PC 86-294~{~+4~ RESOLUTZON N0. PC86-294 A RG60LUTION OF TEIE ANAHETM CTTY PLANNTNG COMMXSSION DENYING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USG ELF:MGNT OF TEIE ~ GENERAL PLAN - DESIGNATEP AS GENE.RAL PL'AN AMENDMENT ivu. 221 WHER~AS, ~he City Council oE ~he City oE Anaheim did adopt t.he Anah~im General. Plan by Re~o.lutian C~o. b~R-644, showiny the c~Qneral desr.ription and ext:ent of possi~le Euture developmEn~ within the Cit~~, and WHERCAS, the city s~aif ~:repa red a General Plan Amendment for an area car~~is~iny of approxim~;t-.ely 6.3 acres located on th~ east side of Fairmo-~~ Bouievard , approximately 1,000 feet. sout.h of Santa Ari a Canyon Road; and ~~1 . •:l;~~~ ;~~Y WEiERFAB~, the Planning Departmenr dee~ed it appr•opriatE, pursuant to j~ the provisions of tne CaliL"ornia F.nvirur~mental Qu~liGy Act, after review of `~ r_he prooosal ~nd ~ ; Tnitial St~ady and f~nding na significant environmental -;; ;. ~ impact, thak a Neg ativca Dcclar.ation be appr.oved; and . ~,. ti' 4JHLREAS, t•hp An~xtaeim Cit.y Planning Cornmission did ho1~3 a publi~ ~ hearit~g at the Anaheim Ci~~ic Cent-er, C aincil Chamber, 200 South Anaheim Rouleoard, an tvovember 24, 198G, at 6;30 p.m., notice o.f said public; hearing `'~1 . havir?g been duly given as required by Iaw ancl in accordanee ~aitb the ~ proviaion~ oL t-he A~iah~im Municipal Code, r..o hear and consider evidence for ~~; and agaxnst a~id Amerdment to the Anahei~ Genera]. Plan and tc~ investigat~ and . ~. ;~; make Eind.i.ng~ and recommendations in cann~~tion t~.h~rewitn; and , ,,, WHEREAS~ ~~id Commission, aEter due consa.der.ation, insgec~ion, investigation and stud,y macie by i~.self, and aE~er due consideration o£ a11 evidence and reporls oI'rered ah. said heazing~ DOES H~KFHY FlNU: 1. 'Phat- sufP.icient evidence was not-. presenhEd to substantiate the nc•ed for an amNndment tc, the Anaheim General P1an at this kime. 2 ~'PF~ah. an amendment. t.o rhe Ar~aheim Genersl Plan d~;signating the prc~perty for Hillside Mcdium Density Residential would set an undesirabl.e prececlent ah. ~his time since lhe[e arE serious rraffic qi~estions which l~ave nok been adequately a~dressedo 3. Thar. tYie propos~d HiZlside t7?diuir Uensity ltesidential d~siynation is incom~atible with the sue~:ounding Eiillside Eshate Den~it,y Resid~ntial la~ld usas. Thc reLorp, no change adopr_ed for ti~~: suUjeck ~tudy area. 4, 'thar 2~. persor,s indicated tneir presence ah khe 5eptembec 29, ~~~'~ .,;";Y 1986 meetin~ and 38 peop].e ir~r?ica"ed their presencF at said ".' public heari.nc~ in oppositionJ and ~~7ak petit~inns containir.g ;i~,~ approxi.mately 91 signat.ures an~ aporo. iiudtely 20 lehtPrs were ~'' ; '; received in np~oyirion r.o subject petit.i~n. ;,;~, i;, '.'; ,: ~~ ~ $0991r ~ .~;, ~ ,.~' '~i •s ? ,.?~:~v„~.. : ~ , _ ,,, _ , , . . . __ .. .. .. . '~~~. ~ ) y }4` ~ , . . r.1i_~I , . ~ . ~.,~~ ~ ..r,p~4 Y~i', ; ""~ 3,'Y . ~ ~,.~.~.~ . . ~,::~,'.i L•' iMGNTAL, IN;k~ACT FINDING: Tha~ ~he Anaheim City Planning ~'ommission ~ r~viewed the prop~sal to amend htie Anaheim General Plan desi.gnatior r.~m Hillside E~~a~e Density Re~idential designation tu Hillside Medium De~• ty Residential on ari irregularl,y-sha~ed E~arcel of la.nd consi~ting of apprr ~~a~.ely 6.3 acres lacated on the east sie f Fairmorii: Bc~ulevard, approxirr ely 1,000 feet south ~f Sai~ta Ana Canyon P.oad; and does hezaby approve r.he Ne~atiVP Declarat:ion upon findiny that it has considered the Negative Decl.aration togeth~r caith any cominents recei.ved during r.he public re~~iew process and further. Eindiny on the hasis of the rnitial Study and any comments received that there is no substaritia.l evidence that the project will have a signif.icant eFfect oi~ rhe environment. NOh', THERE~O~2E, BE IT RESOLVF~D, that pur.suant to ~.he Foregoi.ng findings, the Anahsim Cit~ Planniny Commission does hereby deny Genera.l Plan Amendmenl• No. 221. THB EOREGOING RESOLU'!'ION is s oE Novernber , 198G ~ -> ~`=' ~-:~. ,~.:- " r - CHAIRMAN~ igned ,snc7 a~proved by me hh~s 24th day r- ,~~:,... -_~.,. ~ ~ ~~~' _~ ANAHCI CI'PY P.LANNiU~ CO6IMISSION / ATTES'P: ~ ~j ~ b! / ~ ti~ SECRET RY~ ANAHE:[ht CITY PLANNING COMMISS:~ON STATE OF CALIEORNI.A ) Cc7UN'PY OE ORANGr ) ss. CT'~'Y U1 ANAHEIM ) I, Edihh L. Elarris, Secretary of hhe Anaheim City Planning Commission, do here~y certify +~.na~ th,~ i'orEgoing re:olution was passed and atlopted at a meer.iny of- t.he Anah~im City Planning ~ommis~ion hPld on November 2~, 1986, by the fo.llowing vote o[ th~: member~s therea£: AYES: COMMISSlONERS: BOUAS, F.[2Y, HGRBST, GA CLAI,RE, L~.WICKI, MC BURNEY, MLSSE NUES: CUNIMI6SIQNf:R~: NONE AbSENT: COMldISSIO[J~,NS: NONE IN WITNESS WHE.t2E0F, I have hereunto set my haric3 this 24r,~ d~~• of tdovember, 191i6. . d~-~( ..~~~ ~~ ~~ _,L~~c~t~.:, SECR[;2'ARY, ANAHL•'IM CITY PLANNING CUi~1MISSION -2- ~