PC 86-51. . ,;-;~; x~;soLU~rzor~ No. L~C86-5:1 A FESOLUTIUN OF' THB ADlAI~iB1M CI'Pt I'LANNING CO61MISSION THAT PL•'1'!'PI~JD! I'OR VARIANCE NU. 'S37 f3L GRANTk,ll WNEREAS, the Ananeim Cit-y Pianning Commission did receive a ver.ikied Peticic,n for Variance from I,BNA TRAPANI & RUDOLPH W. F3LANCHARD, :i280 Last ~ La Palma Avenue, Ar~aheim, (:a].ifornia 92805, awnec~s, and MASSOUD MONSI.-ITZADEH, 795 Victoria Wa,y, Placentia, California 9267 0, auent for cectain r.eal property situaL•ed in thc ~i+.y oE Anaheim, County o!E Orange, State of Calif ~nia described as: THA'i' Y012TIGN Ol' LOT 1 CP' AiVAHEIM EX:".ENSION AS SHOWN ON A MAP OP SURVliY i~Y WILLIAhI iiAMk~L, A C~PY OP' WHICH IS SH04lN IN BGGK 3, PAGES 162 'i'0 16/ INC;LUSIVE OC "Lqg ANGELES COUNTY MAF'i" IN THE UF~TC~ OF T[:E COUNTY RECURllER OP ORANGE CUUNTY, DESCRIBED AS I OLI~GWS ~ BLGTNNING A'1' THi~ NORTH~AS'1'I~RLY i:OfZNi:R OF ~AIll I~QT, BEING A POINT TN 4'kiE SUU7.'H LINL Ok' LA PALMA AVENUE, AND I2UNNI~G THENCE WES'P :,' ALI~NG THL•' NORTH L7iJL' OF SAiO LO'P, 93.41 E'E~T; THENCE SOUTHERLY~ PARhLLE;L WITH iHE E;T1S'PERLX LID]L•; OE SAID L0~' 23~1.546 FEET, 'PHe:NCE IvUFt`I'Ii ?3° 45' .lU" EASZ' 9U E'~E`i' `l'0 'PH~ EAST~~RLY LiNE Or SAID LO'PJ '.CFICNCF•.' NORTHf.I2LY ALON~ SAIll EAS`PERI,Y LJNE, 20$.~1 L'~;I:T TO THG PUIDIT OP BtiGlNNING. WHE~REAS, tl~e City Planning Cortunission did hold a publir. h~aring at the Civic Center in t}it City ot Anaheim on rebraary 19, 1.986, at 1:3U p.m~, nutic~ of said publir, hearing havirsg been duly given as requirec7 by law and in accordance with the prc~vi.sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, ChaptFr 1a.03, t~~ hezir ar.d cor~sid~r eviannce tor and against: said proposed var.iance and to ir~vesti~3at;~ and mak~ findinys and recominenda~ions in connectiun tnerewith; and WIiEK~;A5, saiU Commission, ~x~er due inspection, inve~tigatinn and study madc by itselL anc~ in its beh~,1L-, and after due consideraLion of a11 evidcnce an~ reports ~~CCered at sai~i heatin,y, does Fi.nd and clekermine the following Lac~s: 1. That the Z~eti~ion~r prop~Ues waivers of Lhc~ following to const:uc~ a 10-unit apartmenl- complex: ;%~) 5EC~1'ION 18.3h.U6~.U1'Z ° Maximurn structural height. M (one story permitted within 150 feet of RS-7'l00 zoniny to east and south; two _s_•L•o _ries p[~posed at 47 and 48 feet) (D) ~FCTiUN 18.34.U63.U11 - Minimum landscaped setback~ ~ (?0 feet ttqui.r~d alnriy La Pa1ma AvenuP; 14 Lo 22 teet pcopa:;ed ) (c) S~;CTION 1~.34.U53,U21 - Minimum_structural setback. (22 fp~t rPquired adjacent to thQ west. property line; 10-1 2 teet. to 12 f.eet proposed) 0726r PC86-S1 ~.i ';; ;~ ;';1: