PC 86-287I'~`, RGSOLU'rI~N r1o. Pca6-?.E37 A RE ,OL[3'rIOt~ UE TciF AN~'~HETM CITX }?LA[dN1NG COMMISSION 'PHAT PG'I'ITION FOR CONDI`~IUNAL USL PERM'ST iYU. 28`~5 I3E GRANTED, IN ~'ART a t ~ ~.~ ~ t~i k WEiERF:AS, the AnahEirn Cit,y Planniny Commission did teceiv2 a verified Fatition Lor Condition~l Use Permit From RIC[~ARD G, SAYLOR AND BARBeIRA L. SAYLOR, 804 West Broaciway, Anahei~r~, CalifoY:nia 9280ti, owners at certain real pro~erty situate~ in the City of Anaheim, Cour~ty of Orange, State of Californiar described as: COMMGNCING AT A~QIN`P ON THG WESTERLY LINF. CE CITRON S7'R~ET TW~NTY-UNE ANll SEVEN'TY-FIVF HUNDREDTHS (21.75) FELT SUUTH i5° EAST OL` THE NQRTHI:AS°~'ERLY CORNER OF' VINEY?.i~i) LO`P "F-7" ~ AS SHOWN ON A M?~P RGCOF.DED Ifd BUOK 4, pAGLS 629 ANll 630 OF DEEDS f RGCOftilS UF LOS ANGEL~~S COUtd'.CX; RUi.~NIN~ THE~ICE SOUZ'ti 15° EAST ALONG THE WESTGRLY 'LI[vG OF CTTRON S'I'REET ON~ HUNDREU SIX'PY-F7VE FEF.T (165 ); THENCE SOUTH 75 ° Wr ST PARALLEL WITH t3R0,ADWA:' STREET ONE HUNllRED r^EE`: ( 100 ); '.PHLNCE NORTIi 15 ° WEST F`ARALi,~L WIT.H CITRON STRE~T ONE HUNllRED SIXTY-1IN~ 1~EFT (165) TO `'iHE SOUTH L'INE UF BROADWAY ;;T~2~E'i'; AN~ THuNCE NUIiTH 75° EAST ALONG `PHE SOUTH ~•TNE ~P 13ROADWAY STRFET ONG HUNt7RLll F'EET ( 100 ) TO THE ??OTNT OE 13EGINNINC. WHERL••~~15, the City Planning ~ommissi:~n did hold a public hearing at tk~~~ Civic Center in thc Cit~~ c.f Anaheim on Novemk~er 10, 1986, at .1:30 p.m., notice ~f sazd public hearing haviny been dul,y giv~n as required by law and in ac;cord~ance wa.th thc provis.ions of the Anaheim Municipal Cod~, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consid~r evidence L•or and ~gainst said proposed c~ndi.~iunal use permiL- anc9 to investigate and make rindings anc9 r~~co~rm~ndat;.ons in connectioTi therewith; said public hEaring having been continued to the Planning C~mmis~ion meetiny oE Novemuer ?.4, 1996; and W[•lEREAS, s~id Commission, at'.tec due insr~ection, investigation and study made by itse:L~ and in its bchali, and af.ter due considerat~.on of. all ~vidence ancl reports offered at said hcari.nq, does find and determine the folJ.owing Pac~s: 1. T.hat *.he ~~rupc~sed use is pco~~erly c~ne L-or which a conditional use permi.t is authorired by Anar~c-im M~tni~i~,al Code Section 18.3:.050.00~ lo wit: to perniit. a bed and breakfa:t in-i with the follawing waiver: SE•;CTION 18.U4.130,Q?U - Maxiinum area oP Lre4standiac~s~ns. ~ ~ ("l square f:eet p~rmitte~; 9 s uare feet ~roposed; r 2. 'Phat the request:ec] waiver is hereby ~~ranted, in part, pernittiny a rhree (3) squar.e Foot ~~ign on Lh:~ basis that ther~z are special circumstances applicable to the ~ropert,~ such as ~ize, sha~e~ topograph;~, lucation and j sucroundings whi~h do not ap~ly tn other identically znn~~ pr~~~erty in the sz_me vicinity; arid i:h3t• scri.ct applicaLion ui ~he Zuning Cude dEprives the property of privileges enjoyed by ather pcoperties i-i ~h~~ ic:ientical ~or~~ and - classif:ication in the vicinity. 0981r PC86-287 ;~ . ,, , , . , . ~ ~. ;:~ ..t~ .~ ,,,l~'~t.~~ . .~. .. ~ ..