PC 86-37~,,, R~SULU'L'IUN NO. YC~G-;i7 ~ R~unLU'i'ION UF' :'}iE J1Nr1HL•'1M CT'l.~X pi,1~NN7NG COMMI:iSION 7't~~+'a' !'L'1'I'i'IpN E~p~ ~pNDI2'.IONAL USJ; P~;f2p1T'i' N0. 7.75f3 kll; GI~I~NTEb FlHF;FtF,AS, l'F1G~ An~-iheim Ci.t Pe.~tition for c:c~nd.itiuna.l Uye Per.rn E ilcom, A,3 ~'ommiss~ion did M~adowl~i~i~~~ Sacr.amento c~ . ~'• ~rCF1•ER ANO DOI2J.Si121CH,.v~~ifiec3 Va11cy Par.kwa ^ ~~ ~~~1 ~~~~5, vwners, and C. C. EiUb1~HRIES E~~ 3b40 ~' I, L~9una N.iguel, Ca:tifarn.ia 92677 J , r 3~00~ Crown ivortt~ State .,oll~~y~, An1r~exjn, ~~alifornia 9280~ AND Y,REINCE,,.IAkRl GEORGES 71.3 L~sk Ct~~:,~,man Avenuc, ~ul.le~~•ton, Californ.ir~ 9z631 n ~ 1098 ~,, `~~ F1F.'MI~EX & 0'BRIE;N,. o.ro trty sit:u~at~d in L•lie c.ity of Anat~aim ~ a~ent~ for certain real Ca.l.it'ornia, de..crik,ed as: , County o.E Urange, State o,t ~~t;i tv~si 11 ncrtr;s or• ~~ti[: souz~Ei Et~i,r• oF ~, sou:~-~wes~r ~,~unk~:Lri oE~ s~cl~ioN 1~ '1'tie .,OUPH rtn;,r IN '1'(f~ r UWNSHIP 4~• ~ OF `1'FIF: RAN(:HU 5AN ,!U]~H ~pJON p~ ~OIJrFI, RANGE 10 ~/Ec~T~ RE(:pRr~EU IN F30Uf~ 5i SAN1'A A~QA, AS :HOWN pN A URAtJGF; CUUPJ7'Y, L',~L:lt'ORiIq~ 10 Ok' MISC~I.LAtJE4US MAPS, RLCOF;GS OF L:X(:I;i~~`TIJC; i'HL•:FtEFft~hi '1'H1: :iUU'1'1i2;'kLY 20U.UU E'EE'1' UF TflF' WE;Si'ERLX 200.GU 1'ELT 2'ti-~k~Uf'. Wf1E}ti:s..;, the tt~c~ C.ivic Center ~lly Planniny Commissio~ did hold a i~ the c:ity ot Anahr-~im on F'ebrnary 3 1986 blic hearing at noGice oF said pu~lic l~ea~~iny havin~l l~aen dui acr_or;ianc:e with Lhe ~rovi.;' ~• ' ' ~ at 1:30 p.m., F ion., ~~1 the Anaheim M nlc pa.l~ ~dn ed by ldcr and in to hear and consir~er evi~~ence Ior and a permi : ar~d to in•rest:i ~ ~Jainst said ~~ Cha~ter 18.03, gat~. and make f.inding~. ~in~] c~ .~roF~o:,ed r.anditi~na, use therrr~itti; ~n~ comnendaL•io~~ in connectian WE-r:~ii;n:;, s..ii~J c:onu~iir,~:. study maclr~ b , ion• ~f~er ~1ue inspect_i<~n Y its~lf and in i~;., b~_half. ~nd a~t~r due ~ ^nve;~tfgation anJ evid~~nce an~~ r~f,crt;; ~ttereu a~ s:,ir1 h~~trin c '~on~lr)et~tion J.~ollowing fact;;: yr doe~ fi-irj rtnd dr Uf al.i tNrrr.ine the l. 1~hat ~tie ~~cc,po;;eci use is E,rope'ly vne [or c:t;ich a cr~r~ditiun~~J. ttse F,c~rniit is ~;uthorizec! by Anah~im t~funiciE~a! C4rJr ~•,. l•o ~,ecmit on-salc; t~E:cr anc: wine in an ~. .'r_`-~ion 18.44.U50.010 t,o wit; Lcllowiny; xie~tina re,;laurs~~if r,~ith waiver. of the •`;F;C:'i'IONS lg`06.U5U.U"lJ.l. - Min: ~urn nuinber ot ~dCiC~I1U space•~. i~.yU6.o~o_~: iz- c5yt~ =Laces re9u:c~ ~l~s.Ub. - U~~.UZ~ ~,~• 512 ~ ~P_~s existir.g) 18.