PC 86-239t~~ ~ESO~uTto~ No. 1~C36-2J9 A RrSOi,UTTON Ur THL ANAHLIh1 CI~~Y PLANNINC rOMMISSION THAT PETI'.~IUN FOP. CONDI'PTONAL USE PEI2MIT NOo ..,.40 B~ GRAPITED WHEREAS, +~he Alaheim Ci.ty Plann.i.ng Commiss:ton did receive a verifi.ed Pet:i.tiori £or Gondi.l:ional ~Jse P~rmit ~rom KEG WHAN AN~ KYUNG HEu EiA, 1738 North Whitley Avenue, Hol.lywo~d, California 90028, owners ~rid MICHAEL J. MULQUEEN, 7484 N'icKi.nley Ci.zcle, Auen.t Park, Cali.fornia 90620, aycnt for cer.tain real pcoperty si.tuated in the ~ity oE Anaheim, County oF ~rangP, State of Calii-ornia, desc;r:ibed as: LOZ' 15 OG' ~'RAC.T N0. 4103, CT.'PY UL' ANAHL'IM, COUNTY QF ORANGB, STAT~, OF CAL'iFORNIA, AS SHOWN QN A.MAP .RECORI)ED IN BOOK 169, YAGES 25 AND 26 0~' MISGELLANLOUS MAPS, RFCORnS OF ORANGE COUNTY. ~ WHE~REAS, the Ci.ty ~lanning C7mmission did hold a public heari.ng at ~ the Ci.vic Center in the City of Anahein on September 15, 1986, at 1:30 p.m., nutice of sai.d public hearin~~ hav9.ng bec.n duly gi.ven a~ requa.zed by law and in ; accor~iance with the provi.si.ons ~f the Anaheim Muni.c.i.pa1 Code, Chapker i8.03, ;~ to t~ear and ~ons.ider evidence f-or ar~d against said propo~ed condztior!al tise ~ perm.i.~ and to invest.igate and make fi.nc3i.ngs ;~nd recommend~~t.ions .in conne~i~ion ;: t:,erewith; and WHEREAS, sai.d Cornmissi.on, a~ter due i;~speccior., investi.g~tion and study made by ityelf a~yd i.n i~~s behalf, ard afrEr due consi.dzrat~.on of all evidencu and re~or.ts ai:fered ar said hear.ing, doe~ find ~nd determine the fcllawiny fac~s: 1. That tize pro~~osed use i.s proper.l.y one foc hhi.ch a conciiL-ior~al use pcrm:it is au~hor~~red by Anahei.m M~~r~icipal Code Sections ?.8.6'1.050.150 to wi.t: to pezma.t an au~~morive renair sr.hool kith waiver oE; SLC~~;[i)NS 18.06.050.U7.61, - M~.ntmum numt~cr of~arkiny s~~aces. 18.OG.080 ANI) (65 p~rhi.:~g spaces requiced; 28 packii~g 18.61.066.OrD spa~~t~s ~,r~pQSe~31 2. Tr~at the above-rr~sntioned wai~rec• i.~ gronted on t:he basis that the ~ar.king waiver wil~ not cause an increase in t~.affi.c congestiQn :i.n tl:e im~r~ec7iahe vic.inity rior advers~~ly affect: any adiotnii~g land uses and yrant.i.n7 of the parki~~g waiver undas thc candit.ions i~npase~i, if any, wil]. not ke d~tri.men~.a.l to t~he peace, healrh, safcty and genera,l w elfare of tha cit;.z~na oE khe Cit.y of Anaheim; and also, the petitioner agreed to ~rcv.ide an add.i.~.ion_3y 17 pazk9.ng spaces. 3. ~Pha~ the propa~ed u.~e w~ll nok adversely uffect r_he a~joi.ni.ng land u~es and the growtl~ and devel~~me~at oE the area in which it is proposed to be located. 9. rhat the size and shape of ~.he stte proposed for the use i.s ac]ey,uate tu al],uM~ the EuJ.l develc~pme:~t of the pr~pused u~~ i.n a manner not detrimental to the par.ttcu.lar area nor t.a the peace, heal~h, safety and genexal welfare oE the Cih.'L2t?113 oE the City oE Anaheim. U930r PC86-239 ~ ~,.~; ~~ 5. cond.i.t.i.ons ~Pt~at the grant.i.ng i mposed it oE the Conditianal Use Permit under the safety ai;d . , any, wi.ll gencral wel~are of thn not be Citi det:r. i.mental to hl-,e peac~, health, zens oP the Ci.ty of Anaheim. 6. That the traEfic generated .by the proposed use will not impose an unc~ue burdeci upon the streets and hi.ghways desi.gned and _i.m~roved t~ ca.rr~ the tcaftic in the area. 7. That no one indi.cated thetr ~resence at sai.d public hearing in opposi.tion; and that no c~rrespondenca ~vas received i.n op~osition ko the subject peti.t.ion. ENVIFONMENTAI, IMPACT FINUING: That +-he Anahei.m City Flanning Commissi,on has reviewed l•he propasa.l to permit an autom~tive repair school 4~ihh waiver of mi.n.imum number of parki.ng spaces an a rectangularly-shaped parcel uf land consist:ing o~ a~apr.ox.imately 0.80 acre located at the northriest carner uF ~,ran~~ethorpe Avenue and Orange~horpe Park, and further des~:ri.bed as 831 -E37 East Urangethorpe Avenue; and daes hereby approve tlie Pl~gative Declaration upon finding that i!: has cansiderec7 the NAgati.ve Declaration together with any comrnents recei.ved during the public r~view process and Eurther Eind.ing on the basis of the i.ni.t.i.al study and any commen~.s recei~ed ttiat there i.s no substac~t~.al evide:nce that the ~roject will have a sign.ifican~ effect on the envi.r~ rnnenk. NOW, 'PHEREEORE, Bi, I'P RESOLVCD that the Anahei.m City planning Cuinmiss:ion does hereby gr.ant subject Peti.