PC 86-41~ -- s`d ;: fi .`~ ~ I•~ ~~ ,~ i;i i ~ RE50LU'i'IUN tJU. PC86-41 A RL50LU'i'ION OF 'PHE; ANAHLIDt CIT.Y PLAPJNING ~:061MISSION ; T}lA`P FL•"i'I'1'iUN I~'UR .RF'CLASSIF:LC;ATTUN NO, f35•-,y6-2Q EE GRAN'.:I:D~ UNCODIDI'I'IOPJAGLY WI~lE;12EAS, khe Anaheim city Planniriy Conunis:;ion did receive ,~ veriEied petiLion ' ' Lor Rccla:asiEication fro m I:STAT~; O[' VEkL1 W. BRAWfJ, c/o TH~ LA4J OF E .IC~;S UI~ SfiANLEY L. RUSLN, 1~15 Cak~rillo Park ~riv~, Santa Ana CaliEornia ; 9~7U1, A 'L'7'N: rRNE W. ATKTNSUN, owner., and , i~HUSROW GSFAHLAIJI, P. 0. Hox (i241 Anaheim, California 92~3U6, agen~ , L-or r.ert.ain real pruper.ty situared in the C;ity oi Anaheim, CounL•y o.l' oranye, S~atc: ~f ~aliLornia, described ~s folla~~: `1'NE NU.12'1'ti lUU rEE7.' GE' TtlL: SUUTH 3UU FLBT UF ~r-iF; WFST 220 FEET OF LUT :HRc;L UF' Eib'IN'S SUk3UIVTSIUN, AS SHUWN ON A MAP .RECORDFD IN BUOK 1L', PI,GE AU OE' MISCE.I:LANEOUS MAFS, 12GCORDS OF nRANGC c;O[JNTY, CALII'GRNIA, SItTU ML•'AuURL•'ML•'N'PS BEI:aG COPIPUTGU TO THE: C~;N'itiR LJNE:S OE' SUIJKI:S'P STRE;k;T ANp ,~ipU'iH STF2rI~~~ R~SPE;CiIVEL'1. 1,Ii1GRLR5, the c:ity Plar~ning Commission ~lid hold a public hearing at ~ L-he Civic Cer~i:er i.n the CiCy of Anaheitn on February 3, 19E3G, ~t 1:30 p.j~., n~tice o:E said ~,ublic hearing haviny becn duly gi.ven as c~equir.ed by l~aw and ii~ accardance witii the ~rov.isi~ons oL the ?~naheim Municipal Code. Chagter 18.U3, to hcar and consider evidenr,e Yor anci against sai~i propased reclassiE.icatiUn nd t~ investigate and a~akL f.i~iding~ and recommendati~ns in conn~ction ~tierewiL•h; an~i ti,l[IEF<F:AS, ~aid Commission, a[ter. du~ inspection, inve~tigari.on and study made by icselr= and in its b~hal£, ancl a£•ter due cons.id~re~tion of a11 evidence and r.epur.l•s o~tered at said heari~g, does ti.nd ~nd deterinine Che f:olluwinG t`,:1ctS: ~. 1'hat• the ~et;t.ion~~r proposes reclassificalion of subject pr.of~erty trom Et~'-A-43,UUU (Itesidential/At~ric~altucall 'Lone to th~ RS--7i0U (Reaidetiti~l, Single-ramily) Ionc~. 'l. 'lhat th~ An~~Yie.~im Gene:r.al Pl~~n design~~te, subj~~at pr.operty for low--density re:i.dential. land use;;. ~, ~. '~.'I~at kt;F• propc~s~~ra recl~.ssiEication ot subject prop~rty is y necess~ry and/or d~sirabie L-or. the ordec•7.y an~.] proper develo~mF~nt of the ; comi~~un i L•}~ . . 4. 'iha~ r.h~~ proposed reclassification vf subject propPCty daey pro~er.ly r.elate to ~t~e zones and ltirir perrnitted u:~e: locally establi.shed in close proximity tn ~ubjErct ~~~o~erty and L•o the zones and i:heir permitted use~ generally estaLlisheu tt!r.~ughaut E~~c comr~unity. 