PC 86-21kEuOI,U'PIUN N~). PC86~21 A k~SOLU7'TON Oi~' TF1I: ANAHLIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION ~'tiA'1' P~'1';'1'ION 1~0.2 CONllI~'TONAL USC PLRMI`P N0. ?.7'l7 8~ GRAN'PED w~ir:;Fi~ns, the Anahtim c:ity Pl~anning commissior~ dxd recGive a verified Petition for C;onditi.onal Usa Permit Lrnm CALIEORr1TA LUTEiFFAN HOMES, 2312 Soutk~ Frer~unt, A~hambr.a, Californira 918U3, owner, and C1) STI2UTHERS, 721 North ~uc:~id, #3U7, Anatiei,n, Ca.litornia 9?.901 and T. A. J:)PJLS & Aua^O:.I}1TE5, 485 ~ast 17th 5treet;, #6U8, C~sta Me~a, Ca.lifornia 9262.7, age~ts Por certain re~l ~roperty situated in the City of hnaheim, County of Orange, 5tate oF Calito,:nia, described as fc~llows: ALL UE' LL~C$ 17, 1£i ANll 'Pt1AT POI27'ION QI LU`P ).~ UF ANAHCIM INVE:S`PMLNT CO~iPANY'S ','RACT, IN T13E CITY 0~ ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF GI2ANGF., SZ'ATE 0'r' CALlFORNIA, AS SHUWN ON A h1AP RECURDED IN F300K 7, PAGF'S 33 ANU 34 OI~ MISCEI~LANGOUS MAPS~ IP7 xHE OFFICE OF TNE CUUN'i'1 RJ~CURDf:R OE' SAiD COUNTY~ llLSCRII3L•'D AS r^OI,LUWS; HEGINNlNG AT A P~TN`i' IF! THI~ ~ENT~R OF HALL~ ROAD DI~TANT '1'?iF.REON NUIt`L'H 89° :i7' 29" EA;i'P 260.OQ FEGT FROM 1'Hk, IN'lL•'RSEC'PION OI' SArD ~LNTER GIN~ WI`Pii THE SOU`1'HBRLY PROi,ONGA'xION OE TEiG EASZ'ERLX I,INF ON' G07' "l2 UF '1'Y.AC'P N0. 1421, AS S:iOWN ON A MAF RECORDED IN f300K 62 PAGL.S 13 TO 16 INCLI;SIVL•' OF SAID MISCEI~I~ANBOUS MAPS; TH~NCL NOZtTEI 0° 1~' 02" Wi•tST G7i.?.8 EEE'.C TO A POTNT TN THF N~JP,TH LINL OF SA.ID I.OT 19 D!S'~'I+N`P NORTt! 89° 35' 17." ~A~'.I' 257.50 F~E7,' FROM TFi~; iN'i~ERS~:CTIUN UI' SAID [dOR'.CFI LINL WITE3 TEIB EAST LINk; ~JF I,OZ' 32 QF :;AID 2'RAC:'i' DJl). 14"ll; THL;1(:E SOU'rH (39° 35' 11" EAST 745.53 h'~E7', ALQNG TElli NUk`t'l~ T.:[N~ O£~ SAID LOTS 1~~ .1F3 ANA 17 `PO 2'~IF NURTHkAS7' LORNL•'R OE' ;iAID WALNUT S'Ph.BET~ AS SHO'vl'N ON uAID MA1~; :IiLNi:G S'JUTti 0° .l9' lt3" EAST 671.77 FEEI ALUNG TfIE EASP LIN~. OE uAID L•C>'C 17, `l'U 'PHE SOUTHEAST CORN'r'R UF SAID L•OT 17, SAID SC)U'i'E]I:AST COR~J~It EsEING `TNE IN'i'GliSEC'TIUN UF TI~IP CEN`!'ER LINES OF WAL~IUT S'!'Rf::ET AND F3ALL ROA~ AS SFiOWN UN ;AID I4AP; TH:.'NC~;' S0U`PH ~f`-° 37' 29" WL•'S'.I' 745.77 F~:L''i ALUNG ~AIll L'EN~EH ;.ING 0[~' BALL ROAD ~C) 'i'N~ PUINT '>E' BE;G ~ NN1NG. ~ ~ -; ~, ;';.. ~;: ; ~;a~~<,, , -, ~, WEIERN:AS, ~he City t~.',.anning c.ommission did t;old a nublic hearin~ at the Civic C~ei~k:er in tl~e City of Anaheim ~n October 26, 1985 at .1:30 p.r~~., notice ol sai~~ puUl~r: hear.i.n~ tiavinr3 ~,;:en du.ly ~aiveri as required by law and in accorclance wit:h Ct-,e C~rovx ,ions ok thP Ananeim Mu~iici.pal Code, Chapter 18.G3, to h~ar and c~on:;ider ~vidNnce Eor anc~ against ~aid pre~~oscd recla:~sifica'r.ion and to lI1VE'CitiQaCC and m3ke f.indir.gs and recommen~Jatfo:~s i-t connectinn therewi:h; saic: k>ublic hearin~, haviny c~een cantinued ro the P1~anning Cc~mm.ission meeL•ing of .7~.nuary 20, ].9ti6; and WIiI:R~;AS, ~aid Commiss.iQn, aft~z due inspec:tion, i.nve3ti,qaCion and sttsdy rnade by itself and in its bc~half, and aiter due consxdecattnn uf a11 evir~~nce ar~c1 re~ror~5 otfered a~ saici heacing, doc~ Ein~l and deY.ermin~ 'the fol.l.owiny tac:rti: 1. That th~ ~roposc~d u:~e is properly one kor wr~ich a condltional usc permil• is auttiorizrd by l,n3heim MUfllCfj?dI Code Ser.tion 1a.34.05U.Of30 to wit: t~ p~rmxl: a 99-bea skilled n~~rs:ny facilil•y in conjunction wi~h ~he existing ueniors retirement facilit•y. f . ,':~`; .