PC 86-220,~, ~ R~SOLUTION NU. PCE36-"l20 A RFSOLUTIUN OF TF1E ANAI~EIM CZ'PY PLANNING COMMISSZCPJ TtiAT PL`PTTIUN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PGRMIT N0. 2832 BE GRANTED WhCk2EAS, l-he Anaheim Clt~~ Plarni~g Co;nmission did receive a verif.ied Petition f.or Condit.ional. U~? Permit f.rom L~AISY ELI~IS, MAY G. YIP, MORFtJS YIP AND GAIL A. YIP, c/o ~1'HUMr15 C. YIP, .1322 Suuth Wintezwood I,ane, Uiamond Bar, California 91.765, ownPr.s and JAM~S R. WALKER, 24 Sundanc~ Drive, Pomona, Cali.fornia ~1'16b, aqent f.or certain real pro~aert~ situated in the CztX of. Anahein, County of. UrangP, St~-te of. Calif.ornia, dA~crib?d as: PARCEL 3, AS I~FR PAI2CEL MAP RECURnFD 7N l300K 77., P~GE(S} 23 `PD 2~, r.T.LEU AUGUST 6, 1975, BEING A POR'rIC~N QF TH~, NORTH HALF OF THE NOR~'HEAST ~1UAR'i•ER OF 'PHE NO:t'i'HEAS'P (1UART.°'.R OF `.['l~E NOR'CHEAS7.' (,tUAk2TER UE SEC`.~ION 23, TOWNSHIP 4 SOU'P[~1 RANGE 1.1 WESTs IN THE RANCHO LOS COYQ'PES, IN T1iE CITY Uk ANAHBTM, ORANGL CUUiJTY, CALIFORtJIA. WHLItLAS, tr~e City p]anninq Commission di.d hold a pub].ic~ hearinq at l•he Civic Cencer in the City oi' P.nahPim on August 4, 19~6, at 1:30 p.m., notice of. said pub.lic hAarinq havir~q ~~~n duly qiven as reyuired by aaw and in accor~~ncP wi~h thF pr.ovisiGns ~f. the Anahei.m hlunicipal Co~e, Cha~ter 1~.03, L•o hear. anc] r:onsi.d~r evidnnce f.or and again5t said propos~d cor~ditiona7 use ~Pr.mit ar~d to invest.igate anc! n;ake findinys and recommendatioris in cor..nection therewith; saxd pub7.ic h~aririq !~avinq been canl-inu~d to Fhe Planning C~»mnissi~n Meeting or. Auqust .18, ?98fi; and WHEKEAS, ~aid Commi.ssi.on, af.l-.er ~ttQ inspACL•ion, i.nvesti.gatzon and study made by i~sfl.f. and in its behal£~ and ~f.ter. duP ronsider.ation of. all. evid~~nce ana repor~s af.fered at saa.rl h~ari.nq, doPs `ind anc~ determi.ne the Eollowing f.acts: J., That tt~ ~ pr. opose~ usQ is proper.ly one tor whicn a conditional use ;~er.tnit is r~uthorized by Anaheim Municipal Code ;;ection J.B.A~.050.0].0 ~o wit: to ~E'-rlAlt o~~-~a:~.e bAF~r and wine in a pr.opos~d .Japanes~ NoodJ.? res~aurant in an Pxistzng com:neG'cial r_Anter. with waiver oE the f:ollowYng: SL•'C`PtUtJS J_~.OEi.050.U22, - Minimum numbPr of parkinq ~~paaes, ~W 1~.06vU5U.U231, (~U s acc~s recXutred; 77. 3pac~s Exi.sting) 18.U6.050.U2555, ANU 18.U6.080 J.8.44.06Ei.U50~ 2, That the regueshF.d waiv~~r is q;'antad un t:he basis tha+: the ~arkiny wai_ver. will not cause an incr.ease in tr.affic congnstiun in tlze irr~:nPdiate vir.inity n~r advPrsA.ly af.f~+ck any adjoininq ].and u~~s and 9ranting ~t thE~ parki.ng wazver under the conditions imposed, zf any, wi1J. not be d~trzment~-J. to hhe ~eacN, heaJ.th~ saf:~-.y and general. w~ltare of. the citiz~ns of the City of A:~aheim. 3. ~rr.ar rhe pro~os~d us~, as qranl•Pd, wi3.1 not adversF].Y af.f.ecl• the adjoining land uses ~~r~c! khe grawth anc! deve~.op~nPnt of. the ac~a i.n which it is pr~pose~a to be locaL•Pd. 0906r PCBh-120 <:~ .~::. N ,~ , ';,~~ ~1 4M1 ~'~a°,, 4. ~rhat the si~e and sha~e c,F the site pr.oposPd tor the use is ~ate to allow hhP i'u11 development of the pr.opos~d us~ in a manner nok imental ta the par.ticu].ar area nnr to the peace, heal~h, safety and ~~r.a~. welf_ara of thP Cit.izpns of. the Ci.ty of Anaheim. 