PC 86-48;`~' J,Y , ~ nY.1R',.~ t2LSOLUTION N0. pC~6~48 A H~50LU'1'TON U[' 7.'ElE ANAHk:TM CI'1'Y. YLANNTNG CUMMISSIOPI `.L'HA'1' YL•;'.i'1'CIUIV I'UFt ~:ONL`l'!'iUNAL, USE PGRM!'!' N0. 2761 BL GI2AN`PED, TN 1'ART ~Nt1LkF:AS, the Anahaim City P1ar~ning C:ommission did receive a ve~i~ied Petil-i.on lor Cond~.tional Use F~crmil trom CT.YDE ~"HLUtiD, 615 Souhh Peralta ,~ Hills, Anaheim, c:aliforn:a 928q7, owner, ar.d .7ACK BLNN~'1'T, ~9~ AL., 123p So~:th We~t .~tr~et, Anaheim, cali.fornia. ~2aU?. & SUUTH COAST BUILDLI2S, 647 Camino de '.o~ Mares, San Clerner;te, California 9"1.672, AT~~N: B~?B KkAUSL, and DANZE.GSON DN'SIGN GROUP, 31732 Ranc;~o Viejo Road, San Juan Capistrano, C:ala.f'ornta 92fi75, ageni:s for certain real prupecty sil•uar_ed in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranye, St~te ot- California, d~scri.b~d as: TtIE SOUTEf HALL' UF '~.'HE NOI2THW~ST QUARTE~ O[' 4'HE N012T2IWLST QUARTE;R OF THE NUR'i'[:6JES'1' QUAR~'ER ~JE' SLCTTUN 22, TUWNSH.l'F 4 SCJTH, RANGE lU WBST, 'tN `t'H~; RANCFIU SAN JUAN CAJON DE SA,NiA ANA, CITY OF ANI~HLIbt, C:UUN`i'X UG' ORANCN', STF.TE UF CAI.,Ii ORNIA, AS PEl? MAp ,i T1EC:ORDED :[DI ROOK 51, PAGE .lU Or MT~CCLLANEOUS MAPS, I~l THE Ol~i~'ICE; U[' '.CHL CUUN'1'Y RL•'CURUER OF Si?.TD CUUN7'Y. WNERLAS, Ghe c:ity ~l~;ining Coiomission dia ho,d ~ public hearinq at ti~~ ~ivic i:enter in ttae City of Anahe~rn on I'ebruary 19, 19a6, at 1:30 p.m., not;ir.e of. ,aid pUblie h2aring havinc~ b~en cluly givFri a~ required by law and in accordance with ti~,e provisir~ns oi the ~,nakieim Mu~icipa]. Coqe, Chapter 18.03, L•o h~ar and aonsider c.vidcrice Lor and against sa:i,d proposed c:onditiona.l use pcrn~it and L-o i.nvestigatc and maE;e iindin~~ ar~d c~::ccmmendations in conneclion therewilh; and WHLRI:AS, s.~aid Com[niss.ion, aft~.r clue i.ns~cction, inv~s; a.gat:ion e~nd Ntuc~y made hy il-selt and in its behalf, and af.'ter due cunsideraCion of all cvidenc~ :.~nd reports otfer.~a at sa.id hear;.ny, does f.in~3 and dat~:~i~ine the iollowiny tacL•s: l. 7.~hat the pro~osc~d u~e i.s pcuE~er.1y one ~ot which a conditional us~ p~rtnit is authorized by Anah~irr, Ntureicipal Code 5ectiori 18,48.~50.?.00 to wit; X to permiL• a iast-tood and dinncz haus~ com~?.lc~;t with waivers of: (a) ScC~i'ION 1H.GA.D95.013 - Mittimutn lajzdycaned setback. ~ (20 Y.~et adjactnt l•o Wesl. StLeet requiz2~~; 5 feet: propose~; ) ,; (u? SE;CTIGNS 18.U6,05t1.U'132, - hlininwra number of parki_n~ Saces. ± Y 1b.06rU50.U'1.33, (64~aces requir.ecl; 45t3 SpacES pr.oposed) ' .18.U6.UEi0 AND ~ ; 18.98.UG6.05U , 2. 