PC 86-2344; . , ~ ' ~. • . . .. .... . ~ ,. ~. . ... ..... ~w1 ' , RESQ. UTION NU. PC:K~'23h A RESOLUTiUN OE `PHE AI~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMT5SIUN APPRMING RGVISI:D ['LANS IN CUNNEl:TION WI'PN COND:ITIUN~aL USE PBRMIT N0. 2341 WEIEI2EAS, on June 2, 19£~2, the Anaheim City Platining Commission did yzant Conditional Use Permit No. 2391 ~to ~ermia•LC ~~L~~ot u 1 ndsacons:istin9zeo£ apaztmenL• compltx, ~~n an irregularly-~haptd p 3,}0 feet on the aEpcoxi!nately 4.4 acr~s, haviny a L•rontage oC a~~X ~~~` i~y585 Eeet 110Ch•h oE sast side oF Loara 5treet, and being locaLed ap~ the centerlin~ oE North Streec. and furtn~~r d~a~cribed as 73U-810 North Loara Str.~eet. WEIERr;AS, the pe~itiener, Kellie I~. Campbell, Project Manager (W2stecn Nation~l PropeCties), :~as reguested approval af cevised ~lans labeled Revision No. 2 to uermiL• a 100--unit senior ci~izens' apartm~snt complPx wi~h waiver of maximum ~tructur.al height. FlHLREAS~ the City Planninf~ Corimission di.d hald a publi.c hearing at ~~ pf. Anaheim on Auqust 4, 1985, at 1:30 p.m., t:he Civic Center.~ in t~~f City , iven as required by law and i.n notice of saicl pub.li.c hearing havilig been dul_I g accurdanc~: with the pcovisions oE th~: Anaheim Municipal Code, ChapteC 16.03, ta heax anc] con~ic7er ~~ Pa and trake ~ in~inysnandJreco mendat i ns~ in cr~nnectiun permit and to ir2v~~tiyat therewith; sai.d public hear.i.ng having been. continu~d to the Plannin~ C~mmission meeting oE SeP~:emr,er 15, 198~~; a-id W~iERLr15~ said Corn~n SiLsnb~,half - na airep~ due ~1consider~tion1COE a.ll ~tu~y made by it~se~i and ~. c~. due~ fin~l and detertnine the evicienee anc~ r.eports oELcr.ed a~ .,a..d heari~~y, Eo.llowi.n: ~a~~ : 1. '.ciial• ~_'~.~. ~~,ised plans wi.ll noL- advPrse~.y aFEsct the pe~ce, r,~~l~n an~. sa~ety oE the adjacen~ residc:ntial uses. wHgHgAg- at the August ~1, 1986 public heari~~}, eigtit peopte i.ndicated osition to the cevised Plans; and a~ the September 15~ tlleic pr.es~nce in opp ~, , ositi~n. ly8b meeting, no one indicated their pr_s~nce in opp N~W, ~'H1~,REtORE~ g~% ZT RESOLVED, that the Anaheim City Plznning Cammission does t~ereby ap~rov~~ revi:ed plans (Re~t~ion No. 2) in connecLion with Conditiunal Us~ ~'ttm3sazv ^~cerequi ite L-oethe~prvp~ ed~u:~~~oil~thehsubjec~ hereby Lound to be a ~e~e - E r, 3Rd cene~al welfarc of tlye Citizens pcoC~erty in order tio pceyerve the ~afety .~~ of the City oL Anaheim: 1. That the owner oL subje~~ propp~ty ~hall p~y tr~ 4he Ciky of Anaheim a fee for t.ree plantic~y ~~rpose:; along t~oara Str~et in an amo~nt as c7~termined by L-he City Council. 2. That the owner oE :~ubject propertiy ~hal.l ~uy to the City o£ Anaheim a fe~ for. c~tree.t lighting along I,oara St~eet in an amount as determi~~d ,'. ~ ,, , . by the Cit~ Cou~zcil . ,Y ! ~ ';: , , . , U{ / ( 1,' y~~f~~t~ ~j,j} ~ ( ., ~ r~ ~~J-Y} , ~ '~` ~~r~~.;j'~,~1~:'r;0925r; tifr9'b~i%1 ~~ r .: ~' .~ i ~n,~a'~i i . . . s~~ t',' b~~ .~}r~i;~~'yt;,, ,. PC86-23~1 s•~., 3. `.Chat prioe to i.ssuance oF a buildi.ng permiL, appropriaLe park anc~ ~ecreata.an in-lieu fees a~~a~. np ~,aid ~o the City of Anaheim in an amaunt as C~t't~'CilllilEC7 by the Cicy Council. 4. That prior to issuan~:e of. a building p~~rmit, L•ti~ appropri~te traf£ic signal asses~ment fee shal~ be pzi.c9 i.o the CiLy o!` Anaheim in an amour-+:, as determined by the City Counc.il, 5. 'Phat sidewalks and c?riveways sha11 l~e z~epaired a.long Loara Street ay required by the City L;ngineer and ir~ a.cco~:dance with standard plans and specifications o~i file in the Off:ice~ oE the City ~ngineer. 6. That a.ll dr.iv~~ways ~hal'1 be consL-ructed or cc~cons:.ructed l-.o acc~mm~date tPn (10 ) Euot radiu~ curb r~~turns as requi.re~:~ by khe City Tra~fic Gngtne~r. 7. That: c3rainage of subject: property sh;il:l be~ disposed of in a mann~r sakis~actor}~ r_o the City Engineer. 8. That subj~ct pruperty shall be sErved I~y unclerground utilities. 