PC 86-291~ ~ - -~.4°~~s, ,+are~ ;`; ;~ f RESOL[ITIUN N0. PC86-291 ~ A RESOLUTION OF 'PHE AtdAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOPd THAT PFTITION FOR CONDI'I'I~tdAL USE PRIlMIT N0. 2862 AE GRANTED, T[1 PART WHEREAS, the AnahEim City Plannin Canmi~~i Petit ion Eor Conditional [1se Pcrmit f or, JAPiES ~ W did receive a verified ' Rr;STAURANTS, INC:. , 2450 Whit:.e Road, Irvine ~ai. • STRYKER., FL TORITO ~ ', LOWRY, FARA[d0 AND KIEVTET, 100 South AnaF~~ lfornia y2714, owner~ and FRANK ;? im Boulev..7rd, Anaheim, California ; ~ ~~8~5, a~~ents Eor ce~rtain real ,, ;. County of: Orange, Sr.ai_e of Ca.l~ fornia,~edescribed as: in the Ci'.~~ of Anaheim, ~ ;,~'' :a PARCEL 2, IPI '.I'HE CITY QF ANAEiElM, COUNT't OE' ORANGE '`~ CALIE'CRNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP PT.LBD IN BOOK 208 pa ' ST.A'PE OF '~~ OF PARCF,L MAPS, :[DI THE OFFICE OF T.HE CUUNTY ~RECORaE12 lOF NSAID COUNTY. WfiEREAS, 4he Cit.y Plaitninc~ Cor~mis::ion did hold a public heaririq at the Civi.c Center i:z the City of Anaheim on November 24, 14a6, at 1:30 notice of said pub:lic hearing having beer- ,aul p'm• ~ accordance with the provisiu-is oP th,e ilti7ahei;n giul~ c pal eCodeedChaptnr 18a~3'n to hear and consider ~vidence £or and agai.nst said proposec~ conditional us~ p~rmit and to investigate and make Einuings anci recornmEndatic.ns in c.onnection t.herewith; and WHEREAS, saic: Commission, afh.er due inebection, investzgation und study made b,y itself and ir~ its bPhalf, and aE_er du~ considerat.ion of a11 evic]ence and reports oEferec9 aF said heariny, does f_i~d an~ deteLmin~ the following facts; 1, That the pru~~osed use ~s pr perly one Eor which a condit.aonal. ase ~' permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Cc,de Section 18.61.U50,390 to wit: to permit on•-salP alcohol in ari outcl~~or ~atio area in conjunction with an existing rc~staurant. and with waiver~ oF: ( a) SECT:fON 18, 04 ,043 .10.1 ~ - Max~mum g? ~nce height. (6~feet hi.yPi permitted; 6.5 fe~t. high proposed} (~) SFCTIUN 1A~61,p63.07.1 ~ - Minimunz strurtural setback. !5U f~et required; 38 fNet proposed) (r.) SECTION 18.61.Oo4.020 - Per_ mitted encroachments in setback ~° I areas. ~ (3rf~ot hi.gh fence permikted; 6.5 £oot hzgh fpr~c~ existii;g) -'"'-"-"'- (d) SEC7'IONS ~ 18.51.066.U50. - 1F - p Minimum number of packing s aces .0232 3.Q~i.05 18.050050.0233 . ~??3_ ~arkin s aces required; 94 ~arkinc~ s AND ].8.U6.Oa0 ~ -----~._. ac;es existing) - ~~~~ 'a,;y ~,~ , ,-°+, pA~ao 1. 'i'hat. sk.rFet .ligh~ ing facil i~~.ies alnny Sr..ate Col.leg : E~ulevurd sl~~ll be insralled as requir.ed by t•.he U-:iliries General Man~yNr in accar~9ai-cF: wi.th specificar.ion~ ~n ~i le in r.he OL-tice of Uti.likiea Genera.l Manar~er, and r.har. securlty in Fl~e Eorm aE a bond, ce~rriticat:e of depu~it:, ler.r.v~ ot cr.edi.