PC 86-38""1 r,~°",~ i; i RF;SULUTIUN NU. F'C86-38 A k13SULUTIUN OF TF1E ANAHEIM CI'PY PLANMIP7G COMPIIS5IOir' 2'HAT 1~F'~1'i'ION FUR CONnI'1'TONAL U5E ['li~7Ml''P N0. 2759 ~3G GRAN'1'J3D Wi-1LREAS, Lhe Anaheim ~.ity P.lannirag Commi~sion did receive a verit'ied Petitzon far Condi.ti.onal Uae Permit: fcom GrNER1~L ELECTI2IC COMPANY, One RivPr Itoad, SchFnect~c:;~, Ne:w York, New York 123h5, owner, and PAU1, C. SCC3AT'L, 1390 South htain Street, Walnuk Creek, Ca'lif:r~r~~i~ gq5y~;, agent f.or cer~.ain real property si.~uated in the City of Ant~heim, County oP Orange, 5tate o` Craliforriia, describud .~s: YAR~;.EL 1: 'Pt1A'P YOIt'lION UL~ LO'1' 1 IiJ S~C`i'10°~ 5,. TOWNSfIIP 4 SOU'PEi, RANGE 9 WES`L', SAN BERNARUINO BASE AND hIEFIDIAtJ, MORL PAR7.'~CULAFtLY DL•'SC1tIF3EU ~5 E'OLLUWS: BL'VINNIPIG A'1' lHG SOUT!-iWEST CU12NE£{ OI' SAID 1',p'"i RUNNING TFlBNCE NORTIi 5° 4f3' LJLS`P ALONG Tt1E F.'AST I~ING UF.' '_'!;.[: "KRAEMrR TRAC'T", AS SH06JN ()N A MAP RECC~RDGD TP7 DUUF; 12, PAGES 87 AND f38, PIISCLLLAIJI;OUS RI:CURUS UF I.OS ANGELES CUU[dTY, CALII'ORNIA, II.347 CHAT~JS `i'U YUiN`~: UISTANT 718.83 FCI.T SCUTH 5° ~u' EAST MEASUREll ALUNG 7'liti f:AST L:[IvG.' Ur' SAIU Kf?AEMER TF2AC7' F'R0~~1 .HE NORTf1WES~' C~.?kL~Lk 01' SAID I,UT 1; i'HL•'NCE NUIZ2'H 78° 25' 20" EAST 5f32.95 FE~T TU A PUSNT iN 'i'HF' WI.S7.' LIN~: OF ~rt-z: RIGFIT v~ WAY OF T8E CALIFORNIA C~aNTRAi~ RAILWAY A:; DLSCRIBGD ZN ~:HL DEED RECORDED lN UCIUIC 253, f>11CG 16(~, UEEDS, RECORUS OF LUS ANGELES CUUNTX, CA1.T,LURIdIA, DiS'i'AN'i' SOU1'H 14° U4' N'LS'i" G50.6 FEf"P FROM TH~: IN`1'E~RSL•'C'.~IUN Ul SATll h'EST I,INE: 4~ITH T}IL NORTH LING OP SAIJJ f•'RAC'!'IUt:AL SliCTiUN 5; 'PEIL~lCE; SOUTEI 19° 04' 4J'r;S`.P AuONG `l^EIE 4~~ST LINF: c7F SAID RIGEI'i' Ui' 4"AY, 10.383 CHATNS a0 ~ POINT IN 2'IiE SOU`t'H L1NL UP SAiD LUi 1 i't:~:l CG F FS1' AI~ONC '1'Hb' SOUTH LINE OI' SATD LQ'I' 1:34~i.(f0 F~~F`'i' TU 'PlII; YC~l ~? AE;,r,INNINC. PArtCEL L: ALL ~iHP,i' YOR'PIUta UF 1'Hi. NUKZ't: ?.5~1."l3 ~L:E`r UF LU~' 2 IN SEC'PTUN ~ TUWNSHIP 4 SUUTtI, RAP7G~: 9 WGS't, SAIJ , FiF:R~AF2nIN0 dASE AND hIL•'I2IUlAN, T"i TFIE: ~:ITY UF' ANAEIEIM, LYING N()R7'fIk:RT,Y OF `l^HE F~'i)LLCIWIIJG UESCRIkS~J) CEN'1'k:RLlN~' UC LA PALMA AVLNU~. BL•GINN7N:; A7 THE SUU'i'FiEAS'P CURNER OE LO`1' 1 UF' SAIp SECTION S, F3~ING AiSU THF,' CENTLRLINE INTCRSECTION ON I,n NAL•MA AVLNIIE AIaD JL•~['L•'f;'RSUN S_'REF:T; 'iHENCE; NGR'I'F! 135° U7' ~0" WE5T, 74C.4$ F6E'.P '10 'CE(1; EiEGIMIJING OF A'CANGEMT CUIi~E;, LUNCAVE a~IJTEIGASTGkLY r\ND IlA~'IClG A}~Af)IU5 UE•' 1,UOU I~EE;T; :~iLNCG SOU'i'HWLSTE;FtLY ALONG SP.ID CUI2VE~ 'tHH0UGI1 A Ci;NTkr~1., ANGL~ U~ .31° 05' 44" r1h ARC D1S7.'ANCE Gi' 543.8t's !'~F'T `i'0 i't~k: PUIN':' 0E '.~ERMINUS OF' TEiE Ht.Rt.TN DCSCRIE3ED s, i ri e: . I i ; ~. U7.12c PC86-38 , ti.