PC 86-252~+;.N:, 12ESi)1'~U`l'ION NU. PC86-"l52 ;, RE;SOLUTIOIJ OF '1FlE ANAHEIM CI'.CY PI~A[dN:'NG COMMISSION THAT PE'P?'PiON rGR CONDI'PTONAT~ UST; PERMI'r NC. 234~1 13E GkANTfs'D WHGRBAS, the Anaheim City Plar-niny Commissio-7 did receive a verif :ed Peti.tion fo~ :.onditi.onal Use Permit from CAI2XL S. F'O5'P~R, KAIBER DEVEI~OL'MENT CUMPANY, '1121 ~aZotnar A.icport Ro~-d, Suite 201, P. 0. Box 308r Carlsbad, CA 92008, owner of c.er~ain real propert~+ si~uated in the City o£ Anaheim, County af Or~nge, 5t:ate of ~a:LiPornia, described as: TIiE LAND RL'EERRED 'PO IN THIS REPOR`.l' 1'S SITUATEll :IN TE:~ STATF OF ; CALIr012NIA, COUNTY OI' ORAD'GG~ C.T'iY OE ANAHEIM, AND TS DGSCR.IBCD AS ~,~ EOLLUWS: PARCELS 1 AND 2~ AS SriQWI~ Oi? ~+ .MAP I'IL~EI) IN BOOK 210 ~ F'AGES 22 ~ 23 ANp 24, OE' PARCLI.~ M~1PS, IN '.CHE Orr'li:L ~F 'PHE CUUNTY RECO1tDGR UE' ~ O.t~ANGE COUC~T~ . ~~. WHERL•'AS, Lhc cir,y Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civin C4'T1LP.C in the City oi Auahei.m un Septemb~r 29, 1986, at 1:3Q p•m•- notice of said }~ublic hearing havi.ng been du].y given as required by law and in accoec3ance with ti~e pcovisians of lhe Anar,~im Munici.pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to he~c and consiner cvidence f_or and against sai.d proposed conditional use p~rmit and t:~ investigate and makc [indi~igs and recommendations in connection thF~rew,th; and 'nT'r',EFZGAa~ `~~1.~ Commi..~sio;~, aL'ter ClU(.' l.fta[JP_Ct10[l~ .L11VE'St1CJc3L10C1 dTlC3 sGudy made by ~.tse.l°. and i.n ii:s behalf, anci after. clue consideratic-a af a11 evidence anc~ repur.t:~ oEf~red at sai.d 'ne~3ring, does fi.nd and deter.mine khe Followiny f~~cts: 1. `l:hat ttie pruposed use is properly one tor which a conditional use permiC is authorized by A~~aheim hl~1nicipa:L Code, 18.~4.050,080, and ;.8.03.03~.010 to wit: to per.rtiit a gas sL-ation witil a lOQO squace-f.oot ~iini-marhet and a carwash with r.r,e L-Qllowing waivec: ~' ShCTION 1~.84.OG'1.C11 - Minimum strucL•ural setback. ~, ` i100 fe~t requir~~d along Route 91 Freeway and Weir Canyon Road; 50 feet propoaed) F 2. Tt~ak the .31~~ve•-mentioned waivr~r is hereby yranl-ed on the basis that there are s~ecial circumstances ap~licable to the ~roperty such as size, s~~ape, kopography, loca~ion and ,urroundi-ig~ which c3o not apl~ly to other identical].y zoned properh.y in the same vicinity; and that srr.icL application ' of the Loning Cod~ deprives ty,e proE~ecty of Nrivileges enjoyed by nther pro~er.tieN in lhe identir.a:L zon~ and classification in the vicinity. 3. 'rha~~ thr. ~~roposed use will nat adver~el~ affect the adjoining land uses ~nd the growkY~ and developmenC oE the area in which il is proposed . to be localed. t' : a 4. 'Pha~ the size ~n~~ :;~iape oF th~ s;il•e ~roposed for hhe use is adequate to allow the tull develapment of the proposad use in a manner no~ dotrirnental. to thn particular area nor to the peace, ~~ealth, saE~ty ancl gener~.t wel~ace oE the Citizen~ oF th~ City ot Anahei.m. 094'lC Pr.66-252 ~" r:r.~/ ir~~` ~;,;:; ; 5. condit•i.uns That the granting impos~~d if o£ t.he Cond.itional Use Permit und~~r the r ~aE~ty and , any, y~neral wel~are o£ will the not be Citir detrirr~e~~tal to lhe peace, heti:~l-h, en.s o~ the City o L• Ana:~Fim. 6. undue bi~rde That the traffic n u~on the streets g~nerated l~y a d the pro~~osed usc~ wi:ll not im~,oae an trafEic in the area, n h:iqhways desiqne;d and im~.rovEd to r,arry the ;'~; o 0 7. `~hat no one indicated their p,r.A;~ence ak said p~~blic hearing in "''` pp sition; and that no corres ~r-dence ~. I~ was : eceived in oF posi.ticm to ths suuject: petition. rNVIRONMEN~rI.L Ii9PACT F~.; T}~at ~he Anaheim City Planning . Canmission has revieH•~d the proposal Go per.mit a gas skation with a 10U0 ; sc~u~rP L-o~t r~ini-m~rket and a cac-w~sh with waiver of' min:imum structural r;,. i' setback on a~art (1.02 acre Parcel 4 of a~PPM 86-333) of an ir.x2gularly- r; shaped ~arcel oE .larid can~isting of a~proximately 19.7 acres located at the northwes'. corner oE Santa Ana Canyon Road and Weir Canyon Road; and aoes her~by ap~,rove the NegaL•ive Declaration upon finding khat i~ has considered ; tt~e Negative Declar.atian together with any comments received during the public .