PC 86-70''; RESC)LUTTON N0. Pi;f3b-70 ~~^, A 1t6S0J~UTION OI' 2'HE ANAHrIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOh 'PHAT ~'E`.CITION 1()R VARIANCE N0. 3542 BG GRAN'PLD ~ >,~S -,: :.~d ,., Wii~;RE7~5, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a v~~ i f. ied Petition for. Vzrianr.e irum GARY L. KAHLER, 2725 Gretta I.~anr-., ~,:,uheim, ;~;;. Cali.Eornia 928UG, owner., and YF'FIM HUf~FMAN, 277.5 Gretta Lane, Anaheim, ;~~. Calil:ornia 92806, agerit f.or certain real property situated in the CiY.y o£ Anaheim, Couni:y of Orany~, State of California descrihed as; PARC~:L rl: PARC}sI, 1, AS 5HUWIJ ON A FARL'EL MAP FILED IN BOOK 91r PAGPS 3(J ANll 3I OI' PAZC~:L MAPS, II~ ~i'EIB OF'rICE UE TEIE COUNTY RECORDI;R f1F SA.ill COUP7TY. PP.RCL•'L B: AN [;A:iFM~D!'i' I'OR INGkESS, ~GP,ESS AND INCIDENiAL PUR}?OSGS OVGK `PEiE SOOTHWLS'.PERLY 1`L.5 FEET OF PARCEL 2, AS SWOWN ON A 1~ARCEL NIAF L~ ILED IN IIOOK 91, PAGE 3~J AND 31 OF PARCEL t4~'~PS, IN TH~ cJFFIC;s OF THE C:OUNTY HLC'URDER OF S?~Ill CQUNTY. E?:CE1"i' '~HE ;~012'.PHWES`"~3RLY 8 ~EE'I' `l'EiL•"REUF. WElER~;AS, th~ Ci.ty Planning Cornmission di~i hold ~i public hearing at the Civic Cer-ter in ki~e City of Anaheim on March 3, 1986, at 1:30 p,m., notice ot said public h~aring having be~n duly given as requi.recl bl law ~nd in accordance wil-h tYie provisions of tt~e Anahci.m t4unicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider cvidence tor ~~nd against said propns2d variance and to investigate anci ntalce Linclings ar~d rer,ommendations in cennection i~herewith; said put~lic hearitYy having Ueen con~i.nued }_o the Planning Comn:is~ion meeting oL i•iarch 3.1., 19E~0; and Wt1GI;EAS, said C~ammission, attec due ins,pectior., inuestigation and st:udy made by itself and in iCs behalf, and after due c;onsiderarion o.f a1Z : nvidencN and re1~orts offered at s•~~ia hea~ing, does fin~' ~,nd determinN the ~ rollowing fa~~ts: 1. ThaL- the peticioner pro~~scs waiver af thP followiny to canstLuct ari indusl•rial sL~rage I~ui.lding: 5LC'PIONS 18.U6.0_50.U3`1 - Min~imum number of parkina spaces. 18.06.080 (50_ s~aaces r.~equir.ed; 35 ~paces propos~d'1 ANU 18.~.~..OEG.O~iO ~ T Z. 'Phat the above-menti.ar,ed waiver. is hereby yranted on h.he basis that the parlcing waivc~r wil:~ not cause an i.~ncrease in traffic conge~t~.on in thN immediate viciniky nor adversely aL•Lect uny adjoi.ning land uses an~3 granL-iny of I:h~ parking wai.ver :~nder th~~ condition~ im~osed, if any, ~ail~. not bc~ dFtr.imenL-ut to the ~eace, health, s~~er.y and g~nerai we.lfare oP the citi.zens of the C:iky oi Anaheim. % ?. That there are Fxc:evtionai ar ex;:r.aordinary circumscances ur .~': ~ ~' condit:ions app].icable to i:ti~ pr.operty involvFd or to the i,ntended ust aE khe ~~ pr~perty tnat do not apply yener~sll,y lo tha property or class o[ use in the ;;j same vici,nity and zr~ne. U745r PC86-70 ~ . ~~~~~~ !:~; ~:,. s .'i ;,~1i, :',~~k ,,s {~ ~ ; ,~, r. A. That the requast~d variance .is necessary for the pre.