PC 86-307~~ ,M~, RESOI,UTION N0. PC86-:3U7 ~ Y:'~ ,;,, ,~. A RESOLU'PX~N OF 'PHC ANAHtiIM CTTY PLANN:[~IG COMMISSION THAT PBTITTON FOR CONL~ITIONAL USE PERM:CT N~. 2f328 }3E GFtANTELI ~ WEIEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission di~ receive a veriEied Petition for Conditiona.l Use Pernizt from JF'NNT~'ER HOYT, MAGNO~,IA-LA PALMA TNDU~T~IAL CL,NTER, DRXA~a INDUSTFtIAL PRQ.PERTIES, TNC., 196 L'ast Orangethorpe Avenue, Anahe.im, Ca.lifornia 928Q1, owner, and MARK G. PAGE, C~t9P8LLL AUTObfJTIVE ~~tOUP, 6900 Ma~tchesl.er Fioulevard, E~uena Pa!:k, ~ali'rornia 90261, a~ent Eor certain rcal property situat:ed in t.he Ci".y of Anahei.m, Coun~y of Or~nge, SL•ake o~ California, described as: PARCEL A: PARCEL 1, AS SHG~rlN ON n M,A1~ rILED IPl t300K 9, PAGE 29 OI' PARCEL MAPS IN THE Of~FTCE 0'r' TFir COUNTY F~E~,IRDER UF ORANCE COUNTY, CALIEORNTA. PARCEL~ B: AN FAS~MENT FUR 7NGHESS AND GGRESS OVER THAT '~ORTION OF PAR~FL 2 AS SI•iOWN ON A MAP E~ SL~'D IN EOOK 9, PAGE 29 03~ b`ARCEL N~APS IN THE OP'F'!CG OE' TEI~ COUNTY REC:ORAE:2 OF ORANGE C~UNTY, C,A~,TFORNIA, It~CLUllED WITHIN 'PHE "EXISTING 4C.QL~ FOOT RqAD P.ND MAIN'PENANCE FPSE~MENT" D~LINE~aTED ON SAID PARGEu MAP. WHER~AS, the C.i.ty Planning Commission ~i.d hold a~~ublic heacing ai: the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim cn Uecember 8, 198G, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said oublic haaring 1; .vir~g been du'ly gxven as cer,u.ire~i by ].aw and in accordance with the pr_ovision:~ of the Anlheim Municipal Cec3e, ChaFter 18.03, to hear and consi.der evidenc;e for and agains'r. said proposed conditioaal use ~:ermi~ and ko invF~tigate and ;nake findings an~3 recommet~~atior,s in c~nnectian ther.pwith; and ~: ~ WtIL:RLI~S, said Comrnission, a£ter due inspection, i.nvest:igation and study macie by itself and in its t•~~halt, and aErer due consideratior, of ,~11 evidence and reports offeced at ~•aid hear.i.ng, does f~nd and deter.m.ine the following f:actN:. 1. Thak khe proposed usc is ~r~perly one Eor wt-ich a conditional use permit is authorized by An~heim tlunicipal Code Secti~n 18.61.OSO~U70 to wik: to oermit un auL-om~bile body repair. shop in t.he ML~ (Industr:ial, Limited) Zone with wai~~er of the following: :i~;GTZONS 1R.06.050.0?12, - Minimum number o.f pat~king s ap ces. 18.OG.0~0,0222, (li6 spaces required; 48 spac~s ].8.06.080 AND existing) F 2. That the above-menL•ioned waiver is hereby grancec; on the basis that the ~~arka.ng wa;.ver will not cause an increase in traFfi.c congPStion Ln khe immediate vicinity nor adversely affecL• any ~dj~inina land uG~:s and grar,ting oE ~tie park:ny waiver undPr the condi.ti~ns imposed, i.f any, will not be detrimental to thp peace, health, saf.eky and general welEarE oE the citizens af the City ~,t Anaheim. 10U4r PC86-307 , ,. .:. .:... .. .... .. ; , ~~ ~~. 3. Tt~at the propo~ecl use is h~reby g,:antAd for. a period of one (1) ye~r t~ expire un December a, '1987. 4. That the proposed use r~ill not a:.~ve~sely afL•ect the adjoining .land ases ac~d L-he c~rowth and de4~el.opmen~ uE the area in which it is pro~osed to be located. ~. That the size an~ shap~ of the site ~rop~~sed for the ~i~e is adequate to a11ow the full development oF the proposed ~tse in a manner raot detrimental t.o the particular area nor to tr,e peac~, health, saf:ety and general we:Lfare of ~h~ Citizens of the City of A~iaheim. 6. '~'hat the granting oE the Conditi~nal Use ~'E~rrnit undec the condit=on~ imFosed, if any, will not be ~e~rimental to tha~ peace, heal~~h, safety and gene::al welfarc of t:he Citizens of khe Ci~_~~ oE Anahe~im. 7. That the tia:fic yenerated by the proposed use wila not imp~se an undue burden u~on the s~r~~:ets and hi.gl~ways designad and improvec to carry the l•raffic in khe area. 8. That no one i.ndicated ~heir presence at ::aic~ public hearing in op~osition; and that no cocrespondence was receive~: ir~ o~~~osition to the sul~ject petition. ENVIRONMEN'rAT: IMPAC'.P FihILT^;u: Tt~aL- l:he Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commission has revi.ewed the proposal to permil-. an aut;amobil~ b4d~~ cepair, shop in the ML ( Tndu~ tria~, Limittd ) Zone with waa.v~~r af minirnum number of parking spa~es o~ a rectanaularly-sha~ed parcel of land consisting oF a~pro:cimatcly 1.2 acres~ k~avinn a fruntage oi a~proxi~nately I95 i-eer ~n th~ north sid~~ of La Palma Avenue, and being approximately 525 feet eas~ of toe centerline of Magnoli.a Avenue and furth~r ~]escribed as 2541 West La 9alma Aventie; a:nd does hereby a~pr.ove the Negative llec:lara:~ion upon finding that it has considere~ the Negativ~ DeclaraL-ion toget;her with any cvmments received during the pub~.ic review pc~cess and further Ei~.ding c~n t~e basis u~ the initi.al study ana any camments Leceived thdt thcr~ is no su~stGntial eviclence th~t the project will have a yignificant effect or, che er~vironment. NOW, THFRP:FOI2E, F3E IT RL'SOLVE;D that tne Ar~aheim City Planniny Commission does hereby grant subjecL Petition tor Condi ional Use~ Permit, up~n the L-'ollowing cond~tions which ace here~.y Puunc: to be ;x necessary prerequi.site to the proposed use of thc ~ubje~t ~roperty in order to pr.e-erE+e the safeL~~ «nd general welfare of k:hE Citi.zens of 1:he City oL F~naheim: 1. That due L-o ~he chaiige in use an~l/or occtipancy of the buiic3ing, plans :.~h~i11. be subrnitted I:o the Builaing Divi:sicn sho~aing compliance with the minim~un standards of the City of Anaheim, ir,clu~ing the Un1Pr,rm E3uil.ding, Plumbir~g, Blectrical, t~techanic:al and E'ire ~odes as adoptea by the City c,.E An.~heim. 7'h~ appropriate permits ehall be obtained for any necESS~rv work. 2. ~rhat no outdoor storage ~f. or work on venicles c~: vei.;cu.lar parts shall be permitted (a) anci that a.ll ~xistiny o~atdoor stur.age shaZl be cemoved ~tnd exisl•ing outdoor work terminated. j~ e^ z^ -Z- PC$6-307 ~- 3. 'Phat sub}ect ~.-.o~-.erl-y ~hal.l be develc~pecl :~ubstanrl~~lly in ~ccorde~nca with plana ar~d .3pec.itications on f.ilc with the Ci~y of Anaheim marked L•'xhibiL No~. 1 ~~nd 2. 4. '!'ha~~ prioc• to c:ommencen~nc oE the activity herein ap~roved or prior to fi.nal bui].d ing anci zaning inspeationc, whici~ever occu.r~ Fit st, Candition No3. 1 ancj 3, above-mencioncd, sr~a].1 ~e complied wi.th. 5. That thi~ ~ase ~errnih. is heceby grante~ for ~~ period af one (1) yeaz, to expire on Uecembc:r 8, 1987. A subsequ~nt use permit shall be ob~ained if ~he u~e is continund. Cantinuation aE the use may be bastd on a der.ermination of wh~ther the waiver oE the mir{t~um acquire~: number af parking soaces (38~ oF C:ode requirement is ~t-ovi~ed) ha:s had sn advecse 1£fect an nearby uses and wheiher thc number p-~ovided ha, proven to be adequat;e. E3E I'P FUC2`1'HE12 RLS~C,VL•'D that the Anahei~n City Planning Cu~~missfon does hereby find and de~:ermine ~hat a~ioptior- oE h~i~ RESOlution is exQr~ssly predicaL•ed u~or~ ap~.li cant's ca;n~! iancE with eacn and ~.1J. of the conditions herei.nabove sFt f~rt!~. Shoulc~ any such conditions, or uny park theceot, be c~eclar~ad invalid or ~~nenforceabl~ by the final judgment oE any court of c:r~m~ ~t~~nt jurisdicl-ion, th~:n tnis itesolution, anc3 ar~y approva.ls herein cunt~~ined, ~ha11 be deemed nttll and voi~. THF: ['OREGVING R1:~(?LUTIOh is ~i.gned anc3 ak~pro~ied by me this 8th day of DecYmb~r, 1985. __._~ ~''~_.~~'~~ ' .~ . ~/ CiiAIRM1IN, At1AHEIM 'ITY PLkN1 G COMMISSIOI~ ATTEST: /~t~~„7~f ~/t/~i, SECRETA Y, APIAIiGIM CT'PY P1,ANN~NG CUMMISSION S'CAT~ 0?~ CALIFORtQIA ) CbUt~'PY OE OI2ANG~ ) ;:;, CITY OE At7AiIE:IM j I, Edit:h L. Narri~, Secretary ~~t the An~h~~~im CiL•y Plar.ning CommLs:;inn, do hereby certiEy Lhat r_he f•oreqoing [e~olution was ~~ssed and a~.3o~tec~ ut a manting of the Anaheim City F`1%~n~~ing Commisnion held on Dece-nber 8, 1986, by the fcllowinq vote ~i the mcm:.~er~ thtreo:: ,~ AYE~~ ;:G:dMIS`,;IONE:RS: f30UAS, E2Y, Hf:R4~ST, LA ~:[.'1IRE, LAWT.C'.~I, MC BUKNFY :JOES: CqM;4I~5I0N~RS: NQNE ~9S(.NT: CODttd'i55IQNE1tS: MES;t Iti W, ~'NE:SS WilL•'I2F;~7E, I have hereunto set my t~and this 8r.h day r~f De~ember, 1~tsC. ~ . _t ~ -____,~z___~-~--~ L_~~Lr~' SGCKCTr\R't~ F~NAffk;IM CITY PLANN_ G COMMZ5SinN '3' Pc;86-307