~ review process and further f.ind.ing on rhe basis of the initial study and any ,=; comments received that l:here is no substantial ~vide~~c:~~ t4~at the projecL• will ~s havc~ :~ signifir,ant effecl• on the environm?nt. r NOW, THERLk~ORE, 13E I~1' RESOI,Vk;D thaL the Anaheim CiLy Plantting Commi.,ssion does h~re~y qrant subjecr F~etit.iun :Eor Cnnc;if:iona~ Use Permit, upon the ~ollowing cond;tions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisike , to the pro~osed use of rhe subject property in ordec L-o precerve the safetv and generaJ. r;alfare of thc~ Citizens of the City oL An~~haim: i - ~. That in the ~vent subject p~operry is Cn be divide3 L-or the ~ur.po~p oF sule, lease, or Einancing, ~ pat~cci map Go r~cord the a~proved division oE subjFCt pro~erty ~hall be submitt:ed to and approved by t.he City o~ r,nahPim and then bc recorded xn the OEficc: of the Orange ~ounty Record~r, 2. "hat prior to cornmencemeni: oC strucL-ural framiny, Eire hydr.a~ts sha.1J_ be installe~l and char.geci as rnyuir~~d and determined to be necessary by fhe ChieP oE the Fire DeE»rtment. NI.e'•; ' ,; :' ,},-; ~} ~. t ,~.. f,.,: k~j r j~=1,;,~ - . rr, ,...... . ~i,~' r ~t t ~ ~; ~ ~.~ .;,~,-., .ry ~~~ ~ . ~ r~ „ , ,~:~.~~% . 3. That k~ash stuiage arcas shal.l b~ pr.ovidr~d and mainta.ined ~.~ ac:cordance wit~h approved p:Lan~ nn fiie ~~iti~ the 5treet hiaintenance and Sanitation Divi~ion. 4. That un.tess waived by the City rire Marsha:ll, the following minimum standards sha11 a~ply; ~. That dis~e~sing d~v:i.ces shal'1 f~~et Frum a be lor,atec3 a minimum distance oE lp ny pra~erty lir~e ar~d vehicle beiny serviced wi L1 b sp located rhat a ll parts o1° a . e on private pr~perty. b• That dispensing devices sha1.1 be located nat less tl• an lU from any bui:lciiny T,~hich is not devi , FE:et fice reszstivP consLr~action. Such ces shall al:;r~ be locaked so that L•he nr~zzle, wlien huse i Eu11y extended, sha~.l not rcach opening. wit;hin 5£eet uP s any building ~2- ::?: ?~ :: ~'C86-2!i2 :: ~. ,,? ~ I~~ ,-. ~y;, .,. 'Phat dispensing devAc~s shal.l ue protec:L•ed agai.nst ~hysical ~amage fr.om vehicles by mounting on Z concrete island a min.imum of 6 in~hes :.n heigli'c. Alternat~ methods of- providing equivalent ~>rotection may be permiL•ted wh~n approved by tt~e Chief~ ~~. That dispensing of gasoline into the fuel Lar-ic or inho a cuntainEr sha11 at a.1.1 times be under Lhe supervision of a qualiLi~d attendar~t. c;. 'Phat the att:end~nt's primacy ~une~ion sr~ali be t~ superv;.se, ;:;, observe and con~rol the dispensing of ~~soline. _.,;; 1:. That the c3ispensing of yasoline shall nni: be into portable ~: con~ainers un.less sach containers are of approve~ material and const•ruction, having a tighi: closure wiL•h screwed or spri.ng c;over, so designed thGt the contents can be dispensed without soilling. _,_ c~, i'hat it shall be tha attendant's rESponsibility to contro.l ,._;;i sources of ignir_ion and immediately haudle accidental spilis and _'~ Eite c.xL•i.nguishets if necessary. h. That nmerger~cy contro.ls shall be ir-stalled at a location acceplable to the rire llepzrtmenl•, bitt controls shall not be m~re L-han 100 ~P.P.~ from dispensc~rs. i. 