~ervation and ?njayment of a subs~anl•ia]. property right passessed by other. propert•y in ~hQ same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 5. That the rec~uested variance will not be mater.ia.lly detri.mental tc the public welfare or injurious to i:he property or improvemcnts in such vicini.ty and zone in which the propnrty is located. 6. That no one indicate~ L•heir presence ak said ~ublxc hearing in oppo.;iti.on; and that r.a corresponderice was receivecl in oopc,siL-ion to subjec~ petition. ENVI~tONtfsNTAL IMPAC2' F'INbING; That the Art~h~im City P.lanning Carnmi:sion }~as revi~wed the proposal to consl•ruct an industria'1 starage buildrng with waiver of minimum number of parking s~aces on ' an irregularly-shapcd parcel et• l~nd consisting of approximatf~ly 0.86 acre, h~~vi.ng a Eront~ge ot approximately 107 Eeet on the nor,thwest side of the ~erniinus ot Gretta Lane, and F.ur~her. descri.bed as 2715-2725 Grekta Lane; and does l;ereby app:ove the Negative Declaration upon rinding thal it has COIISIC.~~!:ed the Negative D~c~aration l-.o~ether with any comments received during the public reviaw process ar~d Further FinJiny on tt~e basis of the initial sr_ud,y and any commenty recei.ved that there is no suustantial ~vidence that the p~oj~ct wi11 have a significant effec:t on the~ environment. :. f; ;',~i `, :; ai ;',~ 'i~ NUW, 7~HEREFC~RE, B~ IT ItESpLVED t-r~at khe An.aheim City Planning Commis•sion doPs h~reby yranr. subject Petition for Variance, tix~on the following co~iditi~ns which are heret~y t'ound L•o be a necessary prereguisite to the propos~~d tise oi: l•he subjc~ct property in ord~r L•o ~ ~ yene."r.l~. welfare or th~ CLti.zens ut- the City o.E Anaheim~~euervE the .~af.ety and 1~ That chemica~. stor.age, hanc3ling and 9is~usal shal.l comply with the requixeinent-_s oi a11 governmP:lta1 ~ayencies i:hat may havc 4uthority an~3 .regul.ation:- ~ppl icable to said storage, handling and disposal. Said ag~ncies and requir.ed permits ma}~ include, but are not necessarily limited to: ~~. '.lhe County Sariitation Li:;t:rict of. Or~nye Counky, :Lndustrial Wast~ 1l Uivision; b. The :outh Coas~ Air Quality Managemenl- 7i~trict; and c. 7:'he County of Urange; Hea].Lh Car~ ngency, Environmental He~1th and WasL-e Management Sect.ions. 2. ~i'hal- s;.ibject usc ,hall at a11 times comply with the requirements of f~ the Anaheim N'ire nepartrnent as required 'uy the Unifozm F'ire Code. Typical requirements shall in~.2ud~ but are noh limii:e~~ to; a. Pr~per. separation oF a11 non-compatiule rnakerials stored in the yard sha11 be mainta~nEd in order to ~nsure the greatest poss.ible fire saTet.~r st~ndarcls; b. Re~uire;~ permit~ shall be ~btaineU frr all flammable and other hazardous rnateri~ls stored on the pro~erty; c. Spillage c~ntainmenL- facilities shall be d~signed, cnnstructed anci maintained ~~r. all hazardous mai:erial within the starage yard; ~~. 2'he sto;-age yard shall be maintained in a neat and nrderly manner at ail kimes; ,_ -.. PC'8G-7L~ ~:.