PC 86-271,. RESOI,'.1'CION N0. 1~C86-?.71 ~ A R~SOLU2'IOLJ Ol' TFIG AP]AHEIM CITY PI~AN~IING COMMTSSIOIV THAT 1'GT.TTION FOR VAHYANCE N0. 3613 BE GRAN'PEll WH~RL•;AS, Petitian Eor Vari ' Stre~~t, Auaheim, Pari:ridge Street, sikua~ed in the described as: the Anaheirn CiL•y Planning Cammission did receive a veriEied ance F rom TUM EiAGV'.iHORNL AND CONNIG HAWTH~RNE, 17 %~ Par tr idge Calif.or.nia 9280G, owners, and T,OUT~B BALLENTINE, 1775 Anaheim, California 92a06, ayenti for. cer~ain real property City of Anaheim, Count~,~ oP Orange, State of C~liEornia LOT 22 7.'F2ACT NQ. 9149, AS PER fdAP RECORD~D IN FiUOK 38U, PAGE 1 T~ 4 INCLiJSIVE, MTSCELL~;NE:OUS MAPS, !N THE OFFICC OF I'HG COUN2'Y NECQRDER OF SAIll COUN'rY. WNEREAS, ~he City P'lanning Commission did hold a public hear.ing at t;~e Civic C~ntcr in the Ci~y of Anaheim oi2 ~ctober 27, 1986, at 1:30 p.m., notice of :;aid ~u~lic heariny- h~v~.ng been duly given as requirEd by law an~l in accord~ir~ce with the ucovisions of r,ize nnaheim Muni.cipal Cade, Cha~t:ex 18.03, to hear and consider evidence £or and against said aroposed variance and to invas~iga~e and -na.ke [indings and recomlaendations in conn~ckion tharewi.~th; and WEIEREAS, s~aicl Commission, aEter duc: inspection, in~estigation and study mad~ by it.selF and in its behalF, and a[ter. due consideration oF all evidence and repcrts ofLe,red ar :;aid hearing, d<~es find aricl determine t:he Eollowing Eacts: 1. `Ptiat the petif:.inner prv~oses Wc~7.J~rS o£ the follnwing to retain an exi~t:ing patio cover in th~ RS-50U0 Zone: SI~CTTON .t£3.~7.063.03q - Minimum rear yarcl se~back. + (Mi.nimum J.Q-Eoot set:back required; 5-foo~~ sethack existing) 2. That tf~e a~ovc;-mentior~ed weiiver i~ here~y granted on the basis that, thezc ar.n special circumstances applic~3blc to the property such a~ size, :~ha~e, ~opography, ].ocal•.ian and surrounding~ whicli do not apply tu otner idenl-ical'l~ roned property iri the same vici.nity; ancl that strict ap~licatian of the Zcniny ~:ode deE~rive~ the property of. pri~~ileges cnjoyed by other properties in the ident.ica.l znnc and classif.i.cation in tlie vicinity. 3. That khere are excE~ptiorial or extraoriiinary circum~:ances c,r condition~ ~p~licable t~~ ~.he properky invc~'lved or to the inzended use Qf the property that do not 3~P1y generally to the pro~erty os class of use in thc :;am~ vicinity anc~ zone. ~. lhat thF~ ce~.~ue:~ted v~~riance .is necessary f~r lhe preservatior~ and enjoyment oE a substantial prnperty righ~ possesse;] by other pr~;~erty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to L-he property in question. 5. 'Pl~at the requested variance will nat be mater.i.ally dPtr~imrntal to kh~ public welEare or injuri~us to the prup~rty or improvements in s~!ch vicinity ~nd zone in which the pr.operty i.s iocated. 09G3r PCBf-271 .. ., .. . . ,:; r , . . _. ~'Xr• ,, ..M~.,, ~ '-.;C 6. `~hat no one indicated theic presence ak sai.cl public heari.ng in opposition; and that no corcespondence wa.s received in appositiori to subjec:t petitior.. ENVIK~NMENTAL IPIPRC'P F.l'NDING: The Planniny Director or his authori.zed represenr_~r.ive has det~rmined that ti~e proposed pro;ect Eails within the definition ~f Categorica~ Exemptions, C1ass 3, as deLined in the SraNP c~IR Guide~.ina~ and is, L•L~eref.ore, categorically exempt from the requirement to pcepa~e ~~n ~7R. NUW, ~H)3RFFORE, BB IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City P.lai~nir.y Commissiori does herehy grant subjerr. Petit:~on fur Variance, upon the fo.llowing condit~ions which are hereby found to l~e a nr~cessary prerequisit~e t~ the proposed use of. t_he subject pro~erty in or~er to preserve tt~e safeky and general welfare of th~ Citizens oF rhe City of Ar.aheim: 1. That subject properr,y shall be develuped subsrantial.lx in accordance with plans and specificar_ions on file with the City o~ Anahei~n marked Exhibil: Nos. 1 attd 2. BL IT PURTH~R RESOLVGU khat: the AnahE.im Cit.y Planning Camm:ission does hereby £ind and determine ttiat <~dopkion of t-.k~is ltesolur.ion iw expressly predicated ~.~pon applicant's compliance with each and all af the conditions hereinaUove set Forth. Should ~ny such condition, ur a~~~~ part ehereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgrnent oE any court of conpetent jurisdi.ction, ~.hen this Resolu'•.i~n, and any approvals hPr:=tn cont:a.Lned, sh4i11 be deemed null and void. 'PHE FOI2GGOING RGSOLU'I'ION is signed and ~pNeaved by me this 27th day o~' OctobEr, 1986. c.C ') .~'>/ i.: .. . ~.~..ir.Gl~.~ ~,, L~,~~ ~," ;-^'';'"~' /:, CHAIRMAN, ANAH~IM CI'PYT i~LAj~1tJING COM.MTSSIO[J ATTEST: !~ -~-J • ~ ~_ SECR~TAR'l, NAHEIhI ~ITY I?LA IdTNG COMM2SSIUN S'l~iATE OF C~~LI['ORNIA ) COU[~'PY OF ORANGE ) ss ~ (:ITY Ob' ANAHL•'IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, 5ecr~~hary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, c7~~ hereby cerr.ify tha-: t.he Poregoing r?soluti~n wa~ passed and adopted at a meerinq oL the Anahei.m ~it~~ P]anni.ny Commi~sion held on October 2'l, 198fi, by the E~i:. -~-~i ny vor.e oE the membcrs rhereof : AYES: CqMMiSSI0t7ERS: BU~:.. C12Y, HER35'P, LA CLATRE, LAWTCK.I, h1C BURt~_~.'!, MESSG NOE~: CUf4MISSIUNGRS: NONE ABSENT: COh1MISSIONERS: NUtdE IN WITNESS WHERL~F, I ha~~_ hereuntu set my tiand this 27i:h day of Octc,ber, 1986. , ~Ll r-_ ,~_,_,_,~~~~w' , „ , ~~ ~;ECl~F'PARY, ANAHEIM CITY L~LADININ(i COMMZSSION -2- PC36-271. ~ ;~. ''i ~G