PC 86-256:; ; ,-. •` ltl;SOLUTI~N N0. PC86-256 ~~ ,~,, ~ i - 3~ ~~,~ ,~~F~, i,~~ ~ t';r ~~ '; ~r, A RESOLUTION 0~ THF~ ANAHLIM CI'!~Y PLANN7Nt3 r,UMMISSiON 'PHAT L'ETITION FQR VARIAtdCC N0. 3598 BE GRANTFD 4VEIG~tEAS, Lhc rlnaheim City Planning Commi~sion di~~ receive a vezitied Petit.ion f.or ~lariance Prum BRYANT FINANCIAL C0121?OHATION, 3960 East ~I.'housand Oaks Boulevar~, Thousand Oaks, CaliFornia 913G2, owner, and F3~ULEVARD D5'V~LOPN,~;N't, 777 South t~(ain Street, S~iit;e 106, Orange, California 9266~ and WILLDAPJ ASSOCJATES, 'l90 S~uth Anah~im Roulevard, Suite 100, Anaheim, California 92805, agents for certain real properl-y situaked in the City of Anaheim, Cou~~ty oF O.r~nge, SL-ate af'. Ca1:Eornia dESCribed as: PARCELS 1 AND 2, TN THC CITY OF tiNAHF:[M, CUUN`.PY OE' ORANGN~~ STATE UF CALIFOF2NIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FIT~ED IN DOOK 155~ PAGES 29 TO 31, 1NCLU5IVG UF 3?ARCEL MAPS, kFCC)1~DS OF URANGE COUNTY~ CALTFORNIA. WE:EFLAS~ the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at ~ L-he Civic Center in the City o1 Anaheim on September 29, a.yaF, at 1.:30 p.m., notic:e oF said public hear.ing having been duly glven as required ay ].aw and in ; acco-~dance with ~he pruvisions oti the A~ahei~n Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear. and c~nsider. evidence Lor and againsl- said propose~ variance and to inv~stigate and make findings and rerommendations in c~nnection therE~with; and WHL'REAS, said Commission, df:l:er due inspection, investigatiun anc7 study made by itselt and i~ its behalE, and after uue con,ideration of a11 evi.dence and r.eports oCfer.ed at ~aid hear.ing, does fi«d znd detnrmine the Fol.lcwina facts: 1.. ThaL• tl~e ?etition~r oroposes waivers of. the following to construct two, 62-lot resic~enl;ial condominiuiri sub~-3ivisions: (a) SEC'1'TONS 18.2%.C63.012 - Minimum gara~e setback. ~ ~ 18.'1i.063.0121 (Setbacks f~r Lront-on garagas ANL 18.27.OG3.0124 shall nct be betw~en :10 and 25 zeet ~rom f.r~nt ~~ruperty 1in4; aetbacks between 10 and 25 feet propo5ed) (b) SE;CTt01~S 18.31..063.020 - Minimum distances between buiid.ngs. ~ ANU (y-foot sctback a~jacent L-o ~ interior lot lines and 18-toot setback back between buildings requirec; 5 fNet and 10 to 12 Pcet resQectively peoposed) - 2, T4~aY, the above-mentiuned waiver:~ are hereby gr.ari~ed on th~ basi~ lhat t.here are Sp~CI%il circumstanc~s a~plicable t~ th~~ pro~ert,y such as size, shape, topography, locatiun ar~d surro~anc3inys which do not aPply to other , t~enti.cally zoned pruperty in the same vicinity; and that strict application o~ i:he Zoning Co~~e d~prives the prc,perty of privilege~ enjoyed by other praper.ties in the iden~ical z~~ne «nd clas~it:ication in ~~e vi.cinity, ~`,~; 0995r PC86-256 >. y.: ~ ,.. . , . \'4\ t1ti~ t'. ~1 !~ ' ~ 3. Ti~at there are axceptional az extrac~rr3inary circu~nstances or conditions apptic~ble to tt~e property involved or l-o the intended use oE the rr~pecty that do not app.ly genera.lly ro l•he property ur C.li15s of use i.n the same vicinit,~ ?nd zone. 4. That the requested variance is ner,essary for the preservati~~n and enjoyment oF a substantial property right possessed by oL•her property in the +~. ` same vi:.ini.4y and zone, and der.ied to the pr.