PC 86-42A. Kr:soLU~rzoN No. i~ce~-R~2 ~ A Rc:SOLU:'ION Ol' 'i'H;3 11NAHLlM Ci`.PY PLAAlNING CUMMISSION T(iAT k'I:`.I'T'PIUN k'OIi VARTnNGF N0. 3533 13E GRANT~A Wl-tL•'KEAS, L-hc Anahei-n City Planning C,onunission did receive a verified P~:Litiun ior. ~la;:iance ~rom LS'.L'AT~ OI~ Vi:FtI,F~ W. DRU4JN, c/o `PHL LAW UFI~ICES OF S'1'ANL~;Y. L. RUSf;N, 1515 Cabrillo Park T:xivE~, Sant.a Ana, Calitornia 92701, A'PTN: 'r\RNL•' W. ATl<.INSON, ow:~er, and i'f1U.SF~W ESFAHLANI, P. 0. Dox o241, Anaheim, Calitornia 928UEi, agent for ceriai~i real proper~y situated in the City c~L Anaheim, Co!mty oE Oranye, St1le nf: CaliPornia, describe.~ as follows: 'i'HE NUIZ`l'l•I lUU FEE`P UE 7.'HE ;i0UT1~ 3U0 FF:L~T ~F THE WLS'!` 220 FGC`P OE Lv'C 'i'HI2LE UE EfE?N' S SU13nIVTSION, A:> SH~WN ON A MAF' RECORAED IN 130GI~ 10, PAGE 4;1 OF PIISCLLLANEOUS MAI`.S, RECdRDS OF ORANG~ CUfJN'1'Y, CALIf~'ORNIA~ SAIU t9E1~SUREMENTL~ BETNG COMPU'1'1~1) i(i TEIE C~:NTER :,INk;S OL' SUNKI;;`1 STREET ?1Nl) SGU'TH S'PkF,~•~.' RGS~'ECTTVF'LY. WI~IERGAS, the City Planni;~y Cumrnissinn did hold a public hParing at 1:he c;ivic Center ir~ tne City of Anaheim on February 3, 1)8fi, at 1:30 p.m., i~otice af saici public ?iear.ing :~avin9 b~en duly given as requi.red by law and in accor~]~znce with the provisi.ons af the ~~naheitn t~iur.icipaJ Coc]e,. ~k~apt~r '1f3.03, r.o hear and c~nsid~r evi~tenc~ for and a9a.insl- sai~9 nr.cpo: ed t~ari.ance and to investigate anr~ make ~.inii:r;gs and recammenda~ions in connecticr tF~erewith; and WH~REAS, said c:o~uir~i:sia-i, atter due ~nspection, irive~tic~at~on and stud,y made by itselt and in its behalf., anci af~er due cons.t~~~ration of a11 tviaence anc] reports oifere~3 ar_ said hearing, do~s fi.nci 3rid determine the L-ollowin~~ Lacts: ].. '1'h~t the pet.itioner proF~o~es w~iiver~ o~ th~ folluwing to establi.sh <~ 2-1ot, k2:;-7'lt)Q, s.inqle-family cesident.ial subdi/ision: (a) ~tction 18.'Ln.UE~1.C~'!.0 - Mini.mutn lot width and EronLa~c. i~^. {7!l feet re~~aire~3; ~ 50 f~e+.: cach Eor borh lot~ prupcced.) (b} ~~:cti.on .18.'l'o~Uo5.010 - Perm!.tted ori.<~ntation c.f srructures. (Struc~ures r.equired to rear-on arte~ial tiighwa;~s; Stcucturea pr.r,E~o: ed t:o front-o,~ ~u Sunkist Skr.eet. ~ 2. `i'I~a~ the abov•~-mt.nti.:ned waivices are lieCC!by gr.~nted an the ba~i~ t};at L-here are special circumstances applic~ble t~ th~: ~~raperty ~uch as size, shape, topo~;raphy, locatior~ and SUrCUU17UlY1~]a~ which ~o not ap~ly to other iclentically zoned N!:oNe~'ty in the same vicinir.y; and thal ~krict application ot the 7,oning Cr~~e d~prives t~~e property of` ~rivileges ?njoy~d by ol-.her praprrties i.n th~: ici:~ntical zone and cla~sif:::c~ti~~n i.n the vici~iity. :i. 'that ther:~ ace exc:ef?t.ional or extraardinary r,iecumstanee~ or cUnditiuns ap~licable to th2 pr~~perty involved oc l.i tkie intended u3e af khe property thai- do not a~pi~~ yen~rally to lhe propert,y or c.las~ oi tteze in t~e same vicinity and zone. U716r ~, i . . PC$fi-42 ~ '~ ,:: >rn~; ~:.~'~ '~~9~d ,y 7 `i , <,~ . . „ _ . . ., , .. _: .., _„ .... ..,, .. ,.,. ~ . . . ... . . .. . . .. ~ .. t~ . . L.. , . .fi"i.~~~. J.~.. .:.'i 1{ akj.~•Nt~"~. , ~(' ~~8:~ r~l pr 4. ~i~hat l-he rec~ucsted vaxiance is necessary fc;r the r~reszrvation and en;joymenl: ot a sut~,tantial pr~pErty ri~ht poss~ss~~3 b} ot;her properky in the same vici.nity and 7one, and cla;~i~d to the property in queUtion. 