PC 86-225~ --~^, .,,,.Y, RESULU`PION N0. PC86-22~ A I2~5ULU`1'T.UN UF ~'H1. ANAk1EIMyCI'PX YLANN837 ~4MM~AN`ION' I~ PpR'P '1'r1A1.' PE'rITTON F'Ukt ~~ONUI'l'IGNAL~ USE PL•RML'I ND• ~hP AnanPzn~ ~i~y pJ.anning Cotnmis5ion did rNCeiv~ ~ veriEied WHGREAS ~ h'~;ISS ~ p~tition Eor C~~nditiona.L U.° ~'ermit. fr:om it0E3E~RT F. WLISS ANll llAPNNE; :L• ~605 guena Vi~~a Avenue, Anaheim, Ca7~x1`.ornia 92t3U2, ownetis ati certain rea~ hhe c:ity of. Anaheim, C;ounty of. orange, State o£ E~~~per.t.l situaterl in C;alifornia, describe~ as: LO`P lk~ UF 'PRA(:T ~.177 A5 PEK MA~' 't~HLk2L•'0['~ F2ECORDEU TN ti3U0K y`1, PAG~S 36 ANU 37 (1E' MI jCf~LLANL0~1S MAP:i r KEC:ORCS C~F SAI~ C~RA~`1GG COUNTIi ~ CALIEU1tNIA. VIHEitEAS, rh~' City Y.ianniny COIi~lclis~].OIti dl.d h~ld d publi~ hearinc~ at Ghc Civi~. C?r~ker in the Ci~,y of Anahpim c~n August ~.8, 1~)a6, at 1:3Q p•m•, not~r,e of saici publir. hearinc.~ :iavi.ny u~en du:ly yiv~n as reyuiced k~y 1aw and in aacor.danc~ with the ~rovisi~ns of. the Anah~i•m Mani.ci~al Cod~, Chap~er ~.8.03, ro h~ar and considryr Pvidence roc and ;ainsC said prc~posPd concli.tional use per.mzt and h.o inv°~tigac~ a~~il tt~ak~ f:inoinq~~ ar1d recomn~endations in c~nnectinn ther.ewith; and d . r.1~n ~~a~a ~'<~mmiss.i.o,~, af.t~r au~ zn~~~~ction, ir~ve~t.iS~ WtiL•'xLAS, :~ttlcl~~ made by ir~Na.t' and i~, zat ~ai j•lit~~ariny~~ duA~d f.indUrund~d t rmine ~v~.~~Pnce zn~.~ reports ofC:Fr _.i an the fo).Jowi.ng ~.~cts: ~ ,l. Thar ttiF~ ~r.uposAd us° ls Fr~p~r~Y ` p~riiiit is authurizPd ~Y ~ ~an i lJ~abo~atory ~in Ua t~ pr~tmzt a denr_aa. .,f.. ~.c . a with waiv~cs oE.: °nn f.or whi.~h u ccnditional use econveet d, P iden o al ~sL• uctute u c1f'. S• 1aj ~~,~~.rnN;; 1.8.Ub.USU.U'l;7-, - Minim::,n ~umbpr of pa~ r~kinq,~ `' ~NU (`•'~ r"`~uirE~d~ 5 s~ac~~ existinq) 1b.U~ bU_.. • ia.~•~.ue~~.u.5.o (b) S~CTI_UN lt~•Q14.035.113i1 - RP9Ulr.ed locati.on~f parkiny s aces• -- (parkin9 ar [ea~ ok &t[uctu~e re~~uir.ed; ~~arkiny at tror.t pcc,pased) , ~i ultp~ lan~sca~a.tti~. (r,) SEC:'i'IUN 18.44.Ub4;U..0 - tt- (d) StC~PION,~-a•44.Ub9-- " x"y'aicPa L•cash Pncw l~ure. (trash ~ncJcsu{P r°UUir"'d; none ~copused) 2. Tha-: th^ r~c~uA-~?d waiv~r~rau3P~~n xncrease in tr.n ficn cor~y°srion basis rt~at l•hF pat'kin•a Wai~°C will ~~ot ,~U~oining .land u~e~ and in Ch~ im~neulatP vicinity nor. advecsPlY xf~e~t dny wiil not grantinq oE ~_I;r. F~ar.k~n~ waPace u t~a1th,~ satetyiuand ~q nPcal lrel.far.~ of the be qetrzment.,.l. t~ tr, - P- ~ citizens or. the Ci_t,y uE Anah°zm. ~ r,e}w ~ r; .M~ pC85-2"l5 , ~r~ 1~;-. Uyl'lC ~ ;J : ~~~. 3. ~L~hat the rcyuPSh.ed waive:r (c) a.s deniF~d un ttae ba5is thal: CPvised p].an~ were subinit~ad deleting 3aid wai.ver.. 4. ThGt ~t~e r~yu~s!