PC 86-35RESOLU'; ION N0. P:.'86-J5 A RLSOLU`PION OE 'PHB ANAHEI[9 CTTY PLANNING CONIMISSlON ADOPTING AND REC:UMNII;NDT~G TO 'PHL CI`PY CUUNCII, OL' TIiE CITY UF ANAEIEIM ADOP'PIOid Oh ~ENERAL PLAN Ah1L•'NllMLN7' NO. 20 %- RTUING AND HZKII~G TRF+ILS pOR`iiUN OE' '1HE; I:hVIRONMf;NTAL RGSOUI2CF AND NA[dAGE:6IFNT ELEMEy'.C ~r~HEREAS, the C:i'r.}~ c:ouneil ot t'r~e City oL Anatiei.m did aclap~ the AnaY~eim General P:lan k~y ResoJ.ution No. 69R-644, showing ~he generzl clescri~tion and ex~ent of possible future clevelopment withi.n the Cit,y; and iJkiL•'NL•'l1S, on Ju1y 3, 19E3~, the City Council approved an update and cor~solid~tion of_ aIl elements oi t~he General P.lan; ~nJ the Riding and Hi.lcing Trai'ls ~~ler~enl- was CUIIt}~zrr W1th th~ Consa: ~ation, Open Space and Recr~atiun hl~ments to fU[tr~ tne Lnvi~ ental ResUUrCe and Planagemer~c B].ement; and WHI;RE;AS, the Equest~ian aiid Flikiny lrails Portion ot the Environmental R~source and tf~anagemenl; Element was pr.~pared to guid~ the d~~v~lopnient ot an interconnect~d sysLem c~t equestcian and hiking trails; and WHEREAS, pursuant t-o a requ~st ~com the proNerty owner foc a ren~ra.l Plar, Amendinent SLudy, City staf~ ~~rr:U~red ~~ G~~neral Plan Amen~im~.nt for deletion of the Nohl kanr.h `i'rail, e~t:ending fC~~IlI Santa Ana Canyori Raact belween Peralta E:i 11~ U~ive and Nohl Can,yun Itoad La the L~alceview Tr~ai.l; the por~ion of t;h~ Four c:orners Tr~il pxtendi.ng fram the Lakeview TraiJ. to Royal Oak Ruad between Honeywo~d I~ane anci tJohl. kanch Itoaci; anci Lh~ porCion oP the Lafceview ~Prai.l exL-endinq ~rom Peralla El.ill~ Drive to Nohl R~~nch Road where it inLersects with t•ie; '~> Avenue; ~ria WHLRI~AS, thc I~lann.iny liepa~L-ment dec:med it a~proprir~L~~, ~ursuant to t,ie ~~rovisions of tl~e: C:alitornxa Environrnenta.l Qua1.iL•y Act, t:hat che project will have Il0 ~i.ynil.i.cank et.~ect: on the envirunment .ancl therefore a Negativ~ Ue~:.la[~ti4n should be ~i~proveci; and WNL•'RLAS, the Anaheirn C~ ty l~lanni.ng Comm.ission dad hold a public hearing at L•he Anaheiin Ci.vic Center, Councii Chaml~er., ?.00 South Anaheim I3oulevard, o:i January 2U, 1986, at .l::;U N.m., notice of sai~~ ~ublic hearir.q hav.ing been dul.y qiv~~n as~ req~i~recJ by law and in accordance with the ~:,covisions ok the Anaheim l•lunicipal ~ode, to h~~ar and c~nsidec evidence for and against . aid AtT~endment to the Anaheitn Ger~eral Flan and Lo investigate znc] make f:indings and rECG!11P1E(llldrl~JllS in connecti.or~ ttierewith; and snid pub.lic heacing ::~ving been c~nt.inued tc~ lhe Pl~nning Cominission neeting at February 3, 1y86: and l^lFIL•'ftEA5, ~ai.d Com~aission, aftcr clue con:~ideration, Lnspection, invest:gat.ion and sl-ady made by iL-se.it, anc3 after due consi~;3~_•ration of all evidence and repc~rt:s cffe,.ed at .