5. 7.'t~~it the request:ed variancP will not be rnat`ciaXly ~etrimental to the public we:li'.,~re or. injur.io~.ts tc~ t•he pr~pert~ or impro/ements in such ~~icinity and zc>ne in which L-he ~~ropecl:y is loc;ac.ed. T 6• 't'hal nu onE~ indic~t:ed tY~eir presence at said public l~~earing in oppo~iti.on; ancl that no corr~spond•~n.e was recei.ved in o~position tc, subject petition. ; LNVIRONPIi;NT~1L Ip1pAC:T FI\DTNG: That lhe l:naheim City P.lanning Cornrnission has reviewed ~}~~ -'-' ~' proposal rec.lassif ;,, RS-el-43 UUU ~ y. ~ Y subject property from the ~ (Resic~ential 11 ricial~utal} ~on~ tc the RS-720U (Residential, '; Sinql~-Fa,nil.,y ) Zone i:o establish a 2-lot, siny] e-family residential ~; ~ubdivisioi; with ~~aivers ,a.f rai.nimum iot width anri trontaye and permltted oricntat.ion ot structur~s on a rectangulazlv-•shaped parc:el o~ land ~onsi.sting ~ of aE~pr•o:cii~,a~ely .17,5UU sq;~~lre te~~t, havinc~ a trontage of approximately 100 feet on the west sid~ of Sunkist Stre~at, un:~ furth~r clescribed as 660 Sourh • Sunkist Street; and du~s her.eby apE~ro~~F~ l•,he ttegative Decl.~aratio;~ upon Einding ''~ that i.t has cuns:idered L-ht: Ne al:i!•e u~~clar~ ~ ~t~ion together with any comments rec~ived during the public rc:view ~,rocess and furthc~r finding on t•he basis of the i.r~itial r~tuc~y anci any comrnents r~~c~ivec~ LhaF khere is no subst~ntial ev~.dence thaL- ttic~ pro.jecL wili h~ave a signi£icar,~ ~tr:~c~ on L-h~ environment. ; [~OW, ~PH~;RL•'I~URE, B~ Ii~ R~;S~LVLp Lha~: •i:he Anaheim City Planning c;ommi~sion dr~es heceby yrant subject ~etition for Variance, upon the following ; conaihiuns which are h~reby four.d to be a n~c~ssary pGer~quisi.te to the ~ prol~osecl use o.t tht> st;k~ ject prcperty in or~ler to ~- '~ general ~:e1l:are ot lhe c:itizens ot t pre,>erve l•he safety and he r..ity ot ~naheim: i ? l. 1'hat the own~~r r~f ~;ubject nroperty shalJ. [c~ for t~ree ~lantin< < P~+Y to the CiL•y of An~heim a T ,7 purpuses eilong ,,unk.ist ~:treet in an amnunt as deterrnined by thc. ci~y C~~uncil, j l• `.Criat ~rior t~~ issuance of a buildin ~ g pc%rmit, apprcpriate par.k s--nd r~creatiun i.nwlieu tees sh~~ll iJE? E~aid ~u L•he City of Anaheim in an ' amount ~,s det~rmi.ned hy thE C'it_,r Councit. :~. `.chat prior to is:~uance o~ a building permit, the 4apcnpriate traffic sign3l a:;ses ,n;ent fee ~hall be p~id to the Ciry ot Anai~eim i.n an ~~mour~~ as de~enninad by the City Council Lor each new dwel.Ling unir . 4• 'ihat ;.n the event a paccWl maF~ is recordeo on subject pr~p~rty, a r~~ciprocal ~~ic~~ss agreemenL•, in ~ r.orm satisf.accory r_o l•he City Attorney, shall be cecorded with the OL'iice of -.t~e Orange County Itecor.der. A copy of l-h~ recor.ded ~c~reemank shall then be submil•ted to the I'lann.ing llHpar~men~. 5. Thar tti~: existinc~ ~~riveway on Sunkist Street shall be removed an~9 r.eplaced with :~ stanciarcl r_~~rh, yuttec, sidPwalk and land:~ceping. G. Tha't the rem..,ininy driv~way ~hall be reconstruct~d t~ ar_commodatP ken (10) feot rar]fus curb return~ as reyuired by r,he City Traffic ` L•:ngirteer. . ~'~. ~~ ..2 _ Pr.86-42 .' ~ ~ _ .~ . , . . . .