PC 86-264ii v . r~e.:.} RESOLUTION NU. PC85-264 A RLSOLUTION OC 'PHL ANAEIGIM CI'iY PLl\NNING COMP1;[SSION AD13NilINC; CpNDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF RESOLUTIOP7 N0. PC 79-218 AND APPROVING A SIX-610N'PN EXTENS:ION 0~' TIME .IN CONNEC~'IQN WITH CONAITIONAL~ USE PGRM.IT NQ. 2029 WHGREAS, Condiri~nal qsc: Permir. No. 2U29 to ~ermit an aui:omobile sales ayE~ncy cn a recr_ariyularly-Ghaped p~rcel of lanc~ consist.ing ~[ apE~ruxi- mately U.6 acre ].uc~~r.ed a~ r.he sour.hwesh_ coznec of tVilhe?.mina Streer_ and Anaheim E3ou:Levarc~ was granted by r_h~ ~~lanning Commission on N~vember 5, 197~, by Resolur.ion No. PC79-218; and WHERFA;, r.hc following sr.i~u.la:.ions were made by the petitioner at rhe publ.ic h~arinc~ ir~ connect:ion wirh the approval oE Cor~clikional Use ~ermit ~~o. 20z9; a. 'Phar. ther.e shall be no ::est drivir.q o~ veFicles on `t~e nearby residential sr.reet.; csnd rh~r. all er~ploye~s ~aho accompany on test drivc, shaJ.l be inf.ormed a£ ~h:s LestricNion, ~ b. Tha:: there sha:~l bc nu eur~opr soun~ system for paging emyloyees Uc cust.um~rs or for uroadcusr.ing music. c. That r_here sh~zl.l be no aut.omobi..le re~aic, body work or painkang conducNecl ~h: r.his locat~ion. d. That a L•ive (5 y[oor. Wid~ planr_Pr snall be constructed adj~cent ro Anaheim Boul~avard and Wilhelmin%:t Strc~er_; Etiak said planters 3hi~I1 be 1~~ndscaped, sprinkleced and permanently maintained, and thar r.he landscapiny o~.ans shall be approvsd by the Planning Depar.rment ~r.ior -:o iclsi:al.lation. e. Thar_ r.he owner o£- subject propPrty stiali dedicar.~ i:o the City ot Anaheim a sr.rip oF land 10 ~'~Pr. in r:idt:h fram the centerlina of the alley for all~y widening purpo,es. ~ ,! F. Thar. rhe busine5s houc, shal:l be no later than 9:U0 o'clock ~.m. ~l ~ WfiEREAS, wikh th khe following conditions wexe a.l~o approved in conn2ction e a~proval o f Conditional U:se Permit: No. 2U2~: ; ,., ; 8. 'i'har. ~ny parking area lignr.ing shall be dcwn--liohh.ing hTVing a i max:m um hei~ht oE ~.2 Eeer., wh~ch lighr.ing shal.l be direcr nd a ,s ; Erom the property .lines i:~ protecr che c . way e~ident:ial user~ in r he acea. . ' ,4 15. xhar. ~hi:, ase is approved for a peri.oci ~F Eivn 5' ~ arr afr pr ~~ Y j wi~ich time extArtsions may be t ~ , - . t~ P n II i upon ~~rir.r_~n requesr. by t:he p pl ca ~r iE r is determi ~d rhar s , the uae h~~s no1: I~ad an adverse imF~aat on t:hP ~urrounding area." ~ ~ ~~'~ PC86-264 . '..~';'°~ 1 , ~, .i ti.'.~~ .~- , ~ WtiLREAS, Condihional Use P~rmit No. ~029 was ~riginally apE~roved Por a~eriod oE tiv~ (5) years. exgiri.ng November 5, 198~1, ~nd r.hat Ci~y Co-1nci1 subsequently ~pgroved an er,r.etlsion oP tirne tc ~:xpire on November 14, 1987; and --.har, when hhe Exten~i.on of r.ime was c~n~fdere:7, the st;a~E reg~rt dated May 14, .1484, indi.car.nd hhaF Code Enf.orcemcnk sr.~Ef had nor received any complaints regarding rhe use ~r ths property~ anr~ WHCRk,AS, :~ue to r_he number oE recen~. ci~izen COIi1pId1R~S regardi.ng outdoor autanoUiZe repair at subject: locatio~~, the Codc~ Enfarcement sraf~ nor.ed khe followi~ng Code violations and r.ecomme~idPd that Planning Commission review ,ubjeck use permit ror compliance: 1. Ar~ our_daor sound system r~as bQinq u,ed Cor paging emp].ayees, 2. Automob.ile repair and I~OC~YWbt K w~.s being conducr~d, ~. Auh_~mobile~ tha+: are ~or sale and rapair were bEing parked in Lront of privat:e reside;~ces and on nearby public sr.reer.s, anr] 4. On-sir_e li,Yir.iny is directed inr_o nearby residential arsas. !