9„ That ~riur l-o commenceinent of structura:~, Eraming, Eire h~idranrs ~hall be :installec3 and charged as required and cletecminEd t.o be necessat:y by L•Yie Chie.f of the E'ire Uepart-nent. ~0. ThaC ~rash storag~ areas shall be ~arovided and maintained in accc~rda[icn w.il-h approvEd plans on fz:Le wi.L-h the Stre~t. Main~enanr.e and Sir,itation Diaislon. 11. 'I~hat gates sha].1 noY. be instal.lEd acr.oss any drivewe-y or priv~te sL•rePt in a~nanner. which rnay adversel,y afEect vehicuJ.ar trafEic in lhe adjc{uenk public str.E~~t(a} . Insi:a].].at:ion of any~ qates stiall conLorm to Engin~~ering Stanc7ard Plari No. 40'l and su.~ject to the rcview ~nd approval oE the Cic.y Tra£Fir,l~ngineer. 12. Tha~ : treet: lighting tacilities a.long 1~r,~ra Street shal.l be instal.led as required t~iy t•he Utilities Genera~l Ma~lager in acc~~::dance wit;i s~~ec.ifications on Eile in the Utiic~ af' Utilities Geriezal Mariager., and that securit-.~ in t;he torm ~~f a bond, certi.fi.cat~~ of de~~ot~ii:, let:ter of cr~dit., or ~~a~h, in an amo;ittt and Eortn satisf:acl•~cy to the Ci~ty of Anaheim, shall be posted wi~F. the Ci~y to gua:antee the ~atisractory compl~tion of the above-T~Entianed improv~,nents. Said security ahall be push.~d with th~; City ~~F Anaheim priar ~o issuance oP buildin~ permits. '~he ar,ove-r~~~~ticec improvemecii;s shall be i.nstalled ~rior kc, occu~ancy. ~.'; ,. 13. :hat a six (G)-foot t~igh masonry t~locN: wall sh~.ll be c~~nstructed and maintained alon, th~ norL-h and east pcoperty lir~~s, and th~t a bond in an amount anc] form satisEacL-ory to the CiLy of Anahe~:tm shall be pos~ec7 with the City to guar:antee thf~ installation oE said wall priQC l-o f inul k~ui? aing inspectiu~l. -2- PCA6•-234 ~ •,i'. ~~ ~~~ 14. '.l~hat the tenancy oi: subjec~ f.aeili.ty sha11 be restricLed to pers~ns al•. le~st one (1) ~f whom in exch unit is sixty~~twa (G2 ) year:, oF age o: o].dez; ~~nd that a covenai~t shall be rpcorded by the ownez: of the property in a form approv~cf by the City 7~ttorney so li.miti.ng such ocr,upancy. R copy ~f said covenank shall then be submi.tted to the Planni.ng DepartmenC. 15. That subject propr~rty shal.l be devzloped substanl-ially in accordance with plans snd s~ecifications on f.ile with t•he City of An~h~im marked Revision [do. 2 to Exl~.ibits 1 through 5. 1G. That prior to issuance of a building permi~, ~r witixin Z period c~f one year f.rom the daL•e of this resol~ztiun, whichev~r ocrur~ £irst, C~ndition Nos. 1, i, 4, 5, lA a:-d 15, :~bove-menti.oned, shal.l be compli~a ~aitF~. Exterisions Eor turtli~r timP L~~ complFte said cond::~io~~5 maY b~ yzant~d .in accurdGn~e with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Manicipal Code. 17. That prior to the commencemenL oE L-he~ acr.ivitl authorizeci under tl~is resolution, or .final buildi.ng and zoniny inspectioris whichever occur.s fi.rsL-, Gondition Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13 and 16, aU~~ve-•mentioned, sha~.l be complied with. ~.;,:: : s~;.f' ~r.:., . THE EORL'GOTNG RESOLUTION i:, signed and approved by me this 15th day oE Septemb~:r, 1986. ,,, ~ ~'~!,""/~J ~~'~ ~'~'~~ ~..~ ~~. /. i,.. CHA7RMF~N~ P.~AHLI ITY PLANP G COI~1PiTSSION 1~'T'TES`P: ../ i%i~.Zi.tr..G.~~ ~"" ~ ~~"~'~' :; y).. i S~C E'~A12Y PRO 'rGM~OR~; ANAEIEIt~! CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN 5'I'n'l'E OF CALIIORITTA ) COUNTY OF ORI~CIGE ) ss. C:['PX OF ANAE1GIht ) I, ~?amel~ F1. St.~r.nes, Secretar~ of the Anaheim Ci::y Planning r.oinr~.isszon, do hereby cert.'tty tk~at the Foregoinq re:~olution was passed and adopked at a mePtin~~ of the Anaheim Cit}~ Planning Commission t;eld on SepL•ember 15, 1980, bX tl~e fol].uwi.ny vote ot the members theieoF: AXLS: ~UMMISSIONERS: $OUAS, FRY, HERBST, LA CI,AII2E, MC BURNEY, MGSS~ NOES: COMMIS~Iq[J~RS: NC~NE ABSEN'.C: COMMISSIONERS: LAW:[CKI Iy rRITNES:= [aHFR~OF, I have 'iereunto set my hanci t.his 15th day o~ Sept~:mber, 19aS. / ~. ~-- ' ~/~,~.Z~~I,~J, ~~~~'1Jr2'1_.li~~ : SE(:ft~;TAR~I PRO 'PEMPORF ANAHT;IM CITY PLANNING COMMxSSION f ;, n' ' ' ~S i ,' '~ *'rw~~ ; X ~.,} J ~41T~.t'+1.~?~.1$(.'"u~tlt ...~l.... ~' ~:',I'. ~; _3- PC86-').3~1