1'har kt~e recr~~~sted waivt,r (a) is herFby gran~ed, in ~~~rt, on th~ basis thaL• there are ::pe~.,.al circumstances ~~,plicabl~ to the progPrty such ac~ size, s;•iape, to~,ography, location ,~nc! s~:rroundings ~hich do not apply to uthec i~i~ntic~.i?.y zoned ~rupei ty irs che ^ame vicinity; anc! that strict aE~p].ication ot the Z~~n:ng C;oue cl~.pLives the ~rc~perty of priv_leges enjoyed h,y other ~roperti~as in tt~e identica7. rone and classiEicat.ion .in the vicinity; and Q712r P~'b5-48 ~~ further tt,at th~ petitioner 51:1pUldt~c~ at the public hea~ing to provide fifteen (15 ) feeY. ot landsc:apiny ber_ween ti,last Street and the proposed buiJ ding, with no less than L-en (1.0) ieet adjacent L-o Wesi~ StreeL- (between the street and ~.ar.k~ng area} and no less than 1•'ive (5) ~eet acljacent to the Uuildinq. . . ~~i~; !i~~.~~^. 3. '1~hat the rec~uested waiver (k~) is hereby nran::ed on the taasis t:~at ht~e parki~lg ~~iaiver wili noL• cause an increa~e in craffic ~~ingestion in the immedaate vicir~ily nor adversely a.ffect any ~djoining land ~~ses and granting of ti~~ parkin~,~ waiver under. ~he conclition ~ imposcd, if any, will not be detriment~al to tl~e peace, health, safek~~ and generaJ. wel~are of the c.itizens of the :,'i~y ~t Anaheim; and tucl-.her on tF~c basis thaL- the pet.iti~ner stipu:Late~] at the public heariny to reciuce the squate foot~agE ot the building so I•hat p~oppsed parKing i.s E~rovided at a ratio oF 1"1.67 space~~ per 1,OQ0 squarP feeL- of qruss L-1o~r area, as identifiPd in the Farking c~emand S~.udy pre~ared by Gre~r and ComE~any and dated October i2, ].9:35 ~the ratio beir.g si.milar to 480 apa~es tor a 3?,88' sq~aar.P f~ut liui.l.dir~g). ~~, Th~t thi: ~>XO~~osed use wi.l.l not aciverscly affect the {~djoin.ing land uses and the grow~h and developtnenL• c~f t:he a!'ea i.n whi.;,n i~: is propo5ed t~ be lucal~d, 5. 'i~hat ti1L size and JI~Y,~~E; of the si~e propnsed for the use i~ adequate to allow thr fulJ. developmenk of the proposed use in a manner no*_ detrirnental to rhe particular arE~a nor to the ~eace, hea].th, s~Pe±'y, and general welEare oL• the ~itiz~~ns ot- t!-~e Gil-y of Anaheim. o. That the yran`_ina o~ tht. c;onditionaJ. Use Permi!~ under the coi~:~itions imposed, if any, wiJ.l not b~ detrimental to the peace, health, saiety and yene~al welfare ai: i-.he c:i tizens oi the City ef Ar~aheim~ 7. 'I'hat ~he traffic g~nerac~c; by L-h~ UrUpos~d uye wi.l.l nol- i.mpose an ~lndue burden upoa thc :,trects aricl I.~iqhNays dc:igne~l and improved to car.ry the traEt:ic in the area. 8. 'Phat no one inclicat.r~d tkiei.!~ pr~sence at said public h~aring in o~~osit.ion; and thaL no cnrresE~ondenct~ was received in opposition to the subject pc:tition. ~;, LNVI120ht^~N'1'AL IMPACT L'INL~ING: Th:~t tt~e Anah~im City Plr~nning Commissi.oit has rcvi.ewed tk~e propo~al to }:ermir, a Last-•t:ood and di.ncier 'aouse 'i coinp:lax with waive~xs aE mi.nimurn landsca~~ed ~etback and mininurtt nunber of }' parking space~ on a rectangularly-shaped parce]. af 1~nd consisti.ny of approxi-~~atPly 4.6'l acres having a Eraritage oi approximately 325 