r/;';!A~ ,~,.. .a4^ e~si ~ ~; ±; id) SLCTION;~ 18.34.0G6.U.10 -• Required t ec o1 ~arking spaces. ~ 18,OG.050.U].2.1 ireq~ire~~l: 25 spaces v~ith 20 covered at AND 18e06.080 lU Ft. X 2C+ ft. each; proposed: 25 spaces wi.th 11 coyered at 9 ft. X 19 ft. ) 'l. Tt-~at thc ~bove-menr.iune~9 waivers ace herpby gr.anted on the basis thal- there ar.e ~p~cial cir.curastances ar~i~~icable to the pruperty Guch as S12E;, sti~~pe~ tapograpliy, locat~on ~nd surzoundings which do n~t apply to othcr identically zoned pr.operty .in the same vicinity; arid that strict appJ.ic~tion of the Zoni.ny Cude deprives tt-~e pr~perty of privilares erijoyed by o~her ~ropPrties in the identical zane and classification in the vicinity. 3. That tiiere are excepkional or ~xtraordir.ary circumstances or ~ ccndition: applicable to the proper~y involved ur t~ tY:e interided use of the ~ ~roperL-y tna~ do not apply yenera~ly to the prop~rty or c.lass of use in the ~; same vicinil:y and zone. 4. Tr~at r_he ceauested va~ia;~cF is necESSary fUr the preser.va~ion anc7 enjuyment oi a substantial property right pass~ssed b~ otner ~~roperty in the satne vicinit,y and •r.orie, ai~.d denied t.c the proPerty in question. 5. ~i'hat the requesteu dar~ance rrill not be materiall}° detrimental ta tl~e puk~.lic welf`are or. injuric~is L•o th~ property ~~r impruvement;s in such vicinity and zone in which ~_he propert.y is locah.ed. 6. ~Pha,, onc ~~ersorz indical-ec~ his p*esence a ~ said public: hearing in o~,p~sitioi~; and that rio ~~respundence w%~ r~:ceived in ~ppusition to subject petition. I.NV:(ftONMLN`1~AL IMPAtT FiNllINC;: Thak ~:he Anaheim Ci*y Planning Commxs:~i~n has ceviewed tht ucc~osal ta construct a 10-unit auartment comp:Lex ;;;,~}~ w;,ivers of maximum s-.:,~uctuial heiyh~, mir~imum landscaped setback, minimum structural setback, and required t,y~e of parki.ng spaces an ~n ir.cegularly- sha~,ec~ parcel oE land con~ist..~ig oL- apE.raximate].y ~.43 acrer having a Era~tage ot ~~pprox:ir~ately 94 teet on the south sid~ of La P~lnia Avenue, ~nd further deGCCi.bC:9 as 1280 L•'a:~t La Palma Avenue; ar:i daes hereby approvz Ehe Negati.ve DeclarZtion upon ti.ndiay l-hat• it has considered the Negative Dec]aration together with an.y commenks r~ceived du;:ing the puhlic review Frocess and further £indiny c~n the basis of the initial stu.dy anc] any commPnts recE9.ved that there is no substuntial evider~ce that the pxojec~ will hauE a significan~ effect on thF environment. NUW, 'PHt~.iP.EI'URE, BL I'P RGSOI~VE;?) Lhat the Anaheim Cit•y P1an~ling Commissior- does hereby gran~ subject Petita~n ~:cr Variance, upon the following conditia~s which are hereby taund lo ~e a neces,ary prerequisite tn th2 proposed use of the subjert pr~perty in order to preserve the safety and yener.al welfare of l:h~ Citizen s of the City oE Anaheim: ;;-~ a 1~ That f:he owner ol' subject pcoperL•y shall pay to the ~ity af .Anaheim a J'ee Por tree ~~l ~~ieing }~urposes along I,a Palma Aveni.