PC 86-214RESOI~UTIUN N0. ,YCt3E,-2.1.4 A 1t1;50LU'1TUfJ UF '1'ki~; ANAFII~'..IM CI'1'Y PLANN::NG CUPIMISSTON '1'11AT P~'~I'.CIVN P'OR VAf2IANCG NU. 357J EiE ~rru~,n WH[:1tF'A5, rh~ Anah~~;n Cit.y 1~J.anniny Cammi s:;ion ~iid rer.~ivF~ a 91 nox ] ' verif.ied Anaheint I~etikion f~r Varian^N frotn MAR'PHA SCHUMACtfEFt, LOPMEN`i' Vr , . . 0. I ~:UiiF~RA'PIUN, 16~1. , L~ma Itoja Ca1iF.ornia y"1805- ow~~Pr and CORhiCk{~: ~) it'ornia 9"1705, a ::' t , DE AT'PN: DANTGL 0'CONNEI2, agAnt f.or r.Prtain , e a An priv~, Sa-~ r~a), pr.oper. L•y sit~aCNd in th~~ C~.~y of~ AnahPim, County oi` urange, S~.atP of ~;al.if.ornia, d~s~rib~d as foJJows: BE:GINNING l~'P 'I'HF NOR'tIIWFS'rERLY CURP]Hf2 OF' k3LOCK 8 OL~ A REPLAT OF ~rFiE URCEiP.1tD PAkiK TKAC'I`, .CN ~TFi:: CI'.CY OF ANAH~~;.M, AS PER MAP [tLCU1tDEU IN BOOK 7, 1~AGE 6 OE' MISCELLA.N~:OUS MAPS, RE:C~RDS QF uRANGE COUNTY, CALI.I~C)RNIA; TY.F.NCL EAS'PF:RLY ALQNG `~HE NuR2'tlERLY t,INI3 .~F S\ID 3LOCK 2A9.75 FEET; ''i'HENCE SOUTfiERLY 1'ARALLGL TO THE W~;~`1'~RLY LTNE OF SA1D t31~(x;K 8, 229•5 ?GE'P; 'rF1EN('~ W~~'r~:RLY PARALf,EL W.ITtI THF NORTHERLY i.II~L•' OF SAlD {3LOCK 249 .'75 i~ ECT Tn 'PiiE; Wk~S'i'ERI,X I.TNE UE SAiU F3L~:,K; 'rtiE;NCk; NURTHEftG'~' ALUNG 'PHE W~STEk~LY LIIJP•. OF SAIU rLOCK n~ ? zy • 5 E EET 'PO THE; PLACE OF BEGiNNING. ~XCEP'CING 'i'H~:I2k:EitUl•t 'TI~~: NOR'liiF:!tLY 3(: r'EL:`.C OF SAIU LANll AS CUNVEYED TC THE CIT1i OE ANAH ;iM, A t4UNICIPAL Cc1RPORA'rIOPI, rOF iZOAD ANll tNCillEN'PAL YilItl?USL~S 'r.SY AN INS'1RU~1F.N7.' DA'.~:~D (JC'I'OBEtt 17 r J.`J ]"l r~Np RECORDBll DECEMHCR 9~ .19 ) 2~ TN DUO:; 224 ~ PAGE J J 0 OF DL•'E,DS. ~.. WHEliCnS, thQ Ciry p.lanninq Commissi~n c~id hold ~ pub]ic hParinq at. tt~~!~ Clvi~~ C;Pnter. in th? City of. Anaheim on J~nf~ ~l, lyL'4, at ).:3U p.m., notica of. said ~ab? i~ htiarinq havinq b~~n c3u.ly qivNn as r~cauirQd by .law and in ;~~r~~danc~~ witt~ th~ pruvisions of. th~ Anan~im MuniCipd7. (;Ude~ Ct~apter 18.03, to hpd!' and ~onsid~r' Avid~n~•~~ for anc ~~gainsf said pro~osPd variancP dnd t~ ~nv~5tiyctf~ and m~iKP tindinys ~nd r~~~~omm?naa~:ion° in <:onnectzon F~1P_ZP.W1tF1; said pub,i^ hparinq havinU b~Pn ~~onfinu~d ro th~• i~la~n_~~a Commissi.cn mpPtinq of. Auyust ld, ]`/nb; =xn~l wtiE[tEA5, said Cui~inissiur~, a`fpr dup inspP~`ion, invosLi~akion and ,: . stua~ iaadQ ~y it:;eJf' anu :.n Lt~ bnhal.f., anc: aftNr clue cont;ider.at~.on of. a].l '. i o!V2Cj"rl~'" c~tltj ~'~'FOfh , Uffnt~+c3 dr Sa:~f h~ari.nc~, C1UPU ~1[tra 3tl(~ dAtarmzn~ 1'.t1R f.oJ.J.owing Facts: ~ 1. 'rhar rh~ p~t•i-'iGnF+Y propot~~~s waiv~rs of r.h~ fu]I.owinc~ r.o construck ~"l-story oYf.ir_N nux.lcilnq o~~ t~u~_n ~urr_iuns A and 3 of sub~ect E>loF:~rr.~+: (a) SF.C'i'FOtiS J~.05•0`j'l - :JOrm~.ttpo l,u~inps5 si<~n~. ~Nil 1tf.41.Ub7 ~ (b) SBC'CIONS 18.05.04q.03J - Maximum nur.