'P.hat insLrucL•i.ons for the operai:ion of dispensers shall 5e conspicuously i~osted. j. That r.emote preset-ty~e c~@V1CP_S are L-o be in thc "nff" positioal whi~e not in u:~e so the dispens~r cannot be activated wi~hout the knawledge oE ';.t~e atLendant. 5. That in the event a~arcel map is recordad on subject ~roperty, G r.ecipr.or~~l ~r_~c~ss an~3 parkirig agi:eemenL•, in a form satisfactory tn tt:e Ci.ty Attorne:y, shall r~e recarde~l witf~ tY:e UEEice of: tl:e Orange Coun~y Recorder. A copy ~~ the rec~rd4~9 aqreement shall then be subm.itted to thE~ Planni.ny De~ar.Lment. , 6. 'Phat ~rior ~o .is~uancr•_ oE a build.inq permit for any business ~•rith one ~r more drive-throuyh lane:, the owner si1a11 submit specific ~isns For revi~w and app:~ova1 by the P'lannin~ Commission. 7. That subject propE:rty sY~a11 be develo~ec3 su~,tantially in ac~~ordance wit'r~ plan~ and spr~cifications an :ile witi~ the City of Anaheir; markecl Exhibit Na ~. 1. Z and 3. S. Th~t _~rinr. to issuance ~E a building per.rnit, or within ~ peri~~d o~ one .yeuc ~~m t;~e date of this resalution, whichevEr occurs fir~t, Coridil•ion I~~:.~, l., S ar.<3 11, shal.l. be cprnplied with. Extensions for Purther timP to ~.omplete :~aid condit.iun:, may be granteci in 3CCOCdd11CE wiL•h Section 1£ of the An~heim t4ianici~a.l Coc~e. ,~,.~; , ~ ;. T tt1,i ~t~ r_. ~~'~~r~'~r7~t~ ,:~ + ~~^'t'~'~yG~r; :r ~ ~...~r _.r . _ .. -3- PC86-25; ri.~ `:'t. i ~''Rr.i'i:if1~A:~qZ ~',V ~; ~ 'i;A ,7 i ~~ i 9. That prior to iinal building ~nd zoning inspecti+,is, Cui~uition No~. 3, 4, and 7, :~hal:l be complied wi.lh. 1.Q. That lhe proposal shall comp].y w.ith ~11 signing requirement5 of ~he CL zone, unless a varianc~ allowing sign waivers is approved by che Planning Commission or City Council. 'l1. That prior te issuar.ce of ~ building permit, the appropr.iaY.e major thorouyhfare and bridge Pee shall bc ,pai~ to the City of Anaheim in an amaunt as specif-ied in L•he MajoL ThorougY~Fai:e an:~ Bridge Fee Program Eor i:he I'oothill/~astern TranspoCtdtiion Corridor, as approved by City ~ouncil Rtsolution No. 85R-423. BE IT FUN.'PHGR RESQLVLD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby Pind anc9 detecmine that adoptian ~f this Resolutior~ is expressly predicated upun applicanr_'s compliance wiL•h each a~d ~111 nf ~he conditions herei;~abov~ set fotth, Should any such cunditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid cr unenl'orc~abl~ by the L•~nal judgment ot• any r,ourt o:E coinpetent jurisdiction, then ~his Resolution, and any approva.ls herein contai:~ed, sha.ll L~e deEmed nul.l anil voi.d. THF EUREGOING ItGSOf~UTIOtd is siyned and aE rovAd by me this Z9th c7ay of. Seprc~mber., 1986. ~ ~ ~ ~~"•'/,r~i;% ~= ;.~ 2~^ L, .%~ r , ..,: - ;r CHAI~2MAN, A~1 "CITY ~ ~ NNING (:OMMTSSION A'rTE S'C : ~CX.C.,t~1.. ~ /~ _~^_.C~o_,/ - SE :'RGTARX, ANAHF.IM CITY PLAN[dING COMPIISSION STA7.'E OF CAL'IFORNIA 1 COUI3TY OF OFt~~NGE } ss. CITY OF A[~AHEIrI ) 't, Editti L. Ei~xr.r:is, Secretary o£ th~ ~~ttaheim Ci~y Planning C~~mmission, do h~rc~by cer.tify ~;:at the fore~~~~ing resolution was passed and adopted at u me~L• ing of the Anaheim :, i~y P i~nn ~..^.~ ~+~mm.ission held ~n Se~tem~ier 29, 1986~ by the following v~te oE the members theceoi: AYES: COMMIS~IONERS: BOUAS, ['RY, HL•'RDS'~, LAWICKI:, rtrss~ D'O~a: COMMISSIONERS: NONG ABSENT: COMIQIS:3ICNERS: LA CLAIRE, MC DURNF3Y Iid WITN~SS YJHEREOF, 5e~tember, i.986. ~;~,.'~~, ~ _ .~ . ~,~ t :~ ..~.~ - . . ~~t~t)~ '~~ ~ .~:.' ~ ~1AH~ U{~'"~lYlhnu ~d~M~.r.t. ! ,... L ~., r. .,.. .. T have her_eunto set my hand this 'l9th day o£ ~ ~ ~~"-~s.: ~~~.111.c._~Z. SECE?E'PAkY, ANAE'.ETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -4- PC86-252 <~,'' . ., l~f,