~. ~~ i~ , . . . , . . . ~ . ~ . . ~ ~. , . . . ~~M1 3. ~Pnat ~he propor~~d use w±ll nol: a~~vera~ly a[£ec`: ~he adjoining land use:~ end t;he crov~Lh and developmenh ~~f ~he area in which ic is pr~~po~ec~ to be locatcd. 4. Trat th~ size and shape oE l•hc :ite E~roprscd For the use is ad~~c;uate to allow the Lull deva.l.o~ment of ~.he ~~ro~osed u~e i.n ~ manner not d~trimental Lu the I~~;rticular ace~a nor to *_he peace, h~alth, saEety and r• gei~er.al weltare af: ~he Citiz,~n~ ot the City of Anahei.m. .5, Tt~at r_ha grantinq of: ~hc Condir_ional Use Permil: unc'er the conditi.ions im~;osed, if any, will net Ue detcimental to the peace, health, safet.y and yener~l welfarca CE Ghe Cit~..,ens ot the ~~ii~y oE Anaheir.;. 6. 'Phat: the ~raff ic r,enE~rat.ud 'oy Gtie ~rop~sed use wi? 1 noc impose an ~2nd~.~e ~ur.d~~n u~on tiie stre~~ts arid highw~3y~; designed .ind ~m~r~~ved tu carry Che lraft.ic in ~_he acea. 7. Th~~t rhrE:e pe~Sn~~;; 9.nd.ic~ated t:.h.eir preser,ce at t:~E Navember 10, ~986 publzc h~~~ring and no one indic«ted tnei: ~:~sence at th~~ Nc~vembec 24, 1986 puLlic heariny in c~~~positian; a-~d L•hat no correspondence was received in , oppo~ itio~~ to *_he subjecr_ ~t.~lition. ~NVIROtJh1EN~PAL Ibil?A~~T FINDING: 'fhal Lhe Anaheim City Planning Co~nmissic~;~ has c~viewed th~ propo~al to permit a bed and breakFast inn wiL•h ~aaiver of iraximum area c>f. a fr~estandi.nc~ sign osi a rectangularl~~-shaped parcei oC .l~nd consi.sti~iy oE approxii~ately U.32 acre located ac the so~thw~st corner of: ~roadway and Cil•ron F~creet, ilJ1C~ f.,rther des~:ribed a~ 804 WesG ~roadway; and does hereby approve the NegaY_ive Declaratiuc~ upoh ~in~ing that: zt has consider~ci tne t•Iegative 1)nclar.ati<~n together with any comments reeeived during the public r~~view procrrss a;~,c9 f:utchec -:.indi.ny on the basis of tk~e iai~ial :~tudy and any co;nrnenr_s received that tnF~re is no s~:bstanti~~l. evidence that the nroject will have a signiEitarit e~[er_r_ on the envir,~nment. NOW, ~PFlI.RI:LURL, E3c: I'1' RLSOLVED ~hat t_i~c Anaheim Ci.t:f Planning ~o;nmi:;3ion does h~~reby grant subjrcY. Petition [nr Conditiun~~l U:,e Pecrr;i.t, upo: ~.he followi~~q conditi~~ns whicr: ace here~y f.o~nci ~u be a necessary ~~rf:r~.yuisite +.~ ttze pco~~,ed c•r>e of. the ;ubiect ~~roperty in crde: ~c~ preservA tna 3aEety and yenetal welfar~~ r~f th~~ Citi.zen:; oE tF~~ Ci.ty ot An~ha:itn: ,; "F i. That t!~~ owner. ~f. :~~1Ujr_ck pcoper.ty snall icrevocably oEEer to dedicate ~ ~c ~he City ui .~natieim a strip ~~t land 'L6.75 feet i.n width Ero~~n the cPnterline ~~f th~ atrc~c~L• al.ung F~rnadwuy for sr..~~et wic:~±niny pucpose~. 4.y c "l. 'rhar. rh~~ ~wri~:r ot ;~ubject pro~r_rty shal.i 1CCC~j~!r%°bly cffer to dedicate ~ tc, i:hf~ riey of. Anaheim a:;trip oi lan<i !0 Cee~ i~~ width from the cec~Cc~r.line oC the all~y, and ~~onditioned upon tt~e ct:moval £or. any :ca:,on a~ th~~ inter.ferin~~ st.ru~tur~~s, Eor ~,1?~y w~dei-iny purQose~. ?. 7'i~aL• hhe own~~ 3ha11 r.~~m~ve exi~tiny strect imorovementa .