~, or ca:~h, in an amount and f.urin sar.isf:ach.ory ~.o r.he Ciry ot Anat~eim, sha11 be po3tad wit.li the City to guatantee i-.h~~ sac•.isEach.~ry comple~;on of t.he abave-men~ioned irnprovemt~n~:a. Said securir.y sha.l'1 ~.e ~u~ted wi+~h the Cir.y af Ana:~eim prinr ~o commenrzir,en~ of t.he ~~ctivLty authorized by thi~ ra:,oluh.ion. Ttie ab~ve--requirtd i.mprovenent;; shall be inst:al.led wir.hin a~eriod o~ niner.y (90) day~ fr.o-n ~-he date oi tf~is re~s~lul•.ion. "l. ~'hat r.he owner oE ,ubjec~•. pCOpnrty sh~~l.l pay ~o th~ Cit,r of AnAheim a fee for st_reet lightin~ along Ka`.ella Avenue in an amount as derNrmined by hhe Ci+~y Counci.l. 3. That the owner oE aubject properh,y shall irrev~cab.l! offer to dt~dicaf.e `~ rhe City o[ Anaheim an additional Gr.rip of land along Stare Cul.leye 3oul~vard, rneasur.Pd northF:rly [ram t.he back-of-curb at the corner oE the int.er.:;ecti.on of Sra.*.e College noulevard ar~d KaL•ella Avenue, and, an additional srrip oi: lan~ aluny Katella Avenue, we~t~.er.1y Lrom r.he ~ack-of-curb at. l.lse corner of ti7e inters~ction ~.,f. Yarella Avenue and S*.at_e College B~u~evarcl, both dedications varying in widr.}~ fr~m 1'Z fcr~f. Ec:r the Eirsr. 30~ feet and ~~he~~ tra~sitioniny From 12 Lee~ te 0 f.eet for the next 30Q feet. In r.he eve~f. that Genera.l Plan Nc. 210 perk.aini.ny to Critical Inr.ersect.ior.s is not ar~o~r.ed by t•.he City Council, this conditiun shall. be cr~nsidecad null and void. 4. 'l~har in rhe even~. a~~arcel m~p is cecardAd on subject pr~perty a rec.tprocal acc~a:;s ~nd parkin9 agreement, in a Corrn satisFactory t:o rhe rity Atror:nty, sha11 be recorded with hhe U~fLce of the Or.ange C~~~l~hy Recordr~c. A c~~~y o1 th~ cecurdeci ayreement shall then be scbm.it~ed ~-o rt~e Ular.nir~,~ De~~arr,mer.r.. 5. Tha~ prior ro rh~? commencem~~n~- oE rh~? activ.ity auhhorized under thi& ceCUlUflUfl~ or ~C1JC f-o the cime ~-har_ a bui.lding permir_ is iasued, or within a period of nin~~ty (90) dals from the dare of thir~ resolurion, whichevec occurs Eir:-r., r_he owner(s) of sur,jecc: pruperty " shail execur.~~ and record ~+ ~~ovenar.r. in a corm a~proved by khe Ciry ,~r.r.orney's oEcice wherein such owner(~} agree not to contest rhe ` forma~•ion o£ any af;se~smenr.. 3istticr.(~) whic~ti may hereafter be EorMecl pursuanr, to rhe provisicns o~ ~evelap~:enr Ayreement. No. 83-01 ~ between +•.he City o£ Anaheim and Anahelm Sr.<~dium nncoc.tar.es, whtch ~iir~t.ric~~(s) could include t;u^h nwne:'s vro~ecry. Bailur.e ta comply wirh rhis condi-:ion wirhi.n rhe 3~@CtELP.C~ ~.i~~e sha11 render this t~ condir.ional usc pecmit itull :~n-i void. ~ 6. Th3!' 3uajech ~rvr,ec~y shall be d~v~~~opr~a sub3r.antfal.ly ln accardance with pl~~na and ~ptci.ftcar.inns on Eilc with the C.ity of >naheim rnar.kad Fxnfbi~: t~o. 1; provi.