~IEiERFAS, the Anaheim Ciry Plenning Commi~si.on did ho.ld a public hear ing ar. the Civic C~nter in t:h~ City of Anaheim on Sepr.etnber 29, 1986, at 1:3U p.m. ~ nat:ice of said nll~I.1G hea~ing having Y~een duly given as r.equi[ed by iaw and .i.n accordance wikh ~he pruvisions at- ~he Anaheim Municipal C~de, to hear ~nd consider ~vidence Eoc and ayainst ~aid ~roposll ko amend, tt~odify or add ho rhe condir..ion~ ot appcoval oE Condirional U,e Yermit No. 2U29, ~nd tp inve stiga~e and make Lind.ings and re~:ommendations in connec-:ion therewith; and sai.d public hear. iny being cor~~:.inued l:o ~cr.ober 2'!, 1926 ; and WHGF.uA5, said Coinniissi~~n, ~L-f:~r due inspect_ion, invest.i,gation and st.udy made by itself. anu in its belia.lt , and afr.er due consideration of a11 eviden~e and re~~orts ofEeted ar said hearing, UOL•'S Ei~REAY FIND: 7.. Thar_ Eoar (4 ) r~erson:~ apptared at. said public heari.ng in c~~position; and that t:wo (2 ) lethers were received in oppoais.zon t:p t:he sur jecr., use. 2. That submikted plans did nor_ ad~yua-:ely rcflect fhe parking conFiyurakion oE subje~t pr~perty ar~d tha~ revised plans imist be submitt:ed c: ;owing Narking spaces clearl.y desi.gnated in con[ormar-ce ~ri-:h Code for employees, cusr.omers and display vehicle~. ~~ 3. Thak the parking arNa li.ghting does st:ine into ad;~cent resEdent:ial uses and 3hould be re~~irecte~. 4. Thdt kll~ outdoor sound sysk,em Eor pagislg pmployees has been disconnect~d and shai.l r-ot be ceconnect:ed. 5. 'Ph~r. r.he automotive repai.r wor.k h~~z, been disconr.i.riued and ~hal: ~uch ar,t:ivi~:ies ahall noL be allowed on thie sihe in the f~+r.ure= and .further r.har the or-ly auFOnotive r.epa.ir ~~rk permi.Lted ~haJ.l be changiny of- r.irea or bakr.erl~s in the "Eor sale" vehicles. !: ' xkrtx _ +;;+~;i ;z ';;{ :i 6, Thur., parking of vehiclA~ thar_ are Eor ~ale or repair in frusr_ oE grlvate resi.denc~s and un public streer_s ahal? not be permitted. 'f -z- rca~-264 ~ - : ~:,{ ~~,~~~i ~~ ,.i, , \ 7. That tl~is permi* sha].]. cn~.y ~e extended Eor a~eriod aE six (6 ) I monr.h~ in order to give the ap~licant an opportun..ty r.u clear up r.;~e exisking problems; and that r.he lpplicant: shall apply ~or a new conditional u:;P permit at the end af the six-month period, ~ on Apr:~i 27, ].986. , NOW, `i'HEltF;NORF DG I7.' EtESOLVLU t:liat the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commissi~~n do~s hereby extencl ConditionaJ. Use I~ermit No. 2029 for a period of six (6) mont:hs and amend t_he con~iL•ions of approva.l in t:heir enri.rety to read as follows: 1. That the owner(s) of suQjeck prope~cty shall c~eec1 i_o the Ciry of Anaheim a sr,cip of land 40 feet in widl:h f.rom Ln~ c~~t~tline of r,'r~e :~tret:t along 1~naheim Bou.l.evard for sr.reet. widening purpoq~a; and a str.ip of land te~ (10) feet in width ~[om "t~~e cenrerline of Fh~ alley for alley widening purposes. 2. Tkiat tr.ash sr.orage are~s sha.ll be provic.9ed in accordance wi~h approv~cl plans Or; L].IP_ ;~ith ~he OfEice oL- the Execu+~ivE Direct:or O~ PUb11C P?OCkS. 3. `i'r~zr subject pror~err.y sha11 be served by underground urilities. 4. That a bonu in an amoun~: and f.orm satisfacto:y ro the Cii:y of. Anaheim shall be posted with the City ro g~iarant.ee rhe installatic~n oF a 6-{oot high masonry wa11 with salid wooden gar.es along r.he west. properry line. 5. Tticah drainaqe ot subjecr, pcapcrty shall be i~isposed ok in ~ n;ann~r sar.istactar~f ro the City [;ngineer. 6. That r.he owner(s) ot subjecr_ proper.ty sha'l1 su~,mit a letter request.ing the terminar.ion ot Variance N~~. 124~ 7. 'I'har., khe proposed aur..omobile sales ager.cy shall camply with a11 yigning requirements oP t:he CG (Conmercial, General) Zone. 8. 