PC 86-28,.^^. ~J ~ RFSOLU'.L'ION N0. PC86-28 A IiESULU`rION U~ THE ANAHLTM CITY PL.ANNING COMMiSSIpN 'PHA2' YLT.i'i'ION 1'OR CUNU7'PIONAL f)S~ pERMtT N0. 7.755 BE G!2ANTE~ WHh:R~AS, L•i~e Anaheim City P.lanning Comtnission did receiv~: a vexif.ted Pet.ition ior Conditiorial Jse Permit froin HEi,LEDGER A. MIMS, J.310 Red GU~r~ Street, Anaheim, California 9'~806, nwner o.l certain real proF~erty si~ua~ed in ,,,, th~ C:ity of An~,heim, County ~t Urange, State of. CuliFornla, de,cribed as: THUSF. POfi7.'IGN:t pi' LO`P 7, L~LQCK 6 U[' THE GOLDI:N STATE TRAGT, AS SFIUWN UN A MAP ftECU,lDCD IN DOOK 4, PAG~S 66 AND G7 OF MISCEL'LANEUUS MAFS, RECORDS U[` ORANGE COUNTY., CALTrORNIA, + UE:SCPILiED AS FOLLOWS: k~AR.CEL 4 AS SfiO~~~tJ ON A MAP 1 iLLU IN [iUOK 146, PAGE 5f] OF P1~RCLL MAPS IN 'i'HE OrE'ICL OF TF(B Cr~UNTY RF•,CQRDER OE' QRANGC COIINTY, CA~~IFUI2PJIA. ` WEiER~AS, the City Planniny r'ommi:;sion did hold a public hearxng at '~ tl~c; Civic: Center in the City uf Anaheim on ,1anu~ry 2~, 1986, at 1:30 p.m. , 4 notice uf said public hear.ing having been du.ly given as required by law and in a~cordance with ttie provisions oE the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1f3.03, to hear and consider evi~ience for acid again~t said pro~osed conditi~nal use permit anrl to investiyate and make findinas und recommendations in connection therewitk~; anu W~iCREAB, said ~.o~unissi~n, aiter due inspection, investi.gati.on and study made by i~Uelf and in its ~ehalt, and afker d~ie consideration uf all evidencf: a:~d re~r~rts oftercd ah, said he~~ri.ng, daes find and detertnine khe fr~llowing Fact~: ''' 1. Tl~at the E~ro~?ased use is ~roperly one f.or wP~icti a conditional use ~ermit is authorized by Anahe.irn Municipa.l Codc Section t: wit: ; to permit a mobilehoin~ used Eor te~L•ing, demon~tration and 4it~play of ~' mobilwhome-rela~ed prr,auc:t:s wi~h waiver. oE the follawing: i' r ;' S~C'i~IUNS .18.06.U5Q.U31y - Minimum numbe~ uf parkLng ~pac;:,. ~ 1.8.OG.0a0 (15 pArkiny rspaceo reg~iced; w ANU i8.61.066.U50 . 11 oacking ~paces ~,ropoye~i) ?.• T:~ai_ the ~ropused ~.~aiver is gr.anted on the hasis that the parking waiver wi11 noe cause an increas~ i.n traF~'ir congestion in the immediate vicinity nor aciversely aLfect any a~joinir.g land u~es and granti~n,y of the parkiny waiver unu~~r the concliZions imposed, if any, wi11 not be detrimental to thc peace~ healr.h, safety and ger~eral welL-'are o[ the citizens oE the City of Anal~eim; and on l-he basir~ th~t tt-e rnubilehome is a tempar~r.y use ~dh.ich can be cemoved whrn addit.fonal parkiny becotr.e: necessary, ~s. 'ih~~t the prupos~u use will not auver~ely afEect the adjolning lanJ usey anci L•he growth and deve'lopment of the area in 4~hich it i:~ pr~posed tu he locatc~d. 07UOr PC86-28 ~: ~~~e ; ,:~ ,~ ._._ . .. ., . . __ _ .,.,.., _.._ ....,...,. •yy~g{~y}~ [+~ , . .. . . _ . . .. . . .. . .... ... . . .. . ~ .. ..... . .~, .. . `f.~ . ;`(4r~' ~°S'1 . ~~i; +b f ~~?I~}e~~Lt`,PYJ~ ~ ~ ~'.i.tii~ ~ ~' ~ 1 3. That the ~ize t~nd sha,~e oE the sil•~ pr~ppsed tor the use is aaequat.e to allow the Eull development oE the prnposed use in a mranner not detrimental to the parl•icular area nnr t.o the ~eace, health, safety and yenera:t welfare ox the Citizens a[ the Ci.ty oE Anahe.im. , :'; 4. That the gr.~3nti,n,y of the Condikional Use Permit under the `` condil:iaris imposed, it any, wi'!1 not be detr.iment:al to ~he ` w;,,; ~~,cety an~i gc~neral wel.