%~id he.ari.ng, DOES HL•'kEBY I~Itd~: 1. 'Ptial :>iii[icient evic.9ence was pces~n*_ed whi.ch substantiate~r~ the ne~d ivr. ar~ amendmtnt ~o the Anaheiin Genera.l P.lan, anc3 it ia dPemed ' appcopriate L•hat "Exhibit e" k~e adopte~3, deleting ~.he entire Noh7. Ranch Tcail, " and potl.ionr oE the Laket~icw ancl F'our CoCners Trai.l:s. ~ . y~. .r' , ,:, . PC86-3~ 070)r . r, '~", ; - ~ s ~~ _.,. ~~~~. . , ., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~}ti,p~E~~~~ ,~, ;,;;!ti !"i ~!L. •,~ "+ N~W, THEREI'O~E, HG I'P RESOLVGI'i, khat the hnaheim CiLy Planning Commissiun has reviewed L-he pruposal l•.o amend t:he Riding and Hiking Trails portion oL the ~m~ironmental Resource an~.f Manayemenk L1er~ent of the General Plan aelet.ir~g l-t~e entire NohJ. Ra7r_t~ Trai.l, exkending trom 5ar~ta Ana Canyon Ruad between Pera:lta I-!i11s Drivc and Nohl. Can~yon ttoad to Che Lakeview Tra.il; the port.ion of the k'our Corners 'i'rail extending ~rom the Lakeview Trail to ` Royal Uak Ftoad betwecn Eioneywood Lane anc] Nohl Ranch R~ad; and thL~ portion of ~ the Lal:eview TLail extencling krom Peralta Efi11s Drit+e ta Nuhl Ranch R~ad where it intersects witt~ ,Ieats Aven.ue; and does hereL~y apt~r~~~E the Negative Declaration upor~ Yindir.g tr~ar_ ;,t }~as consiclered the Negative Declaration t~gether witt~ any comment5 recei.ved ~luring the public r.eview process and Lurther finding OIl che basis of the iiiitia.l stucly and ,any comment~ recei~ed that r_~~~r~ is no suk~stanl•ia.l evidence ~hat tl~e F>roject will have a significant effect on the envirunmc~nL. Il1; I'i' F'UR"1'tiLk Rk~SULV'r;U t;ha~ pu:suant to the Eureyoir.g findings, the Anaheim Cit~~ Plannin~ C~mmi.ssiun ~~rs hereby arlopt and recommend to the City c:o~mcil ok tt~~ c:ity r~~ Anaheim adoption o1 General Plan Amendment No. 2Q7 - F.:~hibit fi. '1'Hi: FURLGUINC RE;SU~U'~IUtv i.s signed and appraved by me khis 3rd day of r'~_~I~ruary 3, .1984. J `, ~ ,? .. L~l~~.-r%.~_, , % ,~~ , L'EiATRWUMAN, ANAH.GIPt 'I'PY P r~NNING CUb1FiTSSTON A:i'TL•'u'i`: ) _ ~ J.~~x~.r.~efb.~~l. ') ,~_~~~ _, 5L•'CF,tL•"1'ARY, AN:`.F?E1M CI'PY ~'LAD~NINu CGt1DtTSSIC?[v S',CATL UI' CALIE'URNIA ) CUU[Jl'Y 01' CEtANCL•' ) ss. Ci`PY OG' ~NAfiL•'IPt ) G t, E:r]ith I.. Harr~s , Sccr.atacy ot ~h~. 1~narieim City Planninq c;ommissi c~ri, ,l0 1lereby ~~^rr.if! thzit lhe £ocer,oing resa.tul-ic,n was p~ssec7 and ~ aUoF~Ced at a mF~etiny o~. l•he An ai~eim C~ir_y planni.ng c;or~miss±on held o~ reLruary 4 3, 19FsE~, t~y L'ne tollowing vote ~t Lhe m~~bers thereof : ~ 4 AYE;S: c:~t9MiSS?UML•'RS: f3iiU1!u, MkY, HI•;It[i5`i~, Ln CLn7.RC, LAWtCKI, !4C AURNGY ; NULS: COMMISSIQNE;I25: NO~IF: ; A~iSF.N'i': CUMh1ISr.;.TUNERS: MGSSL Iiv t^~I'1'P~k;S:; wH~;REUF, I ~~ave hecc:unto :;ce my har~d t~~is 3xd raay of I'~bruary, 19FS~. y~ : ~ 5r'C:ttr~`i'ARY, At3AHEJM CITY c1,A NING COMMIiSZO"7 _ '~