~~.un fot Condi.tional Use Permi.t, upon the fol.lowing condir_ior~s wh.ich aze herPk~y Eound to be a necessary prerequis.ttF tO ~h~ PC~~posed ~;~ oE the subje:t ~ro~erty i.n order to pre~erve the safety aild general welFare of r_he Ci.tize~, oE tlie Ci.ty of F_nahe~i.m: 1. That a11 dri.v~~•;ays shail be construeted or recoitstructed to accommor?;te ten (10) f.oot-. radius curb r~t.urns as rnqui.red by the City T.tatiic Lngineer. 2. That prior. ta i.s~uance of. a bui.l8ing perm:i~, a traffi^ s.igrial assessment tee equ~li.ng hhe di.ff~rence k;ct:;~u~n the indu~trial an~ cornmercial assessment iees sha.ll be naid to the Ci.ty oi Anahei.m in an ~~mount as determi.r~ed by the Ci.ty Counci..l~ 3. That the owne: o~ subj~ct property sha7.1 pay to the Ci.ty of Aaahei.m a Eee for stcPet ligh~tng a.long Orangethorpe Avenue .in al- amnunt as 3etermined t,y the City Counc.il. 4. Tr,at subject pr~perty sha11 pe dev~loE~ec! subs~antially in accerciance witki ~l~ins and specif.ir.a!:i.on5 nn fi.le wi h.h the C.ity of Anahe.im marked c~:h.ibi.t Nos. 1 anr3 2, S. 'i'hat pr.i.or to r.he cnmmencement ot 1:; F ac~i.vi.ty auhhortzed undzr ths.s reso7.uta.on, or w.i.tl~in a period of ~ne year Erom ths ~ate nf this res~lu~.i.on, whi.chever occ;~ars Eirsr~ r ondi~i.dn No. 3, above-menrloned, uhall be ~;omplied with. Ex~~nsions f~r. Furthzr ti,mF: to compl.ete 3aid conditians may be grante~ i.n accordar.:e with Secs~.ion 18.03,0~0 of rhe An~beim Muciici.pa:L Code. ~. That ~r.ior to Einal bui.iding and zani.ng i.nspecti.ons, Condi.tfon Nos. 1 and 4, above-menti.on4d, shall be compl.ied w.ith. -Z~ PC86-239 i;: ~;,> >~~ 7. That the Front fence sha11 be rspaired, provided i.n +~he fron~ area. ~ ~j ,~j'i41t~4~~I ,~ y~a~ ,. , ~.;; (`~'~ ~~ ,,+ and pcoper landscapl.ng 6. That the back fence shal.l be opened and said area paved and ce:triped ~;~ to provide an additianal .17 jpacES For a cutal oE 95 parking space~. ~ ,~~ t ,. ' BE 1`i' FURTHER RFSOi~VED tha~ tr~e Anahetm Cit:y Planning Commission does hezcby Eind and determine that acloption of' this Resolution is expressly predicated upon appli.cant's compl.iance with each and all of the conditions ;~,{ hereinabave set: forth, Should any such conditions, or an~ part r'neteoL, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the f.in~1 judgment of any court. of ':' _ ,u competen~. jurisdickiun, then this Resolu~i.on, and any approvals herPin car~taxned, shal]. be deemed nu11 and voi.d. 'PHE E'OREGOING RESQLUTION is signed and a,:proved by me thi~ 15th day ;~ of September, 1~86. ~'i`~ ~ ~ % L~ , ~' '';~ ; ~.,, ~ r_'- ~~~ `~' ,~ `., ~CIiA7RMAN, A.isA~EIM (,~TY PL NIDIG COMMTSSTON ~ }~ ;; ;.;~ t~~Tr•,s~r.: 'a r. ~ ) // ~ ~ ~ . ..`i'~ ~.fr~~~L/~/!.''~~/ /~..1~ ~i~ /'`~~ ~~~ .._.. . '~•sr SGCRETARY FRO TEMPC~R~ ii' ANAHEIM CITY 1'LANNING COPiMISSTON ,, STATE OE CALIF'ORNIA ) ' ~%' ~+~,> COUNiY flF ORANGP ) :s, ''~'' CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ,,. I, Pamela ;~i. 5rarnes, Secretary of the A~i~hetm Ci.ty Planning Commiysion, do hereby certi~y that ttie toreyoing resolution was passed and adopt~d at a meet:inr~ of rhe Ar;ahei.m Cicy Flanning Commission tield on Sept~mber 15, 1986, by t.he f.ollowiny voke nf the m~:nbers tt~~reof: AY~35: GOMMISSIONP;F2S: E3~UAS, FRY, 1~ERf3ST, LA~rITCKl, MC F3URNfY, MESSE -•r• N~r,S: CUPiMISS'LONEKS: D10NL ,~1BSE~N`.P: CG~MMTSST.ON~Ru: LA CLATRL•' ~;~,. ~~;t~ _,r IN WITNFSS WFIEREOF, I have hFr~i~nl:o set my h~nd this 15kh day rE ,:;,i~ Se~tember, 1y~5. / ~ ' ", i ~~ ~ ~;; - .~- ,c. ~ . S~CRETARY PRU TEMPOR6 ANAHP;IM CT`PY PLANNINC•, COMMI S,~iION ,. _ ,,; ;J.1 ~{ ,r' 5 :~,~ ..,. .::lrr . .:j 'i `<,,;. -3- PCR6-2J9 >~:;;I r, ,:.s}:,s.,..~ti