PC 86-206^ ~./~.f i RESQLUTION N0. PC86-~206 A RFSOLUTION UE' THB ANAliEIM CTTX PLANNIP~G COMMISSION THP,T PGTITTON FOR CONL~ITIONA'L USE PERMIT N0, 2767 BE GRANTED WHGREAS, the Anaheim Ci.ty P].anning Comrrisston did receive a veci.fied Aeti~ton for Condi.ti.nnal. UsQ FFrmi.{: fr.nm FOI3ERT C. STOVALL AND LOIS STOVALL, S'POVAL~, INN/BEST WEST~RN, 11].0 East Kate].la, Anan~i.m, California 928Q2, ~awr~ers and FRANK CALTA, 7..1F0 North Tusti.ri AvPnuP, Anahpim, Ca]i.forn:Ia 92g07, agPnt for certain rea7. pr.operty si~uated in the City of An~heim, County of Orange, Si:atn of Ca].i.fornia, dpscrib~d as: PARCEL 2, AS SHOWN QN A MAP ~tECORDFD IN BOOK S5, PAGES .17 AND 18 OF PAP,CEL MAPS, IN THE OEr^ICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF pRANGG COUNTY, CFL1F'ORNIA., WHERF.AS, th~ Ci.Fy P.lanni ng Commi ssi.~n ~)i.d ho_ld a pub).i.a hpari ng a;. thP Civi.c C~nfer Sn the Czty af ~naheim on August 4, 1486, at 1:30 p.m., noti.ce oE said puuli.c hPar:i.ng havi~y baPn du.ly givt~n as regui.r.ed by ].aw and in accor.da~;.ce with the pr.ovisi:.~a oE the Ailah~im Municipal Code, Cha~ter. 1.$.03, ~~ hPU:: znd consi.dar. PvaaPncP for and agai.nst: sai.d propos~d coiyditi.onaJ. usP per.mit and to invps~.LC]dL"P. and makp Fi.ndings and rec~mmendations :I.n connection ~her.ewit:h; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aftPr du~ fnspPcti.~n, i.nvpst.i.gdti.on and study mad~ by ilself and in i.ts beha:i.f, ~nd after due consider.ation a~ axt ev:ldPncp and rPpnrts ~lE~~p;'p~] at-. ,,~i.d h~ari.ng, dops fi.nd and dPtPrm3.ne thP fo.llowing facts: 1. That thP prc+p~~SF,~ usN is prnpPr7_y ~~~P fnr whi.ch a c~nditi.onal. use p?r.mit is auth~r.izec] by AnahPim MunicigaJ. Code Sectior~ 18.6J..050.6].2 to wit: t.7 pPr.mi.t a nnn-fPrrnus 1t~atc3.l. !'c~CyC.ling facility wi.L-h outdo~r. sL-nragP and w•f.th waiver of; SECTI0~1S, - Mi.nimum numbc~r ~f parkina~.,Cas~ ' 1.8.Q6~050.033, ! 46 ~ar.k:lnq~pace:, required; J.7 spaces propnspd) ` 18.06.090 AND - 'F1.; i8.61.Ob6.05U 2. Thak th~ prnpnsNd usP i.s h~r.Pby grantPd foc a pAr.i.od of .^,tx (6) months, to expir~ on Fenr.uary 9, ].gg7. 3. Thak thp propns~d ust~ wi ].1. nnt advprsely affnct thP ad~ ~i.ni.ng ].and ~~ses ancl ttie growth and de~e.lopment oE tha ar.aa .in wr,ich i.t is proposed to ba J.i~rated . ~l. That thA si.zw and shapp ~E adequate to a1 ir~w th t:hP s3.tP proposFd for. th~ ~.