~~~ in an amount as determined by the City Council. 2. ~hat pr.ior to issuance of a buildin~ ~ecmit, appropr.iate park and recreat.ion in-.lieu Lees shall be paid to the City oz Anaheim in an amount as c~etermir~e~ by t.he Ci~y Council. „ ~%!~f. -2- PC86-51 '';; r ~ , ~'~~:~.1}pr ~i;i ; ` . ~ . ~~ . .,~;T w~. .. . . .. ..~;i, .r;~'. , ~ . . . . . . . .. .. .~ ,,.~F:~}.? :3• '1'hat prlor to issurince ot a bui.lding perml~ ~~iyn~~1 usse:~sment xee sha~l b~ puid Lc the City~~of ~Anaheim~ i~ ~3r. amounl• <is d~tezmineJ by the City Coi;ncil fur e- ach ncw an dwe.lling unit. `~• 'I~hat ~,wn_r dc~dir.uCe~to the ~• ol .•ub~ect F'rUperty sh~all icrevocabl z~y ~i Anaheiio a strip of land 53 fcel !n w dth~frnm Che ~enk~~rline of L•-~e~ ~tr~cr along I.a Palm~~ Avenue widEniny Nur~;utt; . Por straet `%. 'ihat a.ll tnc~ine~~riny reguirem~~nts of the C:ity uf Anatieim alo Palma ,lvenue, i~cluding ~~ ..~ installakion of ~r~' a~`~`'lon ~t im,provement ng j~a sidew~~lk~, wat~r all irnpraveir,c:,~~;; ;;ucn ~~ p.lans ~n~ iacil:Cies, sl•r~:ck curbs and gutters, dr.ain,3ge fac.i.lities, ur, other af~pur.t~nantjworknd pavement ~~ reqi;i recl ~ , , , ~ sewer and hal] be complied hith 2 C.,,~ C.tY ~ngineer and in si~ecit.icatio-~~ or: f:ile iti the ~f!'ice o~ ~c•^•oCdanc~ securit ti~e City with Y in the forri ut. a I~nnd ~~9inePr; and that credit, or ~.:~;,~,, ir~ Un amount andyEurmr~cat~ ~F deposit An:lh~im, sha.ll be •aCisfactor ' l~tter oi comt~lttion ~t ~-. pO:'te~J wikh the City tQ h~Y ~o the City of ~~+id improv~tner,tz;. ~,. • 7uar~~n..ef. r_he satis~actory the c:i~Y Pri~~r to ~-, ~~~~d serc~irity :~hall he installar_ion of r_t~~ ~'~'roval of .improvement p~~tE`~ Wfrh abov~-ref~~irer~ imn~~vemtnr~~~~nsr tO ~~ar;~ntee the e• That t'•~c dri~•zwa ~ Prior o ~ccupancy. rariiu:~ r.urb retuCns'halLe~ai `,~n b cucted to accorimodute ten } ~tie City Traffir. (10) fo,~t 7. 2~har_ dr~ina e E~9ir~eer. s~~tir,factr~ry to the`jCit`t E,co~erL•y :;hall be di~posed of y LnginPer. xn a manner £t• :hat subj~ct >ro ert ~ P Y shali be served b y under~3rr~~~~ ~tilitie, . y• 'L'}l~lt •`,tC;°Q~ lirtttirc installed ~;s C~,y~jLF~~ ~tacilitit;; al~n~ t,a Palma Avc~~ue ~t;all be with sE~e~itiic~,tion:; on ~ Y the Util~t.ic~ i;eneral Manager .in acc~rdance Manag~~- tiic. in r_ha OEEice of Utilitics . 