PC 86-288~ i ,`{i 6K°~ R~SOLUI'ION N0. 1~C86••?.68 A 12E~OLU'J'I()N UF' 2'HL ANAtiElhl CrTY. PLANNTN~ COMMx;;SION 'PHA7' PI;'.PI`P:[ON F()R VARIANCL NQ. 3618 ElE GRANTED Wl~1ER~,~~S, the Anaheim Cit.y Planning Commission did receive a verified PeLitic.~n for Variance Erom INCEi INVES'rMEI•;TS, b5 Capp SL-r.eet, San Prancisco, Califocnia 941U3, owner, acii] FARANO ANU IcIEVIFT, 100 South Anaheim Hou'levard, #340, Ar~aheim, Ca.li[orriia 92t305, agents for. ~ert:ain re,~,l properky situ~~ed in the C.ity of Anaheim, Coar.t;.y o° Orang~, Statc uf CaJ.ifornia described as: PAkCEL 3, TN THF, CI'PY OE ANAHGTM~ AS SEiOWN IN PARCEL M;1P FI 'LI;A IN E30UK 98, PAGG 39 ON PARC.:L MAPS IN 'CHG OFFICE OF' THE CCUN'PY RI;COi2DEi? QF SAID COUtd7'Y. WEIERGAS, the City Planning Commission ~id t~old a public hE~aring ak the ~~ivic Center in th~ City of ~r.aheim on ivo•rember 24, 19E36, at 1:30 p.m., noci~~e of said pur~.li.c h~arir~g having ue~:n duly yiven ~~s cec;uirec~ by law and i.n accordanr.e with khe provi~ians o[ the Anah`im [~7unici~al Code, Chapter 18.03, ta hear and considec evidGnce for ai~d ayainst said pr~posed vaciance and to i;tivestigate anr.i make L-indings and cecommendations in connection therewit.h; and WEIEt<EAS, sai.d Commia;;iun, after due insPt~cti~n, investi.gatioi: and stuGy Iflr]~(~ ~y iEsNYf and in its behalf, and a~ter due consideratton ~f all r•_vidence and re~orts aE[et:ec3 at said hearing, does Eind ~nd determine the Eollowi.ng f•act5: 1. Th;~t the ~c~L-itic~ntr C~rop~st::; ,uaiver: ot th~ fol.lowiny L•o permit a l.iquc~r. cL•ore in e.nr.;junc:tion with an existiay bus statlon (Greyhound Aus Lines): (~} ~FCTION lA,p4.pqy,U11 - M.ir,imum lan;~scap~~d sekbac;k. ~ (15 taot minimum landscaped area adjacent to E~arl,or Blvd. r~:qui.red; 6 tc 8 feet propo~ed) (b) S:sC'PIUNS 18.OG.05~~.027. - Minimum number uf. parking s~~aces. ~~ la.GF,U50.027 (29 ~ aces r.equired; 27 aE)d~.Q$ ~roposed) 18.06.OE30 Ai7U 18.44.OG6.05Q 2. That the rabove••inenL-io~}e;3 waxver (a) is heret-,y granLed on the basis tt~at there ~re u^[~~C181 circumstances ap~licabl~ to the propert,y such as ~ize, shape, to~ography, location and surroundinys which do not appJ.y to other ident.ical:v zor.ec? pr~~erty in ~he ~ame vicinit,y; and that skr.ict applicakion of. the Zoning Code deprive~ ehe pro~ert,y of privileges en;joyed h~ othet proptctieR xn the ir]entical zone ~nd classiEicati.un in the vicini.t.y. 3. That tht above-mentioneC~ Wr]ZVl?C ib) is hereby granted on the L~asis that thac. the ~arkiny waivec ~~•il.l not cause ari i.ncreas~: in traffic congestion in thc immediate vicinity iior adverEely afEect any adjoining land use~ and grant.ing ot• the packinr,~ waiver undec th~ enndition~ imposed, if any, will not be detriment<-~1 to thP ~eacv, h~alth, s~f~~:y an~3 genaral welfare of the citfzens of the City oE An~~heim. 0982r Pc:a6-288 ~ ~,': ; ,~ . ;r ;~~ . , ~,,rc r,~:.ti 4. Tt~at there ~re exce~~ion~l or ext.r.•aordinary cir.cumst~~nces or condiL-ion~ appii~-able Lo the ~rt~perty in~olved or to the intended use oE the property that do not app.ly gener.ally ~o the property or ~1ays v~ use in th~ sa~ne vicinity and zone. 5. That the requcsted varianr.e is necess~ry f:or the prescrvation ar.d en;~yment oL a sub.;t.antial pro~aer~y right ~~ossessed by other property in the same vicinity and zonu, and ~enied to the propetty in question. 6. That l-he requested varianc~ will not be materially detrimental ~~ the ~ublic welPare or injurious to th.r•. pr~pecty or improv~menL•s in such vicinity and zone in which the prop~rt,y is located. 7. That no one indicated thEir pre~encc at said public hearing in o~po.