~se i.s yY ` it . P f.u11 ~2vF3.opm~nt u1 ~he dPtrimenta]. -:o the paett cu] ar r ~~ u a . _ a aa nor genera~ we].facn of the Citizens oE the Cil: r.n th opac~, h?a]th, o£ A a[ ty and , y nahei.m. 5. Tha~ thP yrant3.ng of thP condi.~ions imposed 3 t C~ndt.ti.nna7. UsP Parm,tt undar thP :;.; ~~^ , . any, wi.J.? n~~t bA saL•ety and g~n~ra]. wPl.Fara o C t hP CitizP detrimenlal to th~ peace, heaJ.th, ' ' ~ . . ns ~~E thP City of AnahPi.m. ' ' 0894r ~;,' PCBG-206 ;;;~ ; ~:,, °;`~?, . , , .._...:,.,,:.. .~, ~....,..,., . _. ... _ .. . .. , .. . . , . . ,.~.~ti . . .,, 4~~ . rrq.,~ G. That the ~ r.affic generated by the pr.op~3ed use wi~.l not impose a~a undue bur.d~n upnn the strpPts an~ h9ghways d~si.gnPd and i.mprnvPd to carry the t~:affi.c in the ar.pa. 7. ThaL- -.;wo pFr~ons tndi.cat~d t:hPi.r pr.~sPncP at th~ Ju7.y 7, .1986 publ.ic hearing and one person indica~Pd hi.s presence at i:he Augu~l: h, 19f35 pub~ic heari.ny in nppnsitinn; and t:hat no corrPSp~,ndPncP ~aas recp:i.vpd i.n opposition i:c~ the subject peti.tion. ENVIRONMEN'i'AL IMPACT FINllING: That tha AnahPi.m C3.ty P].anni.ng Commi.ssion has revi.ewed th? proposal tu p~r.mi.t a non-fprr.aus metal rec~rr.].ing facilit.y with nutd~or sL-or.agP wi.th wai.vPr of mi.n:imum numb?r of par.ki.ng spaces an an i.rraguJ.ar.l.y-sha~ed par.c~l ~f ].and consisting of approxima9.eJ.y 0.94 acre, having ~°rontag~ ~f approxi.matAJ.y ]48 fP~t on tha Past of Tusti.n Avenue, and £ur.ther descr.a.bed as .13.G0 North Tusti.n Av?nue; and cl~es her~by approve the Npgati.vp Apc].arar.~lon up~~n £i.nd3.ng that; i.t has consi.d~r~d thP N~gatj.vp Declaratinn together with any comm~nts r.eceived dur.in~ thp publ.ic r~view procpss and fur. th~r f j.ndi.ny nn thP basj.s ~f t-hP i ni.t.t al study and any commc~nts recea.vpd that there xs no subs~antial E?Vl.(~P.I1CP_ that the pro jECt wi.].J. have a signi.Li.cant PL-fPcf ~~n thP AnviranmPnt. NOW, THERGrORE, E3E IT RESOLVED r.hat Lhe A~-ahPim CitX P].annzng Commission does hereby grant subjPCt PPtiti.an for Condit~i.onal Gse Permi.t, u~on i:hP fo] ].~wi.ng conc3i.ti.on~ whic;h arP hPr.Pba~ tound i:o bP a nPcPssary prPr.Pqui.sfta to the pro~~osc~d use c~f th~ subject properly in or~~er to preserv~ the saEery and gonPra7. wPlf:arP of th~ Ci.ti.zPns ~F thF Ci.ty of Anahpi.m: lo 'Phat pr.ior to i.s~u~nc? of a bu:ldtng perm~t, Lhe a~propr.iate tr.affic si.gnal assPSSmpnt feP sha7.]