feet on the ~' eas~ side of l~est St.reet, and turther d~scribed as 1230 W. Y7est Street (currently Anaheirn Juriccion It. V. Park); and does herebl approve the Negative Declatah.ion upon finding khlt it ,ias considprec~ the Negative Declaration togethcr ~vith any comrnents received d~irin,y the ~ublic ceview process and F~Irther [incling an l•.t~e basis r~~ the initial study and ~~ny comments receivec~ that t:nere ~s nu ~ubstantial evidc~~~ca cr:~t ~r,~~ ~ro~c:cE will havc a signi£icant elfect on ttze cnviro•unent. -"L- PCQ6••~8 ,,,.. NUW, 'i'HEREIORE, ~1L•' IT 121~SOi.VGD that tt~e Anaheim City l~lar~ning Commission dues hcreby qrant yubj~ct Petitian fur CondiLional Use Permi~, upon the Eollowing conditions whi.ch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisike t~~ the pr.oposed use of the~ subjecL• property i.n ozder L-o preserve the safety and yeneral weliar~ oL• L•he Citizens of the CiL-y Ut Anaheim: 1. ~1'hat prior to issuarice uf a k~uilciiny permit, kbe appropria~e tra£fic signal assess~nent ~ee sliall be p~~i.d to the Ci~y of Anaheim in ~n amount as determined by the t;iL-y Council for new comn,erci~l bui.ldings. 2. ~'hat as reguired by Section !8.04.080.G20 oE the Anaheam Manici~al Code, ti~~e owner/rle~veloper ot subject ~r.operty c•ha11 either post a faithful per~ormance boi~d w?th the Cil-.y Engineer to guarar.tee the r~moval o£ existing streeL improvements anci reconstruction at the ultimate l.oc~tion, cr rnake a cash p~:_~meut to the City of Anaheim for the cost of said remov<<1 atid reCOIISL']:UCl:l01'1 ~~ pravided f~r in s~iad C~ae. 3. That a11 rlriveways shall be constructed to accommnda*e ten i1G) f~ot raclius curb returns as required by thc Caty Tr~fi~ic Lngineer. 4~ That cirainaye of subj~ct property s'~aJ.l be disposed of in a manner saLisfactory t~ r_t~e c:i.ty Lngir~~er. 5. That subjecl- ~ro}?erty shall bE ,erved by underground utilit;.es. b. 7'hat prior l-.o commencemen~ ot :~tr.uctural traminy, fice hydrants sha.ll be ir.stal.led and charyed as rNq~~ir~ri and determined to be necessary by the Chief of tt;c~ P'i.re DLE~arkinent. 7. 2'hat 'ire ~prinl;lers shall be installed as required by the City Fire t4arshall. tt. `l'he~t the owner ci tliA leaseh~7ld interest known as Ariufleim :JUnc:tiort c:ampgrou~~d (F~Eter J. Np'Lt?Cq~ as testi,`.ied Uetore the~ ~lanning Commission on l~ebruary 'yy, 1~~6) shall. submit a l~lte~ requesting termir,atian af. Coilditi~nal Use Pern~it No. 1317 to the Planrtiing DepaeLment; however, thaL ii t.he curcent owr~er (P~~t.er. ~T. Nozpro) has sold or otherwise transfer.red said le~sehold interest,, satisfact;ory pr~of thereot sh~ll be turniahed r_o L-he Planniny ~eparttne~nt. `1. '!'hal. Sllbjt ~~C propr-:rl-.y sha11 be ~iev~~lop~~.l substantia:lly i~1 accard~nce wi.L•t7 ~lans anr] specific~.ikions on tiile with the City uf Anaheim