PC 86-50; .... ~~14~~ ~ ... RL•'SOLUi'ION N0. PC86-50 A Ft~;SULU`PTUN OE' 'i'F1F ANAI~IBIM Ci'PY }?LANNING CUhIMI;;iSTON `l'HAT E~h:`l'I'1'IOPI B'OFt CUtJDI'PIUIJAL USH' PEItPfT'P N0. 2763 E3G r12ANi'E.ll WEiGP,1;AS, the Anaheim Ci~.y klanning Commission did r~ceive a veri.Eied Petition fac Conditional iJsE Pecmi.t from CHANllUL,AL K. PA7'EL, ?,170 Carl,y Co.irt, R~wland Heights, California 91798, owner, ar.d AMAHEIM F.GDLVELOP~tENT AGLNCv, /6 uoUth Claud.ina, $3UU~ Anaheim, californi.a 9'1.f305, A'1"i'N; L•ISA ST.CPKOVICFI~ clgeRt , Lo~: cert.ain real proper~y si~uated in the C:ity of Anaheim, County of Oranga, State of Caliiacni~,, de,c~ribed a, f~l'lows: PA12CE;L 1: r~ LO~S 1O, 11 ANll ll 'PUGL`1'Hi;R WTTH TfIL f:AS'1'E;RLY 2d.•.OU E'G~T OF LQT s +~• 13, ALL IN BLOCK. "F " OF 2'HF' 1tL•'SlIF3pI.VISION OI' VINC;YAI2D LOT. D-3, IN ~r~i~; CiTY Oi~' ANAfic;Th1, COUNTY OP ORANGE, S'TA'.h' OF' CALIrGRNIA, AS FFFt idAP RLCUkUL•'U IN BOOK 1 PAGE 24 OF' REC~aRD UH SURVBYS, t~: '1'EiL UE~FI~L•; UF' '1'Nl:; CqUlJ'PY RECURDf:It Oi~ SAIT'i COUNTY. ~: ~' PARCI;L 'l: k :'HE: NUR`i'H IlALF' UF' CEN1'ER : TkisF"i', NUW L.INCOLN A"J~NUE IN THE CIq'Y ` UF` ANAHEIFI, C:JUNTY OE~ QRANGG, ST11i'~ OF CALICORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A A1AP OP bLGCK 'F' UF TH1~ I~ESUI3DIVISTOId UF VTPJCYARD LO'.I' D-a, AS PL•'k MAI~ i2ECOR1)f:L` .IN FiUUfC 1 1'AGE "l.4 OF RECCF~D OF SUkVEYS, Jt3 '.'HF, OE'F'I(:~; (7i~ '1N~' (;OUIJ'PY l2~;CGRDLR QF SATG 012ANVE; COUMTX F30UNDI;D ~ F1~;STERLY F.~Y THE SqU'1^Fil;;2I,Y PROLUNGA7.'IUN OE' 1H~: W~;SiERLY LINE OF ~ ,. THL•' EAS'i''r.kLY "L4.UU FL•'f;'i' UF' L':1 ~.)[' S11IU a'LOCK "E'" AND L'OUNI)F'A ]iAS'1'ERLY BY TEI~; SUU':dE;RLk PROLUi~IGATION Of~' 'PHE CEN`.PE.R LING 0i~ , F!]:AW1C; S'1'R~E'1', NOW PhILADL•'Lf'HIA SiRL•'E;'P AS SM041N UP~ SAIU MAp. ~r~kci:;t, 3 : i'HI' 'rIL;iT HA,LE' qF HF~UW.LG STRLE;~i', NU4J F~HILAIiF;Lf'[IIA S'1'ItEf.T IN Tl~E CI'PY UF ANAFIE~M, CUUN:PY (?F OkANGE, STATL•' 0~ CALIFORNIA, AS SFIOWN UN A MI!P UF EiLO(:R ql. 'jEiL•' T:LSUE3DIVISION 0~ VLN~YAP,D LOT D-3~ ~~ I~l:R MAY R~;COFZUL•'D IN F30uK 1 PAGE 24 01 REC(7RU 0[' SUR~JEYS, IN TfiF: UEF ICE; U[' TE;E; CqUN'i'Y ItCCURDGN. OE' SAID CUUN'TY EiGUNDEU SOUTHF,rtLY 13Y `I'HE ~A:iTEKLY PRULUNGA,!'TUN CF THE SOUTE;ERI.y LINE OF LUT UF uAIU 6LUCK "E " AND NUR'1'FII;HLY BY 'i'FI~ ~AS2'LRLY PRULC)NGATION 0[' 'PHL•' NGR`1'F1FFtLY LINL ar• 'i'FiE; 5UUTF1 fiAi,E OI~ ~rEiL ALLFY AllJGThING LOTS 10 '~'Ilf<UU(GFI .15 U!~ STiIU l1LQ(:iC "F" ON 1'HE NOk'1'fi. PAHCEL 4: `i'li~: SOU'i'H iit~ur• U~ 1't1E ALI,Ly AUJ()ININC LOTS 10 `PFIkUUGH 15 OM ivUKi'H, TN I3LUC:K "f'" UE•' 'tfiE RESUfiUIV_TSIUN OI' VINEYArD LU'1' 1)-3, TN ~HL•' C:ITY UE' ANAHk7M, CUULJ'I'Y GE UItANG~, STATL OF CAI,ZPOI2NIA, AS P~lt NAP R~CC~ftpEU IN 60pK :l PAGE 24 OI' R~CORD QE SUI~VEYS, TN THE O6'P'ICL UF Tf1E: CUUNTY ItEC012QF;Fi pI~ SAID COUN'!'Y, HpUNDFD LAS'.