`, ,"q, Ub~3t' PCl36-21 ~~I . . ~ .. . , . :,,ti... ,,,.;~ ; ~ 'l. That the prop~sed use wi11 not advecsely affect ~he adjoining ].and uses and the yrawth r,~n~;l develor~menL• c,.F. the ~rea in ~ahich it i.s propc~sed '~ to be located. 3. That the ~aze and ~F~apc of the sile pr~posed for t.he use is aciequate to al.low the fu1.l. dev~lUpment oF Lhe proposed use in a manner not detr.imen~al to the p~~:~iculat area nor tu the peace, health, saf.ety and , yen~ral weliare of the Citizcns oE t:he City of AnahEim. h. Th~r. Lhe granting ot• tne Conditi~nal Use Permi~ under the conditions zmposed, ir any, will Rot b~ detrimer.tal to the peace, heal~l~, safety and gener.al welfara of the CiL•izens of Lhe City of Anaheim. ; 5. That the traffic yeneratPd by the progosed use wi11 not imYOSe ~ri u-~du~ burdan u~on ~he streets and hiyhways designe~l aticl impraved to cacry Ehe ! traffic a.n the area. ~ ~. That 2 persoris indicat~~d their ~~resence in op~~~siti.an at :'~e Octaber 2Fs, 1985 public heari.ng and 3 persaris ind9.caL•e~3 thair presence in ' opposition at the November 25, 19i~5 hearing, and 27 persons indicated thsi: ~~ pr.e~ence at said public hearing in favor; and that a petztion contiaininy 30 w s~.gnakures was receivcd in op~~ositio~i to subject petitiun. ENVIRUPiM~NiAL TMPACT PINllING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssion has r~viewcd thP proposal to ~es.ign~l•e subject proper.ty on thP Genera'1 PJ.an E~r medium density residential land u;es and to reclassify subjecl• properl•y fr.orn the RS-A-~13,OOU (Residentia]., Agricultural) Zone to ~he ~ RM-12U(J (Residenkiel, Multiple-Family) Zane co permiL• a 134-unit senior ' citizens "cl~LOCdab1~~" aE~artment compl~x uncJer authority of State Gc~~ernment Code SecL•ion No. 65915 with waivers of minimum b~lilding siL•a area per d~ael].in5 ;; unit and nta~imum struc~ural heiqht. on a rectangularly-shaped parcel oP land ;, consistin~~ of a4proximately .10.G acres lor~ted at th~ northwest cor.-er o£ Ball 'i Road and Walnut Strec.t and further ~e~criued as a91 South ~•~^' ut Street iWali~ut Manor); anr~i ~io~s hereby approve the Nauative lleclaratiu:. upnn finding ;,~ that i.t has c:onsidered the Negat~.ve Declar~tion L•ogether with any ac~mments ', received durinq the public review process and Further .finding on the basis of ~~~ the ini.tial stucly and any comm~~nt-s rec~.ived th~,t hhere is no sub~t;antial evidence that the project ;~il). have a signici.cant ef~ect on the env.ironment. NUW, TtI~:Rl.t•'OItE;, }3L I~1~ RE50LVk.ll that Lhe Anaheim City Plannir-g Commission does hpreby grant ~ubjec~ PeL•ition f~r Cond.itzonal Use recmit, upon ti-~e following conditions wtiich ar~_ hereby feund t:o ae a n~cessary prereq~lis;i.te to the proposed use oi the s~bject oro~~erty in order ta oreserve ~he safety and gene~ral wel.tare c~L- the Citi: ens of the City oE ~naheim: 1. That the a~propriate L•raLf.ic signpl assess~neat fee sha11 be pa~.d to l:he i:ity of Anah~:lm in ar, amount as detecmined by the City Co~.,nci.l i~r r.~~w commercial buildingr. 'l. Ttiat a11 driveways shall ~ reconstructed to acc:ommodatp ten (10! Loot radius curb relur.ns .. ~.~equired by the CiLy Tr~~f.fir. Engineer. 3. Ttiat the exi.sling -nost easl:erly clriveway un ~a11 Road s1~aJ.1 be removPd and r~placed wiL-h a standard curb, gut~er, sider~alk an3 landsca~ing, -2' PC86-21 ,:p , ,.:... v . . ,t :.. ,•.: : - ..; . ,. . , . ~ ~`s .., 4. That the existing most westerly ciriveway on Ball Ro~d s~all be wideneci to a minimum widkh af 25 L•eet. 5. ^~hat dr.ainage oi subject property shall ne dis~osed of in a manner ~atis~actoey to the Ciry Engineer. 