PC 86-6.~ ~~~`~~.,'~i RL•'SOI:,UTION N0. PC8G-6 A RGSOLU'I'ION OF 7.'HF. ANAHL•'TM CITY PLnN~IiLJG COMMISSIUN THAT Pk:'rI7'TON FUR CONDITIONAL USE PrRMI'P N0. 2744 BE GItANTGD WHEREP.S, the Anaheim City ~lanning Commissi~~n did rece3.ve a verified ~et:ition for Conditiona.l Use Peemit from TL'MPGG iiLTH EMET, 17%0 West ~.erriL•os Avenue, Anaheim, Califocnia 928Q4, AT'PN: SEIIRLEI' GLOWALLA, owner., rand JIM I,LVY, 159G West Cron~ lvenue, Anaheitn, Califocnia 92802, ager.t for c:ertain real pro~erry sizuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stzite of Cali::ornia, descr.ibed as: THAT P01~'P]:ON OF THE I~UR?'HEA~ ~ QUARTE;R OP TFIE SOUTi~EAST QUARTER UF SGCTION 20, IN TOWNSHIP 4 SOU'PEI, ~tANG3 lU, WEST, IN THE RANCIiO LOS COYO'i`ES, CI'.PX 0;:' ANAH~;TD1, AS SHOWtI ON A MAP THEREOF ttECOP,DED IN BOOK 51, PAr,E, MISCELLANLOUS MAPS, RECQRDS OF SAID ORANGE CCL'"]'PY; DGSCItIBED I~c EOLI,OW;i: REGINNING A'1 'PHF: NURTH4~ES'I' CORNEit OE' THL•' NQRZ'fiF'AST QUARTER OF `1'FiE SOUTHEAST QUAR`PER Oi•' SAID SEC"..'ION~ AS ~AID CURI~F'R IS SIiOWN QN TkiE MAP OE TRAC`P NU. "1737~ FECORDGD IN BOQK 9.i~ PAGES 17 AND 18, MISCGLLANLOUS MAPS, RL•'CORDS OI' 5A1D ORAric;k; COUNTY, AND RUNNING `.~HENCE; SOUTH B9° 3~' OC" EI~S'P ALUNG THE NORTfi LJNE OF SAID NORTFiEAST ~Ui1RTER, f3EING '.PIiE CEN'PEI2 LINL•' OF CLRRITOS AVENUE ( 4U EF.ET IN h'IllTH ), 339.~!•8 F~LT; 'PHENCr SGUTT~i 0° 55' 1~" WEST PARALLEi, WITH THE WEST LINE U[' SA1li NORTFiEAS7' QUAF4'F.R, 662.82 IF~:T 'PO 'CE~E NOR'Pfi LINE OF SAID 'TRACi' NU. 2737; THENCE NOR`PH 89° 05' OU" WES2' A1~OtdG SAID NURTEI LiNL, AND THE WESTERLY 1sXTENSION ''i'HEREOF, 339.41 F~~T TO `.I'Ei~ WES`P LINC O~ SAI1) NOft'PHl:A87.' Qt]AR'PER; T[•IENCE NOR'PH U° 55' 13" EAS`~ AI,ONG SAID W~;S`i' LINF, 660.35 ['EET TU THE POINT OF fiEGINNING; EXCEP'!'ING THEREFI2UPi '1HE FOC~LOWTNG DESCi2Ik3GD PROF'r:RTY; DEGINNING AT TH1: NOR'PHW~ST CORNER OF' `rEiE NORTHEAS`P QUARTER OF THL•' SC~U'PEIEAST QUAI2TER OF S~1rn SE~'PION, AS SAID CORNER IS SHOWN ON 3'HE MAP UH TRAC'i' N0. 2737, RECOf21~EB IN BnCK 93, PAGFS 17 AND 18, MISCE;LLANI.UUS hiAPS, RRCc;RllS OF SAID ORANGE COUN'PY~ AND kUNNING Tt1ENC~ SOi1TH 89° 30' UU" EAS'P ALUNG THE NOR~FI GINE OF uAID NQI2TEl~AS'~ QUAR'1'ER, ~3PING THG CGN'.PER LIPJ~ OF CE.FI?I`POS AVGNUE (~0 I'EET I[~ WII)T[I), 6G.OU L•'EET; THE~I~ti a0U'PH 0° 55' 13" WEST V.1!RALLL•'L WIl'H `.l'E3E WE:i'l` LING OL' SAID NOP'I`HE,AS'P QUARTLR, 660.83 FEET `PO 'PLIT: NORTFI LINE OF SAID 'PftACT NU. 2737; TtIENCE NORTH 89° 05' 00" WEST ALOtJG SAID NOFtTH I~ZN~: ANU TIiE WESTERL'f ~;X'PBNSION THERGOI', 66.