. b~ paid to th~ Ci.ty of Anah~i.m in an amount a., deter.rn.ined hy thF Ci. t.y Counci.l. 2. TYiat aJ.J_ dri v~ways ~ha].J. bp const.rnct~d nr !'p~:~~riStYUCL-Pd to ar.comm~date ten (].U ) foot r. ~d i.u:s curb returns as re~,utr.ed by the City Tratfic Gngin«~nr. 3. 'Phat subjPct pr~p~rty shaJ.t b~ dAvFJ.~~p~d ~ubstanti.al.].y i.n accorc3ancP wS.th plans and specifical-.i.ons on fi].e with the CiLy oE Anaheim marked Exl~ii~ait No. 1. ~. That prtor to fina7. bui].di.ng and z~ni.ng i.n~pNCti.ons, Condi.tion Nns. 2 and 3, abc.~ve-menti~n?d, shai]. b~ compJ.ied wzth. 5. 'Phat t.hi.s p~rmi.t sha].1 Pxp3.eP f.n ~i.x (6) months, February 9, ].~87. BE IT i URTHER RESOLV~D l.hat the Anai~pi.m Cs.ty PJ.anning Commiss:ion does hereby L•ind and dPtPrmt.nP that adopti.on of this R~so].ut9.~n is ~xprPSS1y ~.rNdicat~~d upun appJ.icant's compliance with Aach and alJ. of the canditions h~r.einabovP s~t forth. Sh~~ul.d any such conditi.ons, or any par.t thPr.POf, bA dec~.ared a,nva~.i.d ar unenforceable by thN f inaJ. judgm?nt nf any court u£ competent jurisdi.cti.on, thPn this RPsnl.ur_ian, and any a~pro~vals YIPYP'I.ii conta~.nP~, shall be d~emed nu:ll. and void. _2_ PC86-206 •:-ii e~~`{f. : ;"; ;, ~'. ,,,....~r ,.,~, ,.. ..,_ ... . ~ . ~ ~ . . '. r." ` . , ...ra~ ~ ' ~ . ~~ ~ ~~~ . . ~ ' ' , ~ ~~~. {!i THL FJREGOING RESOLUTTpN i.s sa,gnPd and a '' AugusE, 1986. pproved b ~ ~~s. , , Y me ._.. 4th day o~ i `.~,~1,.~~~ ~J ~ ~ / ,. CHt'1IRMAN, .;1VA IM CTmy p~,A ATTEST; zNG COMMTS IS ON -----_.. ` ~ • , . SECRETAj2y~ ANAHETM CITY PJANNINa COMMISSION STATE Or' CALII`ORNTA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS~ CTTY OF ANAHE?M ) I, Edith L. 8arri.s, Sacrc~rary ~f thP Commissinn, do herF•by certiLy that the Eoregoi.ng zp$o~hAim ado ted at g G'~ty ~J.anntng ~' a mP~ti.n oE thP P.nah~im City PJ.anning Conunissu~nAhP J.936 ~ by the fallak~i ng vot~ o,f the inem~,F• ~ s L-h:~i eof ; was passed an~ l.d np AUgust ~} ~ AY~S~ COMMISSIONEFtS; NOES: C:OMMISSTONERS; BpN~S, FRy, HERBST, T,A CLASRE, MC BUF:NEy ' ~ MESSE ' r BSENT; COMMtS8I0(~ERS; ''" LAW:[ C K ! IN 6V7TNFSS WHEREOF, T HavP ' AugusL-~ J.9~6. her~unt:o sc~t ' n~Y hand this ~t;h day af '~ '~-,; ._._`--_-_---~9~- , ~ SECR~TARY, ANAHL~1 PGI~NNING COMMIS'' ~ ~ ION r'.';;' <; t i;; ; ,'.., :~'~ ; .~ _~> .; ' ! •}. ,,;~ ~i '1: ~ ~ p~ ~ .IF :.'.. ~,.:t ;t ~~~ i$ ;~;~i _~_ PC, 8 G -2 ~J 6 ,,,,, ~. ~' ~. •.~1 f~,,`~ ';~ ~Y ~. A^r ~ t ~~ ~~ ~...~_ ' a-~ ~~s - -_ _ ~~.,-a ~~a