PC 86-289_. .. . , . . _ _ . ,,F..~ , , R~SOLUTION N0. PC86-2f39 A RESOLUTION OF 'j^i-Ik; ANA[~F,IM CITY PLi~NPI.LNG COMMTSSION THAT PETI1'IOIJ FO.F2 VAI2IANCE 1d0. 3620 BE GkANTGi) W[iFR~AS, the Anaheim City ~lanning Commission did receive a veri,`.i~d Pe~it.ioiz for Var. iance ~rom DAVIll WENDELL AN!) DONNY SUE R~SS, 1166 No[th Gr~ve Street, Anaheim, Califorriia 92806, owners, and KIMM A. RTCHA].~DSON, 413 G1ass~1l, Oranye, Califor.n.ia 9266u, zgent Eor. certain real property sit~.ual-.ed in t:h~a Czty of Anahc~im, County of O:anr,e, State oF California described as: PARCFL, 1, IN `PH~G CITX OF A~IAHGTM, C:OUN'PY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN UN A MAp F'TLED TN 600K 196 PAGES 36 AND 37 UF PARCEL ?1APS, IN THE Or^EICE UF THE' COUNTY RECORDGR QE' SAID ORANGE COUN~i'Y, CAL.'FORNIA. IJHEREAg, ttiE~ Cit;~ L~lanniny Commission did h~ld a~ublic: he~ring at ~.he Civ:~c Center in the City oE Anaheim on ~lovember 29, 1936, ~al: 1:30 p.n,,, notice o'.: saia ~ublic hearing having beer, nuly qiven as required by law and i.n accordar.c+e 4~ith the prcvisions of tl~~ Anaheim Munici.pal CodE, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evicience for and against said proposzd v%ir~ance and t:o invest.i.yate artd make f in~? nos and recc~mmendation,s in cunnection the:rewith; ana WHRFtCAS, said Commission, aftE~r due inspecl:ion, invesi:igation e-nc~ st•udy madc b,y itself. e~nd in it~ behalf, and aEter du~ consideration of all. evidence and re~orrs oEfered at sa~~ hearing, does Einc9 an~~ d~et~rmine i;,he foJ.loNin~ L'acts; 1. That the petitioner propases waiv~r. of th~ followir.g to establxsl: ~n eight (8) lot t4L, (Industrial, T,imilnd) Zone subdivision: SECTTON ?0,0]..130 - R~red lot Frontage. " (A1..1 lots ~riust abut ~~>ub~.ir str.eeL- or a.11ey; 6 Iots wi.thout fronta~~e proposed) 2. ~hat the above-mention~d wa.tver. is hereby yrantc~d on L•tie k~asis t:hat there are special circumstances applicable to the pr.operty auch as :iL2e, sl~ape, tupograPhY. iocat.i.on a~id surroundings wl~ich c9o nat apply to r~i~:ner identically zc~ned pr.~perty in the same vicinity; ~~nd t:hat stric~ app.lic.xtion oE thF Zoning Code deprive~ the proptrly of ~u•ivileges enjoyed by otl~er pro~erties in the id~nk:i.cal 2r~ne znd classiFicatio,~ in the vicin~ty. 3. ~.Phat ther~ arE~ ex,:eptional or extc~a~i:dinary circumsk~ncHS or condiL•ions applicable to ~he~ p;:~pe.rty involved or ~~ ~ta~~ intenr]ed use ct the pr.operty that do not apE~ly yenerally to the prop~rty or cl~ss of use i.n tf~e satne vicinity an~3 zonEZ. 4. ~'hat the retauested variance is neceSSclr~ for t:he presei~var.i.on and enjoymenl ot a subsLantial propert}~ riyht possesse~c9 by c~t:her prOpeCty in L-t~~ same vicinity ai~d zone, and denied to Ct~e proper.ty in question. 5. 'Phat the reqvested vari~nce wil'1 not t~e matPria].ly c3eLrimental ,:o the public welf~ire or injuriou;, t;o L•he ~ru~ert,y ar impruvem~nt:c in su<;h vicinity ancl zone ~,n whi~-~h khe pr~pert.y is J.ocate~. 09Fi3r PG86~289 I i , 1 ~' ;t; c., ~' : ~~ '~. ~ r p.~.. ~~ 6. That no one indi.cat~d ~heir pcesence at :?aid pubLic t~ear.ing ir. opposition; and that no corCespondence was rectived in oppo~iL-ion to subject petition. ENVIRONMCNTAL IPIPACT FINll.LNG: 'Phal- Lhe Anaheim Ci.ty Plantting Cammission has r.eviewed the proposal establish an eight (8) lot "ML" (Industtial, Limited) 2one subdivision with waiver oF required lot .tron,tac~e on a rectanGUlariy-shaped parc.el of land consisting of appr'uximatel~ 2.0 ~cre~, havic~q a irontac~e oF apPeoximateiy 237 feet on trie east si.de of Hancock Street, being located approximately 40 ~eet nor.th ot the centerline of Bzysun gtrert; an~3 does hereby app~cove the Negative Der.larati.on upon finr3ing that it has consideced the Negative Declaration toqctt~er with an_~ comments zeceived during Ghe public revi.ew proc~+ss and furthez finding on th~ basis of i:he i~iitial studl and any comments .received that t.here is no s~ibstantial evidence ti~at the project wil.l have a significant effect on the envirc~nmen~. ~pW, TH~REF~RE, BE IT RESOLV~D that