~t~Qr of sma)l ~ar sp3~As. ANp 1ti.4~.Ubf,.U4U (17 (2~'a c~t. tota). spa~~P~) pQrmir.ha•.is - - _.~. lU ( ,Ly .4~ 1 :;~~c:P3 pr~posed ) . Propo3~d) U90,ir pC86-214 ", ~ tc) ShC~rTUNS 1~.Ub.U5U.Ui7.2 -~tnimum number. af. par.kiny s~~aces. ` ANI~ 1F3.06.Oa0 (77 s}:ar.ay rPyuir~d; 6a s~~a~~~s ~roposAd) (d) SGC~fIUN lEf.4~.062.U.11 - tdaximum sl.rurtural he~.yht. rr_- (Maximum 1] ~~ 32-f.o~t buil.uiny h~.iqht permi t.ted witk~in 22 t,~ 64 -f.e~t fcom a ~ing].e-•f.amily •r.one to tha ~outh; 29 to 3:s-f.aot ~ro~ased) ~ (~) 5ECTIUNS J.~.4).,Ub3.1130 - Minimum ~d r.~~yuir.ements. ~r AND lEt.4 J.063.0~40 ( ~0--foo~. widW int?rior .l.and~r~p~d sQtba!~k ~ rec~uir.ed; 0 to 1•-fou~ open landscaped s~khack ad;jar.ent. t~~ souther. ~.y property ~.~ne pruposr-.d) ;~ ( f. ) SLCTION a.ti. 4] .064 .030 -;laximum wa7.1 hPignt. i ' '_"_"- iMaximum .3-foot l~iqh waJ.] i.n stre~h. s~l•~ack r~cr~mit.ted; 5-fuot hiqh waJ l [~:'U[Jp5E?G1 ~ o-t ~, 2. Thah rhA ubov~~-m~n*ionQd waivPrs ar~ hPrhby dpniAd on hhP basi~ L•hat R~~cJ.assifiration No. ~5-t36-3~ ~?rmi_ll•ing said oPF.icp buildi.ng was denied by thu planninq Cornmis~ia~ anU furth~r d~=nyinq waiv~+r d, n and f, on tha basis th«t th~~re .ar~ na ~~P^ial. circumstances a~plicable to tne proper.ty such a~ ~ize, shap~, topoqra~~hy, ]orat:.iun and surroundinqs which do not app].y tn oth~r idPntic;ally zon~~d E~ropprty in the same vir.ini.ty; and that strict apalication ot tt~~~ 7oni.nq CodA doPs not dApri.vP thp prop~rry of pri~~ileq~+s PnjoyQd by other. pro~ert.i~~s in che xdent~cal zon~ and classificat.i~n in the vir.inity; and that approva] ot said wazv~~rs would hav~ an advPrsA af.F.~ct un a~3jacAnt pr.apertiP~ and nParby r?sid~~nt.ia.l. ~~ses; and :1~nyir.~ wa~vecs b and c on thP basis ~tha~ th~ c~rkinq waivar wi.JJ ~aus~ an i.n~rFa~P in traf.Ei.~ r01l~p,StlOf1 in ~he imm4ecfiritF vicxn.iky nor adv?rsAly af.f.Pct. any adjoining land uses and qrant.inq of kh~~ parkinq waiu~r unc]Ar rh~~ r,onditi.on.^, impesAd, iF any, wil]. bP detcim?nt-~] t.o t:hQ p~ace, haa].t-z, saf:~ty ana yeneral welf.ar.~ of. the cztzzens of: thQ City af. Anah~im. 3. Thar ':h~r~ ara ~•~ nX~~+pr:_o~t.7J or px`raordinary circum~hancPs or conUitzons ap~].icar~lA to tn~ pr~pPrky i.nvoJ.veci or tu the~ in~encyPd us~ oL th•~ Nrop~r!y tha~~ do nnr, arsp7y U~~n~ra)]y rr~ thP prop~rr~y or r.J~~;; of u3P in thP ~amA vi~inity and ~on~. ~ 4. `I'har th~ rpc~u~s~~Pd varian~N is not n~~~s3ary fer thp pr~servation ~ ~y and ?nJoymQnt. o£ a substantY.ul ~r.u~Ar~y r.ight (.~o5S?~&SF+r~ ay otiher pr~perty in •~ tti«~ sam~~ vi~ini.hy and zon~, and d~•ni~+d ro i~h~ pr~pur,-y in r,~aAstion. 5. 