~ed, howf:vrr, *.hat r.hr e:ciRr.in,y 6'•-5" fence tn *he frur.t :se~.back uhall ~e eelocated at le~~t Eifty (50) - . Ee~~. away Ero;: 5~~~h p~~blic 3r:eet~:. . : 7. ~Phar rhe traific signul asr3eRS~~e~r_ Eee~ Cor ~.n~ o~~t~3uGr ~atLo arQa shall b~ ~aici r.o ~he Ci,r,r of. Anaheim. -3- PCBG-291 ~i r ~~,kt`,f.. . , ~ - . . . . . ~ . . ~ . f ~~'. 2. That t.he requested waiver.s (a), (b) ~nd (c) per~aining to a Cec~woad f:ence l.o~ai~e~ in ±he Eront sc:tback ace hecebv denied c~n t.hW basi:~ that. F,he ~el•.it.ioner :~t.i~ulat.ed at ~:.he publ:~c hearing to relocat.ing or r.emovin~ 1LlY p~rt ion ot• the exigt.ing ~cnce which encroach~~~ in~o t.h~ s~ruc+~.ura1 setbACk al~ng S~ate Col.lege nuu.lFVGrd. 3. Tt~at. t.he eeyuest~d w~~iver (d; i: ti~reby yrant.ed, in Nart, with t.hi: ~arkinq vz~riance bei~l9 limited t.o a deviance o£ ten percent i.10$) ~r le~s Ero~n the Code requiremen~. and bein9 gr~i~r_ed ~n the ba~is that the parking ;~a:iver. wi11. n.~t cau3e an increase in tcafEic congestion i.n tr,e i.mmediate vicinity nor. adversely af.feet. any ac]}aining ].and uses anc! c~ranting of. the parkiny waiv~r under t1~e condit.ions ~m~c~sed, i~ a.ny, wiil not b~ dctrimental to t~he peace~ health, safet_y anu yeneral welEare oL th~ citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. Th%~t t.he pr.oposed use, as granr_e~, ~ai.ll nut advecsely a£fect tl~e adjcininy land use.s a.nd the growt.h an~] developmcnt af t.he area .tri which it. is pto~osed r.o be ].ocaf ed . 5. 'I'hat the ,ize and sha~e oE the r,it_e pr.oposed for the u5e, as yr~~n~~ed, is adeq!zake to a11ow the P~ill develo~ment of: the pr~poser~ use in a mar.n~r nor de+_ciment.aL t.o the part.icular area nor tc, rhe ~eace, health, safet.y and gencral welfare of t.he Cit.ize~s of the City oE Anahe:im. 6. '1'ha~. the r,ran~.iny of the Condit.i.onal Use Permit. ,~nder the co~idirions in~posed, iE any, will nct be detrim~ntGl to the pea~e, health, sattty and yeneral w~lE~re oE t.he Citizens oE the City u: Anaheim. 7. ~f~af tt:e traEEic genf~taied by the proposed use, as gr..~nted, wi'l~ not impos~~~ an und~,~e burden upon t.h~~ streets and highways designed and i-nproved to carry tt~e traffic in ~.t~e arca. 8. Th.~~ n~ one indicat~;~ t.iieir presence at. said public I~earing in upposition; and t.hat no cocrespondence w<is recaiveo in opp~sit.ion ~o the sub ject pet ic ian. ENVIRONML•'NTAL IMi~ACT EINDIN~: Tha~. tne Anaheim C~*.y Pl~nning Com~nission has reviewed khe pro~~o~al cu r~ermit on-,ale ~~lcoho.l .i an ~u!:door patio urea in conj~~nnt.ton r~ith an existing re~r.aurant and with waivers nF ttiaximum ftnce heigh~, minlmum rtcuc~.ur~~l ~etback, permitt.ed enr,roachments into setback ~c~~a~ and mir-imum number of parking sp~ices on a rect~~ngulatly-shaped parc:el of land consi:;t.i~~y of a~proxi~nat~ly 2 acres locat.ed at ttie northwest cornec oC Kate'11a Aveni:e ancl S!.