~GRLY EiY '1tIG NOR'i'HE:RLY PFiUC~pNGA'1'ION UE' THL EASTE;RLY LIN~ OE SAID LO"~' 14 ANU f3UUN1)b'U Fl~';'1',iR:.Y F3Y Z'EiE NUR'.PHF,'}tLY PROLONGATION pF TH~ Wc57'E;kI,Y LINL•' UN TkI~; L•'AS'1'ET~LY 24.UU Fk;E'P OF LOT 13. U725r PC$4-~0 ~r~.`. . ; ~~ ~~~~ _::v ~: Wk1L1tEAS, the City Planning Commissi.on c'id ho.id a public hearin3 at the c:ivic Center in the City uf Anaheim on Fc.Lru.~ry 19, 1986 aL• 1:30 p.m., n~t.:ice ~i said ~.~ablic he~~r.zng having been duly giyen a~ required by law and in accordance with thN pravisions c~t l•he Anaheirn Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, ~a t~ear and consi.der evidcnce for and against said proposed recl~ssif.ication ~~nd to inv~sti~ate and rnakc findinys and reco~;~mendation~ in c~nnection therewith; and Wli~;REA5~ said Commission, after due i.nspection, inve:;tigation and study mad~ by il•selk and in ils l~e>ha.lf, and after due consideration oi a11 evidenc:e an~i r~ports ofEered ak ssic~ n~.arin j, does Eind and de~ermi.r.e the tollowinc~ tacLs: ;, l. `l'hal the propo;,ed use is ~r.oper.ly one :~or ~ E~er.mil• is author.i.2ed by Anaheim hiunicipal Code Secl ,; 18.9~3.J20 tu permit a 10-story, 75-unit, senior , a~arL•ment cum~lex u-~der authori.t}• ot S~ate Governmcnt ,a wiL-h waivers of the following: which a condi~ional. use :ions . and citizens "affordab2e" Cocie 3ecti~n :Jo. 6~~15 (a.l 5L•'C'P.LOiJt, 173.UG.UlU.U10, - Minitnu~n number ot ~arkin9 spaces. 1~.06.05U.t).13, (60 on-site ypacts required; 19 on-site 18.(iG.08U, ~ and ~1 of£-Si"e ~~~C~~S (z.n adjacen~ 18..34,U66.U10 parkiny sl:ructure) proposed) ANU 18~94.U:36.U1U (b) S};C'.PTUtJS 1f~,3~.UEi1.U1O -- Minzmun~ builcJang ~;t? acc~a eer dwelling unit. t~.NU 1.Ei.y4.031.U'.?0 (1,2UU squace L-eel pe~ unit required; 292 square feet pe.r unit r~~~3uired; 292 s~~~~~r~ :4et_ proposed) (c) St;CTTGr1 18.y4.U3"1.032 - Minitnum floor area. i (550 sq~~are L-'eet cequired for one-b~droom units; 540 sr uace teet_ proposed ) td) S~C`1'TUN 18.94.U33.030 - Minimum recreat:_ona~-lr.i~ure areas. (20U ~c{uar.e feet ~ec unit cequired; 83 square teet ~r~~~osed y (e) :;I,CS'IUf~ 1a.~4.U33.U3~: - ~fini:^~!m r.ecreationa!-leisure activity space. (P.equired: 5U :quare fec.~t~er_dwellir~q unit uf ~ common s~ace design~d tor a sF,ecifi.c r~c;[eati.onal- leisuee ~u:~ivily with indoor rerreational-~Pi,ure rooms having a minirn~m f.loor area o~ 11000 square teet; Proposed: approaimately 12 square f.eet pFr dwelli_~ ~ni~ provided in two community ro~ms hziving flaoe area~ of 436 anc~ 452 square feet) (1`) St,C~i~10NS lE~.:,~4.U63~U12 - ~ Mir~imum strucLural sel•back. 1t+.34.Qb4.U"lU !15 L-eet r.equired adjacenL to Ce~itEr AND 18.U4.043.U50 Street; 3 to 17 L•ept ~roposed for ba.lconiea) (g) S~:C'~TON lEt.94.U37.OlU. - ~uir~d_~ike scre~~ning. (G foot~ '~iqt~ block wa.ll re~uired ~djacent t~ the north prop~~rl•y line abutting an .