~r:~,• ~ ~'4. ~ ~4iL~t~~ F 7. ~i'hai: drainage af subject ~~roperty shall be di: posed of. in a manner saL•i5iact~ry to thE C:ity Ei~qineer. B. That in the event. sub ject pc~perty is to ~e divid~d for. ttie purpose of sa.le, l~ase, or. I~inanr.~ng, a parce]. map ta r.ecord the approvec~ division of subject. p~:operty sr~a11 be submitted tc~ and approved by ~, the City oi: Anahezm and then be r.ecordecl in the Office ofi the Orange courity Recorder~ '~. 4~hat subjeci: ~roperty : hall be served by undery~ound ut:ilitie.,~. 10. That the owner of subject pruper.ty shall pay to the Czty oF Anaheim a f.ee for street .l.iqlitiny along 5unkist Street :n an amount a~ detrr.min~d by the City C;ouncil. 11. 'i~t1aL this Var iancc~ is grar~l•ed subject tc~ the adoption oE the Zoning Uxdinance in connect.ian with Rec.lassiFication No. 85-86-20, now pending. 1'l. That ~rior to i.ssu.~r~ce oi a b~~ild:ing permit, primary water main [ees shril.l be paid to Lhe Gity cf ~~nahei,r,, in an amount as determinecl by l•hc Office ot thc~ U~ili',:ies Gener.al hfan~iger. .13. That subjer.~t pro~er.{:y shall be develo~ed substantia7.ly in accordance with ~lans and speciti~ations on Li].e withi the CiL-y of Anaheirn marked ~xhibiL Nos. 1 throuyh 3. 14, That prior to conunencement of f:he activity her.ein a~~nroved, or within a peri.o~l oi one y~~r L'co~n tkie date at this re:,olutzon, whiuhever occucs tirsL•, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11 Gn~~ 12, above-mwntioned, ~hGll be comp.lied wi.th. F'x'~ensions for further time to corn~let~~ sa.i~ conditions may be granted in accordance wikh Sec~ion lE+.U3.09U of the Anaheim Municik~al ~~de. J.S. 'i'i~at priar. ta tir,al buildiny arid zoniny ins~ectian~s CU-`:.31t1Of1 Nos. 5, G, "l, ~ ar.d 13, uhove-mentioncd, ,~hall be comp?.ied wiCh. 4 HL•: T7: FUH`l'tiEFt RGSGLVL•'ll ~:.hat t.he Anaheim City Plann.ing Comm~~,ion doe~: y; hereby tind and determine that adoptio~i oE this R~t~oluCio~ is espcessly precli~ated upon ap~licanl:'s campl.iance wiL•Yi each a;sd all of fh~ condi.tions hereinabove seC Lortt~. Should any such c:ondition, or any paxt t:heceof, bQ ,' declar~~i invali~ ~>r u~~znl:or~eable by the final. judym~nt of any cuurt of c~~mpetent jurisdicr_i.on, then tt~i:~ Itesolution, an~: any approvals heXein ~ contained, shall be deemed null and voi~. TEiE tURI•:GOT~G itE;SOLU'PTGN is siyned ancl ap~ruved by me this 3rd day oF cebruary 3, 1986. ,y - i , • i' ~~' ""'~~'l ~~t~, l'. •_ '',.,.,~r % `L- C..r~ ~.~.. ,~.., CH117RWOt4AN, ANAFlCIt4 CI7'Y PLANNING C4MMISSION ~~r~L~~~: ~l~ : ~~ - ~, / - , ~ c~.c~`~~_.___r~.-. .. SEC:RE l'AkY, ANAhEIM C:I'PY PLA NTNG COMMISSION -3- ~ .._~ :i`PA`.CE OI' CAI,II'Uftl~llA ) CUUNTX OF URADGE ) ss. CI'!'Y OH AN 'iE' M ) r~ ' !, Ld~.tt~ L. Narrisr ;~ecretary aE tihe Anaheim Ciky Planning `~.;'?~ Commissi,,n, d~ hece~y aertify ichat the £or~yoirig resoluh~.on was passed and =~''~ adopted at a meeti.ng o~ Che Anaheim ~'ity ulanning r,o-rmission held on Febr~~.ary ':.:,; 3, 1986, by Che folluwiny vote of the m~mbers thereof: _ ;;s AY}~a: CUMMISSIONERS: p0U~15~ FRY~ 1~lERBS'P~ LA CLATRE~ LAWICKI, MC BURNGX ~ MESSL•' '~? NOF;S : COMMTSSIONE~ZS : NON r A}3SEN'!': COtdt~IISSIONFkS: NGNE `,'?~ IN WT'1'N~:SS WE~1~RE;OF.', I El~ve hereunto set my hand thi~ 3rd day o~ ' b'ebruarY. 1986. ~ , ;i __ ..~~"~ ~ . , SECRETARY, AA'AfILIM CITY PLANNING COt4MISSTQN 1 ~A,) -9-