'rhat th~ rQyuest.Nd variance w.t,11. b~ mater.zally detr.ime~ta:l. to thP puali,. w~+lf.ar~ or injurious to th~~ prop~rty or improvNmPnts in such virinity and 'l,t~ile? in whi~~r- tn? prop~arty is .ior_atF~d~ b. Th~~r 5 pArsons inUica~~d ~~tipir pr~s~n~Q ac thp July 2].st pubJ.ic nparing and thah b~~CSOft3 i.ndicat~d tt~~~~it pres~nr_e ~t tt~e Au~~ust lEt, 19d6 pub] ir, h~arinq in r,ppasi~~ior.; and --hat no ~orr~s+~ondan~P .ras rPr.,Alv~d in opposition to suoJPct ~c~c~ti~n. ~ "l- PC86-2J4 ~;: L'NVIRUNMLt~'PAL IMk~AC'r EINll:[NG: `l'hat the Anaheim C;ity Planning Commi.ssi.on has review~~d ttiQ propo3a.l to r~~cJ.assiEy Portion B of. sub ject pruper.~y fr.om 12S-72UU (12es:idcnl•.i~l, Single-('amily) Zon~ to th~ CO (Commerca.a]., UF.fice) Zon~ ro const.rur~c a 2-s*ory oEf.ire buiJdinq on bot.h Portions F~ and Ei of. subjec~ J.L~a anU with waiver;t of petinilted business si.gne, maximum number of. sma)l car spacPs, minimum namb~r oF parking s~~aoes, maximum struci:ural heighL, ~ninimum yar.d requzr.ements and maximum wall heigh~ on prop~rty describ~d as Por~.zon A: a r~r.tanq~x7arly-shapPd p~r~:~.l. of. ]_and consi~ting of. appr.uxi~naCeJ.y 0.36 acre ].ocatf~d ~~t the sout.heasC. r.orner ot Sou~h ,h.reet and Elar.~or Flou.levard~ and Portian B: a rectanguJ_arly-shaped parca]. oF. land consis~iny of` ~~ppr.oxitnately U.47 ~~crF~, located at the sou~hwest ecrner of. South StrP~k and t1~]~na Sl-.raPt, and t'url•.har dAscribad as 800 Soul-.h Eiarbar Buulevard; and cloes n?reby nisappr~vp tt:e N~gativa Uecl.arakion upor- findi.ng that it- has runsid~rPd ~.hQ Npqariv~ uPclarati_on toq~thPr with any commPnts r.ecexved durinq tha public r~v:ew ~1rOCE?S5 ancl tur.ther f.indiny on tk~e iaas,is of. thp ini r.ia:l :;tuciy and ~ny comm~nt.s r~cP~iv~d rha~. t.hare i.s subsc:antia] PvS.deneP that the ~ro j~ct wi].1 hav~ a tiigr~if.ican',: ~~f.~ct an th<~ pnvir.onment, NGW, THI'sRL:HORf~1, I3[, T'P RLSGLVI.U i_hat thQ Anah~im City planninq Coinmission do~~s he,-eby dHny suk~~H~t Petition for Vara.ance on tne basis of. th~ ator.QmPnt.ionPd tindinqs, TEIE FORF.GC7IPIG ItGSOLUTiON is siyn~d and apJ~rov~~9 by m«~ ~~.t1is 3.8th day of Augu:;t, 1yf36. ~"' Cj ~ i j, f;.:'~ ,~! ~ r ,~ ;,~~.~ ~.~~ ~,,` Gk(~2MAN, ADIAH ,IM CITY PIe~:QNING COMMTSSTOPl A`PTCST: ,, ~'~f.t_ ~~ ~~F~~~ct SECK~'1'ARY, ANAFiEiM CITY i~LANNIP7G ~:OMMISSTOtJ STr'1'P.4'. OE CAL~G'OItNIA ) CUUNTY Ol' ORnyGF ) ss. I,ITY UF ANA:iEIM ) I, Edifh L. ftarris, SP~rnhary oP rhA Anah?im Czt~f p]anninq ~ Commi~s~.on, do :~ervby aPrr_if`.y -_ha~ ~h~ tor~~yoing r~so,lut~.un was passed and ,~ adol~tad ak a 111nn4'lf1C~ vf thA Anah~im Cit~y Planninq Commissi.on hpJ.d on ~uyu:~t `, .1.~, 1J8Ei, by thP fo).low:iny vor? ot: th~ rnemr~~rs Ft~PCnOf; ' AYES: COMMISSION13C1S: E3C~UAS, FFtY, H~;,2AS'i', LA CL~AIRF., LAWICKT, MC BURNCY~ M};Sui; . NOf:S: C~IdMIS:;IUNEI?S: NONi: AHSENT: COMMISSIONf3R ~: NON'r. IN WI'I'NLSS '+~liERL•;0~; l hav~~ h~~rPuntu ~n1: ITty h~~nd thi~ ]~F.h day nf. Au~u:zt, 1986. ~y ~ / , ~ ,~ SL•'C:RP`CARY, ANAHEIM C.ITY PI,ANNING COMMI:iSS~JN ~ , ~1 t„ . _j_ P~ab-"1J.4 i .:.,