PC 86-270,-~--. RESOLUTTCN N0. 1~Cf3G-27U A RrSOGUTIC~N UF 'PHf' ANAHP:I~d CI'PY PI~ANN7NG C~PtiMI~ ~ION THAT PE'PTTTOP~ i0R VARIANCE N0. 3~05 [iE GRAtd'PEA WHE;RL'AS, *.he An~aheim Ci.ty ~lann.iny Gommission did recE:ive a verifi~d PeL-ition for Variance irom TRIDER CORPORATIQN, 142.1 Nortb. Wanda A~~enue, Sui~e 100, Villa 1~ark, CaliEornia 92ti57, A'PTN: GARY McCANN, owner o.E certain real praperl:y sitiiaCed in the Cit,y of Ariaheim, C~unty ~.~ OrangE:, Sta~e oi Calif.orni~ desccibed ~-s: PARCEL 3 AS SHOWiJ UN A MAP E'TLFaD IN BOOK 155, PA~ES 3l AND 33 OF P.ARCEL MAPS, ID] 'rHE: OEFIC~; U~ 'PHE CU[IN`IY IZ~CORDER, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFG: NiA. WHEREAS, L-he City Planning Cornrni:;sion ~id hold a publ.ic hearing at tt~E Civic Cer~ter in thf C?ty oE Anat~ei.m on C~ckober. 27, 19aG, at 1:30 p.m., ~tocice of said puUli.c: heariny tiaving beeri du1~ yiven as requiced by law and in accordance with tY~e ~xovi.sion~ oE I.he Anaheim Munici~~al Code, Chapter 1~.03, to hear and c;on:~idFr ~~vidence for und aqains~ said pr~posed variance and tu i.nve3tigate and make findi.ngs and r~ac~m,n~n~lati.ons i.n cor~nectiun therewith; and wficizE~+,9, said Cu:nmissior., af~:er ~~ue inspection, investigat`on and study rade by it~clf and in its behal~, and aEter due c~nsiderat.ion ~~ all evidence ancl reports o[Eered at said kiearirig, does ti~~d and dekermine the f.ollowin•l facts: l. That ~he petitioner prooo::s waivers o£• the following to permit tha construction ot a 23-lat, attache~ :~SiQenl•.ia1 condominium ~ubdivision: (a) SEC'rIOtJ 18.3.i.063.022 -• Minimum :tru~•~ural setback. ~~ ~(14 teet requir.ed for residPntial building wal.ls wi.th windows; 10 feet proposed) (b) S~C`fION ia.31.OG8 ~- Required sit.e screenit~~ . ~ (G-Cuat hi,;h l~lark wa11 a~9jacent to single- E~imily r.esidential ~oned pronerty to the ca:;t required; no wa].1 pro~o~ed) 'l.. Tha`: L•he ~above-mentioned waivers are he[~by yranred on tl~~ basis that there are sp~cial ciccumsiances applicable r.o the p[oE~Etty such as 3ize, sh~pe, to~ogra~ny, locati.cn and surrounrjinys ~aliich ~3o nut apply l:a oth~r identicall}~ ~oned pcoperty in tlic same vicinicy; and that strict application o£ the zoning Code Jepri~+~s r.he proper.ty of privileges enj~yed by ottiec proc~~cties i.n t-he identic,~l zone and clzss.iEicatian in the vicinity. 3. :'hat tYIEC~ are exceptional or extraor.dinary ~i.cumstar.ces or condiLions applic:ablF co thc pr~~erty invoJ.ved or L~ th~ intended use oE the pr~perty that do not aFpl,y ge~i°rally to c:h~ pro~~ArCy or clays oE use Ln rhe sarne vicinity and rone. ~. `i•hat the ceyuestad variance is n~~cessary for th~ precPrvacion and r,njoyment of d:iUbt3tc~71tia1 pcopcrcy r.Lgttt p~~s~e:~sed by oCher property in Che samP vic.inity an~j zonc, and denied to the ~rn~ecty in question. Og6hr PC86-270 _ . ,.».., 5. 'i'hat the requesCeci Vc1Ll~IlCE'_ wi.l.1 nc~t: be materially del•.rimental to the puUlic wcl.tare or ir,juriuus t~ the k~roper.~y or improvements in such vicini.l:y and zone in which the pco~erCy is located. E;. '1'hat•. ~ne person indicated her presence al• :cair3 public hearLng in op~~os:tion; and that no corrc:sE~unc~e~~r.e ~aas received in Op~03.Ltl.Ofl to subject ~et,;.ion. StdVTRONt4GNTAL IMPAC'C 1~ I.NlltNG: 'P.l~at Y_he Anaheim City 2aanning Co,nmission has c:evicwc~d the proposa.l to construct a 23-luh, aY.kached condominiwn ~:eside.ltial subc3ivision wiL-h w~tivers of minimum structural set~,ack and reyuired site screcni.ng on an irregularly-shapeci parcel of land consistin7 ot ap~roximately 16.5 acres locatad on both sides of Camino Grarc~e wesL-er'yo u~ the intersecL•ian o~ Caniino Gran~e and Nohl ltanch Road; and does hereby approve the Negative Declar~tion tagetl:er with ~~ny comn.ents rec~ived duz~ing ~he public review process and turther finding on the basis ~E the Initial Study and any commerits received L-tia-~ ti~ere is no substa!