PC 86-39~' % ~ ~'i~ . '~~~ , . . . . ~Y' ' . . /+~h .. . ?~. ~ , RL•;SULU'PiON N0. .PC86-3y A i2ESOLU'1'IUN OL~ `PHf~~ ANAkIElD1 CITY PI~ANNING CUI~IMISSION 7•'EtA`.P PL`i'I"i'lON FOIZ CUNDITTONAL USL PERDII?' N0. 2762 E~E CRAN'!'LD hFiI;ItF'AS, the Anaheim C;ity P.l~nning Co;mnission did receive a verified Petition Eor. ~onditianal tJse Per~rit from DON V. EL~MUN~S AND GARNGT A. ~UMUNDS, 186Ei2 SouL•h Mcsa nri.ve, `/i11a l~ark, Ca1i:Eorn.ia 92667, owners, and KLN MAAS, , "lGyl LasG Tafl• Avenue, Anahetm, California 92806, ag~~n1: for cert«in real ~~^ property sir_uatec~ in the City o~~ Anaheim, Cou7ty of Orange, State of California, described a,: BE~lf~NING A'P A POINT IN TFI~; CLNTEftLIt7E; UF GATON WAy, 40.00 FE~T WIUF;, AS pES(:!2IBLD IN liL•'~D .KECUFDED IN BOOK 852~ PAGE 82 ON C)P'F.'TCIAL Ft~;C012AS ItJ 'i'dl~ U['E'ICE OF THt: COUN`.PX RECOR9ER OF ORANGE ~:vUt~TY, C'ALIFOItNIA, DISTAN7,' ALONG SAID Ck;N2'ER LINE, SOUTFI OU° 2b' U~" WLS`P ~3L0.5y b'EL'i E'kOM 'PHL CRNTERLINE U1' LiAI,L R0~,.1, 60,00 E'EET WIliG, AS Dr.SC~tTEIEJ TN SAI~ llIaGA; SATD FOIN'1 ALSO BE:[t3G ~PHG NGR`l'EIr:AS:PL•'121,Y '.Pr:itMIpJUS UC' 'PHAT CEKTA:CN COURSL•' DLSCRI6R0 ~~S p ~:URVL•' CUNCc~VL•' SCiU"1'FiEAS'1'L•'~tLX A~D HAVING A fZAllIUS OF' ZOOO.UO p`grg~~ IN :~~,It(:~;1, 3A UF 2't-l~; FINAL QRbER OF CONUE;MNA7'ION, S~}pg~jOR COURi CASli N~. .145654, A CL•'k'1'IF'IE~ CUI~Y OF WFIICH WAS RECORPLU MAHCH 'l3~ 1y67 IN f300K 3'1G6~ i'AUE; F3p7 Up OI'P'ICITIL R~CORUi UF aAID ORANGC; COUNI'i ; THENCE : UUTEIWE5`i'FRI,~ ALUN~3 SAID ALONr SAID CUR7E Ff.Uht A 7'AY~LIJT 6VIiIC:H fiE1~t2S SOUTfI 56° 59' 23" CE;N`i'kAL ANGI~L•' Uh 35° 53' 58", l,N r1I2C DISTANCE OFW626~5(TF};EqGH~O '1'HE CEN'.'L•'RLTNi; QI' TAET VAL~UE, qQ.00 f''GGR' WIDE, AS DESCRIBEU IN SAIU DE?ED; `.CNENCE GASTLRL] AND NORTHEKLY ALONG SAID 4"~NTERLINE ()F 'rAH"i' AVL•'PliiL ANn GA'~'UN WAY TO `PH1: PQINT UF' ki-•;GINN:ING. ~X(:~;~~'1'!NC 7'Hi;kF.E~'f2UM, x'HQSE POR~IONS DF.'~CZIBEU RS YARCxL 3B ANb ~?ARC~:L 3c: 1N 2'~,A'!' C~;RTAIN I~'INAI, URDER OF C;ONl1EMNATZUN, SIJPEP,IOR ~ COZIk'1' CAS~ N~. 145G54, A CLR'PIr'T~;D COPY OF' WHICH WAS RECORDFA ; ~1Ai?(:[f 23, 1967 1N BOUf; (f"lOG, )~AGL ~'07 UI' SAID CFFICTAL I2GCORDS„ ~ Wi~f:f2EAS, the City l~lanniny Commissian did hold a pub.lic heariny at th~ c;ivir. Centet: in l-he ~:i ty ot An~atzei.tn or. E'ebruary 3, 19fi5, aC 1:3Q p.m,, . notice oE sai.d public he«rin~~ t:aving been duly gi~~en as required by law and in ~ ~ccordance with thc pravi~ion:, ~E che ~n~zheim fiunic;ipal Co~e, Lhaprer Za,03, h tc~ h~a.r and ::unsic3er evidence lor and against said ` ~roposed conditipn~l use ; pcrrmit and tu investir,at~e and make lindi.ng~ ind recommendations in connection ! therewi.th; ~-~d WEIk:RL•'AS, said Commission, eifter dut~ in~pection, invesl-iyation and stuUy made by iEself and in its betia],f, and af~er du~ consideration of a11 E'V1fjGI1CQ e,nci reporL-s c~fter.ed at said hearing, does find and determine the Eolluwin,y tacts: l. ~1~hat tht; p[GE~USC~d use is ~,ro}~c.