-.ed waiver (d) is hereby 9Ganted on the basis that there ar.e special r,i.r.cum~~ancev a~~PlicabJ.e Ca the property suct: as si2e, shape, kopogra~hy, lacat~on and surroi.ndiny., which do not appl,y h.c athec~ i.dentir.~J.ly zonPd ~taperty xn ~he same vicinzt.y; and that strict app?.i.^.ati.on of the 'Loning Code depri~+PS thp property of przvi~eges enjoyed by otih~r proE~erries in th~~ identica.l zc~ne and classiEicaL•ion in thP vicinity. 5. Thzt the pr.opused use is hereby c~r~nted subject tc the r.~sh.r.ir.tion l•.hat l-.he pLOEe~sion~l op°:'ation shalZ b° l.imitea to one dentist ~ind one nurse, ?:c~ .ludiny th~ CeC°pkionist or ~ther uEEice wor{:`rs. ~, ~j~~~c3~ r.hF~ E~roposed use wi~l n~~ aaversely af.Eect the ad)oining J.and usPS and L•hQ ;~c"~~h ,~nd ~ev°J.upment or. the area i.n which it is propos°-d rp qe 1~catFd. 7 Z~hac: tnP siz~ ancl shape uf kh~ site praposeU r".or the ~se r is nut . ade~iuatP i:o al]•ow the Eu.ll dev~-lo~menl• o~ thz pr.oposed use in a health e mann~ saf.ety and cl~tri.mental to ~1~~ par.ticuJ.ar ar~a nc~r , , to S~tie p~ac 3ener.al wel. f.ar? of th~~ Citizcns oE !:hP t:lty of. .:''~aheim. S. That c.he yranl-inq of. Lh~ ~ondikiona.l Use P~r:nlt uncier hea ~~ the lth osad i iE any, will -tot bP , . d?tritnFntal to the ppa cunr~it;.ons saEety :~nd mp q°ner.~l , weJ.Ear.e of. ~tie Cikizen~ of. tnP City oE Anahein~. 9. Th~t tt~F tr~aEfic ~7enerat~d by th~~ proX~o,Qd us° wx1.1 7ot impo.;P t~n unduF~ burden upon h.ti~ streets and hi.ghways dPSignPCy :~nd improved to car.ry the tr.affic in th~ ar.ea• lU. Tciat 3~Pr:;uns indicat~d hhe~r. pres°ncA at said publ~.r. hearing in op~osi~ion; <<nd thaG no corr.~spondPnc~ was r.~cei.ved in opposition to the subjpcL• peti.~:ion. E,NVIRCINMFN:~'1~~~'r ~~~Nl)ING: T.t~ar the Anah~im Ciey Ylanning Commission has revieweu the pcoposal to per.mit a d~ntal oEfice and laboratory in a conv~rted resid?ntiaJ. str.uctur.F w~th wai.v~rs oE minimum nuir~her ot r~arking ~paCesi r.eyuired location of ~arKiny s~aces, reyuired J.andscapiny and Y.equi.!'ed Anc].osure on a r.ectangularly-shaped par.cel o~ ].and consi~ting oE tr.~sh approximat~lY b,UUU syuar.e f.e~t luc~ted at th° southeast r.or.ner oE Sumac Lane and ~,ur.li.d 5tr°Ptr ~~nd F.ur.th~~r d~scriC~~.1 as J.72U South Euclid 5tze°~~; and doPs hpt~~~ey approve th~ N~9at~ve Gt~r.larati.on upun Eind~nq that it has cons+.dered k.h~ l~~~aCive D~cl.ar.~ation toqer.her. with any cornments c~ceived during the p~.-blic r.~vi.ew [)YUC:e3S and f.urther F.indiny on thc~ basi.s of: the initial s~.udy and ~-ny r.u~r,ment~ rec~i.ved t:~at tl~ere zs no ~ubstantiaJ. Qvid~nce that tkiP ~~tojer.r wil.~. ha~ve a signiEicanr eEEer.