~long ~3roadw~:y :nclu~3tny the r.caft'c signal if necessary and construcl•. UltfTn~lt:J ~:trees_ im~rovement~ .at ~heir ultimate local•ion, incl~~dtng a h.andica~~ aec:?se ramp aC southwest r,o.ner of F;roadway and Citcan Street, and I::~e CraFEic 3.iyn41 iE n~ces~ary. Ti;~t secu~iry in r.he Eorm of. a bond, certif icate oE depo~it, let.r.er of crFdit, ~,r. ca~;h, in ~~n amount ranc~ fnr.m ~atir~f.ackory -~~ the CiL•y nf Anai»im, sh~ll be L~C86-287 ~ °'"+, C~o,tc~d with tt~~e City to ~~uarant~e ~he satisfactor.y completion of caic~ improveinan~~. S~x.id :~ecucity sha:l.l be postec] with the City prlor to bcayi.nning trie acL•ivity authorized by thi~ condit:ional. u~e permit Ca gu3rantee ct~e con:~trucL•ton nr the above-r~quired i~~rovements within six (6 ) rnonti~s Erom the d~.tc~ ol' apprnval. pf this conditional use pcrmi.r. , ~1. Th~at; subj~ct prc~E~err.y s~~all be d~~ve.loped subsr.~ntially in accordance ' with pJ.ans and specific~~ions on Ei.1e wil.h the City of Anaheim mazkHd Lxhibit Nus. 1 thr:~uqti 6; pr.ovided, howevex, l•.hrlt ttie sign size shall be li.rni.ted L•o a m~ximwn o! thr.ee {J ) square fEet. 5. That ~~iur t0 .LSSUc1RCP, of a building ~~ermit., or within a pr•.riod of one yeac trom the daCe ~f this resolution, wP~.ic:he~~er occurs f~.rst, (:ondition Nos. 1, 'Z and 3, aheve-mentioned, shal.l be complied witl~. k.xte-tisions tor further ti~~e L•o cornpl.ete said conditiuns may he granted in accordance with Sc:cL•ion 18.03.U9Q oE the Anaheim Municipal ~.od~. 6. That pri~r to ~inai buil~t~ng and zonfnq .in•~?ection~, Conditi.on No. ~'~, above-mention~d, sha11 ~>e c~mi~lied wiL-h. + 3F; IT EURTHLI2 P.ESOLVt:ll ltiat the Anaheim Citl Planning Commission doe~ ' l~eceby f.in~: ~ncl determin•r_ that ~~doption o( this Resc~lutio~~ is expr.essly ; ~redicated u~ort apalicant's compliance with each and al.l af thP conditions t~ereinabove s~l £or~h. Should a~iy such cc,nditions, or ~,ny pari; thereof., be ~ ~eclared inv.-zlid or unenf.orr,eable by tne ~~.nal judgm~ant o~ any court of competent juris~~i.ction, then this Rc~olution, and any app:ovals hP:ein contained, shall be deemed nu.lJ. ~:~iid voir.3. 7'NE l~'OREG~)i^iG RESULU~PION is sic~ned ai~d approved by me this 24th day UE N~vntnber, 198ti. ~ ./' r,~,{~~ ~ , ...~,, ~C'r~~~~' ';~ ~,~..,..~ _ ! Ct1A[Rt4AN, ANAIiE•. M C. E'L,ASYtQ1NG COMM~:i5I0N r\'PTEST: , ~ ~~ ~~ ~ECP.F.'T ILY, ~NANEIM CI'PY FLAt3N.iNG ~.OMMISSIUN ;;'PATG GF CALIFGf?NIl~ ) CQUI~TY OF GR~tJGF' ) ss. CITY UE ANAHGIM ) 1, Cdith L. fiarris, Secretar.y oE th~~ ~lriaht:fm CitX Pla~nin.3 Commission, dc hecaby certify t~h~~t th~ Cur.eyoing rPsolution was pa~sed and ado~,te~~ at a meeti»y of thn Anah~im Citu Planning Comcni:~siun heJ.d on Novemtr~r 24, ~986, by t.L~e followin~; vore of th~ me±mt~ers ~hcreoE: AYES: Cc)t4M1SSIUt~EK,: BOUAS, C22Y~ FiCRI3ST~ LAYJI~KT~ MC F3UftNcY, [d~SSE NO~:S: r~hiMI55I0N~RS: NCiNc: r`.EjSEti`C: C~ItdMIFiSIONER.~i: LA CLAIRc IN WI'Pt7ESS Wi~ERLU!', I ha~~e her.euntn :3et r~y hanci thi~ 24th day of ~ Novemb..r i~ , 19flb. '" ~ ~-~vL~.i,~ ~L ~=r~- + SGCK~'PP.RY~ _ --__ AtvAHFIM CI'PY PLAhNIN COMN:.SSION _3_ PC86-247 :9 ~ , ~, ,,;,` . , - - - ~ , . : ~~