~C~ r«•,,1 ~t ': i Wt1LREAS, thc City P.lanning Commi~sion di.d hold a public hearinU at thc Civic Center in the Ci~y cf An~iheim on F'ebruarX 3, ].9a6, at 1:30 p.m., not:ice of said pubAic hearing h~iving ueer- duly ~iven ~s requireci bY l.aw and in accordance with the provisi.ons ai' the I~naheim t~lunic~pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear anct consider evidence for and agai.n5t ~aid propc~sed con:~:i.tional use pecmit and t~ investigate ~~nd inake linciiitgs ai~d recommendations i.n connection tnerewith; anc! WtiEkFAS, said Commission, after ~ue inspection, investigation and study ma~e by itse.lf and in its behalf, and atCer due consideration of a11 ev~deiice and r.~ports offered at said hearir,g, does find ~nc] determine the ; toJ.lowiny facts: 1. '1'hat th4: proposi:d usc~ is f~roperly one for whi.ch a conditionaZ use p~~rmit i:: 3UthUC:l'Le?C: by Anaheim Municipal Code Ser_Gion 18.J3.030.010 to wi.t: l-o retain the accessory iridoor sCorage oE polychlorin~ted biphenyl (PCB) ir. an E.r.istinc~ industr:ial. buildir.g. 2. ~.t't~ak the pruposcd use is !~ereby granteci for a p~riod of two (2) year~, to t?XF~1T~ on l'eb;.uary 3, 19E18. 3. That the p.opose~i usc ~v.i11 i~c~L- adverse~y affect the adjoining iand u: es anci t.he growth and developmen~ of ti~e ar~a iti which .it is propossd ko b~a .locat~d. 4. T}~aL the size and shaj~~ oL L'ne site proposed ~~c t`~e ~ise is ~dequate to alloc~r the Pu.ll developir~ent oE the proposed use in a manner noc ct~trimental ~o the F~articu.lar, area nor Lo the ~~eace, health, safety nnd general welfarA ol the Cir,izens oE l-he Cil•y of ~~nahei.m. 5. 7:i~at tr~c.~ grant.irig ~~f th~~ C:onditional Use k~ermit und~r the conclit:ions imE~rsed, it any, wi11 not bc detrimenta.l. to the peac~, l~ealth, saiety c1I1Q generr.~l wellare ul-' ~he Citizen~ ~i Glie City of Anal~it~im~ 6. `Phat L•h? traffic ycnPr.ater] by the ~~ruposed uye will not impuse an undu~~ burden upon tt:e stceets and hiynways d<~~:zyned and 'zm~~roved to cacry the tratfic in thc z~r.~>a. 7. 'Phat no un~ i.nc~icated C.heir pr.esence at said publi.c he~r.ing in opNosition; and that. sio ccrrf.~sponde-:ce wa~ receiveu ln o~~position to the ,ubject peti~ion. LNVIRUt~M~MTAL IMPAC:'1' E'TNIIING: `Pha~ the Anaheim City 1~Ianning Comnixss? on has reviewed the r~rop~sa.l ta retain the~ u~ce:~~ory indoor storage of Nolychl~rinated biphenyl t"CE3) .i.n an eaisting i7dustrial building on an irreyule~rly-shaped par^.wl oE land consisting of approximately 6.33 acres, -~avir~g ~ Lrontagc~ of a~~,~rr~r,i.mately 37U te~t on the north ::ide oP La Palma Avenue, an~] turtl~,~r def~cribed as 3F,0J. Eaa~ L~a Palma Avenue SGen~ral F.lectcic); and ~oes hereb~ appr,~ve th~ Negati~e Dectarution i.~pon rinil.ing that it h•as considered Che Negative De~:laration tcgethFzr with any c~~mmants received during the pub2ic review proce~s and LurthEr Lindinc~ on the basis of the i.nitial sCuriy .~nd ~~ny c~mment.s recc:ived rha~ tiiere is no sub~tantial Nvidance that the pr~~ject will huve a yignif.icank eiL•ect un L•he environm~nt. ' -2- PGSG-38 .