~1? Fy ; no w311, pr~~?osed ) _l_ PC86-5G ,':' ;; ~ 2. Thar ~he requester.~ wair~r (a) .~s here~y c~rankec] on irAc b-~siy that an execu~ed .leas~~ agr.~eemenL•, as approvea k;y the City .~ttorney's Of.fice, sha11 be rurnished Go th~: City o.E Anahei-n specif}~ing that Forty-one (41) off--site parking spaccs shaJ.l bc: available in rhe public parkiny stcucture locatE~d itnrnediately west of.' sub;ecl property. if il- becomes nccessar,y in L•he £utuce, an agretment shall be U~~d1~1nGI 5pe~iEically a~sinna.ng 41 ~arkir~y spaces to t:en~-~nts ot L-his s~nior ci.tizen's a~artm~rnt complex in Zoc~~~i.ons which are as conveni~nt as possible to said aparti~~ent complex. 3. That thc~ reyuest~c: 1Jsi1.VB'LS b, c, d, e, f anci g are hereby granted on the basis that there are special circ~~;nsta~:ces ap~licable to th~ prcp~rty such as s.ize, shape, topography, l.~cat ion and surroundir~ys whi.ch do r~ot apply t:o other i~entic~lly zo~ieCi pro~~ercy in the sarne vic:inity; and th:~l: strict ~i~F~lication oF' the 'LonS.ny CodE deprive~ the property of priv:lages enjoyed by ott,~r properkies ,in thc identical zon~ and c].assitication in khe vicinity. 9. '.i~hat furthec, waiv~rs d and e are gcantad on the basis th~t khe ~~•L}~ of Anat~c:irn's S~!~ior C:itiztn Center i.s locaL-ed immedi~ately n~rthwest of subject ~:+r~~~erty, arin the Washingtan Cummunicy C~~nter is located just north o£ sub ject ~ro~,erty across I,i.ncoln Avenue, and hcth facilities will provir.3e recrpationaJ. oE~porl•.u-iities tor tei~ants i.n the NroPos~d building. 5. T`hat the proposed u^c is nereE~y c~r~nt~ed on che basis that: the Anaheim City Planning Cumtnission does her.enl r:i~,~i th~t the prcjec~ is reas~~r.ably accessiblc> to necessary ser.vices, i~:~~~udiny grocery stor.es, transit to~ ~z, ,~~~~ir.al faci.litie~ and banks. b. That the propos~~d use wi11 not adversely affrct the adjoining land use:; and the arowth and developin~:nt ot the; area in ti~hi~h it is proposed to be l:?cated. ~. `a^hat; L•he size c~nd shaE>e ot thF site pr.o~o~ed Eor tt-e ~ise is adE~quate to allow the full d~velop-nent of tlie pr,oppsed use in a manner not de~,rimental to ttie particular area nor to L•he peac:e, t~ealth, s~~e~y ~~~-~ general welfare of the Citizens of the Cit.y ~,f Ar,aheim. 8• corWiCi.