the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commi.ssion does hereby grant suk~jecL- Petiti.on for Variance~rer quis te oto Wthe conditions which are hereby Found to be a necessary p ~~coposed use ~E the subject property in order ta pr.eserve the safety and general w~lfar.e ot the Ci.tizens of the CiL-y of Anaheim: ;1.. `Phat prier to i.ssuance o.L a building p~rmit, the ag~~Y c~pr iate ~.,iajor Lhorougizfare and bridge fee s}~a.lL be paid to the City of Ariah~im in an amounl as specitied in the t7ajor Tharough.fare and i3r.ir',ge Fee Program for the Foothill/Eastern 1'cansportaL•ian Corridor:, as approved by City Council Re~~lution No. £~5R-423. 2. That prior La i3suancF; o:E a building permir, the aopro~riate t..affic ,ic~nal assessaien~ fF c~ st~a11 be paid to the Cit•y af Anaheim in an amount as determi.necl by lhe City Council. 3. That prior ~:O la:iU~I1CP. oE a b~;ildi.ng permit, the owner of subject properry shall pay th~ appropriate drainage asse:~:;ment ~o the City a~ Anaheim in an amount as cleterminEd by th~ Ci~y Cngineer. 4. 'rhaL- dLa;~nage oE subject p[operty shall be di~posed of in a manner satisf~~L•ary to the City E;ngineer. 5. Ttiat subject property ,hall be served by u«dergrour.~d utilities. f,. ~hat pr.ior l-.o c~;~irt~encem~=nt oE structural framing, fire hydranCs sha:ll be insta.lled aitd char9e,.- !s required a~id dete~mined to Ue necessary by the Chie~ of f'~e Fite vi:r~ '~~»nt. 7. ~Ptiat trash ~toraye arcas :~hall ~~e provided and maintain~d in acccrdance with ap~~oveG plans on til~~ with the 5tteet Mainten~nce and Sanitatiion Divi~iori. S. 'Phat in tt~~ event subject proper~y i~ t:o be divided Eur ecord the ~urpose the approved of sale, 1ea~e, or financitig, a pacr.el map to r al? be ~~ibmitted to and F ~ appr.oved by divis:io-t of. subject ~ ty s proper. n ~e :eeurded in the OEEicc~ oE the Ocanye i th the Ci.ty of Anaheim e anc Couaty xecor~er. -2- PC86-269 •;,i: ~ '".~i 9. 'Pha~ pri~oc to is~uancc~ of- buil~ing perma.t the water system improvement plans by L-he ~VaLei~ Eng:ineering t4anagEr, 1:hE appro~riate fces due Eor prima~•y, :;econdar~~ and fire p~ol:ection shall be paid to the Watec Uti.lity lli.vision by L-he Develop~ar in accordance with I2uJ.es 15A and :.0 ~~E the Wai:er. Utilih.y Rates, Rules and F2egu.lal•ions. 10. That suk~ject pr~~p?rty shall be deve.loped ~ubstar-ti~lly in accordai~ce with pl.ai?s and syecificar_ions on File wil-h the City of Ana;aeim marked ~'xhibit Nos. 1 through 5~ 1].. That ~.rior to final bui.lding and zonir-g inspections, c:ondition Nos. 4, 5, 7~ and .10, above-mentioned, shall be ;:c~mplied wiL-h. F3E IT FUP.THGR R~SULVED thut lhe A~iaheim City Planning Commission does hereby f:ind an~ deter.mine that aduptian of this Resolution is e:tpressly pre~iicated upon ~pplicanL•'s compliance with cach and all oi• the condirions hereinabove set fort:h. Should any suc:h coridition, c;r any part thereoF, be declared invalid ~r unenforceable by tY~e final judgment of any c-nurt oE competant jurisdiction, then L-his Resol~~tion, and any aoprovaZs h~rein conha:.ned, shall be deeined null and void. `PHE FOREGQING RESGLU'PION is signed and approvec7 by m~ tY~i.s 24th day of November, .1986. ~ , ~` •:? ~ •V ~~°'~ i/ , ~~:.~-~~y:~' ~~. ~,// , ~ CHAI~MAN, ANAH ~ t4 CITY PL,AN .[dG COHIMT.SSION ATTEST: /~ , ~ ~..~ ~~ . SGCRETARY, ANAAEIM CTZ'Y~ PLAD]NTi~G COMi~ISSION S:ATE Oi CAL,I['OR~;IA ) COUN2'Y UF ORANGE ) s~.. CI'i'Y OF ANAHEIM ) i, Edi.Y.h L. Harris, SecreL-ary ut the An~~h~im Czty Planning ::ommissic~n, do hereby certify ~hat hh~~ Eoregoi.ng resoluti~n wac ~assed ~r-d adopted at a;ne~tiny ot the Anahelm City P7.anning Canmission held on Nove[nber 24, J.986, b,y the following vote oF the~ ~nembera ~her.eoE: AXES: COMMTSSIONERS: BOUAS, FRX, HLRBST, LAWICKI, MC BURNEX, MBSSE NOES: COMIdrSSTONERS: PiON~ ABSRNT: c:OMIdISSTONERS: L~ CLAI:tC IN WI'1'NESS S~IiF:RrOE, I heive h•sreunto set my hahc~ this 24th day of NovE~mb~r, 19A6. - ~~/ v~ . LL.i~, `w ___,<~~ SECR~TA , ANAEIEIM CITY PLANNI[~G COtdMTSSTON -3- PC86-289 ,.. !x ~ ~': . ~. ' : ','~i' ~~ '':r ~;;~ ,; ~. . „:...- ,.~,.~ ..:.... . .... .. . ... .. .... . ., _ .. . ~ .~