~iperty in quesrion. ~ ,:~ ~:w ; 5. Th~r the reyue~ted variance will not be materially der.rimental to , the ~ublic weliare or irijur.ious to the property or improvements it~ such vicinity and zonz in which ~he property is 1~caL-ed. 6. That no one :ir~dicated their presence a t said public hearing in o~position; and that no corresponclence was received in opposition to subject ~;; petition. FNVI:UNMENTAL IMFACT F7NDING: That khe Anaheim City Planning Comm.i.s~ion has reviewed the proposal to c~nstxuct twu, 6'l-l0~. attached caridorain~um ~ubdivisions with waivers uf a) minimum garage setback and b) minimum distarice between builda.n~s on an irrr:g~ilarly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 40 acres located un the easc side of Stage C~ach Road and Camino Grand~, and on b~th siclzs of Flackamore LanE, southwest oE tY~e inteYsertion aE Nohl Ranch Road ~Znd Serrano Avenue; an~ does her.eby ap~cove th~e Negative Declaration upcn finding ~hat it has considered Lhe C]egativ~ Declarat•ion together w:ith any comments received during the public review ~rocess and further !`inding on the basis ot the initial sY.udy and any comments received that thece is no substantial evidence that L-he Project wi11 havp a sianificant ~f.fect on the envicon:»ent. N04~1, 'PF1E~.EHORE, 3E T'I' RESOLVED that the Ananeim City Planning C~mmiss~ion cioes hereby gtant subjecL Pet;ition ~or Variance, upor, ths following conclitions which are her~by L-ouncl t.o be a neceasary prerequiaite to the ~YOpGSCd use oE the sub~ect ~r.operl-y in orcler ~o preserve the saEehy and gen~ra.l welfare ~.E the Citizens o~ th~~ CiL-y of. Anaheim: 1. That prior to final tcact map approval, special facilities L-e~s shall be paid to the Wa~er Ul-.ility Division by the developer in a~cordance with Rule 15E3 ot th~ Water UL•i.lity Rates, Rules and itegulations. 2. That: suUject proper.ty sha11 be developpd substaritially in accordance with p.lans and sper,iEications on ~ile with the Ci.Cy oF Anaheim matked Exhibil No. 1. 3. 'Phat priar to L•ina:l building and ron;.ng ins~ections, Candit~~an Na. 2, above--men~ioned, sllall be compliecl with. B~3 i9~ r~3t2TH~R RE~OT~VED that L-he Anaheim City Planning Commission d~es tiereby Eind and deter.mine thai: adnption uf this Resolution 15 expressly predi.r.ated upon appli.cant'~ compliance wit" each and a11 of che conditiions hereinabove uer. Forth. Should any such c~niii~ion, or any part ther.eoE, be declared i~lvalid or un~r.forceable by ~he finGl judgmeni; af any court oE campetent j~~cisr~?c~ion, then this Resolu:ion, and any approvala herein cantained, shall be c~~emed null a-id void. -2- PCBli-256 EN~~ r i.. .i::,: , , _~ ~~, ,~ ,,....._:' ~ ; . . ~ ,: . . , ; ~ ,, _, r .~4;'i ~''~v'~r`~ ;a ,.,,~,., ... :., , ,.. ~ i:(r ~. ` r E~r~ . ... . , . Y, ',''~- ~1 t `t' ~~ "~i ~ ~.,,~ . ~., THL FOREGOING RE:SOLU~.~ION is signed and approved by me this 29th day 5ept;ember, 1986. .._'C~~. ~~'~"~..~';., ~ ~ ' ~, .- `/ CHA.LRMAN, AN~~M CITY PGAN NG COMMISSIUN AT7`~;ST: e ~ ~ , ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ` n ,r~. ~ SGCRETAR~', ANAHFIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION STkT~ Or CALTFOFtNTA ) CUUNTY OP QF2ANGE ) ss ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Z, ~dikh L. Harris, Sacr.ntary oF tt~e Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereb~• certily thaL Che 1'~:~r.rgoi~~g re:olution was passed and adopted at a meeting oE the Anaheim City .Flur~ning Commissian held on Se~tember 29, 1986, by the tol.lvwzng vnte oP the members t:r~~~reof• AYES: CON1[dISSTONERS; BO[1AS, FRY, EfERBST, LAWTCK.T., MC }~URNFX, MESSE NQEfi; CUMMTSSION~P.S: NphL ABSENT: CUMMISSIC)NEi?S: LA CLAIRP iN W7TNESS WNEREOE', I have hereunto ~et ~tiy hand this 2Qtli day of SepL•Gmber, 19$6. ~ C~,L..L,`.~~,. ,~ ~ , SECkF.TARY~ ANAH^LM CI'i'Y PLANNIN CCMP1ISSI:Ofd ~Yrii: n~ ~` ' ~~"I r ~~ i% `tl RJ~: v~tiS t r v:'k ~~r~,~ ~~ 3 , ~~ ~ ~~rr,, ~ '~~_~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ; ~`"" ~~~ ~i''ii , ~ ~ -~+`rr,.:y * ~ ~+" r~: ~ 1 J: p~sr..~, q 4: , . ~~ ~~ F '` ~;~, ,;r:, ,~ ,w, ~3- _ ~~ ~~r E'C86-25G