~ns 'i'hat thu grant:ing oi rhe imposeq ii~ a Conditional Use P~rmiE under the satEty ~nd , ny, ~~eneral we ll:arE oi- wil:i nr~t he th i ~Etrimental to the pn~cE~ health, . e :; ti.rens oE r.hF~ C~ty uf Anaheim. y. undue burd `Phat the t~:~tfic cn uE~on ti~e sl:re t generated .by the nroj,osed u~e wi11 not impose an traffic in e :s the area, and highways designed an d improvc:cl to f,:arry the ;U. 7'hat no onc~ inr!icater.' - ~~~ presence at ^al~ oppositi.on; and ~hat nu c~..r~s~ondenc~ E~u~lic hearing in F r~~ceiv~~ci ir~ opposi.ti~.- tc; th~ suk.~jecl- peLiti~n, ENVIRUNFIF'N'.l_1~I~ IMPAC':C ['INUING: ~ihat the Anahe~.m City P:LAnni-ig Comm.i;;siun ha~ revinwed the propoaal to recl„ssii s~ab ect ' CG (Cnmmercial, Geilera.l? Zone to the t2h1-1200 ,y~ ~ ~ ~r°perty L'rom the ;; (te.,idential, Mu.itipl.e-Family) Zune to permit a lp-story, '75-unih sEn.i.or cit.izen's aFfordable apartment camplex with waivers of m.inimutn r.umber of packing s~aces, minimum building site area per dwelliny unit, m~nimum tlaor area, mininsum recreational-.Iei~urn _3_ PCf35-50 ( ~~ 'rv, areas, minxmum rer.reationa;l-leisur~ acti.vity space, minimum structural setback a:~d r.equired s;i t.e screening oi7 a rectanc~ularly-shaped paccel oP 1ar.d consi.sting o~ appc~~ximate:ly 4.5 ac:e located aC the northeast corner of Center Street and Phi.ladel~~laia Avenuer and furtl~er described as 261. East Center Street; and doES herc;by approve th~ Negative Dec'laratioct upon Einding thaL• it !~as consid~red tt~e Ncgative Declaration togett~er wit•h any comment~ received during the publzc review process and furthcr findi.ng on the basis of the init.ial study and ~ny c:c~mments rec.eived that Chere is no substantial evidence that the project w.i.ll l~,ave a significant eff~cr on the environment. N04J, THER~FOrcL, BF IT RLSOLVED thzt the AnanPim Ci~,y Planaing c:oR~mission does hereby yrar.t subject PPtitiorl ~or ConditionaJ~ Use PGrmit, upon t-~ie followiny c~a~~dit:~cns which ar.:.~ he,:eby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pr~~poser:l use ot l-l~~E subject property in order to preserve L-he safety and yener~~l we:~iare oi the c:itizens ~~f L-he City nt AnaY,eirn: 1. `1'hat this C- iCi~nal Use P~rmit is c}x~nted subject t~ t.he adoptlon of the Zonim~ ~~rdinance in connect•ion with Itec]<~.~sificai:ion No. 85~86-23, now ~~ending. 2. 'Piia'c a11 ~~ngi.neering requir~menl-s oF the City oL Anaheim alonq ~he a~J.ey, includiiiy Yreparation of:' improvement plans and installation of a7.1 irnprovemc~nts such r~zs cur~s and <~utters, sidewalka, ida+-er faciliL-~es, :;tre~t ~cadiny and r~~:~vement, sewer and drainu~e f•acilir.ies, or otl~~er agpurtenant wor!s ~ha.ll be compli.ed with as r.eqi~zc~d by the C:z.ty Lngineer and in accordance wi.th ~pecifications on ~i.le in l•hc 0!'f.ice of tE~e City rnginee.r; anc~ '~hat security in the Porm of a bond, cerLificai:e oE deC~asit~ letter of cr.edit, or cash, xn an amou~~t ~ind form satisfacL-ory to t.h~ City of Anaheim, shall be pasted with tt:e Cit.y t~ yuaranteE the sat.is~actory co~r~pleLian of said impravemr_nts. 5aid .