PC 86-299~' i RCSOLUTIUN NQ. PC$6-299 ^'1. A RESOLU'i'ION OC '~HE ANAHEI:I CITY PLAIaNING COf~IMISSIQN THAT P~'TI`PION FqR VA,,TAN(~E N0. 3611 BE CRANTED WHEFtE;AS, the Anaheim City Plannirig Commission did receive u verified ,I: Petitior. F.or Variance from ilUGO A. VAZ~USZ, ET AL., 2240 West Lincoln Avenue, V~~... :~ Anahei.m, Calif•ornia 92Q01, owners of certain real proper~y sitiua~ed in the ;, City of Anahcim, County of Orange~ State of Califo.rnia d~scribed as: DEGINNING A'P ~HG [~G CORNCR OF Tf1E W 1/2 OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OE' TH~ NE 1/4 OF SCC~l'ION lII TOWNSIiIP ~S R10W JN 'PHE RANCHq LOu COYO'PPS IN THG C.ITY OF ANAHE [M, CdUNTY OF ORAtiGE ~ STA'PE OF CALIEORNIA, pER M.Ap IN HOUK 51 PAGL 10 UF M.M. THENC~ S 0° 07' 36" E 66.01 HEET; 7'HENCE S Sa° 58' QO" W 164.00 FEGTp TIiENCE S 0° 07' 30" E 85.OU fEE'P TO THE TRUL•', POINT OF HLGINNING; THENCE S 0° 07' 36" E 193.04 FrET; THEhCE S 88° 58' 00° W 176.U(i EFET; '~'i-1ENC.E N 0° 07y 36" 6J 190.00 PEET; 'Z'Ei~NCE N$8° 58' 00" E 40.OG FErT; THFNrE [V po 07` 36" W 5.Oa ~EET; '.CHENCE N f3$° 5$~ C'p" G 136~00 FEET TU THE ~r~tuL POZNT OF' BEGINN:[NG, SAID PARCGL CONTAIN.,iVG 34,Oa0 SQUARE FEET OF U.7ki ACRES. . . : ~~....,, F I WIiEREAS, the City Planning Commissi.on did hold a pub].ic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on October 'l7, 1986, at 1:30 p.tn., notice of said public hearinc~ having been duiy given as required by .1aw and in ~~cordance with the provisi.o~is of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said prop~~se~~ variance and to investigate and make firidinys ,~nd re~ommen~ations in conne~tion t:herewith; said public heari.ng having been cont.inucd to the Planning C~mmission meetin,g of. Decem~er 8, ].9g6; and '~ WHE.RF~S, sai.d Commission, after due inspec!:ion, investigation and ~ study made by it~elf arid in its beh~lf, and after du~ considerat::ic~n of all " evi.dence and reports off.ered at said hearing, does Pind and determine the ;~ followiny facts: 1. That the ~etit-ioner proposes waiver of the foll.otainq to co~struct a 3-s'tory, 34-uniL• "~L•fordable" apartment cnmplex: ~~, :~ ,.~. (a) SE~TTON 1$.01.130 - Re uired lut frontaye. ~`. ,`:;: (fron~age on dedicated street or a.llev ~',,;! required; no street ar alley fronta~e proposed) ~" ._ ,a (b) SECTION .1g.34.061.010 - Minimu_ m~ site area ~Er dwelling unxt. ~~ (].7.00 ~quare feet per dwe].ling unit required; ~ 94U square fee~ pez dwelZinq unit proposed) ~, (c) SE;~:'rror~s 18.3h.p62.0i1 - Maximum buil~ing hei~hc, (2 st`ories at 3lt feet hi.gh permitted; 3 sCOries at 35 f:eet prop~sed) (d} ~ECTTUN 18.34.OG2.02U - Maximum site r_overac~. ~ (558 permitted; 77~ proposed) 099 '- PC86-•299 = ~~t~~~~~ ;t? , ~'~ir~,~~'?~I ~i~; '~ i ~? ~~ ~.,, ~ 2. Thr.t the abov~-rn~nl•ionec3 waiver:; (a)- (~) and (d) are hereby gr.anted on the basis that ther.e are special c.irc:umstar~ces ap~licable ~o the properry su~h a5 size, shape, topography, locatiur~ and surr~undinys which do not apply to oL1~er identically zoned pro~er.ty ~n hhp same vicinity; and that strict apFlicati.on of the Zoning Code deprives the propertY ~~ privileges enjoyed by o~her nroperties in the idPntical zone ~nd classi.fication in the vicxni~y. 3. T}~at the above-menl-ioned waiver (b) is hexeby gr~nt~:d under author.ity of Califurn~~~ Government Code Section No. G5915, 