~ ; t i i> .',~„ _ _ . . r. f'""`1 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ty~~ ,iix ~ ',_r: NUW, THF.RE:'OItE, t~L TT RESOI~VED that the A.~aheim City Planning Cor~mission does t~c:r.eby grant subj~ct ~etition for Conditional Use ~ermit, upon the following conditions whict~ are her~by found to be a necessary prFrequisi~e to the propased tzse ot the subject proNerty i.n order to preserve the safety and yene.r~il welfare o~ the Citizens of l•h~ Cit.1 oE Anaheim: 1. ~i'hat sidewalks shall b~ iristall.ed alang La Palma Aven~!e as rec{uireG by the C,it,y ~;ngineHr and in accordance wikh standara plans and ;. speci.i:icaticns on Eile in t:he Utfice uf. the City Engineer. h•, "l. That subject pronerty owner sha11 maintain a Facilities flazardous Waste Permi~ as requirYd hy the State De~artment of Hea'lth Servicts. 3. 'i'haL• as required, cec~ular inspections sha11 be c:ondueked by the ;' Urarigc~ County Nealth Aepartment's Waste hIan~gement Section of 't ~ L•'nvir~nrnental llealt:h . 4. That subject pro~ecty ow~ler c~nply with all ~~pplicable Federal reyulati~~ns, inclu~ling but nol limi.L•ed lo the tol.lowing as specifie~ in I'edFral Requlation 4U CER 761-4'1-b-1: (a) A~lec,uate roo.f and walls to prevent rain water F~om reaching the stc,recl P(:Us ~~nr_j PCp itetns; (b) An acleyuaL•e floor. which has conki:~uous curbing wilh a rninim~m six inch high c.urb. The f:.loor and curbing must provic;c a conrainment volumc ~qua1 ta al- le~st twu times the interval v~~lume of ~he largest PCI3 Arl:icle or PCB Cantainer stored Lhere.in or 25 perc:ent of L•he total internal volume of all PCB Artic].ss or PCB Con~ainers sto,:Qd thtrein, whichcVP.C is gr~ar.er; (cj No drain valves, flaor dr-iins, expansion joints, sewer lin~s, or ~~ttier openinns that would permit lic~uids to f.luw Crom the curbed ar~a; (d) L`.loors and curbing COiISL'CUCt@d oL contirwous smaoth and impervious matecials, such as Por~J.and cemeril concrete or steel, to pCtvent c~r minimize penetration af: PC:Bs; and ~ (e) i~ot located at a si.~e ~h~at Ls be•low L-t~e 100-y~~~r f1~od w~ter }. ~:levation. ~111 P~E3 cor~tainers in stor.~ge wi.l] be checked fox l~aks ~t J.e~;~t, onc~e evFrGy 3U days a.s per. L•eder.al regulations. `~. :~'i~aL subjec~~ propE~rty nwner compl.y with the E~1).a~ving prnvi^ions , spECified in 5ectinh 80.1()7b oP th~; Uniform Fire Code: ' i (a) [Iighly toxic m~terials sh~ill be segreyated from athc~r chemicals ~~ and camhustible and flammable substan~~~ 4~y stor.age fn a roam or ~ cumE~~rtmenr_ separated tron ~thnr areas by a two~hour occupanr.y , septiration con~tructed ~s ~pec.I.£ied in the E;uilding Code. 7'he storage r~om shall be pzuvideG with aclequate dra.inage f~ci.lities ` and natu~al ar mecP-anical ventil~tion ta the outside atimes~here ~± co~;trur,t~d as sgecifierl i.n the Mcchctnical ~ode. - , '~. ~~ f~ , ;:i •-3- PC86-38 " ' , ' ~:.: ; k '.