PC 86-305~ t,~' ~ , i RFSOLUTION N0. PC86-305 A R~SU.L•UTION U~' T4E P.NAfi[:TM CI'!'Y F~LANNZNG c'n^"SIS;;y~~N `PHAT PGTITION EOR RECL.ASSIf':[CA'1'Tn~,~ „~. 86-87-1l3 .BI; GRAN'.rED ' WHEREAS, !hc nuah2im City Plannin~7 Commissxon did receive a verifird petit:i~n f_~i lteclas~~,f.ication fror~ JOHN G. PRENTtCB, 29A0 Frontera, A,uaheim, C;.:~~Por.nta 9200G, oamer, and WG5T~;RN DIA~PIONAL PftGPRRTIES, P.O. dox G34a, • Orange, Ca.lifornia 9266%, AT~CIA: KEi~L~TG CAMPHGT,L, agent Poc certain r.ez~l ~;;,, E~~oPerrY situ~ted in the City oE Anah~ m, County oE Orangc, State oP C~1iEcrn.ia, described as follow:;: THE WG3T~KLY 145.OU f~E~L•'T MGASURc^.l) ALONr THF NORTHF'RLY LTNG qF: 'PHAT POR'1.'[Utd OE' LUTS 3 AND Q Ty , LOCiC 23 OF GOI,AEN STATE TRACT, '. IPI `LHE CITY UC ANAHk:IM, COUN'!'Y OF ORA~IGE, STA`i'E OF CALIFOaNTA, ~ P.S P~;12 MAP RLCORDLD IN BUOK 4, PA(;GS t56 ANU 67 OE' MISCEI.LANEOUS s. MAPS, i2LCORf~S OE ORANGF; C()UNTY, CALIE~ORNTP, DE:SCRrDED A~ FOI~LOWS: , COMMENCING h'P THI; .iNTERSLC`PION OF TfiE ~pUTIiWESTF.RLY LINE 0~ Sl1IU • 7~OZ' 3 WITli A LIN~ THA'I TS PARALLEL WITH ANO DIS'PANT WES:ERLY ?.17.5U CEF;i, MEASUR~U A2' RIGEI`l' AIIGLEB FP.OM 'i'HL•' EAS'"E~RI~. LINE OE ~ SAID IAT 3; THP•,NC~ NQR'tH 7° 26' 30" WCST ALONG SAIU PARAI.LEL 1 LIt~E A UIS'PANCE pE 361.yQ CEE'1', SAID POINT BEING THG TRU~ POINT OF' BF,GINNliJG; TH}~'NCE SOUTH 82' 33' 3U' WEST 230.I2 E'BET; T[iENCE ..r~OU'iiI v'~" .'17' .'~^v" Wi^..:~: I?.~.1~ F'IPF;'P Tn 1'IiE L.T.NF•. THAT IS PARALLEI~ WzTH ItND DISTAN'P. NOR'PHEAS'I'ERLY 20.00 F~E'C MFASURED A'P RIG[iT ANGLE3S FROM TH~ 50JTEWESTFRLY L7f~F; 0E' SAID LOT 3; THENCG r1QR~H 60° 40~ 3G" HIzS'I' ~ILONCi SAlU PARALL[:L LI[dC DIS`I'ANCE OF 37(,3J, EEE'1'; 'PkiENC~ NORTti 7° 2G' 3U' WEST 325.51 HEE:T TO THE SOUTHERL~i ui~~~ "F' S:1.IU ?.AND UESCRIHEf) AS PARCEL 2 IN A bF.CD TO THE STATE GF CAI,IFORNTi~ -~ iL~^ ~'GE3R~JAR'C 25, 1954 AS UlK'UMENT N~., 28719 IN TH~ CCE'ICE OL' 'PHL itBGISt'RAN J~ TI~rr~cs IN TfiE OFFICE QF THL•' - COUN'CY RE;C:OP,DER OF OkANGE COUN'TY., CALIN'GI2NIA; THF.N~C NQRTH 8'l° ~ 33' 30' EAS'P biU.nS+ ."•L•'PT ALONG SAlU SOU'PHE:R'Ll T,Ih'~ AND I'PS F,'AS'i'Ei2LY PROf,ONGATTU~J '1'C A LING 'PiiA'1' I„^~ PAR~iLGEI~ WITfi AND DLSTl~NT W.g7.'ERI.Y 217.5Q FEG'P ML'ASURL•'A AT RIGHT AC'GI,F;g EROM T.H~ F'AS'i'~RI~Y GING OF SAIL- [~p~p 3; ~rHEr1CE SOUTH 7° 7.6' 30' EAS?' 444.f36 , FJ,E'P TO I'FiE TkUE PUINT OE' BEGiNNIPlG. '~~;~%H~~15, the CiL•y Flanning Commission d:9 hold a public hearing at the ::ivic Center i.n the Cicy of 1!naheim on D~ct~m~er 8, 1~86 at 1:30 p.r,.., noti:;e r_E ;;a~c: public hearing t~aviny b~en c3uly ~_,~~n a. reguired by law and in accorc?~.ince with the ~~ravisions oF the Anahetm M~.tnic.ipal Code. Chapter 1d.03, Lo '.~~~r and consicier evidr~r~c:e for and agz,inst ,aid ;~ro~osed rec.lassiflcation ilflC3 ~O :11VC;(;lycltE! and !nakF+ find~I1Q; ,111C~ CE'COfIllI14'1'ICjc3tLOf1S {11 conriection t:herewil-h; and ~ WHEf2FT~5~ aaic: Co~n„~is:~ion, aEter ~;;e inspection, inve:~C.iga-:ion ~~n~i '; rL-udy made by Ct,~~lf and in its behall:, a~d ;~fter ~1ue considerarivn of al.t .. ~~' evi~iance and tep~r.ts cEferc~cl ae 3~icf hearing, does f.nd ~~nd deret~nine the , fol.luxiny Ear~s: ~ 1QU2r ;, ~j ~ii~~ . P~65-305 . , ,,~,,, 1. That Cht petitione:r pro~~c~seg r.er.lassiLication of sub~ect prnperty Lrom RS-A-~,3,000(0) (Resid~ntia.l, Agricultur.al-Oi.l Productinn Overlay Zane) tu L-he RM-.1200(O) (Residentlal, Multiple-Fami.iy-Uil Froduct.ion Overlay ?