'Phat all parkirig art:a lighriny ~hall be down-light,ing haviag a maximum h~:ic~hi-. oF 12 Feek, which lighting shall be r7ixecred away trom t:he prup~=rty lin~s ~.o ~rotect +:t~e residentia.l uses in the area. ~. `Phar. subjEC!: property shall be de4elope~ substanti.ally in accordanc~ with plans and speciEicati.ons on Eile with the City oE Anaheim markeci Gxh.ibit Nos. 1. and i; prot+ided, however, thah a revised plan sh~~A1 be submitr.ed sh~wing the c~nfiguration of th~ ~ark:iny s~aces clearly desiyna~.ed Eor employnes, ~usr.omer.s an~J display vehicles, in con£ormance w.itt- Code. Said ~J .tn sk~all be subjecr_ to *he ap~roval af r.he City TraEfic Enyinee~. ~.: i0. 'Phat Condition Nos. 1 and 6, aUuve-mentione~, ~hall be compl.i.ed "'' wir_h prior r.o khe c ornmencemenr_ oE acr.i.vir.y actr_horized under this resc~lution, ox ~rior r.o the time r.har_ the building o~rmit is ~ 1&3Uad~ or wir.hin d pC~lOC~ of six (6} months fro~n t-he date ~;':~1 ~ hereof., whichever. occurs Eirst., or suc:h further r.ime as rhe '_;; ' Planniny Commis~ior, may granr.. -~- PC86-264 :'f~ :.~. '~ i i;+; ~a ;.;, ,'~"~~ l ' r . . ~ . . . . . .. . . . . . y.. 11. That Conditiun Nos. 2,3, 4, 5, 7, f' ar~d 9, above-mentioned, yha].1 be complied with prior to final buildiny and zoning inspectians. 12. That r_h~re shall be no r_est driving of• vehicles on nearby re~ici~~nr.ial s~eeer.s anc~ that all employees shall be so ir~farmed. 13. 'Pha±•. ~:here shall t:e no ~arking of display vehicles in front of priva.r_e residences, on ~~ublic streets or sidewalks, or in any of the required on-site cusFOmer and employeA parking ~paces. 1~, ~Phat there shal:l be no automubile rep~ir or body work on the ~ite, and ~_he only activity permitr.ed w~uld be li~r~iked to i;he changing oE tires o- batteries. ,: 15. That r.here shall be no outqoor sound :;ystem for. paging emp:loyees or customers or £or br~adcasting r,iu.ic. lo. That the business hours sh~ll be no later than 9:04 A'ciork p.m. .17. That khe use is approved for a pc-:ri.od of. six t6 ) mont_hs, to ~:erminate cn April ?.%, ].987, ar, which ~ime the appiicanr_ must ~PP1Y Eor a new condir.ional u:~e peemit. BE TT E'URTHER RESOLV~,D h_hat, pursuant: t~o the Foregoing f indinys, ttie Anaheim Ciry F~lann.ing Co~rmission does hereby approvE ame-;ded conditions and a six-month extensian oE time in connec~ion wikl~ C~ndi.r_ional Usc permit No. 2029, subjecr. r_o cunditions as lisred above. 'I'H~ E'ORrCOING RE;;OGU`!.'iUN i.s signed and approved by me this 27th day oE Qch.pber, 1986. AT'PEST: -- `--~~ ~ . ~ . Secreta y, ~naheim Ci~y ~lanning Commiss:ion S~'"~ ~ J ~c.~. Ch~ ma~r~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Anaheim Ciky Plar~niny Cbm!nission -4- PC86-264 ,-~~~ C.~± . ~~~ `-,,~;:,Y~ !i . ~.';~~~•F;~. %f ;:4: ,t ~ ,: ..:......... .... ... ~.:.. , _ ._. ... . . :'._~\ STA'P~ OF CALI~'ORNIA) COUNTY OI' ORA~iGE ) ~S y OF ANI,tIEIM ) . . r'(. ~ { ~G~~yj~~l ~ ~ . . ~ . .' ~'. ' `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~~~~~~ czx , o~ thP Anaheim City Planning ~;~ z, Edith L. Har.cis, Sc.ccetaCy I,~ Commissi~n~ do hereby cerr.i.Ly that that foregoinG x~~o'lution was pass^d and t ted at a meeting of t:hE Anaheim City P~.anning Commissicn hel.~ on Oetober f' adop r.he following vote oF r.he nietnbers +:hereof: , 27, 1986, at 1::.aQ p.m., bY AXES: COMh1ISSI0NERS• DOUASr ['RY~ HERBST, LA CLAIR~, L~AWICKI, ` . MC BORNCY, MESSE ',' ~p~g; COMMISStON~RS: NONE ABSEtJT• COMMISSZONLRS: NONF IN WTTNESS VvdEREOF, i have heeeunro set: my }~and ~his 27th daY oF OcroUer, 7.9s3G. ~~ • ~ ~~_L~~~ ----~.~~-~- ~ -~-.--~--- recretary Anaheitn City Pl~ncling Commission f . ~; ~!L,. ,.~~; ,,~.~~.,; . ., ,. .• - ' .