[are ot the Citizens ot the CiEy of Anah~im eace, health, ; ;,; , :; ~ 5. That the tr~aftic generated by l•.he proposed use will not impase an ';~ und~.ie burden upon the streeCs and highways designed and improved to carry the :~r traf~.ic in the area. h. That no ane indicated their presence at saad public hearing in upj~osition; anc! that no cor.r~spondence was received in opposil:i.on ta khQ subject petition. ENVIRONME[JTAL 7MP~1C7~ FIIrD1NG: That the Anaheim Czty r'lanning Coinmission has reviewed the ~rop~sal to permit a mobilehome used f~r testinc~, demonstration and display of mubileh~me•-relatecl products with waiver of ~ rninxmum n~~mber uf parking spacc~ on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land { con;,.istiny of approsimately 0.5U acee having a F.rontage uf approxima~ely 110 ~ feet on the east; sidE of Red Gum Street, and i~urther desrribed as ;320 North ' Red Gum StreeL-; and does l•ierehy ~pj~rpVn ttie Negative Ueclaration upon f:indin,y ti:at it has ~onsidered thc: Negative Declaraticn tc~geth~r with any commenta receive~~ during L-he public eEView pcocess and ~urkher finding an th~ basis of the ini.tial study and any cotnment~ received that there is no substantia.l evidence kha~ the project wi.ll t;ave a,i.gn.ific~;nt efPect nn the environment. NUW, ~'HEREEOI2E, t]E 17~ R~;SOI,VFsD th<~t r_he Anaheim City Plannitig Cummis:~ion ducs hereby qrant subjecL• Petitian Lor Conditianal Use Permik, upon the following conditions which are her~by Ec~und to be a r~ecessary ~rerequisite to tt~e prop~sed use of. the subj~ct pr~perty iri order to p,eeserve the safety and gr,~t.~;al welfare ~f tl~e Citizens o;: the City of An~~heim: 1. fihal• the owi~er. of. subjert. ~,roperty shall pay t~ the City of Rnaheim a Eee Ear str.eet ligliting alorig K~d Gum Skceet in an amount as dr~tertnined by the City Counci.l. 2• TP~at subject conditiorial use permit shall be exercised in conjuncti~n with thc existing business on1y. In the event that the ex.isting bu~iness relocates or, terr,iinate:, the mobilehome sha11 be removed anr 3ub jf~ct c:onr~itiona.l u~e permit shall termina~e. 3. That ~:he m~~bilehoitiie shall not L•e u:~ed for of.ficP, storage oc other. ~imilar ufes which may necessita~e addikiunal parking. 4. 'i'hat Condition No. 1, above-men~i~ned, shall be completed within a period oi sixty (6U) days Prorn the date of this reso.lution. 5. ~hat aubject property sha11 be developed sub~tantially in accordance with ~lans and specificat-ions ~~n Eile with the City af Anai~eim macked Fxhibit :lo. 1.. -•2- PC8E-28 . . n ~ _ ~ . . .. , . . . .. . ~ ~ . r . . . . ., h . ~ . . .. 4.~ :~~.~'{',.j.'~ ii' 7' t ,~~~ ~• That priar to final building and 2oning insoectiuns, Condition No. 5, above-tnentiotied, st~al] be comk~liecl ;~a.th, BE IT ~UFtTHF;It RESOLV~D that khe Anahei[n Cit,y Planning Commission doe~ hereby iind and d~termine that arlopt.ion ~f this R~so.lution i~ pxptessly predicat~d upon applicant's compliance with each and al.l of the conditions hereinab4ve set farth. Si~ould any ;~ucl~ conditions, ar. any pact thereof, be ~.~ec].ared invalid ~r unenforceabl~ ay the Final judgment ~f any court of cc~mpetent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and an,y approvals herein contained, shG.ll be deemed i~u11 and voiu. 1~`PTEST; /,., . ~ ~ Sf;'CRE'i'AIZY, ANAF{LIM CI'PY PLA[VNING COM IM SSION ;fj ,,~. _ ,::~J .' THL FOREGOING RL•'SOI,UTION is signec] and approved by mH this 2pth day of January, 1986. ~~ l''.~/ ~ ~~~ ~~_ ~,~~` ,~ :-'~~~ ._. CHAIk2~~fOMAN, ANAHETbI CITI P ANNIMG~ CQMMISSION STATE UC CALI~'U12NIA ) COUNTY U[ URAtdGB ) ss. C:ITY OF ANAY,E"2M } I, Fdikh L. Harris, Secret~ry of l-he Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion, d~ tierehy certify that the Poregoing resalution was adopted at a meeting oL- thie Ar~aheim City Flanning Commission held ons J nuar~ 2G, 198ti, by the Pollowing vote oE t~~e members there~f: NOLS: COMMISSIUNL•'RS: HONL ADSENT: COMINISSION~'R5: N~)NE AYH'S: COhIMISSIONL•'I2S: BOUAS, F'gy, IiERaU'P, I,n CLAIRE, LAWICKT, MC BURCJEY, MESSL !N WITNESS LdHEREUf', I Have hereunto set m;,~ hanci this 20th day of JanuarYr 1985. . ~ . SL•'CR~"PAR , ANAH~,IM CITY PI.ANNiNG CUMMISSION -3- PC&6-2 B '; ~;i