ll nQt be det~iment,al co L•he peace, he~l~h, ~afety and ye~eral wF~l[ae~ oE tht Citizeni~ of lhe City of Artaheim. 5. 'Phat ~he Lraftic genecated by th~ prcposec3 use wil.l riat impose as1 undue UurdPn upon thr. at~ee.".s ar.cl r~iynways desig~le~ c-nd im~:rov~d ~o earry the tcaL£ic: i.n the acea. PC86-200 nE3aac ~- ~ :~ ~ ~ ~„q,,, ~;~f~. ~ , ; ~ ; 6. That no one ind.icated tt-~eir pre~ence at ~aid Public hearing in oppv~ition; and Ctiat no corresp~nd~nce was received in opposition to the yubjeck peti.tion. ENVI1tONh1~;N~'~G IMPACT r IN~ING: That the e~naheim CiLy E~lannin,y Cc,mmission~ has reviewed the ~coposa.i ~o permit :Lndustri~lly-telated o£fi~e use$ tn an exiytiny one-story bu.i.lding in the ML x~ne on a rectangularly-•shaped parcel of• land consisti.ng of appr~ximately 1.a6 acres, i haviny a Er.onta,ye of ap~ :oximately 295 f.eet Qn t;~e north sidP oi Orar~.gekhor~e Avenue, and further c.ascriber~ as 145-151 Ea,t OrangethorpA Av~nut; and does herehy ap~~r.ove the NeyaL-ive Declaral:ion upun f.i~iding that it has considered thc Neyative Der.larar.ion together with any comments rec~ived during tl~e publ.ic review pr~cess and £ur~:her Einding ~:~ Lhe basis c.~£ the ini~ial skudy and any comments received th~t there is no subs~antia]. evidence that the p~ojecr wi11 ; have a signl.ficant e; fect on ~he eavir.c~nmenh. ~;, ~ tJUW, THLFtEEGRE, B~ I'P RF,SOL~rED that the Anaheim City Planning C~,mmission does hereby yrant sub~ect Pc:rit.ion for Conditional U~e Permit, upon the folJ.owi.ng cond.itions whict~ are hereby fou-ld t~ ae a nece~sary prerequisite ~' Lo the ~ro~o~ed use oL the subject property in order Co preserve the safety and general welfar.e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 7.~ 'Phat all driveways sha.ll be consL•xucted or reconstructed to accoinmod~te ten (lU) L•oat tadius cut5 r.eturns as rcc{uirec~ by lhe City TrafEir Lngineee. 2. Tl,at the appropriate traFfic signal assessinent Cee shal.l be paid to Che Ci.ky of An.~heim in an amount as determined by the City Cotlncil. 3. 7.'hat Cne proposed oEt.ice uses .~tiall be lirni~ed to the fol.lowing 1istEd uses and that a covenant, review~d and approved by the Czty Attorney's QfEi.ce so lim~ting said use~, sl~all be cecordec] in the UEfice ot the Ura~.ye Cuun~~~ Gecorder, a c~~py of which yhall be Furnished to the P~anr~iny De~artment; 1. :,;~~ounting - Bookk~eping, CPt~ Firms or 2emporary CPA hirr~s 2. AdveCti~ing 3. Ap~rai:'P.CS 4. Banks 5. E~cokers - Real t:state, [susiness OpportuniliQs, Etc. G. E3usiness System Companiev 7., Communication Consultar~t ., 8. Cc~.dit Repocting Ayer•~y ' `' ~~, :~. Desiynec - Industrial, Tnterior., Craphic '~0. D~e~~el~pnent Compaiiie~ 11~ In.urance Companies/Ayencies 12. Invento:y Services 13. L~a~ing Companies 14. Manayen~enk ConvulCant3/Compr~nies 15. M~rketing Reseaxch 16. Parr,onnel Agency 1"!. ~ales OEfice (outside, ~s it relates L•o the industrialy - - 18. Secretarial 5ervic~s - 1°. Any use pecmit undcr Gonin~ Code Section i8.61.020, 3ub~ect to all. ~:U~1d1tIO~~t~ oE said Section. ~ - ~•2- PC86-2U0 ~.:. '1,, , ~, ~'_.