PC 86-228~~~~i RESOLUTION LVO. PC$F-22R A RGSOLUTTON CC '.?'HE ANAHGIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSTON 'PHAT PETIZ`ION FOR VARZANCE NO. 3590 BE DENIED ~, ~.~ cP;~,`~;::i';!.~nz7 W[iLREAS, the Anaheirn Cit~y Flanniiig Cornmissior, did r.eceive a ver.ifieo Pptition for Var.iance From FtGMO GI'L'LI AND ANTONIETTA GI'LZI~ 21752 Queeasbur.y, L1 'Por.o, Ca.Iffornia 9263Q, owner.s ar~d RptdD" hlcrFiRLAND, 8412 Gar.den Gr.ave t3uu.levar.c7, Gar.den Gr.ove, Calitor.nia 92694, agent for. cer.tain r.eal pr.~per.ty sit~-atc~d i.n che City of Anaheim, County o~ Or.ange, S~ate of Califor.nia descr.ibcd as; PP12CL'L 1, CITY OF ANAHETM, COfJN'PY OF URr~~]GE, STATE OF CALIFI?RNIA, AS SIiOWN ON A MAP ['ILSD IN }300K 26, PAGF 18 OF PARCEL P1APS, 2N THE OFF'IC~; OP THE COUN'rY R1:COi2DEfZ l~F SA7D ORANGE I.UUNTi'. BEG7NNING t~'1' THE aUU7.'HWEST CORNER UE 5ATD PAI2CFL "1.; THLNCE NORTHGRLX ALO[~G 'rHE WESTERLY L~INE OT SAID PARCEL 2, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 L EET; THENCE SOUTEIEAS`.."GkL~Y ZN A UIRECT LlNE TO A POINT ON TH~ 30U7.'iiERLY LINE UF SIAD 1'ARCLL ?. DISTANT EASTERLY 18.00 TL~`.~' FftOM SAII~ SOUTH4IEST CQRNER; THENCE WES'.rFRliX Ai,ONG SATU SOUTHERLY LTNE 18.00 FEG'P TO '.PHE POINZ' QF t3L'~1:~VRI~IG. WHEK~AS, the Cicy Planning Commission did hold a public hear.i.n~ at the Civic Center. in thF~ City of Anahei.m on Augusc ].S, 1986, at 1:30 p.m,, notice u~ ~aid gublic hE:ar.ing having been duly given as r.equired by ].aw and in accor.dance with the pruvisions of the Anaheim Municipa'1 Code, Chapter. 1Fi~03, t:o hear. aiid eor.sider. evidence fur. and against said pr.op~sed var.iance ~:id to investigate and mahe P?.ndings and r.ecomm~nclations in cor~nection therewa.tlz; said public hear.in~ hzving been continued to the Plannicig Commissi~~n of Sept~:mber. 3, 198G; and WEIEITEAS, said Comrnission, af.r.er due inspzc:r.ion, invpstigation and study inade by itself and i.ri ii:s beha.lf, and aLter. due consider.ation aP a11 e~~idence aad r.~;por.ts offer.ed a+c :aicl hear.irig, does find and cleter.mine che Lollowing facts: 1. 'Phat the pei:itioner. pr.o~~~ses waiver.,, of thP tall~winc~ to constr.ur,t a c~mmer.cial sho~:~~ing center.: (a) S~CTIOf~S J., - Minimum number o1: ~ar.king s~.yacea. 1R,06.040 AND (n~. par.king ~paces requi.r.ed; 2:i spar,r.s 18.44.Oo6~05C pr.oposed) +~ (b) SEC'T.IUtJ -~ Ptaximum building hei9hL. ~i l zcr.o feet adjacEnt to single-fami~.ly r.esidential zoning pecmitted; 18-.Eoot high bailding pr.o~~sed) (c) SECTION - Minimum landsca~ed :~etback. .~ (.l~ feet acljacenc to single-fami..ly r.esidential zor.e r.equir..ed; none propnsed} ' , ' 0919r. , "~ ,~4 ~^ ~, +~~,~~:~ jr, , ' ~a,~w~ ~ ~~ „ ~~, h t~rz~. ~ ,r , ': , t~ , . P~' S f~ ~/ slr ~J' 5~'. ~1~.`y(+ " . AJQ~~X/wAL1VfI~` '{ _t i`v i ~.. ~... W..1 .. . ~. . :~~ s{~ ~ ,~ - „f •':1 '~ '~~ ,',,~~ PC86-228 ~'~.~ , ~, f 1 i . . :S _ ,. ,_, ,F,~ ' ' ri, ~^"'"` '! 'l. That the above-menr_iuned waivers ~re h~~reby oeni.~d on the basis : Chdt chc E~roper.c~~ woulc~ be over.builc .iti develuped as proposed and th~t tl,e ~ubsc~n~.iall,y 1im.ir.ed Park.tray wouJ.d adv~rs~;y impact tP,e nearby businessQS and residences. 