PC 86-231~ r"'~ RESOLU~'ION N0. PC8G-23]. A R~SOLUTION ~~E THF nNAH~,IM CI`PY PLANINING CUMMISSIO~I AUOPTING ANll RECOMMENAIr1G 'PU THE CI`CY uOUNCIL O~ '.['F!E CITY OF .ANAHEIM AAOP`PTON OL' Ah ADIENAMENT TU 'PH~ GA-.~D USk: ELEMI~NT OF TH.E GENLFtAL PLAN DGSTGNA`PED A~ AMEN~MFN'P N0. 219 _`"°_ ;,.-~ WH~REAS, the City Council o~ the Ci~y of Ar-aheim r3id adont ~he Anaheim Gecieral Plan r,y Re~olution No. 69R-64~, showing the gener.al descr.iption and ~xtant: of possible futur.e development wiehin cne C:ity, and Wt1EREAS, City s~aff pr.eUar.ed a Gener.al Plan AmendmPnt Eor. an ir.r.egular.ly-shaped ar.ea consisting of appr.oximately 11.3 acr.eN exkenc?iny approxima'tely 2,8U0 feet along che west side of. Anaheim Hills Road, appr.oxi.mately 620 £uet nor.tti o£ r.he incer:section of Noh1 Ranch Road; and WHLREAS~ the Planning Depar.tment deemcci ie appr.opriace, pur.suant t~ che pr.ovisions of the Califur.ni~i Er:vir.onmenkal Qualit.y Act, aLter. r.eview nt the pr.oposal an~ Lnitial Scudy and finding no significarit envir.onmental imp~ct, thzc a Negat~:ive Declaratian be appr.oved; and WHGRE:AS, che Cir.y F:~anning Commiss.ion did hold a public hear.ing at~ tne Civi.c C~ni:er., Counci.l Chamber, 2q0 South Anahei:~ Eioulevard in the City of Anatieim un Septe~nbe-' 3,. 1986, at. ::30 p.m., notice oE said public hear.ing having t~een duly ~iven as r.equi.:ed by law and in accor.dance wic!~ the 1~r.uvisions ot the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ctiapt.ec 18.03, t~ hear. and coii~ider evid~~nce for. and Zg~inst said pr.o~osed Am~ndn~en~. to the A.naheim Genar.a.l Plan and co inve~tigat.e ~nd make fzndings and r:cummendations in connection th~rew.i.th; and WEILRE;AS, said Commi.ssion, af'r.er due consider.aki~n, inspection, investi.gation anc3 study maclc t~y i~~self, and after. due eonsider.ation oi all ~videnc~ and rEpares off.erec' ac sai~ hear.ing, DCES HERBBY. FINU: 1. That. sufCicient evid~nce was pr.esenced co sul~stantiate the need for. z modifiec3 amendment ~o che ~nah~a.m Gener.al Plan a~ this time, and it is deemed appr.opriace that L'•xhibiL- "A" shall be amended desiyna~iny r.he encire 11.3 acr.e stuc]y a~'ea to a Gener.al Open Space dasignation. 2. `Phat rhe r.ede:~ignation would pr.eservc an ogen upi.1CP. cor.ridor. w!~ich satisFi~_s r.ur.a1 and ur~ban r~eeds an1 is r.elaced to the nar.i~r.al resour.ces of. ~he ar.ea. 092:3r. r.k PC86-231 ; ~: .~~ , j: ! t! i~C :_j ;; j;~ ;r ~ •':i ~, . . . . . . . . .., . . . ...... ..~ rl1 .: . . . . . . . , ~,~ ~ ~ ; '~ NOW, 'PHL'RE['ORS, BE IT REuOLV~;D, +~hat t!;e Anaheim City Planninq Commiasion has r.eviewec] the pr.oposal to ~o-isider. ameadment to the Land Use ~lement of the Gener.al Plan pr.oposing a r.edesignacion fr.om the E1i11side Low Density Re~idenzial (5,i acr.es) and Gomrnar.cial Re~reation (5.6 acr.es) designations to a GenEr.al O~aen Spac~ designation Por. an i.r.r.egula::ly-shaped ~ai'~e1 of land consisciny uE appr.oximately 11.3 acr.es extending appr.oximake~y 2,t300 feet along 'the west side of Anaheim Elil'.s Road, heginnicg appr.oximately 6:.0 EeeF n~r.th of r.he inter.secL•ion oF C~uhi Ranch Ro~d; an~ does her.eby approve the Neaati.ve Declar.atior~ upan findinh that it h~.s consider.ed r.he Negakive Declar.ation together. with any comments r.eceLved ~~xr.ing che public r.eview pr.ocess and furthet~ findir~g on the basis of the initial study and any camments r.eceived thar_ cn~r.e is no aubsr_anta,al eviclence chat the pr.oject will have a s.ignificant efEect o~i the envir.onrrent. ~E I'T kUI2THER RESOLVEI) THAT, pur.~uant to che for.egoing finclinys, the Anaheim City Plannina Commission does her.eby ac~opt and r.eeommend 'co L•ne CiL•y Council oE che City o~ Anaheirn adoption ~f Gener.al Plan 1lmendmenc No. 21y, Exhibit A, r.edes:ign4ting the 11.3 acr.es Pr.om Hillside Low Density Residential and Commer.cial Recreation designar.ioi~s tc~ a Gener.al Open ~pace designation. TH13 E'ORk;GOING F:ESOLUTZON is signeci a;1d appr.oved by me chis 3r.d day of 5epkemb~r., '198ti. .~ /~iL~i>; ~, /~ ~~ , L-`-.~`G-L~ YL. • . ~' i . ~. CElALRMt~N, AN11 ~,TM CITY PLA ING COMMISSIOIJ A'~TF~ST: / /" ~~~ ~L2~Ae' r ,c~c ~~:~~~~~~~ _. SECRETARY ~'k2U TEMPORk; ANAHEIM CI`PY PLAVN.ING CUNIf•11~SIOL~ 5TA'"E UF CALIFORNIA j CQUNTY OF ORANGE ) :;~;. GITY QE A~:AHETI~ ) T, Pamela Ii. Star.nes, Se~:r.etar.y o.E the Anaheim Ciry ~lanning c:ommis5ion, ~~o her.eby cer.rify that the f:or.egoing r.esr~lurion ~das ~assed and adapted at: a meecing oE t.t.~ Anaheim City PJ.anning : ommissior helc on September. 3, 1.986, by che follc~w:ng vote of the inember.s Lher.eof: F1~YCS: CC?MMISSIONF.RS: DOUAS~ HI:Rf3ST~ LA CI,AIl2E, L'AWTCKI~ MC BUR~IEY~ MESSE NOE^a: COMMTSSIONERS: ~0:7E AE3SEl~T: COMMISSTONERS: 1'RY IN wI`I'iVESS WEiEREOF, I have her.eunco set my hand thiG 3r.d c3ay uf Sept.ember. 3, ].9II6. _ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ SGC;RE`1'A,tY PRO '1'EMPORC ANAHEIM CI'tY PLANNI[vG COMMISST:.~N -2- ~C86-231