5. That the gr.anting oE the Cc~nditional Use per.mic under the candit~~.ons i~r~oosed, if ~n~, wiJ.l not be detrim~nta). to the peace, heaJ.th, saf.ety and yener.aJ. wel.f:are of. th~ Ci.tizens of. the City of Anaheim. 6. That the tr~f.f.ia yen~rated by the pr.oposed use wi].1 not impose an unduQ bur.dPn upor~ the streets and highways desi.oned ancl improved to r.arrx thn traf.Fic in i:tie area. 7. Tha~ no un~ ir.di~.a~:Pd ~hezr presPnce 1t said publ.ic heart.ng in appositi~n; and that nn correspondence was receivad in opposition to the subjPCt pet.itzon. ENV'lNUNh1ENTAL IMi7AC'r FIh.,IP~G: That th? Anah~im Cihy planninq C antnission has r.eviewpd th~ prupos~] ~o per.rnit on-salP beer and wine in a pro~osea Japanese ~~,udl~ r?staurant in ,,n Axishl,nq commPrcia7. c.enter with w7ivez o~ minimucn number of. parking space~ „n a r.ectangularJ.y-shaped parr.~~ of. land consistin~, of. appr.oximate]X ~.93 a.r,rP, hu~~iny a frontaqe of appr.oximatNly J.4ti EFet on the south side of_ isa1J. Road, b2ing ! u~utec.i approximately 26U Eeet west of thc~ centArJ.in~ of B~ach 5oulevard and i'.urth?r d?scr.i.bed as 3024 West ~1~~11 Road; and da~s her.eby approve the Neyative lleclarat.ion upon tiinding that it has consider.ed the Negat~ve uec~.ar.ation tog~ther with any ~~ommpnts rQceived durzng the public review pr.oces:~ and f.ur.t~ier f.inding on tbe ~asis of the initi~~1 study and any comments r. ~ceived tl~a~ there is n~ si.tbstantiaJ ~vidence ttiiat r_he project wil7. have a signif:icant eEf.~~ct on t.h~ environmen~. NUW, TI~IGRLFURr, B~ I'?' kESOLVEn that. th? Anah~im City Pl~Znninq Commission does hereby c~r.ant suk~ject 1~etition Eor. Conditional ~~se Per.mit, upon the f.olJ.uwiny rondikions which ar.•e hereby found to be a neces~ary prr-.reclui.sihe to ~he proposed use of. th~ .:ubject ~ro~~r.ty in order l•.o pre.^,erve thP .;afety and gener~7. we1F.~~r.e ot tt:e Ci~_.izei.s o; the City of Anareim: 1.. `j'flilt t~lt' OWr1°r.i VC SUbJ~?Ct proper~y Sh1.l.L dCI~UlC~? d.'PCOrdP.C1 CUV~'i~i,~^~ yranting an acc?ss ~asemFnt from t~:N propArl:y owner i.rnmadiately west oE subjecl•. k~roper.ty Eor ingr-rss and eyress purposes to sub~act ~:~o}~ercy. Said ~asement sha1J. b~ designPd i.n a manner satisf.actory to thF Czty ~~raff:ic Fnc~ine~r und said ~:ovenant ~ha1J. be i,: a f.orm sat.isFactar.y tu l•.h? City Attorney, pr.oof. of. recordation shaJ.J. be L•ur.ni~hed Lo Ehe Planiii.nq Dnpartm~nt, Z. That thA owner. of. subj~cr_ ~ro~erty si:aJ.J. ir.r.evocabJ.y oEf.er to c~iediaai:e to the City of. Anai~ei!n a strip of land d~creasing in widrh Er~~m J.2 Eeet. Said dedication sh~~1J. comply with the st~ndards o£ i:he ~ pr~posed (;eneral P1an AmPndment No. 210 per.taznzng tc~ Cr.itica]. Tnter.sec~ions. In t.'~e NvQn+~ that said qenera]. p].an amendmenr is na+• ~ adopteci, this condikion shaJ.l be considered nu1J~ and void. i :3. T:~dt a11 dr.iveways shaJ.1 be construr_ted oz ceconstr.uated *_~ accommodate ten (lU) f.oot r.adius cur.b retur.ns as reyuired by thE Ci.ty TrafEic Fnqin~~r. -a- Pca6-2ao ~'r ~ r~ j~a 4r~±~, }+ . ;~ 1t 1M1~ir~y'~1 ' , . .,, , . .: ,: ._ _ ~ ev.~r,. ~rt,,.'~i.. a1!q+~'°','., . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . , ... . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . ... .: .. . . ....... . ,. ..,. ., :~ ;,j;',; ' >:N~:. J``e°.a ~ ~. - ;i?