PC 86-67M 1 RESOLUTION N0. P:.'86-67 A RESt~LU'rTON OF 'PEfE ANAHEI:~1 C:CTY ~LANNING COMMISSION THAT Ph~T2'i'ION T'OR VAFIAPaCE NO. 3536 BE GRANTED WNEREAS, the ,~r.aheim CiL-,y Planning Curnmission cfid receive a verified " Petition ior Variance L'com JAP9P5 I. SWELVS~N AND SUS.~N G. ~WENSt?N, 1231 North 'N Si.mon Circle, Anaheim~ Califor.nia 9280G; owner, and CERALD R. BUSP~RE, 727. ; North Eucli.d Streetr #2U2~ ~iiaheim, Cal.ifornia 928~1-4116, agent for certain real propert~~ situated in the City of Anaheim, Co«nty of Oxange, State of California described as: ,;; :'ARCEI~ 4, IN THL•' CI`PY Or ANAHET~I, COUNTY OF ORP.NGE, STATG OF CALIFGI2NTA~ AS SHOWN ON A MAP r'ILF:D IN C~OUK 116, PAGF i"l2 AND 23 U~ 1~F.RCEL MAFS~ RL•'CURDS OF SAID COUN`T't. ' `;: 4~HEREA'~, the City P:lanning Commission did holcl a public hearing at ttie civi;; Center in the City of Anahe.im on March 17, 19ti6, at: 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing h~:t~;~ig been duly yiven as required by law and ia ac~~rdance with L-he provisions oi- the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapl:er 18.03, 4•o hear and consider evid-~nce for and against said praposed variance and to invectigai.e and malce findinys a7d recammendations in canncction therewith; a;,d WHE1?RAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study :naqe l~y itse:l:f and in i~s bet,a].L-, ~nd after due consideration oP all evidence and L@pUCL"S oL red at said ":acing, does find and determine the tol~pwing Lacl-s: ~. 'PhaL- th~: ~etitioner proposes a G!a:ver o~ l:he zollowing to ret~in aez outd~~or storage yard: SLC'PIONS 18.U6.05u.n31, - Mir~imu~n number. of paricing spaces. 1~.06.Ori0.033, (12 spaces reqiaic~ed; 2 s~aces existing) 18.OG.OHO AND r 1A.61.066.05U 2. That tne abave-ment.i.uned waiver is her~•by granted on h~he basis th~G the parking waiver wi11 noL- cause an inctease in tra.Ef.ic cangestion in the imniediat~ ~iciaity nor adversely aifecr any a~]joining lanr~ uses and granting of the parking waiver under tPse conditions imposed, if any, wi.11 not b~ detrimerital to the peacE~, hr-.alth, ~afety and generai welfare uf the c~i.tise~ls of the City of Anahe:.m. 3. ~'hG~t there are e~tcaptional or extraorctinary circumsi:ar_ces ox conditiuns applicaUl.e L•o the property i,zvalved or to i:h~ ihtendec~ u~e oP the ~roperty ~hat do not apply genPraily to the property or class of use ir~ the ~ame v~.cinity and zonR. 9. ~.Chat the requ~sted variance a.s necessary for thN prPServation and i, en joymenL• of a substankiai. property right possessPd by other pruper~y in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the properi:y in question~ 5. 2'hat the requesl•.ed varianc~ will nol: be materially detrimental tu ,';; '~ t}ze pub'.lic welfare or injurious to t:he property or irnprovements ir. :~u~h 'a F.L' vic.inlty an~ zone in which the ~ropErty is 7.ocate~i. 117a3r PC86-67 '`~'~x ; y.F: _ -' -_ . . .. . .. ~ . , . . . . . ' . . . . - , . ~ ~~~ . . ~ b~ifsl .~~):..,, ~'°i ~r. ~. '1'h~t no one indi.cated their preser~r.