1. ~~nd that ~;ecucity in t.f~,, t~~rm ~f a bcnci GenErel ~a~P~~lc~ leC~er ~~f ~ certifir,Ate pf :aa~isf:~ctor t~ rh~, ~redit, or cash. in a:~ amount: and x City of Anaheim form yuara-yL-ce the ,.. ~ shall be posted ~~rith ~he City to .~ut:i.~factor•• im~rovr~ment.s. i comp.letaen of the above-ment{ Said ^ecuril:y sha11 t~e posted with thF~ r_ , oned prior ~o ~ipproval p[ im~r~~verr~ent plar~r,. ~~ ~r improvemenf.s r;i~~l! f Anaheirr. bc :nyt,al.le~ mhe ~'+bov~-C~quiced pt ior to occup,anc;y, ' 11i• ~hat r>ricr. t~~ cummer.cement of s; be ins~~~lle~1 and c ~ trurr.ural framino, fire h harr;e~ ut; Ley~aired ~~nd r1~:t e~[in(~l,~~j Ydcan~s rhall hy thc~ ;;hiek~ or the Fire Uerpartment. to t~e n~cessarY 11. 'li~at tra~h stcrac~:' ar:,a~ e~ccor.~.lanc2 witF~ aF:r~r.ovcd ~~lanh~~~n ff.l~~ ~Nftt~~~rhn •]~~r) ~ anc; 5anitatiun ~ivir,i~n. maintainnd in ~trect Mr~!ntenanre 1 4• l~ 1~ J~ C~ 1 J Y y Z 1{2 I~ ~~ /~ .1 J ( Urdinanc~ in c:c~nner.tion~~nwcci rcci~j~~~ct tu the .~d,~~~tfun af the pending. tl~ i{~C;jA3f1.f1r.clC{qfl Nn. Z~~ing G7--08••6Or tl~,)W -3• PC65-~i1 . . . ...... .., ~ .r ..,~urY,:l:,r.~.Xr{~.~. 1 ~ ~"~ •`i 13. '1'h~l• prior to issuance oi a bui].c~~nq permit., 5ha11 be Pai d to L-h primazy water mAin F~N~ . e Ci.ty of Anaheim, in an tl'~e Utfice ot t~~c~ Utiliti es Cener i amount ar~ determined by . a Mc~n~ger. 14.. ~t~hat al.l air aonailionir-g L~~cili4ieU arid ohher roof mpun~c~ci equapm~nt sha1.1 be pruperl.,y shie:lded I~ulter d ~nd qrnund Lrom view, ~nd the s c from ~~c1j,:icent xesi~ential p~:o~,er~zEas ound . 15• 'i~h~t a minimum six (6)•-toot h.iyh ma~~nr,y black wall shall be . r.onsL-ructed ar ri i , ma ntaineU aloog thN east m:nimum seven (7) ~ooL• hiyh block property line, t;hat a wa7.1 :~ttall s~~uth proper.ty 1ine, provid~r9 I:iiat writt ~,n be canstruc~ed along the ~southerly property .,hal.l first be f ~rni concurrence from sa.id shed • . DeNartrnent. t o the Planning 1~~ 'i~t,at suUjeck f~roperty shul;l Le developed ;,;;l,sL~ntially in accordance with pleins and ~pecification:, on file with the City oE Anahaim mariced L•':chibit No~. 1 and "1.; provided, howev~r, that ~he minimum ditnensions ot eac:h covered r~arking space r,ha.ll be ten (lU) Leet by twenty (20) leet, that the r.ear walls ut all carports sl;all be entxrely snli.l anc3 that the in~erior o1 said wa11s Bha11 be finir3he~:i wi~h ext:erior ttnist, m~~terial. In udr;ition, g~ncral ,tor~ge cabi.net~ shall bc pruvided Loc Aach apartment as requir.ed by Anaheim Munieipal Coc]e ~~~~3~cLion lE3.U6.