PC 86-44,.w, Rf:'SULU'1'ION NU. PC8Fi-49 A IZESULUTION GE' `t't1E ANAHL•'IM CITY NLANNING CUMMI;iSION ADUPTTNG ANU R~:C'(1MPILNDINU 1'U THE c:I`.l`Y CUUNCIL~ UF THG C:I'i'Y OF ANAHEiM ApOP`PI~N Ok~ GI:;NLRAL PI~APJ AML:NDMI,NT NU. 2G8 - I~ANu USE EL~EMEN7` Wt1ERt;AS, thc Ci.ty ~~ouncil ot' t.he City oF Anaheim d.id udo~t the Anahei.rn Genecal Plan by RF.:;olution rlo. G9It-649, sl~~owing the gener7l de::tcript.ion and ~xtent oL po:;sib.le tut.ure c.ievelopmf±nt wiL•hin the City; and WH~:RLAS, pursuant to a request trom the ~roperty ~wnec f.or, a General F~lan ~tudy, t:ity stat l preparcci a Gerieral Plan Amendment for <~n a~ea cansictiny oi a~~proxi.maLely 1.2 acres, havi-~g 10 feee of, frontage at the ?asterly k~r~r,inus oz cypress St~~eet~ anc~ b~ing locaLed approxi.mately 215 feet east uf the centerlin~ of CoLYman Slteet; and WIIEkt:AS, the Planning Depai~roent ~]eFmed it ~ipprr~prial•e pursuant to tne p_avi~ions of k~~e C~liLor.ni.a F~nvironmental (~ualiLy Act, thal: L•here are no signif.icant environrnent.al imp%:ccs ~ind r~:commr.nded that a Negative Declar.atior. be approve ; ~.~nU Y:fI~REAS, thc Anaheim City Planning Colimission did hold a public hearitig al the Ariaheim Civic Center, Council ChamL~c, ZUU SouZh Anaheim fjuu].evGrc.~, on r'~Uruary :~, 19t36, at 1:3U p.m., noti.ce r;i r,aid puk~lic h~ari.ng having bc:en duly given as ~eciuir~d by law and in ~ccor.danr.e with the provisions o1 lhe Aiiaheim [~uni~,:xpal Code, to tiear and c~nsid~r evidence for ~u~d cigai.nst saici Atnendment ro thc~ Anaheim, Gcneral ~lan and to investigate and ~nake L'inctin~a:~ and recc~irmendations in connection therewith; and WtiE}?F.'AS, ~aid C:ommission, aftee due consi.deration ot aJ.l evide~ce and re.NortB Ott~?LCd at s~ii~J hearing, Dt~LS E[EItLLY EINU: 1. That sutfxcient evidence was pr~~a~nted wrir,h sub~tantiatcs the ne~~u Lor an .~mendment ~u tht~ Ana:~eim Geneca.l Plan, a.nd it i~ deemed appropri~7te that "L•'xt~ibit E3" be adopted, designatir.g the ~nCire ~area for low•-m~dium densit,y residential land uscs, with the der.sitl not to exceed 15 uni~s ro the acre, similar to G~:n~cal Plan Amenument No. 16U approveci by the City Counefl ori Novembec 12, 1580, un ff~ apprn~~tre 6.5 acres locate~y immediat«~ly we:~L• vf uubjc;ct property. Nc)w THf:ftG•'FOkE, BE; ?~i~ CiGSULVF:U, tha~ ~he Anah~im Ci t~ P1annLng l:cmrnission has r.evi.erred the E~rop~:aal ta amend the General Plsn clcsianation of thE~ Lan~ U~e L~ement troni General Cummercial and Low DensiLy RESidential to Meui~anc Uen:;i.ty ai Law-~deaiu~a [~en:;ity and. to r.er.la~sify ~ub jecr praperty from khn Ra-A-93,Oq0 (Itesidential, ~1yri~ultur.a.1) Zorie ta the RM-1200 fResidential, Mu1L•ipleAk~'amily) Zone to cons~ruc~ a~.~--unit apartment complex with waivec of rnaximurti strucr,ur~l heighl on a rectnnyular.Iy-shaped p.-~zce.l ai iand consisting ot appra;cirnately 1,7. c7rC~S locat~~d ar. the :~our,h~_~tscerl.y terminus ot C~•pre~s Stc~et, ana Eurthcr ~1E~SCl'Zbc3d as 1918-193? E:aat Cy~resc Str.eet; and doea hereby a~~pruve th~: Negative pc~•1cir.t~t.i~~n upc~n tiinding that it ha3 con3icler~d t!-~c Neya~ive Aeclaration t~gether with any cor~~m~~nts recc:iv~.d durin~; the publl.c review pr.~~c;e:.a and Lurnc~~.~ ;'xndin~ on the basi:s of Lhe inikial sCuc]y and any comments rc~ceived khat th~rc~ i.:; rio sut~~tar-tiGl eviden4~ that the pro ject wil~ have a slynifir,an~ ekfert on Lh~r ~I1V1~OI1ffU311C. 071dc PC$6-44 { .....""'"'_.....,. ~. ; S ,. . . ~. . .. .. . . ; . .. ~..:., - . . ~ . ~ . ~; ~ i ,,. .~,. , .. '..... . .,. . . - . . . f . . ._ .. .. .. _ .rl ~' .. .. ... .., . _ .~. ... .~`~... ., . .. r~ ,.i:.,~. ,W~+;,~;Cia~ ',r. •: ~ n1; I'r t~Ult'1'HGk R~;SOLVt;ll thuk pursuant ~o t:he foregoing findings, the Anaheim City Plai~niny Commission doc~s hereby adopt ~nd recornmend to the C~.ty Counci.l of the City c~f AnahFim adaption of Ceneral Plar~ Amendment Plo. 20g _ Land Use E.lemen~, Exhibit "f~". THE. ['UkEGOtNC; RESULU7'lUN i;; s;.yned and approved b,y me this 3r.d ~lay of I'ebruary, 198b. . ~ fJ /' r" . ~•'l ~ ~~ - /~, ~ i 4'~ I CHAIRH'UMAN ANAHI:IM C.I'PX PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ' ,r ~ ` .> . _-..~~..yL~9kw"~~+Yr SECRh 1~" i~, ANAfiE;Zt~f CI'1'Y ~~LANtJING C'UMMT3SIpN '•' S2ATL UF CALZE'URNIA ) COUNTY UI' URANGL ) ~;; . CI`l'Y UL•' ANAlti;? ~' ) Y I, EdiLk~ L. tiarri.s, Secr~tary o.t the Anaheim City ~lanning commissian, c1o herel~y ceztify that the foregoi.ng reso.lution was pas~ed anc] aduP~~.u at a rnceting ~~t the Anaheim City i~lanning Cummission held on 'r'ebruary 3, 1y86, by r_he f~llowing vote of ti~n me~mbers thereof: AYF~S: ~:UFIMISSIONF;R;;; k3U~AS, E•'12Y, ftE}2DSi'~ LA CLAIRE, LAWZCK.I, MESSP~ NUGS, (;UMM.:SSIONERS; NON~ AlSS~N'i': CUh1M.IS:iIOPJ};1'tS: MC ciUI2NL•'1' I[~ WITNI'SS WHLRLU!', i Have heceunto se~ my hand this 3rc~ c~ay ~f February, 1y86. ~ ..~ - . ~ , -yl.. :~I:~RE:7'AR , A?JAEIE'ih; r_xZ'y p ANNING COriMISS2~N ...2 - FC86•-44 ~~ :~Y ~, ~ r.