~ ~~ ;;~~id pnbllc hcari.ng in opp~sit.ian; and ~hat no corcr:~E~ondence wa, recei.ved in ~~ppo;ilion tn sub~Hc~ petition. l:P~VTRUNM~NTAL IMl?ACT F~lNDING; ~Phat tt~c Ancih~i.m City Planning ~:ornmi~sion has Xeviewc;~d tt~e pro~io~al ret~ain an ~~u~c~oor stora e wa.iver of minitn~~m niunber oi ~ark inc ,~. 9 ,Yard with ,~ X ):~pact.., on an irrc~ ~i.lacly~3hapec~ parcel of ,; .lrand C4f1~i1Sting of approximukely 1U,541 yc~uar~: feet:, having A frontage oE a1~pr~:timakH.ly 114 Eee~ c~n L•he west sicle oi Siinon CircJ.e, ~c~d Lurther de~~ribed ~ as .1231 North 5imun Circl~; anc3 does hereby approve the Negativc~ peclaration upun tinding that it hay c~~n:;i.dered the Nr:~yative Declarat.ion ~og~l•her with Any c~~mm~~ts r.eceived ducing rF,~ public ~eviE~w process and fuzther E.inding on the ba:;is ~J. the initial s~udy and any commcnt~ received that th~re i~ no suk,stanCial evid~ncr th~t the E~eoje~k „_11 have a sf.gniEicanl ertect on the enviconment. N~W, TEiERL•"r'Ul<F~, E~i: t~~: ItL•:SULVED that the Anaheim City Planning Conuni~.;ion due~ f;«~re~f yrant subji~ct F~etition Eoc Vac.tance, uPon the f~~lowing Condlt:ions which ~~re hereby found to be a n~~cessary piereguisite to the E~~~oX~~~7e:d use ok the subject prop~~rty in or.der ,:o pr.~serve hhe ~aEety and g~neral weliare ot ~.hc t'iti•r.~~n:; af khe c:ity o£ Anaheirn: l. 'Phat prior lu comrnencemenr o.f the ~achiv~ty authorized by Fhis resolution, tUc~ c,wner ~~L ~ubject properly sh~l.t pay thc~ ~~ppropri4te dr~~inage 8;;3f,,f,(Tl'~'flt F(?E?:i :U t~lE ~:lty Gf Anaheim lIi c?il ~imount d..4 determ.ined b}~ t:he ~;it.y L•'ngii~eer. ?_. 'i'hat c:hemical :~Cr~rr.iqe, nandliriy and di.s~>nsal s;ia].1 com~ly ~ritn the tequ:remenr_:; ol al.l governmenral a~3<~ncies thr,t m~iy have aulhority and reyulation, an~licablF to ,.-~i~~i stur.age, handling and di:spusal. Said a~~encies and re~~~uired C~ermits may inc:.lua~•, but are noL• necessarily ~.isnile>d ro: a. 'i~,e Cr~unly S~~nitar.ioi~ Ui ,trict ot ;~cange CauntY. Indu~rr.ial Wa~tc Uivi~;ion; b. The :,outh c:oz~:;l Air ~uality 14anag<~ment ~isCrict; and c. ~'hc: c;c,unty ~~i ~ranye; lle~r-~lth Carrs Ayency, Environm.~nta.l tje3ir_h an~i Wa;;t~ htanac3~.ment Section~. 3. Tn.at ~ut:,jert uac :;ha.11 at azl time~ cun~~nly with th~~ rer~~.~iremene~s og thc Ananeim Fir.e D..pactm!ant a~ requi;ed L~y the Unitocm ?irE Code. ~ypic:al requir~~roent~ ,h~l.l incluUe but ace not linuted t~~; ~+. ::~~par.~~r.ion ot all non-cumpa~ib.i~: ma,_erialr~ Stornd in tf~e yard to be m.iinzained in ordec ~o ensurr~ r.;~~~ ~rFar_~~t po:s,,ib.l~ Lir~~ 3a~ety si•~ndard:~; u. Ap~,rc,~.~ria~e ~,errrslts reyuir.f~:; Eur ~~11 i`iammable ond ottrer ha2.arclou:; fi~7tNC1c~I:^, r~cor~~d on the prr.~~E:rty; ~• i)~si.c}n, corie~cur,tfon and rnairit~~nance of cE~ill.agr_ contdtnment f~acfltr,ieo for 11.1 h.~zardoub ,.,ateri~i wiGhl;, stur.ege yarCfs; +Z PC~35-67 >,,. r"' d. Muintun~+nce ol t;he sr.or~:ige yard .ir~ a ne~at ~nd acder.ly manner at all ti-ne~; e. Remavul ot ~.11. conl:ainers in Ctie r~COra(,e yard that are not neecied ior st.bjec~ opcration. Exce~s stor.age of: ~ny hazardou, material~ ~hall k~e in an a;:ea de:3.i.gnatr~cl i:nr sur,~h storage. c:hemic~~ls sha.il be stor~d sep~raG~ly tis to ~y~e. 9. ~i~ha~ cement barriers, concr.c~~e cur.bs ~nd dikts, and othec sueh ' lacilitie ~, a:~ m~~y be r.c>gui.red by the Urany~ Coun,`.y Sanltalian DisYrict and the Ananeim Fire Dep~~~tment, shall. :~e perm~nently -nai.i~tain~-~d t~ pr.event and conLain spillaye. 