~i.L-ion; ar,d that no corres~~ond~n,r.e wa, received in o~posicion to subject pet.itinn. ENVIRONM~NTr\L :CMPACT EINUING: That thN Ana.hPi.m City Planning Commiss.ion has revierrec] the ,proposal t~ pQr-nit a liquor store in c:onjuncti~,n wit:h an nxisting bu:~ station (Greyhoutid Bus Lines) wiuh wai.rers oE min.imum landscaped satback and minimum number o£ parking spaces on ~ recta7gular ly-shaped parc~l oE' lan~1 ,r,OC1StSt~ll~ of appcoxi~nately 0.5 acre located at. L-h~e northeust corner. c[ Oranc~ewood Avenue and Harbor Qoulevard und Eurthaz described as 2080 South Harbor Soulevar.d; and does hereby approve the ' Negative lleclaration upon Linding tha~ it ha~ considered the Negative lleclarati.ar~ togelher with any cumment~ rer.eived during the publi.c revtew pro;;ess an~3 Lurther f.indi~~g on the bas.is ~f the initi.al stuay and any comments received that ~here is no substant.ial c~vicience that the project will have a signlficant e.tter~ on rhe envir.onmenl~ NOW, THEl2GFORG, ~L•: IT RESO[,~IL•'U thah. t:he Anaheim City ~lanning ; Cnmmisc.;on does hereb~l gt:an;, subject Qetition Lor Vari~3nce, upon the followi.ng conciitions whi.ct~ are hereby tound Lo be a nccessary prerequ.isite to the prupo~~d use eL the subj~ct property in arder to ~reserve the saFety and general welfare oE :hc~ Citi~en~ of rhe City oC Anaheim: 1. `Phat due t.e the change in usa and/or uc.cupanry o~ the building, plans ,;: shall be submitted to ~he f3uildirty Divis.ton showin~ com~liance with ~' ~}ie minimurti standard~ c,f t:hE~ City oE Anaheim, including the Cni£orm `~' GuiJdin~a, Plumbi~y, E.i~ctrl.cal, MccEianical. and F.ir.~ Code3 as adopted by tr:e City of Anaheim. ~Phe appropriake permits :chal.l be obtained Eoe any nc:cessary wc,ric. ,, 2. mhat su~~ ject- proE~er*_y sha11 be dev~~loped substantial.ly in accardance ' with ~1ans and ;;p~~cificatforts on Eil.e witt: the City of Anaheirn marked E:chiF~i.t IJc~. 1. 3. Ttiat prior to comm~3sic~~nent oE Ehe activity t-er~ir- approved or prior. to fi.nal building and zoning inspections, whl.chever occucs E.rst, Cortditi~n Nos. 1 and 2, abr~ve-mentioned, shall be compli.e~] with. it --"l- PC~G-288 r r ~ rJ~ • . .~+m~, I F3E T'P FU[t'PHER RESOLVGf~ that th~ Ananeim C.iL•y Planning Commi~sion daes Y~er.eby find aiid d~L~rminc L-ha~ adoptio~i of this Resolution is expCessly pred~.catec! upun appticant's compLi~rice with each and a'll oE the condi~.ior~s her.einabove ~et Eorth. Should any such condition, or any parti khereo£, be declared i.~ivalid or unenEorceable by the final judgm~nt of any court of compet:ent jurisc3ict•ioi~, then this Resulution, and any anpr.ova~s herein contained, :~ha11 be. deemeci nu11 and void. ' TI1C :Of2F,G~ING RL.SOI,UTION is s.igned and i-pproved by me i~his 24th day oi tJovemb~c, 19~6. ~ •'' ,~~~.;~~//~.~~ CF~AiRMAN, ANA IM CITY ti'GADI ..NG COMMISSION i• ( r1TTEST: ` ~--~ ~° ' SECI2GTA Y, ANAHGIM CITY PL NNlNG COMMISSION ~i .. STA`PE QF C11LI~'QRNIA ; '' COUNTY OI' c~hA.NGF ) ss . , CITY OP' ANAE1CiM ) I, Edir.h I,. Hazris, S~cratary o[ L•he Anaheim City Planning Commission, do her.eby certify tha~ the Foregoing resoluti~n was passed ~nd adoptad at a meeti.ng oE the Ana~r::i:n City Pla~ning Commis~ion helc3 on NovemnEr , 24, 1936, by the Following v~te of th•~ m~mbtrs thQr~of: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, FRY, EIERRST, LAWICKI, t•1C BURI~Tf~:Y, M~SSE NOES: COMMISSIC~NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIOhERS: LA ~GAIRG TN WT`.CNESS WtiERCUE', I h~ava hereun"o seL• my har-d thi,s 24th day of Novemk:er, 194E. ~~ ' r SECftETA Y, ANAEIGIM CITY PLF, N'iNG COMMI~S.[ON ~~ ~ ,. , ..3- PC86-2 8 ;;';