~ un th~ ~nv~.r_ontnent. that the An~hc~im City P].anning NUWc `PHLREFC)R~:, BE fT ~~:;ULVF:G Coiti~mi.ssion does her~by 9"ant sub~eck PQtition^uohuC~p~ ~tnace3sarY ~CPCpc~U7.SitP taer kolJ.owing condirionU whicts ar.e herQby E~ reserve th~ safety ~o t•.he propos~d use of. thQ sub~ect prope_ty in or.r1er. tu p artid c~Aner.al w~1.f.are of: t.hp Ci~:i.fens ot r.he ~~il:y of Anaheim: ;~ PCBh-22`i -2- ~ A GJ~~ °'~ `.; a '. ~ t{tfF ti I I ~~ j iy ', ~ ~d~1 ~~~~1~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ,5~, ~ ; ~, ,i,~:; ~ , ~~ -~ ,;, ~• Thak the existing sh.ructuxe sha~.J. comply wi~h the mi.ni.m~im standards of` the City oE Anahei_;~~, i.nc,l.udiny l:tie Ilni.f.or.m Buildiny, Plutnbing, Electcical., Mechanical anc~ Eir.e Codes as zdoptEd by the City of. ~ Anahe~.m. ".~. 2• That the ro oa ;y P P al sha.ll comp].~~ with al.l sigliing requxr.ements of the ;< CL Zone, un).ess a varia~~ce a.l~.owing sign waivers is a~~prav~d try thP Planr.ing ~ominissi.on or. City Council. ,'! 3. 'Phat cubject ~roperty sha1J. be dev~.lu~aed substantially S.n ~~ccur.dance '' with pJ.ans anci speci.Eica~ions on Eile wir.h the Cit Exhibit Nos. 1 and 'l. Y of Anuheim rnarked ~1• That p~ior to final hui.iding «nd aoning inspections, Conditi.on Nos. ~ and 3, above-r~nnti.oned, shall be cam~,lied with. 5. :'hat the uae ~tial~. b~ res~r.ictQd to one dentisl ~nd one nur5~ iprofesszonal ~mployer~,~ ~.lus ~the rer_ept;,oni.st arid/or o~her oEfic:p WOrICP.''G~ BE I'P FURTHER RESOI,Vr;D thal- ttie qnaheim City planning Commxssion cioes ' h~reby find ana dHtetinine that adoption of khi.s it~solut:ion is e~,pz~ss,~,~ pr.edical:ed upon a~plicant's compliance with F~aat; and all oE the con~,.~ior.s . h~reinabove s~t f.orth. Should any such conditiuns or an• 1 dec:±ared inv~J.id or unentur~eabl~ ' .Y part ther~•~f., be compet~ant ~Y the Einal ~udqment oE any courr uf. 7uri;dir~iun, tntan this kesolution, and any a~provals her.e~.n con~ained, sha:ll ;~~ d~erneci nu1J. anu void. '!'HE EOREGUIN~ HESOI.UTTON ia siyned and appruved by me this 18th da~ oE Auyust, 19fs6. /' ~~, f'' /'~ ~ ;~, G. %=- C . _.. ^ ,..~ ~ CHATI2MAN, ANAHGIM CITY Pj NING CUMMISSION AT'7'FS'r: ---~.1.~~-(,~._ ~ . ----~-- ' ~/'1 /L~[,.~o SECNETA1tY, Ar~AHE:7M CI'PY 1'Ll1NNING CUI~IMISS]:UN STA'rL OF CAL1I'URNJA ) COUNTY Of.~ OEtANGL•' ) 5s, CtTY UI' ANAFiL7M ) ' I, Edith (,. Harris, SecrNt~ry oF. Che Anaheim Cummission, c1o hereby cPrtify ~hat tt~e furc~ City ~;lanning i aaoptscJ at a m~~tin of. th? 9o.i.ng resolution wa3 ~as3ed and 9 Anahezm City p,lanninq Co~amission held on August ~~- ly~~~ by th~ f.oJ.lowing vol•.e of. the members h.h~reof.: A'~'~S: CUMMISSIUNI;H~: BU~AS~ HERIi.~,'T~ LAy,)tLRJ ~ M~ tiJHNgY, MESSE NOES: COMM75S:[OPIf~;ItS: EF2Y, LA CLAIf2G AIiSEN'P: COMMISSZUNERS: r~ora~; IN WITNL•'SS WHLKF'Uf~ r T have herQunto sek my hanU this :laFh day ok August, 1yy6. ~ ,.` ~ ~ ir~ ~ ____ .~ .~~,~ S~CRE7'AR , ANAFiEIt~l CITY PLl.NNING Cc;MMtSSION -.', - PC8ii-125 ' :; \