~ne). 2. 'Phat the Ar.ahetm General Plan desic~n~ites subj~ct ~roperty Lor m~dium dznsity residential land u:es. 3. That the proposed rec:~assif:ica~ion of subject ~r~perky i~ necessary and/or desirable far the o~3erly an~9 proE~er developtnent of th2 community. 4. Thal•. tY,e pr~E~osed reclassiEicztion of subject prop~rty doe~ pruper.:l.y relate t:o tf~e zone:. and ttieir permitteci u.^•,es locally established in close proxir~ity to :~ubject ~~rop~rty and to the zones and their permitt~:d uses g~r~erally w5Lablished throughou~ the community. 5. That th~ proposed reclassification oE s~i~;~-~t property rec~uires the imptovemer« uf abutting scr.eets in accordance with the Circulal:i~~n ~:lement ot the General Plan, ~iue to the antic:i~>ated inccease in traffic whir,h wfl]. ;~e yene,:ai:~~~~ by the intensi.Eication of ~•and ;:a~. 6. ';'hat no one indicated the.ir prese~ice ar said public heating in opposition; and that no corr~~pond~nce +ias rf:ceived in o~pos:ition to subject petirion. Et~VTI?Q^1MBNTAL IMPACI' FINP.ING: That t:he A.~aheim ~ity Planning Commission has revi.ewed the proousal t:o r~cl~ssify subject prope'rt:y frorn it5-A-43,OOU(U) (Resid~ntxal, Agricu.ltural-Oil Production Overlay Zone) to the FM-1200(0) (Fiesidcntial, t4u.lt.iple-E'arni3.y-Oil Produ~tion Over:~ay Zona3 Co construct a'l and '3-story, 21-unit apartmenL• ~:om~lex, and wil:h waiver of maximum buildir.c~ heiyht on an irregu13r1:~-sha~,ed parcel oE land ~oiisisting ot approximately 1.0 acre, haviny a.frontage o.C appro~timately 159 £eet on tt~e north side ~t Jackc.on AvAnue, eu~d be.in9 lac~ted ap~roximately E60 Eeet ea5t of. the c:enterline of Parlc Vi3ta Sr_rec~L; ~nd doe~ hertby approve the Neyative Declar.ation upc~n Eind~ny that i~ has considEred the N~;yative Dealaration rogett~er wi~li any .r,ommehts received cluring thE p:tblic review process and f.urther findin~ an thc hasis <~~ lhe inirial study and any commcnts recPived ~:hat there i.s no substanti~l ~vi.~4ncf~ that th~ ~rojeck will have a 3igniticant effect. on thn er~viconmenr_. NOW, 'IEiERFFUFtE, :3~ i'r F.LSUI,V~:U that the AnahHi-n City Planniny Comm:yslon docrs h~reby c,rant subject PeCition for. iteciassifacation ~nd, by Ao dotny, tt~ac 'Pitle 18-Zoning o° thP Anaheim Ptunicipal Code i:~ amended to exclude t:h~a above-d2~ar.i.5ed proper~y from F.S-A-43,000(0) (Residential, Agricultura1~0i1 Pror]ur,tinr. Overlay Zone) and ro LRrp[pOCat2 said desccibed propecty into ttie ~cM-i.2UUi0? (Re:3.idc~ntial, t4ultipte--~amily-Oil Production Ove[lay 'Lone) upon the £o „owiny coniiittons which are heceby found Lo be ra neces:~~ry I~reC~quisite to the ~rop~aed ~sG oE s~biect pr.op~rty in or~.3er to -~re3erve the s~sE~ty an~i <3eneral welfaCt oE ~he Citizen3 of the City of Anah~im: 1. 'rhaC thc: nwnet of ~ubjF~ct Nro~~erty shal.l pay to the Cit,y oE Anaheim d f`ee [or Lree plar~~ ing ~urP~ ~es 31ong ~lac:k~on Avenue and alsc along Fr.onter~ Stcee~ ( it the ~coE~erCy owc~er obtaii24 tt~e property between Ec:~ntera Strer~t and subject propecr_y i.n an umhur~r_ as determined {~y ti~e C LCy ~our~ci;.. -2~ PCBo-305 2. ThaL•, if. the proi~e-:ty owner has c~btained the properL-y bet~aeen Fc•ar.tera SL•reet and subject prop~rty, the owner shall i.rrevocabl,y oEfe-~ ko dedicate to r_h~ City oi Anaheim a strip of land 51 f~et in width Lrom the centerline o~ the :;tre~t along Crnnhera St[ett tox street widening purpuses. 3. That prior ~o the j.ntroducti.on oE an ord.inance rezoniug subject property, Conditinn Nus. 1 anci 2, aUove-mentioned, sPiall be comple~ed. Tne provisions or right~ grante~ by thin resolu~ion shall k,ecome null ar,d void by act.ion of the Pl.anni.ng Commission uriless ~aid canditiuns are com~.lied with within one yeszr from the date ot- Chis resoluti.on, ar such £urther tirne as the Planning Commission may grant. h. 'Phat, str.eet lightiny Pac~iliti.e:, along ['ront~ra •Streer aiid ,1~c:kson Avenue shall be i.nstalled ~js re:~uired by the Util.ities GeneL41 Manag~ar in a~cordance with ~pPcifications on f.ile i.n the UfCice of "tili~ies Gen~r.al Mana,yer, ~~nd l•hat. security in the form qf a bond, ~ C,2~L' 1.E1(:u~:e ~~ der~u~iL, le~'~~~ af crcdi.r, or cash, in an amount and form ~atisfactory Lo the Cii:;( of Anaheim, stiall be ~osted with the City i:o gu«rant.ee the ~atisfactory completion oF the aoove-;~en~ionad impcovem~nts. Said security stiall be posted with the ~i~y of Ar~akieim ~ prior to approval of improv~m?rtt ~1~ns. The above-required ; inproveinents sha11 be i nstalled prior ko ,c;cupana',Y . D~ I': ?~UR'PHER RESQLVED t'.~at the Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssion does heceby find and deL-ermi~e rhat adoption of this Rpsolutioci is expressly pr.ed:icated upon applicanL's compliancc~ with each and all. of. tt~e condi.tions he:einabove set forth. Sh~uld any suct~ c~ndition, or any part. thereof, ce declared invalid or unerifo:ceabl.e by ~he final judgment ~t any court of competent jurisdict.ion, then l•his 12~~soluti~~n, a~ia any approvals kierein contained, ~ha]1 be d~emed null at~d void. THE FOkEGn1NG RESOLU'rTON ia signed and approved by me this 8th day of Decc~rnber, 1985. ~'`' f'~"/ ~i,j ~f~± ; ~~ ~~.. Ri. .~ Y~~'7 ~ • ~ ' C}IAIRMAN, ANAEiL M GIiY PLAN ' NG COMMI5SIUN ATT E S'?' : ~ ' / . ; ~ . ' __~~~2~ S'r.'CitETA Y, ANA~tL•'IM C"i'rY ~' ~ANNTNU COMMISSI~~N -3- PCBb~ 3~5 ~~ ,, ~ ... _. ~.::yas , ~.r""~. } STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN'PY OF' OR~INGE ? sS• CL'Y'Y OE ANAEICIM ) z, ~diti- t,. Elarci.s, Se~retary uf the Anah~.im C;.ty Flanning Cummissi~n, do hereby cect:ify +:hat khe foregoing resoluti~n w~s passed and aclopted ar a meeting o~ the Anaheim City Flanning Commi.ssi~n hel.d on December 8, 1986, by the Following voL•e of L•tie membets tt~~ccoE: AYES: COMMISSIONEFtS: DOUP,S, FRY, HEl?BST, LA CLAIR~', LAW~CKI, ~NC }3UFti~EY NOr~5: COMMISSIONLItS: NONE ADSENT: :.QMMISSTONk~RS: M~SSE iN W.T_'1'NESS 4~HE;RFUE, I have her.eunto set my hand this 8th day of December, 19a6. ~ . _~~7~'„~"`~""" ~---/ ~~~~~ ~ PLANNING CO~iMISSION SECAETA1tY, AyAHEIM CIT _,~_ PC86-305 "~: :i",f~ ~ . k , , ._ .. ~ „_ .,. ~, ~,,,_~,~~~..;.~~~n~