~ii k'EET `I'0 T:iG WEST LINC OL~ S?1ID NORTHE;AST QUAR`SER; '1'tfENC~; NUI~'PEI U° 55' 13" EAST ALUDIG SAXD F1ES'r L.NE, 660.35 b'EET i0 `PEIE 'dOTN`1' OF [iFGINNTNG. WEfEREAS, the City Plann.ing Comm.ission did hold a public h~arinq at ~he Civic Center in the Cit;y of. Anaheim on Junuaxy 6, 1986, 1~ 1:30 p.m., notice oE ~aid ~ublic hearir.~~ h~vi.ng be~:n duly given as require~ lay law and in accordance w.iL•l~ th~ provisam~ of. thF Ariaheim ~~luni.c;ipal Code, ~:hapter 18.03, to h~ar and considF;r evidencc~ lor and again~C said proposed ~:ondltional use perm.il• and tu investigate arid make findings and c~~commend:~t.ions in connection therewith; and , . U678r i,;.;.~ ~ ~~i ~ DC86-6 ' ~~ J it . . . . , . ' ~ i'~k~~~~Jr~ M~ m~ ~; i;;, WFICREAS, ~aid Commissic~n, uiter due ins.~ectiori, investigation and sL-udy made by iks?lf and in its behalE, and after due cunsideration of a11 evidcnce and re;ports ofiered at said hearii~g, c3oes find and determine the LO11Q4l1t1~ facts: 1. Ttiat ~he p?'oj?osed use is properl,y onc tor which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Munici~al Code Section 18.03.03Q.OlU to wit: to retain a r~:identia.l trail~r.. 2, 2'hat tl~e proposed use is granted for a period of three (3) years, to expire on Januar.~~ 6, 1yt39. 3. That i:he proposed ust will not adver.sely aff~ct the adjoininc land us~s and the growth and deve.lopm~nt of' L-he area in which it is proposed to k~e .located . 4. 'rha~ th~ :,ize and sha~~e of the sitc~ proposed For tt~e use is adegua'~e to allow the full deve.lopment of lhe pr.~oposed use ii~ a rnanner not detrimental to khe particular area nor to the peace, heallti, safety and generai ;aelfare of the Citi•r.~ns oE the City af Anaheim. 5~ Thai: L-he grantiny uF the CondiLional Use Fermit under. the conditions imposed, :.L• any, wiJ.i not be detri-nental to the peace, health, safet,~ and gener~l welfare of ttie Citizens of the City of Anaheim. G. '.t'hat. the L-raff.ic generatc:d by tl~e proposed use wi11 not impose ~n undue burde:i upon thc streets a~d highways designed and improved to carry khe traL•fic i:i the atea. 7. Tha~ no one indical-ed L•hEir presen~e ~it s:ii~ public hearing ir~ oppositi~n; and that ~«~ ~:orrespondcnce was receiv~d i.n oppositi~n tu the subject F,etitiori. ENVIRGNMEN'PAL IMPI+CT FINUING: T.hat lhe Planning DirecLot or hiu authorized re~re5entativF~ has ~etermined that the proposed projFCt fall~ with~n the del:initi.on oF Categc,r.ical Exemptior~s, c;lass 3, as defined in the State i•;Ik Guidelines u~id is, therefore, categorically exempt Er.om the requirt~menL to prepare an EIR. t+OW, ~I~HERI'L'URF', F3E :[ i FESQLVED i:haL- the Anaoeim Ci.ty P~anniag Commi.ssic~n dofR hereby gcant subj~ct F~etition for Conditional Use Permit, u~on the fr~l..awing conditions which are her~ny tourid tu be a necessary ~rerequisite to the proposed use of' khe subjFCt properky in order Lo pr.eserva the safety and general welfr:ire c,l the Cilizens of. the Cz~y oF Anaheim: 1. Thal subj~ct property shall t~e dE~~eloppd substanti.ally in accurdar,c~ with plans and speci.firat_ion~ on xile with the City of Anaheim mArke~ Exhibit: Nos. 1 and 2. 2. ~hat tl~is perinit shal.l. expire in ~l~~ree (3) yea:s, on January 6, 1989, 'Z' PC86-6 'r:: '.~ ;1 i~ p ~?;~"i~ { , f '~; r'"~,, _ , ;;; t ~';':~ `,~ B~ IT FUIt'xH~:R RESOLVLD tnat th ~Gim Cit,y l~lannzng Commi ,sion doe~ ~ hereby find and dekec*~iinc~ that ado~~ of thi.s Resolu~ion is exprESS1y predicattd upon applicant's com,plianr,~ ~~h each an~i a11 ~f the condikions herei.nabove seL- forth. Should an,y suc condi.tions, ar any parL• thereo£, be declared invalid or unenforc~ab.la b~• _he final juc~gment: of any court of compekent jurisdiction, then this :solution, anci any approvals herein containeci, shall be deemed nuZ1 ~r~d '~. d. THF I'OREGOING RESOLUTION is signed arid approved by me th3.s 6th day of January, 19~6. ~ '' ~: l? -. ~ ~'.f.~. , r..<!-y.~,.i ~ ~ ~ ~~~t : _-% ~.. • _._-:l~ct~:_._.~. ~ , CHAIRFJOMAN, ANAHPIM CITY PLANNING COb1MISSION '';' ATTBS'1' : ~ . ~' ~ i ~z ' ___ ^ ' -' ~EG12L'.TAkY, ANAH~,IM CI`PY PI,ANNING COMMISS:CVN SZ'ATE~ UE CALIPORNTA ; COUN'i'Y OF ORANGL•' ) ss. CITX UF ANAHEIM ) I, Gr3ith L. Harris, SAccetary o~ t;he Anaheim Cil•.y Planning Commissi on, ~c her~hy certify that ti~e Icreguiiig resolution c~aa pass~d and ado~ted ~zt a meeting c~f the Anaheirn City P7.anning Commission he'ld on January 6, 1986, by tt:e followir~g vole o!' the mernbers thereof: -,` -,~'. ,F1,XL"'S: COMN'iISSIONLkS: EiOUAS, C''RY, HERBST, LA CLIIIRF~, MC BURNEY, ME:ISE !'? ~ ' NOE5: C'JMMTSSTONLItS: :iC1[~F '~ ABSLPd`P: COhIMSSaIONi;RS: LAWICKI , IN W1TNL:iS WHE;REO[~', I have her.eunto set my h~nc3 this 6th day of ,7anuary, 1986. ,~~..~ ~° ~, ~ _ SL•'CRF'1'ARY, AIJe1.3E.TM CI'~Y PL:tNNZNG COMMISSION ~,;: 'iJ~ 'j'! ;,i ;~a 'r :~~5 :~: ,s r ~3~ (_ 'j