~* ia1 ev.iclence ~:h~'-t the project ~aill have a signif.i.canz et£-ect an Lh~ ~r~virorimc:ri•t. ~ NO"vl, THGRLI'ORL, ~E TT RE50L~/PU tliat the F~naheim City PJ.anning Commissi~n do~s hereby grant subject Pe'.:iti.on Ear Variance, upon tt,e following cc~nditiuns whic;h are hereby found tc, ~e a necessary pcecequisite to the ! praposed use of the subject propecty in urd~r to prf:serve I;hs satety and yeneral welfr~re of. the Citizens of the Cie,}~ oc Anahei.m: 1. That prior l•.o issuance oL a bui].ding ~~er.mit, l-he appro~~riat~ major thar~~uyhEar.e and bridge Lee s:~all. be paid to the Ci.ty of Anaheim in an amaunk as s~eciEied i.n the Major xhoruughf.,~re and Bridge Fee Program far tPie Coath.il.l/Eastern '.:zansportatinn C~:~rriraor, as appruv~d k-~y City C~uncil I2esolutioit No. 851~-423. 2. 'Phal• E~rior to f:ina.l tr.4~~ m~~p app~oval, special Eacili~ies E~~es sha11 be ~aid ko the Wat:er U~~ili~y L~ivisi.on by the dev~.loper fn ~~.cordance with Rulc 15G oE k.i~~ WaGCr UL-i:lit:y Rates, Rules and E:egulatio:ls. 3. 'Phat sub ject ~roperty shall be dE~v~loped substanl:ially in a~.cordance with plans anci spnciF.ication~ on `_'ile with th~e City oF. Anaheiin marked L•'xhibiL- N~~. 1 thr~~uyh 1'L. ~~; BG I'P rUR'l'ESER KGSULV~:D L-ksa1: thc i~.naheim City Planrliny Commis;,ion doP+s ' hereby Eind 3nd deter.mine that ~do~ti~n ok ~hi.s :~e~~~l.ution 13 ~~xpressly E~redicated upon appl.icant's COIf1p11utlC(' wi.tti each and all oE the conditions hereinabove ,et Eu[th. Shuuld ~any such condition, c~r ~ny part the~reof, be decla[ed ir-valid or unenforceat~.le by L}~e f:inal jucfgment oF a:ty cour.t of cornpet~nt juri^diction, L•hen thi:; Reso2ution, and a~~y apnroval:~ herein contained, ~hall b~. deetned ~ull <<nd ao.id. -2- ~'~, :~:~ ~ ~, . ~KF ;;~ ~ ,,~ ~ r,r~,,. +,~~ ; ~; ~ ; ,..,,,a _ ~. ~ ~,~jt~ ;.;':~ TFIE FOFtEGOi:NG RESOJ~UTION i~ signed a-~d approvecl by me t_hls 27th day `~i~ of Uctober, 1986. ;; ,` ,-""- ,~ /~'v ~ ~r.,-C~~7 i1,, :,~*''.f ,,~. ~-~ .~ ._.. CHA. ' ~ '~• Z12MAN ANA , H -___~ 1J'.[ M/ C I Z Y P L c~ A i tJ G CO ~ MMI SSION ATT~ST: ~, ;? ~ ';; ~ `';~t `' _ _,l.~f ,! ~%'~t,,, ~ - ;;?.{ ~~ SGGRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI01~ ~r S'CAT~ OF CALIL'ORNIA ) ~h COUN'PY OF OF2ANG1; ) s,. ' CI7'Y OF ANAHEIM ) 'j' ~ ~ `'t ~ ~ I- Edith I.. Ftarris ~ , Secretary ,~~ the Anaheim City plannin~ Commission, do liereby certiEy tnat. the Ear.•egoing resolut.ion was passecl and ~ adopted at a meeting of r1» ~naheim Cir_y i~lanni.ng Commission held on Or.tober ~ 27, :986, by the Eollowi.ng vote of, r.he memk~ers thereof: a AY~S: COMM7SSIONEKS: BOUAS, FRY, EiERk~ST LA C' ~ LAII2C~ LAWICKI, MC F3UI2NLY, MESSE N065: COMMISSTUNERS: NONE; ABSL•'NT: COMMISSIONEf2S: NONE IN WITNES5 ~AHI3RE0t , I have Pier~;:ato set my hand ~hi.s 27th day oE '' Octouer, 19g6, _ ~ ~ ; c .~ o- ") ~.CRG RY, ANAFIEITi t~I~'X p~p NING C'~ SSTON ~... ;; .~:; : ~; _3~ ~-.~ ~, PC86-270 ~r `~'~ ~ ,~ ; ~,-' „~ ~-r,. . ~, ~'( ,_ , ,,, . _ , . .. . .,. . ,, - ~ -- - - _ _. _ , . . : ,:~~tY