PC 86-284c~ . ,., ,,. ~ i ^ ~i- RESULU'I'F.ON i~~Jp~,rpCgG_Z84 A F.E5ULU'1'ION (i~ `1'HE ANAf{EIM CI'PY PLANNiNG CUMMISSSON TffA'i' YI~'PI'.PION E'UR C;')L~II)I'I'IONAI, USE Pf:RN,I`!' N0. 28=8 BI~ GRr1NTF.D wlif:[thAS, Che J~,n~hei.m City Planninc~ Comrni~sion dicl ceceive a veri~ied Petilion tor Conditzoual ti~e I>ermi.t from TOM '1'ALt30'1', 5 CypCess Tree, Irvine, ~,ali.Eornia 9'1715, nwner of certain xe~l pcoperl•y aituatcd ir~ the ~zry ~t Anahe:im, Counr_}; oP Oranye, State of CaliEornia, described as• PAI2C;E;L 1, Ih TEiL CITY UE' ANAEIETM, AS SilGWN UN A MAP RECORUED IN [3UUK 111~ PAGE(S) 45~ Uf'' PARCEL NL1[~S 7N 'L'H'3 OL~"r'T~::}; ~:)i~ THE CI~UN'PX I2L''CORUER OF SAI U (;OUC7TY . `.~rIEt~REAs, !:he City Planni.~.iy Comrnission did hold a public he~~ring at the Civic Center in lhe City ot Anaheim on N~vembtr 10, 19a6, at .1:30 p.m., notice of said pui~~ic :;~arinq i~avi.ng beei~ ~uly ~;iven as required by law ~and in accordanc~ wit}i thc pr~visio~is of the Anaheim Municip~l Code, Cha,~teC 18.03, -.o hear and consider evidence for and ag~.i.nsr Sai~ ~~roposed cpnditional use F~ermil anu t.~ inv~sl•iqatE~ ar.c] rnake findinys and r.ecummendations in connection there~wiL'n; and ~:~EZf:As, ::~lid C~mmi;:siun~ a[ter duF inspeckion, invesL•igation an~3 stud~~ made by itself and in its b~half, and ufte, due ccinsidE~cati~~n o£ all E•~i~]enc:e and repart:; oEf.~_ced a~ s~id her~riny~ du~s find anrJ deteKmine th~: fc,llowin9 tuct~: ~.. Tha~ L-he propo:;~d use i~ proE~er.ly o,,~~ tor which a cr~ndih..ional ~~se ~ec;nit is autharizeJ :,y r~ah~~im Municipal Cuu~ aGCflvtl 15;,6.1.~5U,07G to r~t,Tiin an e~ti~liny auto repair faLility in th~ ML (induaL•rial, I,imited} toi~E wi~h •;,he Lvllowiny w.aiver: SE:C'I'IONS 1p,p6,~,U.U~~ •. Minimum nwn:~e.r uf ~arkin~ ;:,paces. ~ if3.U6.05G.G222 (73 s~~aces r~r,uircrd; 41 space~ ^ AND 18.~i1.~G6.Q5U (56'~ ot code rec;uiremant) pronosed) ~.. 1'Lat the ~~bove-r~ques~:~~d waiver is i~er~~~y yrat~ted on the b~;;i,, ~bat tt:e pa[kin~ w~~iv i er. tiie imrnediat~~ vicinity w ll nar ~~,u;,~ n~r d ~n zncr~e,se i~~ traEf.ic congeyL-ion in qran~iny of th~ par'r,iny ~~ v~~r3ely ~aaivc d ~if~,r.t an.y adjoininy land usen 1~~ bc detrimeiltal ~~ l•he r un er t.he co-id.i~i~~r~s imposed, iC any, will n:~t ~.:it.izen, ~C the ~:ity of peac~, hea.lth, Anaheim. ;atet•.~ and y~nEra1 j:eiPate of the 3. 'Phac th~ ~uCo reE;a~ ~ ~4~iliL-y vras im~~op~~r. ly est~ulished vn L•his ProE~Erry befo.e :;ubmi.tt:al or. ~S~F~CCitdL ot Cni.:, r~~~~iL•ior.ul ;~s~ perr~it. 4• That th~r pru~~c,n~~cl u.;e Ni 1_ 1 not adt•f~rsely afEeck t.~~ ad joininy land u3es :~nc; ;.}~e ur.~~wt}~ und d~y,•lcpr~:~nt of: r_ne area in w;itr.h i.t is propn~ted tU be Iocateci. 5. 'Ch,~! tna :;ire aau sh,a~~e o[ tt~~ sitf~ prGpo:~r~d for the u~e ts dC1GqUr'IY,C t0 c:I1c1W Lhn FUI1 <.it~velof~mrr~C of Cll~) pr.opused U3~~ ltl c, manner (14t detri~nerital to ~h~. ~.