~.t~w+~.~+~amo-~..x~.r,~.. •.~:<.:.~,..,.,~.....-, . .. . . . . . . . . . R~~ ^ Eact, individual use sha11 requi.re the appcov~l uf the T~la~~:.tn9 Department ori~r l•.o occupancy, which aok~rav~1 sha11 only !~~e yiv~n when i1. is demcnstra~ed by thE~ ap~licailt that su.h u~e i.~ e.(.ther an ex~ressly ~ermitted ~ise in :~uch ~one or me~ts the criteria ~f Secti~n .18.61.050.Ga5 oE titie Anaheim Municipal Codes 4. '~hat :ubjeck pro~erty sha11 be 9eva:lc~pec~ sub3tan~i<~lly in accordance with plans and Sper.ifications on Ei1e wi~h Ghe City of Anaheim mcirked Cxhibit No. .l. 5. TY~at prioe to thP commencemen~ c` the zc4Lv.iky aue~o~i ze or nwikhin~ia resolution, or priar L•o issuan~e of ~a buil.ding ~ peri.od of one year L-ram the date ot thi~ resolurzon, whichever occurs fir3t, Condirian Nos. 1, 'tr 3 attd 4, abc~ve-mentioned, sha].? b~; ~omplied with~ Extensions f~~r further cime to complete said condltions may be grant-.~d in aca~rdancE with 5ectiun 18.03.090 of t:he Anaheim t4u~:icipal Ccde- BE IT FURTHER RCSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissicn doES heceb,y find and ~etermine rhat adoptiai; oE thi:~ Reso.ltttion is expressly predic~tA~i upon applicant's compliance wikh each anc3 ~1~ ° arth the~eof~jobe hereinabovr-.~ ~et C-orth. Should a-zy such conditions, oc any P Court of declared iilvalid or u-1enP~rceable by the final judymen~ °f Kov ls herein com~ete-tt jurisdiction, t•.hen this ResoluCion, and any ~p contained, :~ha11 be deemed n~all and void. `!'HE FOREGOiNG RESUL07~ION is siynec7 and appr.oved by me this 21th day O~ JU1'j~~ ly$li. ,~i? ;J/~;%l/ ~ % f ~ ~ i~ .. /~.~~/ . ~/~1 ~~~~~r. ~~. r - ~ r ,, -~ __ f,~._ CHA.LRMAN, AIvAHc~IM CI'rY PY MIN~ COM~it56lON A`CTES'P: ~ , ,y~ ,^_. i , .~( cP~..r~11 ~.~ / ~.1~.-~~-_....._. SLCKE:TARY, ANAHEI~1 CITY PLI+[3NINC (.()MMIS~ION S'tATL OE' CAL~IEUKNZA ) COUIyTY OF ~RANGB ) ~5• ~I~~y pr ANAFI~IM ) ~w IY~ )~t'.. I, Edith L. Commissi~n, do hereby adopte~3 at a meetiny of 1986, by tne following Hacris, Secrerary ot the Anahe.im CiL-y E'lanning cer.tify l•.hat L•he foreyning resolution was ~a~sed and th~: Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Co:nmission held an July 21, vo~z oi ~he mecnbers rhereoF: [~y~~• ~ CUt9t4.[:iSIQN~;R5: BOUAS, E'KY, itultBS'1, LP~ CLAIRE~ LAWSCK:, MC BL!RNE"i, MES5~ tJUE:i : ~~g~~~7~ ; CUIdMI5Si0NE125 : C;OMMJS810NERS : NOt~F: NONE Iy WY`PNESS WHERG•'Ok, Y have heCeuntq~seL my har-d this 21th day of July, 3.985. i ~ ~,~ L,~~: ___---,~-~ ~I~CRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PT,ANNING COMMISSZON -3- PC86-200 ,,h , , . . ;.. _ , . ! }, ~~~~~ ~v'~°"F'~~ A~~S{n ~ h,~/iv... .. . ~.~_ __-.. . -•.-.. ._... . .._ ............ .... . ... ~ . , 7~1~ i'1 ~R.'~~ - _-- __ _ __-._ . ~ .. . ... . . ~r, J'r~ A ~