^: ' c'z (b) Legible warning signs and placards stating the nature and location of the highly toxic materials shall be posted at all entrances to areas where such materials are stored or used. 6. That as required by the Anaheim Fire Department, the property owner shall comply with the following requirements: (a) The two (2) required exit doors shall be two hour rated doors, shall swing in the direction of travel from the room and shall be equipped with self closing devices. (b) The area shall be provided with dikes which shall be calculated to provide 25% containment of the maximum number of drums that May be stored within the diked area (seventy 55- gallon drums). (c) An impervious surface must be provided for the floor area and the walls up to the required level of containment. (d) The sprinkler system shall be separated from the sprinkler system protecting the remainder of the building; and shall be provided with a separate control valve for the PCB storage area. Heads on the PCB storage area shall be changed to a higher temperature head to prevent inadvertent discharge of water onto the area. (e) Provide NFPA 704 signing for all entrances into the building and entrances to the PCB storage area. (f) Provide sorbent materials at the site to facilitate clean -up of any spills. (g) Apply for an Anaheim Fire Department permit for storage of hazardous chemicals. (h) Provide adequate ventilation as per the Mechanical Code. (i) Class I, Division I electrical wiring is required within the area. (j) The separation walls between the PCB storage area and the remaining areas in the facility shall be two hour rated separation walls. 7. That transportation of all PCB materials to and from the facility shall be performed by waste haulers registered by the California Department of Health Services. Containers used for storage of the PCB shall comply with shipping container specifications for the Department of Transportation. 8. That all personnel working in the storage area shall be trained in the handling, storage and recordkeeping of PCB items and that appropriate protective safety equipment shall be provided for everyone working in the PCB storage area. 9. That all loading and unloading of drums containing PCB material shall be done on a concrete pad that is surrounded by curbing, as specified in condition No. 6, preceding. PC86 -38 10. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 11. That Condition No. 1, above mentioned, shall be completed within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 3rd day of February 3, 1986. ATTEST: SECRETARY`, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM 7 j t (il 23 94w X CHAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on February 3, 1986, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, FRY, HERBST, LA CLAIRE, LAWICKI, MC BURNEY MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of February, 1986. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION PC86 -38