~tn Co11EgE Bnulevard, and fur.ther deseribed as ia01 East Kakella nvenue; and doe3 hereby Upprove t.he t~e~aLive Declarati,o~i upor, findiny ~.ha~_ it. has con3idered the r~eyat.ive Decla~ation ±og~tner w:ith any comment•s r~cciv~d dur. ing ki~e ~u~lic revi~~w proces:, and further Einding ~n the basia ~f `:~e initi~l ~*_udy and any com~~~c:nts recei~~d ±ha}. there is n~ .,uk~s~.ant ial cvid~~nce ' ha+. the oro jr ct wf 11 have a signiE.i<:;~nt effect on the envic~nmen~.. NGw, 7'NEitr•.t~ORE:, DL L'P itESoLVGU ±ha'*_ tl~e Anaheim Ci~y P2annir~g Commiasi<n d~~.~ !-ereby gran-. subjec~ Pe-..ition Enr Canditional. U:~e Permlt., upAn the Eollowing con~lition; wt~ich ars: hNrer,y Counc3 -o ke a necessary E~rerequisite t_o ~he pc~posed us~ of. t.tiF subj~~t property in UKa@K to pre~erve the szfpt,y an~ genera.l w~.l[are of the Ci~~;zenc .~E '.he Cit; of. Anar,eim: PCa6-291 .J • : ~;,:. : . . . , . . . . ... . . . . . . ~rr ` . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . , . . . . . . ~ ~ ~., •e~t:, , , . ' ~ ~ t ~? ' ~~4 .. . . . . . . ~ . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ~ ._ .'r: , i, f3~ Thar. Conditi.c~n Nos. 1 r.hrour,h 7, abov~-m~nr_ioned, ~ha.ll be completed wih.hin a E~~rind oE niner_y (90) days £r.om r.he r.{a~e uL- ~:his resolution. BE I~P E'UttTHER RESOL~VED Lhat h.he Anaheim Ci~-y Plannin~~ Cammission does hcreby f:.,,r] and datermine -:hac: adoption of t.hi~ Resolution is expre~sly pr.edi~.ated upan appli~ant's comp.liance with each and all of the conditi~nU herein~~bole set EorLh. Shou~.d any such condir.ions, or. any part thereo~, be declar.ed ii~vllid r~r unenfarcea!i1e by the Einal judgmenl: of any court oL• competent jurisdici~ion, then this Resolut•.ion, and any approv~~.ls hu=ein coata.ined, shall be dcemed nult and vo.id. TEIE EORGGOIN~~ R~SqGU~IUN is signed and approved by me thi.s 24ti~ day ~f Novetnber, 1985. ~~ - ./ /: r~ ~!~ ~~~%~' S ,• ,.r ~., CtiF1I MAN, ANAEfE M CIT~ Y P AN ~NG COMMISSION AT`~L ST : ~~~ _..~.°._.~.-~~- ~:~ _ S~;~RETARY, ANAHL•'TM CITY PLANNING C(;MI~IISSION S'PATF' UE CAi~IFORNIA ) COUN'EY Oi ORANGE ) ss. ~ITY OF ANAHEI.[9 ) i, Edir_h L,. fiarris, Sec~e~ar,y of th~ Anaheim Cit_y Planning Commission, do hereby r.ectify that `he rocegoing resolution was pASSed and ac3opted at a meet.iny of the Anahei-n City Planning Commission held a~ November 24, 1986, by tlie following vote oP ~he members thereo£: AYCS: COMM~ ~SIO?yEfZS: 90UA:~~ Hi:Rl3S'1', LAWICt(I~ M~ tiU1~NCY~ MFSSE NQCS: COMMISSIUNERS: NONF: ABSENT: COMMISSIONI:RS: FR'l, LA CLATRE IN WxTN1:S, WHERi:O[', i have herw~nt.o ser my hand Fhis 24r.h day of ~loveinber, 1986. ~ ~ .Q~~ ~~ ,~1~',z.-~r~ SP:CE2E'rAR~, ANAH~IM (:I'PY I?LANt~ING COMMISSIUDI -4- ~C86-291 ; ;;~:~