(~5U.U127. Furthermoce, that the solir] rear wall of the car~,orts locat~~d adjacCnt to the cast pcoperty .line shall be shittecl apr>ruximate.lf ten (IO) feet l•o continue the vlsuZl screeni~g w`~ich a2ready exi:~ts in the form oE a garage ~n Lot *~o. N~. l:i5b ( 719 fiawr t~~rne SLreer, ) ~ ~• 53 or 'PracL r.heretore ~~i~ r~ar carpork wall ~hall, ,~rovic;e ~~.iditional visuaJ. scre~ning betwe~n Lot ~~o. 53 and subjc•r,~ ~roperty. i7. Th~~.'r. rninirnum 15 gallon:; tree:~, plantecl op minimum 15-Eoot centE~rs and '~1L1 ~PE~r~P~~Lat° irrigation ia~ili~ies, shall be ~,lanted and mai.;~tained alung the eas~ and south property tine:~. lts. That prior ta issuance ~1 z building permit, ur within a pe~x~d o£ c~r.e year Lror;~ r.he dat:e n[ this rc~~s~J.t~tlon, whicii,:ver occur~ £irst, Cori:ti tic~n Nos. 1, 2, 3, q~ 5 6 y above-mentionect sti~-~11 'ue ' ' ' 1~, 13, 15 and 11, + c~mf,lirrri wi,th. Gxtensions for Eurtl,EC time tt~ `:~mPl"t!' :~aid condil• ions may be grantAd in ac ~dance wiL•h Section 1b.U3.U~~0 ot th~_~ Anaheim Munici~al ~~ac~~. ly. ~ihaC prioz to r:ir.~~l t~uiJ.ding end •~uning inspecti.anr,, Condition Mos. '~ 7~ 8, 9, i.1, ].4, 15, 15 and 17, above-mentioneri, sha11 be compli,ed witt•. IiL t~i~ I~'Utci~H~Fc t2F'SULVE:1) tnat ~t,F~ MnahHim City Plar~ning L'ornmi~a.ton r]oes herepy finU an~ der_ermine kh~~t ;~~~~,Gi~n ~f thi.^., ~terolutian is @?(~C@3RI,Y P~edicated upun ~,pplican~' , ~•omE;lianc:~ wilh each anG al). r~~ tt» con~3itions herc~.Eriabovc~ ~ec ~urth. 5nuulri zny t3uch can~ir.i~~n, or ~jnY parr_ thereof, be ~~eclarer. invalict oc unentorc~~~al-~le t,y the ti.na:l ju~lgtnenk of any r.o-irt ot co;npetent jur.i,;dicci~~ri, tt~r_n ~;ifs t~ec>olur.ion, ~nd yny apprc~yalt3 ha_cPin conta.ined, shal~ bu c;fremer~ null ann v~ici. -q_ [~Ciio-51 . .~ _ __. _ _ -_ ___-'__ . 'q„ ___ ~ ~ . . . .. ..~ L , ,r , .~, , . , , , . .. ,.. , . . , '1'li~; FOl2LCOiNG RE50I,UTIGN ir r.i.gned and ap~~coved 'oy me ~his 19th clAy of l~ebr.uary, 198ti. ._._,~'~~L~.~_._., ' .~`',.a.~=~--_ CFinIRWOMAN, ANAfiF:IM C PY PLANNtNG COMMISSION ^~ AT`PE~S'1' : ~ ~ ' • ~..~.'•~ S::CRk;7.'hKY, ANAHEIt4 CI~i'Y YLANNINC; C;OMMISSI~td S`i'A'PL•' OF CALI~'D~2N.T.A COUNx'Y ul' ORANGE; 1 ~~ • CITY UF ANRH~IM ) i, Editti t~. Hacris, Secre~t.axy ut the Anahei.m t:ity Planning c;ommissiun, do }iereby certii,y that ih~ faceyc~ing resolutivn was paosed and ado~teci ut a meetiny oF the Anaheim City vlanning Cammission held on Februacy 1.9, 198b, by r,he follUwing voL•e oL the members therE~of•: Ayi;S; COMi+lISS]'UNEIte: EiUUAS, PRY, tiL~2AS'T, LA CLAIRF:, LAWICKI~ MC BUl'tNEY, MESSE t~qES; COMMI:i:iZON~RS: NONL•: AE~SEtJ~ : COI:MISStUNL•'1tS : NONE IN WI`1'P~ESS :~H~;RE:UE, _ hav~: hereunto set my hand this 19th day of I'ebruaryr ly8a. ~ . ~ ~ , G~'~.~/C~ .~'~ Sh:CFtr,TARY, ANAHEIM CI'~'Y P[,AP~NINC CUMt~IISSiON