~cl.y one Yor which a c~~ndikion~l use ~e~rnit is auth~r_ized by Anahe~:~ ,~tunicip~l Co~ae Section~ 18.61.05p.5~2 and 18.6:L,U5U.Si4 to wit: ko ret~in a concrf.:•.e t~realciny and remqvai ~pPration with outdoor storage, with waiv~r c~f the fcl.lowin~: U713r PC86-39 - - - - -- _ ,_ „. ~,. a ~~. .~"~ ~F . ? 0 ~~o 1:~L y1~`~.~u~ /f:.4 5i. . . `, ~,'. i.; S~CTION 18.61.Ob8.030 - Itequired enclosure of ~utdoor use~. ~(o-foat high block wa1.l or. slat~ed ch~in .t.ink F.ence enclosinyoutdoor storage ar.ea r~a~~r~a; 6-foot high uns'latted ~hain iink Eence existing) 2. 'Pha~ the proposed use is hereby granted for a geric~d of Euui (4) yc:ars, l•o expire on Febr4ary 3, 1990. 3, '1'hat t.ie requeste~ wai~~er is gr.anL•ed on the basis that there are ~pecial circumst~n~;es app.lic~~ble L•o the property such as size, shape. lopography, ].ocaLiori and surroundings which do not apply to other identically roned pr~peLty in the same vicinity; ~nd 1:hat strict application of the Zoning C~~7e d~prives khe proper.l.y oi priviing~~s enjoyed by other proper~ies in the a.dentical zc~ne and classification in the vicinity; ar~d further on the basis L•iiat the northerly and wcsterly properly lines are adjacent to the Or.ange (12ou~e 57) h'reeway which is eJ.evated and, ther.efore permits visibility into subject property despite any enclosure C-encing; and also 'that the ~eCitioner hz~s sti~ulal-~d at th~ ?~~lblic heariny that upcn the abandonment oL ~atnn Way, mini,num G- toot high slatted chainlii-k fer~cing shal.l bc provided alorg the most '~ easCerly prap~rty line, i.n acc.ordance with c:o~ie. 4. 'ihat. the proposed usc •Nill not adversely afPec't the adjoini.ng land uses and tY,e yrowth and develor,Ir,~nt of the area in whicti it is proposAci to b~ 7.ocated. 5. That the si•r,e Und shape ot th~ :~ite propos~d f-or the u~e is adequale l-o allow the L-u7.1 devel~~pment of the proposed use in ti manner not ~letrirn~nta.l to the „~arr.i~uiar ~are~ .1or ta ~he peacE, healtih, saiety and yet~eral we].far~ ut tne Citiryens ot t;he City of Anat?eim. 6. 'Pha~ the granr.ing ot the Conditional U~e f~ermit under tt~e conditiaris irn~osed, ir any, will not be detrimental ta the peace, health, safety and genera:l welf«re o~ the c:itizens oP ~hc~ City of At:aheim. 7. 2'hut the t;:aGfic gen~cut~d bl the propused use wi.ll not impose an ' undue burden uC~~ri ~he str.eets ano hiyhways ass.igr~ed and im~,xoved to carry the ' 1` traf.tic in the area. . '', b, That na one ii~uic~,Ced their ~resenr.e at said ~ublic hearing in F', opposil•ioci; anci that no corresponcietice w~~ receivec] in opposition to the ;} suhjecC ~,»t~.ti.on. ENVIRONMEN'PAT. IPiPACT P.l'NDINC: Th4~~ Lhe Anari~im City Plant~ing ~ ;'~ to retain a roncrete breaking and remova'1 Canuni.sion has reviewed ~he pro~os~al `~ I operation with oul•door storage, with waiver of requirec~ cnclu:~ure of outdoor :^~ uses on an iLregu:la.rly-shaped paruc~l ~~f iand cni~~i~ting of approximatei.y ]..9 '~~fi acres lo~ateci at the nortl~w~st corner o£ Taft Avenue and Eaton Way, and =~',5 F~~rther described .