~-S.OSU~(,1231 ~iB.UG.U5p.0232 18.UG~08i; 1H.94.~66.~5~ kh. t the 2• 1'1iUC ctfE abuv~-mc.r~~ioneci ~,~r~i th~ ir,~me vc~K ~arkl.ng waivc~r will not c~uLe ~~n An diat r r~Ced un the ba~is ,~~Y `•~ra creaa;r ~ vicinxty nc,r aclvzrs~el granCi.r~y a~ the ~trec4 ~ ~n t~~_Cic r_angect:ion in be d,;.,kri ~n~, packtng waiver und~~ ~y he conditionv m~ntal to r n - j l~~nd u'~F'~ and i ng citizenri . ., e ,~• ~f th~, E`"~`-r h~~a.lch, satety and City ot' ~o ~d f fl nQr genrral Y w Anaheim. wnlfs o re the U71Ir PC86-3T ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . " +;i7}T( _ . .,,., ,s 3. 'lliat the ~~roposed u~e wil.l not: adversely aftecl- the adjoininy l~ifli~ u.~e3 and ~hc~ yrowth ~.~nd devc:lo~ment of. the Fire~ in which it is progosed to be .locaLed. 4. `i'I~at the size and shat~c~ or t:he sil~ l~ropused Lor :~he use is adec~ua~e Co a.l?uw the Lu11 developnient o~ the ~iropased usc in a mannec not dr:tr. imc:ntal to the ~~articular area nor r_o tliE peace, heallh, sa~ety and yrrneral weltare of khe Ci~izens of the City of Anaheim. i a 5. That Che granl:in~ ot t~iE~ Conclitional Use l~ermih under ~he c~anditi.ons iripo~erl, iL ~isiy, wili not be det•rimenr_al to ttie ~eace, heaJ.th, sai'cty and gener.al welfare ot ~he ~it.izen.~ of the City ot Anaheim. b. ThaL• ~he tr.attic geuer:~ted t~y the propo:~ad u~e wil'1 not impu~e an ",. unclue t~urdeii apon rt~e si:r.ec~ts ar~d highwals designed and impcoved to ca.rry Y.he '~ tr.it~'.ic i~~ the area. ; 7. `itiat no ~ne incticar_ec~ ~heir prf.s~:nce ar_ said [~ut~li.c heariny in opFos`~it~r.; and that no correccpo;~dence was rer:~~~ived in op~osition to thQ sub7~:c` E~et~.ition. ~~ ENVIRUNh1E~N'.~~A1, IMPt,c~`1' PiNUTNC: Th~t t:hF~ Anaheim (:ity Planning Carr,mis~io~~ has revi.ewed ~h~ ~~roposal t.o permic on-sale beer und w.ine in an exiscirig c~~staurant with waiver of rninxmum nuSat~c~r nC parking spar.es on an irregul.ir.ly-•r~iiapc~~ pacc~l uf land consisting ~f` appcoximately 8.8 acres li~catecf nort,~ anU ea:~t <~i tl~e north~.~st corner ~f La Palma Acen-~e and State Col.leye Boulevard; .~nd dae~ heret,y uppr~~ve the Negative I)ecl~3ration upon iincl.iny that it hzjs considecc~d th~~~ Neyative Declaeation ~ogether wirh any ccahment~ receive~i dur.ing the puhlic revie~l ~:ocess and Lurther finding on the ' .,a3is ot thc iritial. st:.udy and any cr,mrae~its l'2CC'LVE~~ that there i~ no sub;>tanti,~1 ~~v.i~jer~~e that rhe ~~toject• wiil ~~ve ~:i ~igniEicant etLect on L•he envi ron;OE'flf . tdi;W~ '1lil:[t~N'(.