PC 86-300a' . ~ s. ~ ~"",. RESOLU7'ION N0. PC86-300 ~ A RESOLp'.CION 0~ 7.'ElE AvAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMTSSTON THAT PGTITION EOR CONDITIONA.L USE PGRMIT N0. 2859 L~E DENIED WHCREAS, the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission did receive a veri.fied ``~ Pei:iti.o~~ .~or Conditional Use Permit Erom R.T.C.HARD [~3. PEBLEY AND FLORENCC hi. PGBLEY~ 37_1f10 Au1d Road, Winche,~.er, Caiiforriia 92396, owners, and HUGO A. VAZQUEZ, 2240 ~1est Linr_oln ~venue, Anaheim, Califorriia 92~05, agent for ~,~ certain real property siL•uated in the C.ity of Anaheim, County of Or.ange, StatE "' of Cal.ifornia, described as: PARCEL 1: LOT 1 IN III~OCK L Uc THE CENTER 'Z'.RACT, IN TH23 C,ITY OF ANAHEINI, CQUNTY (~F ORANGE, S'TA`!'E OF CALIE'QRNZA, AS SHOWN 0[3 A'.,AP RGCOkllED IN BOOK ].4, pRi~E ; 13 Or I~fTSCELLANE0U5 MAPS k2F~OKDS OI' LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CA?~I~'OIZNIA. PAI2CEL 2: LO'P 2 AND TH~ V7~S`i'ER~,X 24 FEL'r OF L~UT 3 IN @LOCK "L" OF 'PI•TC "Ck;NTER ~ iRACT", TN 'Pk3E CITY OF ANAt1EItd~ AS PER MAP THL:tEOE' R.ECORDED IN 14, A'.~ PAGE 13, MISCELLANGUUS RECORDS OP' LOS ANGELES CC)UN'.CY. WHEFtEAS, the City Planning Commission did hal~ a public hearing at ~he Civic CenL•er in the City of Anaheim on November. lU~ 1986 at 1:30 p.m., nota.ce of said publ;.c heariny having been duly given as required by law ~~nc3 in a accorda::ce wikh the provitiions oE the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ; to hear a~id consi.der evidence for and against said proposed conditio~7a1 use permir and to investi.gate and make findi.ngs and recommendations in aounectio:i '' therewith; said public hearing having been continued tc the Planr,ing ~~ ~.nmrrissior~ meeting of December 8, 19i~6; and WHERG~aS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigati~~n and `~ study maclE~ oy itself and in i.ts ber,alf, anc~ after due considecation oF a11 evidence anc] re~orts o.ff~red at .~aid heari.ng, dots find and determine the fallowing facts: „ 1. 'Phat the proposed usE is properly on~ £or which a cnnditional ' use permit is author.ized by Anaheim Muriiripal Code Sec+:ians 18.34.05U.0~30, ' 18.3A.05U.130 and 18.44,050.010 and 18.~4.050,170 to wit: to conskruct a ~} 4-story, 2U-uni~ senior ci.r_izen "affr~rdable" apartment/cangregate care facility a~~d on-sale alcoholic beverages in a. ~roposec] res~aurant with waivers '~ of the tollotving: r, ~ (~) SECTIONS 18.3h.06I.U10 - Min:imum bui].din~~ sit~ area per dwelltnq unit. AND 1.~~94.U31.0?.0, (Minimum 1200 square feet p?r. dwelling unit~ required; 7~18 squaxa feet per dwelling unit prcpased) ~ ( s~) SGC'PIONS .18.34.062,020 - Ma~ti~num site covera~e, AND 1E3.94.032.U20 (Max:imuni 55~ cover.age perma.tte~; 79.6$ proposed) r 0997r '`,~ FC86=3~O~C '~~~ ;;' i~ {~. .w.,~ (c) SE~C7'IONS ]8.~)4.043.050 - Minirnum stcuctuca.l ce~back anci arc~ requlr~m~nt_. ~ ~ 18.34.063.O12 (Minimum 15-foot sl•ructural ~etback trom AN1'i Philadelph.ia 5t.~ r~qaired with a maximum -"" - w encroachment oP nat moce than 3~ inchet~ per- mitted Lor an unencl~a3ed ~tairway, t~ ~i:airway at 1L fc~et propa~Nd) 2. That ~he requestecl waivers are ;~ereby denied on the basia Ghat there are no s~~eclal circu-n~C<~nc~a a;~plicable to the pcoperty such ara y12@~ s~ape, r.oP4graphy, loc~tion anc3 sur.rourdin~s which c7o not apply ta cther identically ~oneci properL•y in th~ same vicinity; and that strict ~pplication of the Zoniny Cc~d^ does iioc dep:.ive the property oE privileger en~~yed by other pro~erties in the id~nr_ical zone and classification in thp ~icinity and 3ub~ect.. , 3. That the ~ropo ~~d ~a~e is hereby d~nied cn the ba:;i:~ ~hati the pr~~po~ed project wuuld be ~~~ercrowding the propert•y and the dual use consisting v:: a s°nior citizen's [~rojeck w~th limitec: parking would not be compatible with a rest~aurant o~en to the public and wilh on-sale alcoholic be~~~erages. 