+s '1691 ]3asL Ta[t AvNnuc ~PCiW4'C Hreaki:cg, Inc.); and ~oes `~ herek~y approvE thc Nevativ~ Ueclaration upon Pinding that it has considered ttie Nagativc~ Decla~:ati~n tc;yer.he:c with any curnments recei~~ed ~uring the oublic ;;; review procPss ar~d furr_her findin~ on l•he basis o.E' the irtil:ial stud~~ and any comments re:.eiv~d tl~at there is nr~ subyCar-tial ~vidence ti~~t the pro,ject will have a c~iyi~iEican~ et~e~t on *_he environment. ~`~= ., ~'Yi ~ -2- PC85-39 ~ ~. %i'~ :!%s `r ~ ~ ;il~ i~: ~ + If 'Yi:7~~ ~.'.i~,<'~~ , . , ... .: ,,.,~ .~~. .., .. .. . . . . . ,.~.~ . . :~ .. '. .~. ' .. . . . . . .~ . , ... . ~ .... .. . .., :.,~ . : '.. ~.: . . . ~~ _- . i.~. .. . . . . . . . . . , . . .. .. .. f ('• ~,~;~,~,f ,..i 1_1C YTy 1'.. _. _ _ ~ . a ' ":1},~ ,:l j , ~.,., , , t~`; NUW, 'tHF.RL•'r'UttE:, [jL [T ItF:50LVLU th~t. the l,naheitn City Plar~ning Cvmmisziun doe, hr~reby yrant sut,j~ct ~etiticn Eor CondLtianal Use Perrnit, upon the iolJ.owin~ onditiany which ar~~ hereby Ec.~und to be a neccscary prereyui3ice to the ~rop d use ot Ghc :~uhjer.t propt~rty in urder to pre~erv~ the s~-,fetiy ~nd yr.nt.ral we.it~~« of chc: (:itizenr; ot thc Cit:r oL Ai~tiheim: !.. '1'hat all t~~gineezir~y requirernent~ vf` the Cily of Anaheim along Z'aft Avc:nuc., .incl~ading ~:r.aparation ot improvement plans ~n~ inatallet~or. ~; ot a.ll improvE~ments suc1~ ,is curbs anci qutter~, sidewalk~, water tar.~i.likie~, :~t:icc:t gradir~g anc; pdVnltteRt~ sewer an,9 ~?rainagP t-.~ezlitie:;, or other aE~purtenant work sh~a11 be cumplfed with as requir~~d ~y the ~i~y i•;nr,.neer and .i~t acc.ordance w.ich specification~ on Lile in 1:he c~( ice c;f the Ci':y Gngineer; and lhat ;;ecurity in tht torm ol a bond, c~~rr.itic~~i:c oE deposit, 1c~ttec oL- credit, rr cash, in an amourit and Lorm >atisJ.ac:tury to the City of. A;~aheim, shall be ; I., po.,kecl witn thc C.ity to guaraatet thF~ ~~~~tisLackory compleeiori of sn.id ,, irrpr~ _,nent;;. Said securi~y sha.ll he poste,~ wi~h the City prior to ap~~roval oi improvement plans, r.o guar~intce the instal.lati.on of the above-reyuired imE~covenenl's w.ithin 6 rr~onths fr;,;n r_he date of -:he a:~anrlonnient oE L•'aton ~~ay. "~. '~i~ac ;;trce~ liyhting tricilitiNs along iatt Avenue shall br, .installed as reyuired l~y r:t~c i;ti? itie:; GenE~r~l P1:in:~ger in acrocdance with sE~eciti~:ations on f.zl~~ in `he Otfice oi Ur.zlities General Manager, and chat security in Che Lo~m ot a bond, certi.ficate o£ deposit, let~n: uC creuit, ~..r u~sh, in an amc~unt and f.urm s~~tisfactory Co the city oE Anaheim, ::hal.l bc pusted wiCh the City to yuaranr.ee th~ JUL~.Ji~c.tory completivn of rh< <~bove-ment•iUned .improvement;. Said ~ecuriCy ~t~a.ll be poste~i a•ikh the City ot Anah~im prior r.o a~prov~l ul imF~ruvrment plan~. 