`~' 4. Thak the owner. of. subj~cc. ci~oper.ty sha].~. pay i:o L•he City of Anaheim a ?' fee f.or. ctrAet lightiny c-;long ~~~.~. th i Ha~d ~,n an . amount as determined by e C ty Council. 5. Thah. the owizPr of. subject proper. ty sh~.l.7, pay to the ~~ty ~~; Anahazm a f.ep f.or. tr.~~e p1a.nGing purppses alo~zg ~~~~]. f~oacl n an amount clett~riruned b,y ~he C.iky Coun.r.iJ., as 6• That ~r.ash storagc areas shaJ.l b~ ~rovi ded and maintained i ~~~ accor.ciailce with apFr.oved plans on Fil.P• with n th~ Stre~t [~laintenance and Sanftat~~.or. Divisior.. 7. That no aJ.cuholic b~v~raq~s ~xcel~~ ~eer and wine shaJ.l bP sold or consumAd on the pr.emises of ~hz subject r.~stuurant. 8. ~1'hat subject prop~rcy shal.]. b~ dPv~7.op?d substantiaJ.lv in accor.dance wi~h plans and specificat~.ions on ri.l~ with the City of. Anaheim tt~arked Exhib.~t_ „us: 1, 2 and 3. y. `Pi:at ~rior. to issuanc? of. a buiJdiny permit~, or. within a per.iod o~ onp year tr.om th~ date of this resc~lutian, whirhever occurs f.irst. Condition Nos, l, 2, 4 and 5, above-men~ior~ed, shaJ.]. b~ cu~npJ.ied with. E:ttey~s.ions f;or f.urther time h.o cornpl.ete said cor-dition~ may be yrant~d i,: ~cc~rdanc~ witti Sectian 7.8.03~09G of. tt:e AnahPi.m Municipa.l. CUCIP. 1U. T.hat prior r.o th~ ~ornmHn~ement of. the activity authorized undPr. this r.esolution, or fina.l bui.lding and zaning inspectic~ns whichever occuts f:zcst, Condition cdos. 3, 5, % anc~ 8, above-rnenti.oned, shal.l be canpJ.z.ed with. I3~ TT FC~tTHBR 12ESOGVED Lhal• the Ananeim Cit.y F1~~nninq Commission does h~reby f:in~ and deter.n~ine l-hat adop~ion uf: chis Resoluti,on is expressly ~rrdicated uuon appZzcant' _• cuinpl.iance with ~ac:'ri and aJ_]. of. the canditions hereir~above sE!t. f.or.hh. ShouJ.d any such condi~iun;;, or. anX part kr~ereo£, be d~aclar.ed a.nval.id or unenEor.ceabJ.e by th~ FinaJ. judg~n?nt of any court of. comperent. jurisdic~.i.on, then this Resolutiun, anc; an~~ approvaJ.s her.ein ron~ained, ~hal.i b~ c9~emPd nul..1 and void. 'PHE FOK~GOICJG RL'SQLUTION ia szgned and approvt~d by ine this 1$kh day of. August, .19~6. G' r ~/~~~.»~~ ~ ' ~ G•''~ Gty~ _-.s.c_[~'~~~,~~,~~ • ~~ CHAII3MAN, ANAH~,I CITY PL NING COMMISSION ATTE;ST: . ~ , , <''~ -1~~ -~ y„ S~CRElAR., ANAHE2M CITY NLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC86-220 :;ti,~,; t, ~4t ..... . ....... . . ri f~~" t~ S ~sra~~~~ - ~; S ~.. 1SP5 ~~~ ``t';, :: . . . .', r.'Hr `; STATE OF CALII'OKNIA ) ` c`s CUUATY OF n12ANG~ ) ss. CTTY 0~ ANAI~EIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of. the .r,~~aheim City planninq Co:nmisszon, da her.eby cectif.y that the tor.sgoing resolution was ~~as~ed and adopted at a meeting oF. the Ar~aheim Cit.y Planning Commission held on Augus4 J.8, 1986, by the tollowzng vote of. the m~mbers thereof.: , AYES: COMNIISSTONERS: BOUAS, FRY, E;ERBST, I'.,A CLAT?2L~ LAFIICRI, ~]C 9URN~Y~ NIESSF NOES: COMMISSIONE2tS: NON~ -:'';; ABS~;NT: CUMNIISSIUNLRS: NUNF, - IN WITNESS WfIER~OP, I have her.eunto set my nanc~ t:his 1$th day of. ~ugust, 1986. ~ ~'~-~'.~ ~~° ~~~~,- 1:~:~ ~ SliCRETARY~ nNl~f~GIM CITa.' PL'ANNTNG COMMISSION , ' t. . .f : ~..! :~f . . . . _'~~~. . '~ ~;-J;;~'~ ~l . . ~;i':'.} .th :~ :r ~'1 ~, wV :i~! '~I : i~; ~ t';?~~.r,;: .'.:. ~`. ~: ,'~;: ~ ,. „1 ' ./ 1i` 'J~v -4- 1?C86-~ 20 :.`: