PC 86-32Rh;SQLU'P'I.ON N0. PC86--32 A R~;SOLU'rION Or 7'H~ ANAHF'I[~1 CI'PY PLANNING COMM.T.SSION THAT PL;T.i'i'lON FOk2 ~ONDI'PIQNAI~ U5E k'LRMI'P N0. 2756 BF DENIED WHETtEA5, the Anah~im City Planni.ny Commi.ssion did recei.ve a veri.Eied FeL-ition tor :.'ondit~.onal Use P~.-mit from ORAVG.E C:)UN'1'Y STEE'L SALVAGE, TNC., ~~ 3'l00 East krontera Street, Anah2im, California 928t15, A'PTN; GE4RGE: ADAMS, •~~ .~gent Lor certain rea]. prcperty situated in t;h~ City of Anaheim, Cuur.ty of , Or.ange, StaL-e of Califccnia, dtscribed as: THUSE POR`PIONS c~;~' LUTS 28, 29 AND 30 INCLUSIVE; OE' ~RANG~ GROVE ACRE;S N0. 2, AS SE{Uh'N UN A MAP RE~dRD;:I~ IN BUOIt 7, PAGE 36 QF MISCL•'LLANLUUS 61APS IN 'PHL" UFFICE OF 'PHE COUNTY RCCORDLR OE SI~ID COUNTY. W~iJ;RkJA;;, t.i ~• City Plannin,y Commi ,sion did hold a public hearing at the Civic ~'enter zn the City of Anaheim ~n .Ianuary 20, 1986 ai•. 1:30 p.m., n~~tice ot s~azd public hcaring having been duly given as !:equired by law and in accordance with the l~rovisions of the Anahei.m Municipa.l Code, Chapter 1b.U3, tc~ hear and consider evid~nce for ~nd against sai~. ~~r~pose~3 conditional use permit and Lo .investigate and make Lindinys and recommend~tions in connection tl~erewith; anrl WFiERk~AS, sai:~ Cummission, after due inspecti~n, invE~stigarion and stur~y m~de by it:self and in its behalf', and aEter due considera~ion o.f aly evi~~nce and r~porL-s o.Efereci at said he~rin.r„ does find and det•~rmine the `ollowing facts: :~ 1. That the pro~osed use~ is properly unc ~or which a conc9itional uNe ~~ermit i.s auLhorized by AnahE~im Ptunici.pal C~~dc Sectian 1~.21.05D.?00 L•o :~iT.; to r~tair. the ::empoL~ry ouL•doot s~orag~ of shredcJee wa~te, uiama~:i~led automobile~, a traveling over.h~ad r.rane, and other materia.].s and ec~uipmcnt associate~d with the recycling o,~r~ration locat~~i to the north and west of subject praperty. ~. Ti~iat thF~ pro~~osed use is herel~y de~ir-•c~ ori the basic thak the request is ic,r the expa:ision o:E an existiny recycliry o~eration lacated ~o the north anct ~aest o[ sut~ject pr~perty anc~ there have been numerou~ prob.lemU 3n the past with the Code Cnfurcernent nLficers t~aving to make numerou~ insp?ctions ancl issue any nor_i.r.e~ uf violition for sr.reeniny probJ.ems wiCh stored matcrial:~ ~,nd ~qui~~ment projectiny subs~antially above khe enc].osurc or i:ence and toc illegal retail operations; and, fiarther ch~~t thH requir~d lancl:acapiny re~.~uired in connecki~n with L•he an~roval of the -~;;e pprmit~ on khe existiny opcXation h~s not been installPd. 3. 'Phai further, thz propo.~ed us~ is further deniecl ~n ~he basis that expert tes~:i.mtii~y presented by a repxesenta~:ive from the 5tate of Cali.~urnia Deparkment uC E.ea1Lh Servi.ces, Toxic Substance Control L'ivision, reporLirig t~~e re~ults ot tests c:ondur,ted al the s.ik~, indicated thPre is a major ~roblem with the ui,sposa.l of auto ~hredder. waste aince it is consideeed to be hazardous and can on:ly lae kaken to designated landti.l'ls, none o£ which are l~cated iri Oranr~ Coanty or Sauthern Califo:nia, in compliance with Senate L~ill ~76. Uespite ;~aid ciisposal pronlem, th2 petitioner continues to pr~duce additi.onal ~hre~cler waste on 7ubject and adjacent psoperkie:;, and L•o store the additi.onal quantities on°~ite. U705r PC86-32 ~ '~ ~ ~ fr a~; ~ ~ + r•,~ ~:~ ~; 4. '1'hat the proposed use will ad~ecsel,y affecr the adjoining l and llS@^a and the growl-h and deve.lo~ment of the area in which it is ~ropos~d to be ~ located. S. `1'hat the :.ize and shape oP the site pro~~osed for t~e use is not adequate to a11uw the Lull development of the proposed use in a mannPr not detrimental to the ~art•icular area nor t~ the peace, health, sa£ety and '~; '`' gsneral welf ~~, are a1 the Citizen~ ai the City uf Anaheim. ; `i; 6. ~:hat ~hc granting of the CUr.ditional Use Perrnit ~ander rhe condikio~~s imposer~, iC any, will be cletrim~ntal. to t:he ~eace, health, saf:ety '.!;~ ~ni1 general wel.iare of the Citize~zs of the City of Anaheim. 7. That no one indicated their presen~e aL• said public hearing in opp~sitir,n; and thrat no correspondence was received in apposition to the si;bject ~~etikion. ': ~NVIRQNME;NTAL IMPACT E'INDTPJG: '1'hat Lhe Anaheim City Planr.ing Commissi~n tias reviewed thc proposal to r~tai.n I,he tempor.=~zy outdoor sL-orage ot shredcter taaste, dzsmantled automobile~, a traveling overhe:a~d crane, anc! other mattrials and equipmenl: assoaiaL-ed witti pe~itioner's recycl.ing opsrat.ion ] ouatsd to the nor.lh ar:a west oL subject proper. hy un a rectangularly~-shaped l~~arcel of land consisting ~f appro~imately 5 acres lacat.ed ap~roximately 200 f~et soutFi ~f the centerline oi-' F'ron~era Street and approximat~ly 1700 faei: east of th~ ~ei~t~c'line of Glussell. Street, and further described as 3200 East Erontera Street l~rany~ County Stee.l Salvagc); and does hereby disap~rave the Negal•.ivF D~clarati.on upon findi.ng that it has co~sidered the Negativ~ Dec?.a~ ~tion togel.hec wiL•h any cocnments tec~ived d~~ring the public review process and further Lindinc~ on the basi.s c,!: the iniLiGl study and any commetyts re~~_i.ved tt~at there is subsi:anti~.l evidcnce thal: th ~ ptoject• wil.l have a signiFicant ~[tect on ~he environmcnt. NUW, THL;RSFURL, BE .i'P RE,S(1LVF'U i:hat the Ana}~~eim City Plannin~ Cotn-r,ission does hereby CIC-'ilY sut~ject Petitie~i Eor ~~nditianal Use Parmit, on kh~ basis of L•he aturementioned i.indings. 'PFiE ~OP.EGO?NC TtESULU'P1CN is si9ned and approved by rne tk~is 20t~h day ~ of January, 1.~386. ; , ~ , ~~ /~ ~? •~ :'' ~~ CC . ~ l.~~C~c,t..,.ct.J _~-. , .L LC... CHl~IRWOt~1AN, APiAF~EIt~I CI'T'Y Pf.~ANNING CGt4M:LSSIGN ATTL•'S'P : , ~.. ~ ~~1it i~¢--' ~., ___.__. ~~ SF.I:RF`i'ARY, ANAHl3IM CITY '~t,ANNING Cnh1M]:SSION -2- PC86•-3 2 :,,1 ~I~' STATL OF CALII'ORNIA ) COUN7'Y OF ORAN(~E ) s5 • CI`.CY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ ~~ • ~R~ , a;~~7 ~,~ Fi;,~~ . . . ~ ~1 . j,"~,~ r~, ~`. ~: ,`~~' • ;Y ',~ I, Ldith L. Harris, Secretary of r.he Anaheim Ci~y Planning ~ Commission, do l7ereby certify that I;he £oreyaing resolutio:~ wa~ passed and ; adt~pted a~ a meetirig of the Anahei.m Citl+ Planninc r.omrnission he7.d on J~nuary 2p, 1986, by the fo~lowii~y voke o= the m~mbers th~~ reaf : ; py~g: COMM:ISSION~kS: BUUAS, FRY, HERBST, LA CLAIRE, LAWICKI, MC f3URNEY ~};,~ NO~S: COMMISSIUNERS: NON~ ABSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: h~ESSE ',;~ ,n I,N WITNESS WtiEREUi', I have hereunt•.o set my hand ~his 20th day oE >? f Ja~~uary, 1.986. , ~4C.~- /`~ - /~I+~~- ~-G~ ~ - i SECRETARX, ANAHFIM CI'PY PLAI~NTNG COItMI85IOt1 : ~:~ r. . . ~ ~ ~ ~.,SS i~.~ '~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~:~'~3 . . ,. ,'is,~ ~~ ~ ;r~Vy~ . . 'r`;'t"{4 .....,^.'Y ~. ~ `-~1 ({l: rti. ~~ Hi ;{ '.tJ .r -3-