3. Thar. ther~ are no exceE~r.i~~~t~_1 or. excr.aor.dinary ~ir.cumscanc~;~ or. cundStions applica~.le co ~hr prop~-•ey involved or cp the intendec7 use oE the proner.cy th,~r. r~~ not apply yener.aily to the pr.operty c~r. class of use in thP ~~am~ vicinity ~1~c] zone, 4. pre~erv~~cion `~har. and r_ne rNyu~„rcd v~r•iance is noc rtecessar.y for the properr.y i~ e~joyment of a sub~r.anr_ial proper~ ~ r.he sarne v' ci r icy an~3 'LU 1 r.ighc posses~ed by othcr. . . I C:~ and deniHd to r_he E~r.o~er.ty in quesci~n. 5. che public TF~at ~~elCare r.he re~uesteq ~ariance wil.l be m aterially cietr.imental to vicinity and zone in or ir~jur.ious ~o r.h~ Pr.operty w:,ich th or impcovemencs in such . e property .i~ locaced. G. 'Pha.t no one i.ndicar_s~ cheir presence ac said public heariny in oppoUi~_ion; ~i~c3 r_h3~ n~ r,~rres~.~on;ience was rtceived in o~~position to subject per.lcf~n. ~ ENVIF20PIMEN~1'AL ItdPAC~C E'.:NDING: ~Phac che Anahaim Cicy P.lan,~ing Cammis ,ion has rev.iew~~d r.he proE~o:~t11 co construce a commercizl shoE~piny center. with waivers of minin~um n~.tinber of rNyui.recl E>arking space;, maximum buildiny ~ heiyhc and minimum landscaped setback un a recca•~yular~ly-sha ed consix~iny of approximac:c.ly U.45 acre locar_ed ac the northPa~r.c cor.ncr.l~od Katellu Avenue and Nur_woud Street, and further clescrlb~d as .i895 W~:sr Katella Avenue; and doe.s her~Uy approve r_ll@ Negacivp Decllracion u~on the finding c:ha+: ir. has c;onsidere~i che C7egar_ive Dec.laracion coger_}~tr w.ith any cummenr.s received duriny r.he ~ublic rEVi~_w pru~r~ss and £urcher tin~9ino on r.he basis oE the ;' initiai scud< <ind any co-nmen~:; receivec] thae chere is no substantial evidence '~' ~:hdC che pru jecr_ will have a:~iyni;:ic~tnr efE~cc on r_he ~nvironmenr.. ~ . ~: WOW, TkIER~;POFtE, i3E I'I RLSOGVL•'I) I.har r.h~ Ana:~cirr '` Curnmission c~oes hc~reby c1~~ny s~bjec:c ~~er_ir_ion fGr '~.';ltia!1CE~ on r.ttieCb si~~aftlr.h9 aforemer.cioned findinys. ~ 'Pi~E t'OFt'r:GUItYG R:;SOL!)~.IUU is :siynerj ~~nd aE~proved by m~ thi;; 3r.~ dar c~E ScE~tember, lyt3G. ~ ~-'~.++~..~.~Ji.i~~(~ • ,~' ~~ ~~ '.J / ~HAI:tMAN ANA4iE;I~~i CI`PY Pj - ~ ~AfrN~ G ~OM~Y:ISSZON A'.C'I` E S 2' : ~', /.~~~~,~; sLCxeTnRx e.za r~M~ o~~.~ ._._~_.____ ANAi{ELM CTTY Pt,nNNiNG COt4M[SSIr~N r2~ PC86-228 ;ar: < ~ ~;. TM'~ `,. . . . , . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ,•-, r., ~ ' a~ ' i~ '-;~' ;~ S'.PA:.'B OF C,'ALIG'UI~NIA ) COUN'PX Uf' URANGh ) :; s. CI7.'Y OL~ ANAHL.I'M j i, {?aate]a 1i. Sr.ar.n~~s, Secrer.aey of. r.h~ Anatieim c;ir_y Plantting Ccmmissi or., dc~ hercby cerr.if:y that r.he foregoi.nq resolution wa:~ p:~cs~d and ac~opta~d a~ a meF:cing ~r'. the Anaheirr~ Cir_y P.lanniny Commission held on September. 3r 19d6, by th~~ .f.~.l.iuwiny vocc. of. t.k~c meinbers r.h~reoE: AYc;;;: COMMIa:iI(7Nf:RS: ;3UJA:3, FRX, !aEttE39`l~, t,A CLAIIti:, f.,AWlCK.t, MC E:URt~E;Y, MBS:;~ NnLu : CQM~1TSSIUNI~R5: NO~II; AEiSL''N'P: CUMt~I.ISSiUN:;1zS: NON!: ICJ WI'PNLSS WI iE1~2L•'OE, 1 h~~v~~ hC:!'~;Upr_o se~. tny h~and ~his 3r.d ddy of 5epr.eml~e r 3, .198G. ~.~2~u~ ,.~~ . ~ ~ .~~~~~i~a' _._._. SE.CRE:'.CAZY PRQ 'I'L~MPURF; AN4[i~.lM C1TY PLT.:IC7IP~(; COt•iP~1SSI0iJ ~ i,•: -3- YCBti-22$ ~e