'PhE abave-te~~uiced impravemPnts shall ~e i~~5rallf~d w:thin ~i tnonths trom the datn ut the aband~nmrnt oE f'aton ivay. 3. ihac w~.thin ~; ~~~rriu~l ~.~t 3U clays, the app~oF,ri~te traffic: signal ac:,e:~smcnt :e~ r;hall !~e F,ai,d to L•t;e City UE An~iheim in an amount a3 deterrr~ir,ed t,y ~hr~ ~i~y Cucncil tor outdoor u;.~s. 4. ~hat subjc:ct proE~etty Uhrill br~ d~,velapr~;; .,ubstan"~aIly in accnrdartce wikh E~lanU ana f;pecit icat:ion:; ou fiie wi th t:he City c~t' An~~hFim m.7rked t: x h r. k: i t t~i t, . i. 5. ~har_ ~,ri.ar tv tinal t,~~ildir.g and zonin~ inr>E~r~cr.ion:,, Conditi.on No. 4, above-mr.nr.iui:eci, r,h~l.i be c:umplied wicl-~. .{ 6. :hat nE,~~n t.-~r~ a~,._,~~uonnent ot F:atr,n Way ~~t~cl with5n a[~eC1:,~! ~E thi.r,ty ,; (3UD days there~tter, tt~~e E,rop~.cky ownec shall prcvide r~nd maintain a ' '~~m `;ir. l~J toc,t higls ~.:oo~i-~).4r.te~: ~.hainlink ff?RCf~ alang the east I"~ ~:,.~:~rcy l:n~.. i1E I'i' "r(,R`iNE,'k FtE.',~OL.VED thut thf~ Af1a1~f?;R~ ~.1-y ~~lanntrig Comm(r,sf.o~i dAk!3 hcrnt,y tind and dctermine ~har. ~dcptiun ctit s:i~:s Ftes~~lution iss ~x~rertaly predirat~~~ u~on .,~sulicant's, com~,l ianr~~ with e~ch r~nd all ~f Che ~onal~r.ions~ r~~rei~aUr,~~• ~~~•r. Eorth. 5}~uuid a;iy ;~ucii ~r~nrJiti.ur,~t, or any pAet ch~recf, be cleclaKed Invaiics ot ~nenLor~r_~a~le t.,y ~hc~ :inal j~,~clgtrent of any eou[t oE comF,et!~i~t }uciudic:tiar~, tnen et~ia i~cUr,2uti~~n, ~znd ~,ny a~spruva.l~ h~~ein contain~~~~, ~~h~i11 :~~ detm~~ null and vc-I,cl. -~~ t~C84-39 `~ /~\ ~ ,. 'PHF: [~UH~CUINC Ith'yULU'1'ION is st,yr~ec~ and appr~~v~d by me this 3rd d~y of E'ebruaCy 3, 1`Jfl6. I ~1 > ~. ' ~ ~' 'CL-~ ~ ..Y.~ ~~~ ~ I_ [. t~ ~- _. ~~ c~ ~ ~..... C:FiAIl2WOh1AN, ANAHl:IM CITY ~_*.ANNTNC COMMISSi~M A'l' T r: S'i' : (~~: ._. ~~~1~~ ,___~~~-' .__.__ , SLCFtE''i'AHY, ANANI;IM CI:iY F~LA~~NiNG CUD1hiJ.SS.'(t)N .! S'PA`='B Uh' CALI['f)RN7A ) L'l.~~,1Ni.'Y UF' C)P.ANG~ } :;;;. CITY QF At•1F+Y.~IM ) `t; ~': :T, Edith 1.. Harr~.::, Scr.•retary oi: the An~cheim City Planning Commission, do her.eby cert.i.ty that the I:oreyoing reso~ution was passed ar,cl ~dopce:d at a r„ee~i.ng ut Lhe Anaheim c:ir_y planui.r.g Cor~mi:»ion held cn Febr.uary :-, 1J~6, ~y t'rie fol lowing votF• of thc~ membe::; ~heceo.t : AXk:.~: (;()t4M::;:~1(~ClEF:S: yUUAS~ FIi~~ -aEitli`a`i`, W, CLAiRE~ LAWIC'KI~ IdC F3UI2PJEY .. MLS5E: :VUE:i: CUMMtSS[UNt:RS: [JUNE: ABSt:Ni: COMMISSIONE;kS: Nt)tJfS It~ WI'rN::S:: WN~::tF:~~k, I fiave hereunto se~ my i~,and this 3cd day of Febru:iry, i936. ~__~~~ /~ ~ ~-~,~it~t.L, SE~:ftk:~i'ARY, ANAHEIM CIlY Y1.ANNINC C'OMPtISSION ;. ;. ~' ~ '''' PC86-39