5. ~rr~at trash stor~~ge areaQ sha.ll be provid~d and maintained in accordance with a~proved E~lan~ on tile with the utrPet MaintenancE and Suni Calion I)ivisio~i. 6, '~~hat subj~~ct. proper~y sha11 be de~~elopc:d cubstanL ially in accordance with pl~ris aricl 4;~ec~if icatioris on f i1e wil•h ~he City oE Anaheirn marked Lxhibit: No. 1. 7. Tt~4t a~.;OVe11`a:lt sha11 bn ~xecuted and recorded s ~ecifying that subj~~cl ~:ariance sha.ll be limi+:ed to the exi.~Ling circuit board nianutactu.ing bu sine:~s (Details, lnc:.? a nd shall terminate upon chanye oE usa~ or upon sale of. the proper.ty. Ti~e foem and content o~ the covf;nant sha? 1 t,e approved t,y thc~ City P.ttorn•~;~. A copy o: the reco~de.~ covei~anr. shail be furnished to the Planniny DepartmPnt, +3. Thar. the properi:y owne: st:alt recard a:nutual parkin~~ ag.reement ~Ith the ad jar_F~,;t F~arcel:~ owned by saia c~wner l•.o ins:ice suf.f icient parking tor subj~~cr_ ~rupc~rty as shown in rhe rarkino sr_udy. 9. Ttiat c:ondi~ion NGc. 1, 5, b, 7 and E1, abovementioned, shall b~ caml~lieci wiL•t~ wiLh_in a period ot sixty (GO) days f.rum the date herein. This re:~o3ution dua:; n~t be~omc~ effectivP until these ra_yuir.emeni::s ~are :,a~i~tieci. Ell•; IT E'UFtTEIEit f2Ea~JLV'r:U thak L•he Anat~eim City Planning Commissic~ii does heceby finu .a~:d des.ermine thaC odoNtion of ~.his Resoiution i expcessly F~redicatc:d i~pon ap~licaiit's coc,pliance with each and t~ll of the condit:ons htreinabove set [OCtl7. st,ould any such condi.ti_un, or ~ny p~art tF.ere~f, be declarec invalid or une~;orceahle by the finaJ. jud~~^~ent oE any :.~uct of r.ompe-:ent jurir~~ii.ctica, then this Ite:,~olutioi~, and any approval~ her.ein contaia~_d, sba.ll be deemed nu.li and void. 'CHE ~oRrG0IP1~ kESULUTTC;tr' i:; sigr~eei an~ approv~d by me thi:: lith day 01' t4ar~h, .l9aG, i j l, ' r"-.''~ ~ i Ll ,C _ /_.i~,~r._ ~:_ O r _'~ CS' ~ /~li) _ . u'!s.~.~. CFli~IiiW~JP~hPI, ANA~i~zM CI'PY ~'Gf,NNItJG CUt4MISSIOIJ A~I~TN~J`l': ~ _ ... . S~L'HF:Y'AkY, ANT+NEI~1 c;ITY E~LANiVIt~G (:4I4M15SiUN _j_ -.~,. ;,,5"',~ i: e, PC86-67 r`~ f~ ~t1 , _ ui/ , _ .. . . .,. _ ~1:~ 1 'i :'i . .. . ., . _ . .... .. ~ , ~c<<.1~~ ! tlM,'.'•~ ,,,. ' S'iA'1'L•' OF' CAL,TE'O1tNIA ) COUN'lY UE' ORAN~.;~ ) :; s. CITY trr' ANAHE;IM ) ' I, Ldi.th L. Harris, Stcretary of L.l~e Anaheim City Plannirtg ~ '' ~~~ Commi.ssion, do hereb,y ctrtii:y ~hat the forGgoinq resolution was pa3secl and , ' adopted at a~neEting ut khe Anahcim City Planning Commission held on M~rch 17, ~.~ 1y86, t~y the tollowiny vote ot rhe members thereot: AYr~S: C~)M~IISSTCIN~;RS: fiUUAS, FkY, HLRBST, I~A (:LAIRc, LAWICKI, MC BURNGY h1BSSL•' NUf•:S: COidMIS:ilUNEItS: tJOtJL•' ? ' AIiSF.:N'P : CUt9MI55IUNERS : NONt~; ~' ' TN WITNLBS Wfi f'i2E0[~, T h?v~~ hereu-~to ~ek my hand this 17th dav o~ March, 19f36. ~~-{i~ ~ ~~ _ ~ SEC1tL`PAItY, AtdAHGIM CIT'1 kLANr~1NG COFSMISSION -4- ~C86-67 .;,' `rr ;1 J: ,: '`.;r _ ._~::~:~