6. 7'hat in the ever-t subject pruperty i, ~o be di.vided for. the pur~~ose of sale, lease, or fir,ancing, a parcel map to record the approvecl c~ivision of s~ibject praperty sh~11 be submitted to and approved by the City of Anah~im and then be recorded in the Ox£ice of the Urange County Recocder . 7. 'PhaL this Conclilional Use FermiL• ~s gr.anted subjecr ~o the adoption nL' the Zoni.ng Urdinance xn connec:tion wit'r, RFClas ~.if:icati.on No. 85-8E;-15 ~ now p~r.dinq. 8. That prior to co~rmencement oE struckucaJ. framing, fire hydrants sha11 be installed and ctaarqed as required and de~er.mined 'co be necessary by the Chief oF the I'ire Department. 9. '1'hat trasl~~ st<~r~age areas shall be a~rovided and maintained in ~~ccurdance with ap~roved plans on filE with the Skr~et Maintenance and Sanitati.on Division. 10. 7.'hat a11 air concliti~ning i~cil.iti~~ and other r~of and ground mounted e~uipment ~hall be proper].y shielded trom aiew. .11. `Pt~at subject propcrty shal.l be ~9~veluped ~ubsL•antialZy in accordance with ~lan~ and sneciiicah.in-•-s en Eile with the City of P.n~hei.m marked Itevi~iUn No 1 oF. i.xhibit No. 1 and Exhibit Nos. 2 through 6. 12. `rhat pri.or to tche issuancH of a buildi.ng ~ecmit or within a periud of one yeac :'rom the date of t{1is resolution, whichever ~ccucs first, Condi.tion ivos. 1, 7 arid 11 abov~-menti~;~ed, sha11 be complied with. Lx~er~sions tor turtt~er t.ime to complete said conditions may be granted zr~ accordance r~ith Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 13. 'Pl~:it Prior. L-o final buil~ting and zoning in:~pectians, Conditions N~s. 2, 3, 4, 5, lU and 11, above-mentioned, shal:l ~e complied with. ~; ., . L~f. IZ' FUK'i'EiF;R R~:SOI~VED that- the Jlnaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determii,e ~hat adoptian of khis 'Resalutiore fs expressly predicaled upon rxpplicant's comp]..iance with each and all nf the co~;ditions hereinabcv~ set f.orth. Should atiy such conditinn~, or. any par.t ther.eof, be declac~d invalid ur ~xnenforceable by the fina.i iud~~ment of any court o£ competent jurisdiction, th~n this ktesolut?on, ard any a~provAls herein conlained, sha11 be deemeci null and voia. -3- ;; , ; '~ ,,,~~ ~c:;~ -~, ~,,,, ,~ ;: i ;,i `;.z : :;,;. ~ „~~~; 7.'HE FOREGOING 1tE;SOLUTIUN is sig-Zed and tipproved ~y me this 20th day oi: Januazy, 1g86. ~ /~ .t :~-~,t.c ~ + , C~ -~~~ ^ " TY PLANNING COMMISSTON CHAIRWOt9AN, ANAHGIM c. ~ AT`I.'L•'ST: ~ . '( SL'CRETARY, ANAH~TEt CITY PT.I~NNItJG COPIMSS~IUN S'.L'A~C OI' CAT,IFORNIa ) COUNTY OF OF2ANGk; ) ss. CI~`Y OF pNAHEIM ) T, ~ditl~ L. Harris, Seeretary of the Anaheim City P1an7ing `~ do hereby certify thaL• t1~e forego Commission ing resolul-:~on wa~ ~assed and , adapted at a meet.ing of the Anat~eim Cit,y Plann iny Commissic,n held on January ~ 2U, x:~86, by L•he followinq ~~ote o.E the m~mbers ther~nE: i 4~ ~'~' ;1:i AYG~3: COI•iMISSIUNrk2S: 9UUA5~ P12Y, HERI3ST, LA CLAII2F~ LAW'LCKI, MC BURIIEY ' ,i MFuST: 1VU~S: CUMMISSTONERS: NONL ~~ ' ~I, ABSCN7': CUMMIuSIUNFRS: NONE ~ , i IN WI7'NF.';;S WHEREUF, I t14v~ hereun'ta sel- my haild f:his 20t.h day of <;';3: ,lanuary, 1?E3~;. _ • ~ ' v'S ~CiCil--.f,~__ ~ SECI2ETARY, ANRHGTM CTTY PLANPlINC COr1MTSSIQN ,';: ~~ ;~ i ~:~: r} "F ',.; '; ~ii. , `~ ; t,~ :;i; ;,I ' ~/.' _~_ PC86-21 ~`;.' ,~;, ~i;~: :,: ; ~'1Y r ~ ~~ i %~ i , . , ., ::ac~