~r,~curity shall be posted with the City prior to i.ssua~~ce ot building peetnil•s, to guarantee ~he instal_'ation of the a;,ove-required impr.oveaments prior to occupancy. 3. '1'hat: prior to issuance oL a b~iiiding permit, appropciaL-e park and recreatir~n in-l.ieu i'.ees shail be ~~aici to L-hc ~~.ity cf Anat~~eim i.n an amount as deterrninecl by t.he City Cc~uncil. h. '1'haL pri.ur to issuance ot a huildin~ permit, tne a~pr~pri~te trat!`i.c sianal assessment fee shaJ.1 be p%~id to the City c~P Anaheim in an amount as deLermineci by tt~~ Ci~y Counci7. io.r each new ~3wellinc7 unit. 5. `.l'hat sidewalks sh.~ll l;e instalied alnng Philadelphia Street as rtqui.r~d by lhe Caty L•'n,yineer and in ac~ordance wi.th standard pl+~n~ and s~~evitical-iocjs on ~ile in tt,e O~ficc ~f the City Lngineer.. b. ".~~hat e,ub~eol• ~roperty sn~1i t~e ~erved by undergraund utilities. 7. 'Phat prior tc rommer~~cement ot st~uctural framing, fire hydrar-ts shall. be insti:allF:d and charged as re~.~uired ~nd determi.ned to Le nc~cess~ry by th~ Chief oi the I?ice liepactment. tt. `1'r~al: fir.e :p-.inklPrs shall be :ins~alled as required by L•he City Eire Mar ,hall, -4- PCBt-50 `;;; ~~ ; -~ ,~-, ~A ~~. That trash stor.age areas shall bc~ provided and maintained in accardance wiL•h approvAcl plans on file with the Street Maintenanc~ and uanitarian Division. lp. 7.~hat prior to issuancP of a buildiny permit, the developer ~ha11 entex into a recor.dea agreement with the Cii:y ot Anaheim pursuant to Goaernment Code Section 65915 t~ provide that a11 of the pez~mitt~d number of residenti.al units shall. be rented as 1ow or modezate inc:ome housinc~ as ~~efined in Government Code Section 65915 and wi~h appropriate renkal cont-rcls as approv~~ by t.he City of Anaheim .Eor a period of noL- less t:han twenty (20) years Lrom the date of issuance oE uccupancy ~~?rn~its. 1].. 7'hat the t~nancy c~i subject facilil•y shall be r.esl•ticted to persons at least one (1) ot whom ir~ each uni.t is sixty-L•wo ( 62 ) years of: ~ge or older; and ~hat a covenant shall be recor.iled by the owners ~f t.he pro~erty i.n a form appr.oved by the City Attorn~ay so limir_iny such occupancy. A copy oE saici recoraed covenant sha:ll then be sizbmitted t~ the Plar.ning Dapar.tment. 12. `Pti~t the uw-ier oi subjech property shall provide an executed lease agxeement, approved by tt,e Ci.ty Al•turney's Office, guatanteeing that l:or~y-one (41) off-:~ite k~arking spaces shal.l be available in the public narkiny structurc. locatecj immedia~exy kest of subjpct property. 