5. '['hat: f~~ur ~:er.sens indicated r.heir pr~sencF at sair3 pu~lic hearing in L•avo~; and th~it nr~ correF•pondence was rec~ivc~~1 in o~~position to sub jFat pet;tion. s.; ,.~- ,. ;~'. ~~~ U715r PCBb-41 i-;r{ ~,; ,;~,, .~'^~ E~NVIRO:JMEN~'AL IMPACT I'INDING: `~hat the Anai~eim C;.ity Planning Commission ha:, reviewed the proposa'1 ~o rec'lassify subjer.t property From the lts-A-4:i,J00 (Residential/AgriculL•ural) 7.one to lhe RS-7?.00 (Resi~ential, Sinyle-rauiily) 'Lone to establi~h a'l-lot, RS-72U0, single-famil,y residential subdivisi~n with waivers of mini;num 1oC wid'ch and fr~ntage and permitted oLier~tation oi sCCUCtures on a rectan.yularly-shaped parcpl aF land aonsistiny or approximate.ly 17,5L'0 squate feet, having f.rantage of approximut.ely 100 Eeet~ on th~ west side of Sunkist StceeC, an~ .Eurt;her describec~ as 660 South aunki~t S~reet; and dnes hereby apprev~ the Ne~?aliv~ veclaration upon finding that it I,as cor-sidared tlie Neyativc Decl~ration togett~er with any comments ~eceived aurin~ the public r~view process and fucther iindi»c~ on the basis of the init:ial study ~nd any commcnt:s ceceived 'ci~iat there is r.o subsr.antial evidenee tt~aL• :.t-~ project will have a siynitii.cant etfect ori the environment. Npy~, TIII:;ti:FUP.L, fiL I'.t' KGSOLUGD Lhat tlie Anaheim City l~lanning Commis~i.or; do~s hexehy grant subjECt Fctition for ReclassiEicati.on and, by so doing, Ghai: 'iitle J.8-'LOning of the Anaheim M,uw~icipal Code be amended to exclude thF~ a~ave-clescribed E~roperty Ero~n the RS--A-43~000 (ltesidential/A<acicu:ltural) zone and to incorporate ;aid described property inL•o the R~-72UC (Residential, Single-'r'amil.y) Znne. ~1~tiL•' FOi2i:(~OI.NG RI;SUI,U'PICP~ is signecl and ap[~roved by me this 3rd da~+ of E'~oruacy t, 19i36. /~ ~ ~--~. ~ ~/,'l ii f ./i _ ,~ ir.~ ,ll~i~2;,.1 ~ / CHAIR4lOf1AN, At~flL~IM CITI PLANNING CUMMISSZON A`1'7'I~ST : ~ , . ,~/ /~~ • "u~(/1./1.~C~._., ~~~~~ -~~------~-- ~ECRF:'.CAR , ANAEIL;Tti C17'Y YI,At~~NING CGPIMISSIUtJ 57.'A'I'L UF CALI['ORNIA ? CpUN'i"t UF' OT~1~NC;~ ) ~~• CI`PY ~JF ANAIiEiM ) g;qitr~ ;,. Harr.is, SecreCary of- the Anaheim ' I City ~lanni.rtg ~ Commission, do heceby cer-.if~ that Lhe torcgoing Lesolution was ld h pas~ed and o~~ February ad~nted at a~~~eeting of the Anah~eim City Planniny Commission e . 3, 1986, by '_ie Eullowiny vote of the members thereof.: AYL•'S: C:UI~tM:[SSIVNL•'RS: BOUIIS, 6'RY, li~Rt3S`.C, LA CLAIRE, LAWICKI, ~1C' BURNL`l MESSE~ NU~S: CO[f.MI55IUNEN.S: idONE AL3SL•'N7': COt1MTSSIUNEKu: NC~N~: IM WI'P[vLSS Y~HI•1FtJ.UF, I havE sceunto set my harid this 3rd day of ~ ['ebruary, 19d~. ~ ~~ i 1~~?''~ ~:i - . M SLCRL•'TAE2Y~ ANAH~'IM CI`i'X PI,ANNit'~ CUMMIuS.LON