~~ri.i.~uiar .~rea nor r~ thc~ E:,eace, h~aalth, sa~ety ~nd y~necal weafare r~k tne Ci~izen:3 ~t the ~:. .y ~~f Ar.~eh«i~n. U976r [~C86-i84 ~: iNS'r,~;~ ~ •r.: ~ . . . . ._ .. .,, . . .. . . . .~..., .. ., - . _ ~ ~ ,: r_~r~s~:n~r~;~~~?~t~, ~ .~. ~:~: ~~ 6. conciitions 'rhat t.hc gra~;tiny imposecl iF a of. tl,e Canc3il•iona.l Use Permi.t und~r the ~afety and , ny, yeneca]. welY'<1re ~~ E will t'ie nol- be ~iti~ d~:trimental ta the peace, health, . zens of t:tic~ ~~~ Y o t Anahe.im. 7. undue buGde Thal• thc~ CrafEic n u~on thE~ stre~~G ycnerated by t•t~e proposed us~ will not impo~e an traxfic in s tl~e area~ and highways desigr,eci and improved to carry the II. That. one per:.on indicated his presence at sai.d ~ublic hearing in oppvsition; and i:nal-. no corresporicience was r.eceived i.n op~osih.ion to the sabject ~~etition. F;tiVIRC~NPIENTAL TM}~ACT f.I1JDING~ ~lhal th~~ Anaheim Ci~y Planning C~mmi~sir~n has revi.ewe~ tlie pro~o;;a], to ~et:ain an existing attto repair ~ac;:lity in tne D1L iinciu:~trial, Limited) 2one w:ir,h waiver ui thE ininimum number of: ~~arki.ny spucP~ ~n a rec~~ngularly-sha ed oE approximately 0.32 ar_re, having a F.ronta E of a Pazcel 'of !and cons.isting so~~tn side of ~fa1:1 Road ar d Furthe ~ 9 PProxir~at~.ly 224 ieet ~n the "~" ); and daes h~ce~~y a~provc the P3 ry t i ~rzDeclarati~n upon findi y athat nit has con;idered tha Nega~ive Declaration together. suith any cnmments received duriilg tne pGblic reviEw process and iurther tinr:~xny on the basis of the inil-ial stud; ~ind any cun~ments rF~cei ved that Lhere is na suby~antial evidence that the ~rojEC;. will ha~e a siynificanL- ef.fecl- on the environment. ~~~~'+~~ THEItEr~:~ItL, f3L•' IT RESOI,VED that the An3heim ~ity Planni~ig i:ommission doe~ !-,ereby < ranc yllb]~~~ p~~~~,~~i~ fo~ ~,ondik:iona.l Use Permit, t;ppn the L-ollowin~ cr~r~dition: wha.cn are hereby found to bQ a nece~sary prerequisite lo the ~ropa~ed use oF' the subject nrs~perty in order to ~reserve the ~atety and general welfare of L•~e c;itzzens of Che Ci~y of Anaheim; •t• ThaL- sidewalks shu~ 1 t,e insL•a.l.led aloriy ~3aI1 Road as req~~ired by tn~ Ci~y E,nyi~~cer ~nd i~Z accordance witn ~tai~c3~r~3 t. ~ :specifi.caLions ~n file in tlie Office ot l-hc~ City Enyine~r, p~ln~ and 2• That ~he ~ro~,n=,i1 ;;h~7? i comply with a.ll :;iyn.i iy r~c:~uirements uf thc t~1L Zanc~, ~nless 8 VaC1~Rc:E` -31 ~.OWlllc3 si~3n wqive~ s is ~~pp:~~~ed by the Planning Comm;s~.zUn or City Counr,il. 3. That no outdoor sto~ a~ae oE or work ~.~n venicl~cs or vehicular p;~ ~;; :~hall be permi.t~ed, 4. That prior. to tt e time tnaL :; puilcli~~y l,~rrr,it i:, issue~9, or wir!;in a period oE ninety (9p) c~ays f.rom the date oF f.hir~ ter;Uiution, ~~hict~ever occurs Lir ~t, exer.ure ~ tne own~~r(s) ~f ~unj~ci: f~roPa=~y ~ha11. anci rE~:orc; a cONE'fldflt in ~~ £or..