4. That thare are ~xceptianal or exl•raordinary ci:cumstances or conditiuns ~pplicable i~o th~ pro~erty .involved or ~c, the intended use o~ the proper~y that do n~l: apply generally to l•he property or r.l~ss oE use in the same vicinit:y and zone. 5~ ~i'hat the requ~stec3 variance is nectsaaey anr3 enjoyment of a subst-ancial propert,y cight possessed the same viciniky and zone, and denied Co the praperly in ~• That L-he requested variance will not be n l-o the public welFnre or injurious to trie property or vi~~inii:y and zona in which the property is located. for thE preserva~i~r. bY o~her proper.L•y in question. ~aterially cie~ri~nental improvements in such 7. ~hat one pers~n indieatt~d his ;~resence ac said public l~earing in Qpposikion; and that no curresponclence was receivF~d in opposition to subjec~. pekitior~. EN~IIRONMENTAL TMPACT ~YNllIr'G; That the Anuheim City Planning C~mmission has reviewed the proposal Lo reclassiiy L-he reorther.ly 178 feet of SubjecL- property Frum th~ CL (C~mmercial, Limi~ed) zone to the RM,-12U0 (Resrdential, Mu].Li~le-E'amily) Zone arid to construct a 3-story, 34--unit "affordable" apartment complex undPr authorit~l oE Cal.ifornia Governmer-t Code Section No. 55915 with waivers ot required lot frontage, ii~inimum site area per dwelling unit, maxirnurn builcling height anr] mar.imum Site coverage on a cectangularlk-shaped parce:l o~ land con~isting of appro~imat;ely 0.76 acres on l•he south side o£ Linc~ln Avenac, and turther de~cribed a~ 2240 West Linco.ln Avenue; and doQs hereby appr~ve the Clegative Declaration upon f.inding that it has con~idered Ehe Plegative Leclaration together with any contmetlL•s received d~lzing th~ public revie~v ptocess and furth~r firid.ing on the basis cF the initial study arid any ~omm:~n`s receivecl that tnere is no ~ubstantial evidence ~h~t fihe project wi11 have a signi.ficant raffect on ttie environment. NOW, THERhFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU L-t7at the Anaheim City Planning Commis~;ion does 17ereby yrant subject Petition for ~/ariance, upon the fallowing condi.tions which are l7ereby fouac7 to be a;-tcessar.~+ prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject pr~perty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare oE the Ci.tizens uf ;:he City ~£ Anah~im: 1. That prior tc~ issuance recreation in-lieu fees amount as determined by of. a building permit~ ~hal.l be pai~9 to th~ the CiL•y Council. -2- apprapriate gark and City of P.naheim in an PC86-299 ,; . ~: ,,, ' :. i i ' ~ -i "; ~ 1 ~ :~:i a. That pri~r to issuance of a building permit, the appropciate trafPic signal assess~nent Eee sha11 b~ paid to the City ~f Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Council. 3. That gates shall nat be insLalled across any drxveway or private street in a manner which may adverselu aff_ect vehicular traffic in tne a~jacecit ~ublic stteet{s). Installation of any gates s~~all r.onfor-n to ~ngineering Stand~rd ~.lan No. 402 and sub~ect to the review and approval of the ~ity Traf-f.i~ Etigineer. ~, That all dciveways sha11 be constructed ar reconstructed t~ accommodatE ten (lU) foat radius ~urb returns as required 5y the City TzaPfi~ Engineer. 5. That the proposed parking sL•r~zcture design sha11 contorm to ~ngineerin~ Sta~dard Plan N~. ~~02-A pectaininy to standard details ~or paricing structures. 6. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a m~nner satisE~ctory L-o the City Engineer. 7. That si.ibject property sha1..1 be setvec by underground utilities. 8. That prior to commencement of structural frami~;g, fire hy,9rants shall be instailed and ch~rged as required anc3 determi.ned ~o I:>e necessary by the ChieF of- ttie Fire llepartment. 9. Tr~at trash storaye ar. eas st~a11 be providec3 and maintained i~i accordance wi.t:h approved p.lans on Eile r:il•h the 5treer Main~enance an~ Sani.t.ation Uivision. 10. That L-l~iis Variance is granted subjec~ to the aclopti.on af l:he Zoaing Oidinance ii~ connection with Recl~ssifiration No. 86-87-~.4, now pending. 11.. That fi re .,}~rinklers st~a11 be ~.nsL•~l:l.ed as required by the City Fire Matshall. 12. That prior to issulnce of building ~ermi.ts, tha applicant sha11 present evider~ce sa~i.sfactory l•o the ChieF Building inspector that the ~roposed ~~ro7ect is in conformance ~aith Counc~tl Policy Number 542 'Saund P.ttenuation in Residenti.a.l ~r~j~cty" and wil:h Noise Scisulation Standards spe<:iL-.ied in l•.he California Administrative Cocie, Tztle ?.5. 13. Thati prior to is~uaiice oF a bui.ldxng permit, r.evised p.lans sha11 be subrni.tted showing the relocation anr~ alignmer-t of al.l driveways, dimensioning af a.ll ~:ypical par.king spaces, and showir~y all gr.ades for. underground parking ,tructure l•o be satisfact~ey to the City Traffic Engineer. 14. That Uubject property shall be deveio~ed substantia.l.ly in accordance with plans and spPCific.~tions on file with the City of Anaheim mar~ked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. 15. Th~: prior to Linal buildin,y and zuning inspecti.ons, C~nditinn Nos. 3, ~, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 14, above-m~ntioned, shall be comp].ied wzth. -3- PC85-299 ':;;f `r ,. ~ ~. ',;y ~~ ;; • ~;: _ ;:<;; ,t ,, ;.~,•;n :; •~:ti ~~ a~ IT E'URiHGR RESOf,VED that the Anahelm City Plunninq Commission does hereby fir;d and deter.mine th~~ adoption of this R~solu~ion is expressly predicated upon applicant°s compliance wi~h each and all o~ the conditions hereinabove set f~rtn. Shaulc9 any such condition, or any part there~F, be declared invalid or une~iforceable by the Einal judgment of any courc of competent jurisclic.tion, then tt~is Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shal.l be deemed null and void. TEiE ~ORLGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 8tn aay of December~ 1986. ..~' ~ ~ . ,~,-~,., d ~ r - . ~ ~rr~` --- ~f-~- r~:..:~:~~ CIiAIRMAN, ANA ~ IM . Y PI~1~Id :INN u COMMJ:SSION A'rTEST : ~ " ~ I . / SFCRETARX, ANAHEIM CITY PLAN[~ING COMNiIS~ION , STA'PE OE CF~LIFORI~IA } COIINTY OF ORRNGE ) s~. CITY GF ANAHETM ) T, Edith L. Harris, Sectetary oE the Anaheim City Planning Commissioiz, do hereby certify that thP fure;oinq resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting ~f ~he Anaheim City Planning Cc~mmi.ssion held on December 8, 1986, by the fol.lowing voL•e of th~ members the~eof: AYES; (:ON,MISSIOP?ERS: BUUA.S, FRXp HERBS'P, LA CLAIRE, LAWICKI, MC DURN~'Y ~fESSE NUES: COMMTSSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMTSSTONERS: NONF. IN WITI~ESS WHEP.EOF, I nave k~ereunto set my hacid khis 8tti day of December, 1y~6. , -, c~.c-.,,.G~~ ~ / _ SLCRETAP.Y, ANAH~IM CI`.I'Y PLANNING COMMtSS~QN "4' PC86-299