marke~ L•'xhibil• Nos. 1 thr.o~~gh 3; provide~l, however., that (a) a minimum ten (1U) toot wicle landscaped planter. shal.l be ~~rovided along West Str.eet, (b) a mi.nimum five (5) faot wide landscaped planter. shall be provid~d five (5) f.ock adjace:nt to th~ wesc facir;~~ ~aa11 uf the build~.ng, (c) Parkino shall be provideil at a ratio oi at ~east 12.67 spaca:~ per on~-thousand (1,000) square ~eet c~f gross iloor area, anci (d) N~t m~rn than twen~y-five per.cent (25~) of the propo5ed parkine~ sha,.l be dxmensioaed ~or sma!.] cars. -3- PC8u-48 < ~ ,~--,. ~, 1.U. 'i'hat prioc to lhe comm«~ncernGnt o[ i•.he activity authorize:d w~der thi~ reso].~_~tion, or ~rior I.o i~zuance ot a buildinq r~^rmit, uC within a E~eriocl ~~t one yeac Fr~m thc datc ol thit; ~esolu~iun, whichever occut~s fir:;t, C~nditiun No:;. 1, 'l and E, above-mer~tioned, shall be cnmplied wi~.h, ~;xten~iunr L-ur f~urther time ta r.otnpl~te sa.id condit:ons may be yrant:ed in ac~C~JC(Ii911CF! Wlti~l 5ection 1ti.U3.OJ0 of L•he AnUheim ttunici;~al c:ode. 1J. 1'h<at pr.i.r~r to fi.n.;l buil~iinq a~d ~or~iny II73~~ecti~~ns, Condition No3. 3, 4, 5, 7 eincJ ~, al,uve-m~nt~~.~~neci, sha.ll be comp.lied with. BL•' I'i' I~UItTtIF:lt 1:f,SULVi:U Cti:-t the J+n~~hr.im Cil.y t~l~inning Cotnmissi~n does hece!ay f.ina ~~nd aete:rminr_ that adoE>~i~n af this RFSOluti.on is ~x~ressly Nred=cated uF~cn applicant's coinpli:~nce witt; ~ach ano al.l o.E h.he condi~:ions herein~ibove set. forth. Should any ~uct~ condit:oils, or an1~ parl theceof, be t der.lared inva.l.id or un~~niocceabl~: by +.~.he finai judyment ot an,y court of •;c~m~eten~ jurisdic~ion, then ~hi.s Resozution, and any a[,provals hereir. t contain~~d, shall 1~G der~med :~ull and ~~uicl. 'i~l~: Fo1tLGUitJC, 12L•'3Ut.,U'1'.[OT1 i:: :~ic;~~ed and ~~pNcov«•d by me th~ ~~ 19th d~y of iebruuz~', l~f~o. _~r~~.~.~_-s~s~ t=~';,~.w __ CfiAIRWUMAN, ANAf1f:IM (:I'i'Y PI.At~t1~~7G COMMISSION ATTES'1' : ~~ '~' " / ' _~ ~ f/Z,GG~ ~ :;t:CRI:TI,;t , AP~AHL•'1P1 t;liY Ut~A~,JING CGt•1EtIS.;IUIv 5'1'A'i E U F~ CA L.I F' OI2 N I A ) CGt;[~~~ Y 'J[' ~I2AI~VL•' ) ...= • t;i~iY O1' ANAF:Eiht ; r_, i•;d~th L. E:~r. r i::, sec~ ~~ary ut ~~he Anaheim City P1~~f1I1111C~ CommiL:~ior., do hereby ~:crtil:y that ~lie foceguir~q re:u'ution was pa.sed and ad~pted at a m~~etiny ul: the AnahE~im :, i ty Pl~~nr~in~3 c.otti~, i~:~ iun held o~~ ~ ebruary 19, 1986, by t.tie Lo:.l~win~,~ vott c:E rhe cnr~mt~e[s th~.r~~uE: A'Lh':; : CVI•1M.ISSIOIJE~125: EiUUA:i ~ Nit'1 ~ He:i!!:S'i ~ LA CL~~IRE, I.A4lICK! ~ l4C E3UI2NGY ~ I1E:SSF: NUL•'S: CUI~1FiiS5IUt~E:ltS: NONE. AL35'~tJY: C:UNiNC:il3IU[J~:HS: NOtJ::' IlV F:i',PI};5;5 IrtHF'R~:UI', I h~~ve hereunto ~et my h~in~i this 19th day of Feb~uasy, 19t;b. ~~ -_ __ - ----l~ - . SEC;R1:Tl.(t'r, A[3Atik:I(•1 c:I ;'! PI.AKtvICtG CUI4MISSTUN ~- - ~~. - '. Y L' ~' -~.. PC86•-4F3 ~