~ a~~r~v~:cl by the Ci.t-y Attorn~~;'~ :~~fice wh~~rein such owi1~+~. (S) u.?ree not to conL•est tite formation oE ~~ny as:~ea;;me:nt di.stcict(s) which ;nay I~ez~:afLer b~ for.rnc.~d pursuant to tt~~ ~ro•~isi.r~ns ~~E Uevelopm~anr Ayreem~~n~ No. (~3_p2 ~,e~ween ct:~~ Cit:y r~~ ~nah~im ~t;td ~nahf+im St<~diwu Aesociat~~;~, whic:f; di.strict(~) could l.nc~udc such owner':s propr_rLy. Failurc: ~:o comply wirh rhi:; condition wi.thin tne :~pr_~~iFied +:.im~~ s:~~3.11 render ~:hi~ conditt~nal use ~~czmit nu.il and oi~. t `.. Th~au r.hE~ t,cirtir~~~ sr.~•uctur.~~ shali com~ly ~,rith the ,ni~;imt;m 3r.~;~~~~da ~ oE the C}.Cy oE .~naheim, fncluc:ing thc Unicorm Hui;din;i, ?lumbing, ( ~lectri.cal, c4echr~nic~~1. and Pttie r_ocien as ad~pl•e:d -,;~ th~ Cit,y o` o An~heim. -2w PCti6-'l84 ~ "'~ ~ . . ~ ~ . .. 1.~~}j~ p • ~~. ' ~ ~' . ~ 1:. '. ~~ , . ~,' -~ ~.•.. r~ ~. Tl~at subject prop~:rty st~all be developeci substr•.nti~ally iri ~ccorda-~ce wiCh ~lans and sE~eci[.ications on filE: with the Ci.ry oi Anaheim mc,rked H:xhibiL Dlos. 1 and 'l. 7. That prior. t~ final buildi.ny an~ •r.or,l.ng inspe;,tions ac within a per.~od of r-inety (90) ciays ~rom the d~tit~~ of l•.his resolution, whichevec accurs Cirst, Condit:on [Va.s. 1, 4, 5 ~nd 6, above-~mentio;;ed, sha11 be complied with. RF; IT FURTNGR RGSOLVF;O that khe A~~heim City glanning C~mmir~sion d~es h~reby find and rietermine that adoption u~ this Resolurion is expX~ssly ~:redicated upo:: app:licant's campliance ~i~h each and all of th~.~ conditia~.s herei.nabove set forkr,. Shou.id any ~uch conditions, or any part th~rcof, be cieclarea invalid or. ianentorceable liy Lh~ Cinal judyment of any court oF competent jurisdict.i~n, th~n this Iteso.lu ion, and a:~y uppr~val~ herein contained, ;,hall br deemed nu1'1 an~] void. ~h , TF1L•' CUftEGI~ING ItGSOLUTION i~ sig-~ed and appCOVed by tne thzs lOth day of Movamber, 1986. , •, ~ l~ ~ ` ~~,';'~; ~ ,. ~, . , ~..~ Cf ,';~;;:,.~,~ CHAIRNl11N, ANpE~~M CITY PL~NING rOMMTSSTON ATTES~': ~ _ • ..L~ 'L-i '.r~. r i1-,- -~% SEI;Rc;TI+J Y, AN~~HGIM CI'P'± pLANiJING C:C~t4MISSION S7'ATG UF CALIFORNIA 1 CUUN'PY UF ORAClGE j ;;s, CI`I'Y OC T,PJA}IEIM ) I, Ed~th L. ;iar.ris, sccrel-arf of the ~~naheim Ci.ty Qlanning ' Commiss.ion, c~o hcrehy ~:er~iCy L-hat the torego.ir.y resolution was pas~ed and ad~ptti~ at a meetiny oi tnF_ Anaheim ~'i~y Planniny Commis:;ion beld on November '', 10, 1966, by ~ne fo.IJ~winy vutc~ of the members thFreof: '~` AYr:S: CUFI[r25SIUPJERS: BOUA5, EiLE2BS'P, LA Ci,AIKE, LAWICI:I, MC EU:2NE;Y~ MESSE MOES : COM~,J SSIUN~I2S : [JONE ABS~NT: CUt1F1I5STU[1F.CtS: r'Ity IN `~J!'PNEGS WFIL•'f2EUE, Z haU~ her.etlnto aet ir,y hand th.is lULh ~9ay oE 11o~~emt,~r, .1986.. ~u•~:~~ - _~~____.__._,/~~~-bt~/1 , SECRE'i',RY, ANAHLIN C;~'~y pi;pNNING _'0 C MMiSSION -3- ,.,,f; ;. o~i~se PC86-284