4. That the prop~sed use will, auversely aEEect the adjoinir-g land * ~1ses and the yrowrh and develcpmenc cf the area in which it is pco~osed to bc~ LOCStGd. 5. 'Ihat the size ~ind shape oti the site Pro~osed Eor khe use is not ac3eauate to a11ow thF~ full dev~lo~ment of the proposed use i.n a manner not detrimental ko ~he pa rticuiar area nor ~o the peace, health, saEety and gen~ral wcl.f.ar~ oE tlie Citi.zen:; oP tne City ot Anaheim. 6. Tt1at ~he gr~nting a~ ttie Conditiona.l Use Permit under the condition~ imposF:d, LL any, wil.l. :~e dPtrim~~iital ts~ Che ~ear,e, hea lth, sa fety and gF~n~~ral w~~lEace of the Ci.tixens ~L L-re Ci~y of Anaheim. 7. ~1'hat the traEEic y^t~~~rated by the proposed use will impos~ an undue burden upon the steeeta and ti.iyh~rays d«~~i~ned and imoroved to ca.rr~ the trafEic in the ar~~a. 8~ That.; ~i persons indicatNCl thrir pr.e3ence a~ said ~ublic heacing in opposition; and that no corre~oonden~e was receivEd in opposikic.n t~ th~ subject ~etition. ENVIRONt7ENTAL it4PAC't ~ INI)JNG: '1'hat h,he Anaheim City Planning ~:ommi~ston has revtewed the proposal to constr,uct u~-storyr 20-unir. seni~r citizen "aEfordable" a~artment/congce~~aC~ r.are f.acllity and on-sale aleoholic beverage~ in a pr.~~esed restaurant and wttih waiver.s ~f minimum buildfng site acca pet dw~tliny unit, mav.im~m :;it~ ~:ovecage and minimum structural r~etbaek ~~nd yard r.equireR~ent on a rec~angula~ly-~h~ped F~rcel oE land consi~ting of appcexLmately 0..35 a~re locater3 at ttie suul•h~e.iat c:ocner of ~hiladelphia Strect and Hroadway, and Eurr.her described as 302 - 3U6 ~ast t3ro~adway; and doert hereby approve the Neyhtive o~~clarati.on up~m f.inding th.ac it has congidered the N~~~at:ve De~:laration toger,her wi.th ~ny commenta r~~c:eivnd duri.n~ the public KE3V~P.W vroc~~s anJ [nrth~r f ind5.ng on th~ basi:~ of thn initial study and ~Zny comnent3 receLved *hat r.here is no substanti:il ~~vid~~nc:e that the ~toject will have a ai~~nif icant ef f~;ct ~n E:he environm~nt:. _2_ 1?~86-3011 .. ~~:4'~~.Ji~ ~ ~' .; ~ ~: , , .~ t .,. _ . . ~ ~ r ~ ,, ~~ ~~~ ,';' ' ~~`l :~~:7i ±:i,~ '' :t~ ,; ``-i NOW, 'PHrRc:rORE;, i3E T'P RESUL'VED that the Anahe~.m Ctry Planning Commissi.on does i~ceeby den,y sub~c~ct PeCiti•m for Conditional Use Permit, on the basis of r:~e aforementionF~d Linclinqs. Tr~~ FORLGOING ttESOGUTIOt~ i3 signed and appruved by c~e this ~th day of Decembe;:, 19aG. ~~~; , ; / l ~~ ~ ~ ; c -~ 1~G~''JG•' ~~ ~ ' i`` . ,/ ,Y ~ ~ .~ CHA7RMAN, ANAF ETt•i CI'C'i PL NING COMMISSION A'P`.r E 5'J.' : ' lr~ G~~~ ~ i~~Lc•r~ uECRE'CAt~Y, ANAHEIM CI'PY P. LAtd~iING COMt4ZS5ION STATL 0~ CAL~THOI2IvIA COUNTY ;iF ORANGF: ) a:;. CITY C1F ~NAEIEiM } z, Edith L. Har.ri~, Secre~ar.y of the AnaY~eim City Planning Go,~miss.ion, do her.eby cert:i.fy thak th~ foregoing resoluticr. was paF~e~ an~l acipPted at a meeting of ~he Anaheim CiLy nianning Commissioi~ held on D~cember. 8, .1986, by the Eollowing vote o[ t;h~ members thereof: AY~S: CUMMtSS.IUNERS: BOUAS, FRY, f~EHl3ST, LA CLATRE, L,A~4ICE~I, M~ BURNGY MESSE NOES: COMNISSIONERS: rtor~~ AFISENT: CUMMISSIONERS: PJONL IN WITPiF,SS WH~RCU[ , I hav~ hereunto set my hand th.is E~th day cf December, .19~36. - ~~ ~ ~ ;~-~..~,~~_ SEC:~ETARY, ANAHEIM C!'.L'Y PLAr1NXNG CGMMTSSION -3- PC86-300 ; ~ : ::;:• ~ 'k,