~-.2~~ E3~ I'i RGSOI.V~'D t~~t th~~ Anat~e.irr. Clty Planning Comr~~i:+siun dues h~r~b~f grant aubject Z~ecition f.cc' Cond.itional. U~e. Per:nit, upon the lollowlny c~ndi+.icn~• whir.Yi are ner~t;y fuund to be a nece~s~--r.y prerec;uisite to the ~~roF~used use ot tne subjecr property in order to preserve the s~fety and ~,~~.nc~cai welt~re ot r.1~F~ ~:ititen:~ of t.h~~ c:ity of ~naheim: ' 1. ~na~ ,ubj~:c~ k~roE~ertY st~ail t~e devclr:pr.d raubt~tant.ta.ily in accordance t, wi~h ~~l~n:~ and sr~eciCicatiun:; on ti.lc with ttie csr.y of Anahei:~~ marked t;xhit~it C~os. 1 ;:hroagh 'l. Gt: i'i t~~1t~~:HGU ItF:s~~LVf:D that r~~a Anai;~zm City F~lanr.ing Commisston doe~ h«~ceby fir,~ ar.a detc~rmi~zc that aci~E~tion uf. this R~:solutton is expressly predicated u~on aF:~licant':s c~mpliance wikh ear.h ~.-.nd ~11 of the conditions ner~inabove set tocth. ~ho::ld anl :~uch cc~r~dition ~, c~r any parC theteof, be dc~r,larec~ invalid u: un~.~ntorce%ak>le by tha f.inal judgmc~rit ot ~ny r,ourt oE cumpeL-eni ~uri.:~r~i.ction, then this Reaol.u~ion, and an~ appr.ov¢1« hPrein ~;c~ntain.cl, cha11 t~t c1~~etned nuli anr~ vv;.d. -a- »co6-37 ~ ',,.... .,:_. - _ ~ , "~ y~; 1 _. ,.. . . .,_.... -_,:,,,,. , ...: .... .. ... . - n!'~~~1111111i~i1~~~~ ' ~ 1~ . .... . . . .... . . sv {y~y~, , .. . . .. .. I. ,. r... ``IY! YI 7~~~'.t.sP'i~ I 6 ^2}'~jJI1.~t~.Vdfil~` t'~/H111Y~u~_ ~ , ~ t' ~5 ~`.' y . . ~ 1 bq~ r'! ca . ~ ~:.t^~ . p.~., . ~ . . ~ . .,,. .. l'ti~ ~ !'~i 'PH~: roHr.~OING RLSULU'.~IUN is si~~~ed F'eUr uac J 1 G and approved by m~a this 3rd day of ~i , r1l~: . ,y , . 98 J '.' ~'~ > ~" --~'=l`.~:t1t.~ ' ~-~~'.,c.~.~!..J ` ,, CHAIRWUMAtJ, A AEifiIM"::'~7'Y PLA~INING COMI4SSSION ~+~` ` ; ~ r~~rR Ls~~ : ~ : _ a. .~: '>' ~:; ~~~ ` ~ ~ ' f _; ~ `:<<i , . , ,~,~.,~, SECIiL;TAR , ANI,FiEI~f CI2'Y PLAtiN;CNG COM~fISSTON ~;?r SZ'A'PI. UH' CALII'ORNIA CUUN`PX Ok' ORANG[: ) ss. C:I'L'Y OF ANAfiF;lM } T~ Edith L. Harris, Secrelary oL h.t~e Anahei.m City Plranniny C:orn~riission, do hereLy c:ertif.y that the ~oreyoing resalutfori was F~a~sed and ~~~~~f~~~~ at a meet.ing ot the Anah~im Cily Planning Cnmmi~sion held an I'ebru.:ry 3~ ~-y~b~ }~Y the fullawiny vol:~ oL- Chc members therenf: AYF'S: COtIMCSSIO[~l:itS: [fOUAS, FItY, HF:RE3S'i`, LA CI~AIRL•', GAWICKI, MC BURN.;Y N1ESSf, NOES; CUb1M.LSS.IONLIiS: t20N~' AtSS}~NT: COMt-fI;i::lONLKS: NUNf: IN WITNr:SS 41HEREOF, : t~ave herc:unto set my hand this 3rd day of FeLr~a~y, 1986. c~~ ~ • ~/y ~ _~.c...~,~ ~• S~CitL~`CARY, MAfiETM (:T'IY PI,ANN G CQMMISf,70N ~. ~ ..~_ pr,86-37 . ;;, ~ " - ---- ._. ~.