13. Tnar_ prioc t~~ issuance ot ~a buildiny permi~, revised plans shall be submi_ttecl showi.ny a"Cire cunt~rol" room, as required by the City Fira hld!:Ehali . ~4. 'Phat subj~ct ~ ro~~erty shall be c-]eveloped sul~stantial.ly in ::ccordance with plans and speciEications nn ti1~~ witt~ the City of Anaheim marked Exh.tL-it Nos. l, 2 aJ~d 3. 1~. ThaL- prior, l-o i:suance of a buildir-g pertniL-, ar with.in a pe:.iod of one y~ar from the dat:e of thi.s resolution, whichever occurs £irst, C~n~ition Nos. l., 2, 3, 4, ~~, 1.1, 12 an~.~ 1 "s, above-mention~d~ ~ha~l be com~ilied with. ~xi:er.~ions f.or further time tn complete said c~nditions ma,y Ue gran~ed in accordan~e wilh ~ect;ion 18.03.O~b oi ~~hp Ananeim Muxiicipal Code. 1b. ~~hat T~rior t~ tinal buildiny :-nd zoniric~ ir,spections, Condition NoU. 2, 5, 6, ~, J and 1~1, abuve-menl•ione~l, sh~z11 be com~l.ied with. .17. Ii i.t b2comes necessary at some ful-ure dakE, ; parking 'lease agreement sha11 be obtained to specifically assi~jn 41 _~arking spaces in L•he ~;~,iblic p~r.king struc'cure to r:enar-ts of khis senior. citizen's apartment complP:c i.n locaCi~ris as cotlvenient as ~ossible t.o said a~artment r.ontplex 33I: IT FURTHER It1.SOLVED that thc Anaheirn City Planr.ing Commfssion does liereby tind and determine ~hat adoption of this Resolutior~ is expxessly predic~ted upon applicant's compliance wi.l:h each and all of the conditions hereinab~ve set [orth. Should an~ such condil•ions, or any pact ther~uf, be declarPd ir-valid or unenfocceable by the final judgmenr. of any court: c£ com~etent jurisdictinn, l•.he:i this Reaolution, and any a~~rov~l~ herein con~ained, shal:l be deemed nu.ll and void. -5•~ F~C86-50 ;~;;,i 'PHL F'OREGOING R~;SULUTION is sign~ci and appXOVed by me this 15th day o£ E'ebruary, 1yg6. 7' ~- -,~-~ -~°~- - ~ ~ ~'°O ~ ~ ,~ ) C::AIRWUMAN, ANAH~,IM, CITY LANNIN COMMISSION AT'.C~;S'1~ ; ~ r+~, - ~_ ,r~ SECRETARY, ANAf1L•'1h1 CT`1'Y ;?LANDIIHG COMMTSSIaN Sx'ATE UF' CALIFURNIA ) t:OUN'~Y (?F OItP.NGL•' } ss. CI'.CY OF ANAH~TM ) :~, i;diL•h L. Eiarris, Secretary of ~he Anaheim City Planning Com;nission, do hereby cerL•if,y thak the foregoing r.eso].ution was ~asscd and adopted at a meeting of tt-~~ Anat,~im CiGy Planr.ir.g Corrunission held on February 1~, 1y36, l~y ~hE .tollowing vnte ~t the metnbers thereef: ~-Y~~~: COl~1t4ISSIU[dGRS: HEI?BST, LA CI,AIP.E, LAWICKI, MC BUtt;Jf.Y, biGSSE NOES: CUMMTSSION~;]<S; IJpN}; ABSEN7.': COMMISSiC~PaL•'I2S: FSUUAS, FIiY ~N Wl~ht;SS WHEhFUI', I have hereunr.o set my hand ~h.i.s 19Lh day oE February, 196ti. .__._.~~~~.~.~. ~~D . SECIZF:TARY, ANAHEIt9 CITY PLANPJING CUMMISSI:QN -6- PCE36-50 . ... ,. r , ,,,, ,, . , - ~ ,. _ , ,..., .. __ .. ,... °-~-- - ~~.~~