~~,~.~ ','~ ~~. _ . _ . , _., ~ ,. I ~ p~~ 's 1 ~ - ' . ~~'.,:.S~tfi~f~4 y~ , ~ :,,5~ <i , ;; e. All contain~~rs kha~ ar.e not ne~r]ed for ~ubject operation shal~ be zemovud from ~he sL•orage yard. Excess storage of any hazar.dous '~'~ materials sha11 b~ in an area deszgnated fer such storagee Chemicals si~all k~e storecl sepacately as to type. '':`; 3. That trash st~~rage areas sha11 bc pr~vided anci mai.ntained in accordance with approved plans on file with the Stree~ Maintenancc: and Sanitation Division. 4. That prior to issuance of ~ i~uilc;;ng permit, the appro~riake tratfrc signal assessment Lee sha11 be paic] to the Cik~~ o.f Anaheim in an ainount as d~termined by ~he City Cou~icil for new industrial buil~.ings, 5. That prior to L•he co-r~mer~rement of. the activity authori~~ ~d by thxs resulutian, the owner of subject pro~~er~y shall pay the anpropriate carainage assassment fees to lhe City of Anaheim in an amount as deterrnined by the Ci.ty Engineer. 6. That subject property sl-~all be developpd subst~~ntially in accordance with plans and specifiLar_io~is on file with the t;ity of Anahei.m marked Exhib:il- Pdos. .l and 2. 7. 'lhat przor to issuance oi a building uermit, or prior t~ the aommencemenc o£ the activit;y authorized under thi.s resolution, or wi.thir.. a pe:iod of: or,e year Lrom the date oE l•hi.s resolution, whichever occurs first, Condit:ion Nos. 4 and ~, ab4ve-rrientinned, shail be com~lied with, ~:xtensions for furthec rime to complete s~id conditions may b~ c~rantc~~ in acr.ordanc~ tairh sectiur, 18.Q3.090 oF the nr~aheirn Municipal Ca~l~. ~. That prior to .Einal t~uilding and ioning in~peal-ions, Condztion Nos. 3 and 6, ahove-menGio:~ed, sr~a1.1 be complied with. ~- ~~s~i,. ~ BL•' IT FUR2'HL•'R RESOLV~ll th~z~t tF~e Anaheim Ci.ty 1?lanning Commission does hereby L-ind and determine that ~~doptiun of tt,is Resolution is expressly ~~re~icated upon applicant`s cu~rpliance wiL•h each and all of the conditiona l~ereinabove set forth. Shouid any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared inval:.ci or unenfarc:eable by the final jurlgmer.t ~f any c~urt of comgetent jt~risdiction, r_hen this Resolutian~ and an~ appro~raJ.s herein cor~taineci, shall be dnemed nul? and void~ '.L'HE ~OREGUING 12ESULUTTUN is siyned anrl approvecl by me this 31sL- day c~~ March, 198f . ~~,~ / „ ^-. __L.~St•t, C.,l.v~-C. . (~ ~_CC-...C'~Q~Lt_.C~ CEIAIRWUMAPI, ANAHI3~' CTTY PLANNIPIG COMMISSION AlTI:S~.~: `'I Y r A t-~ 'C~ - -' ,~,~ .-,~-~ : SECR~:T~1R , HhlAE?E:LM CI`PY F~LA. :ING COMMISSIOP~ -3- -: ~I ,.~~ ; y .~~7 t '~~~`;: ~~ PC8b-%0 '' :~~a.~ : "~'r~.,~~ yh • ;',~ ~~f: STAT~ UF CALTE'ORNIA ) C:UUN'1'Y O:' 0ltANGc. ) s;;. CTTY U!' ANAHE;IN ) i, Ldith L. H~iCCi:~, Secretary ot the Anaheim Cir,y Pl~~nning CoTmni~sivn, do I~erc~by certify l•t-at the for~gaing res~lution was pas~e~i and ado~ted at a mef~ting ot: the Anaheim City Planning C~~mmL~~ion -~eJ.d on Marc:h 31, ; 1'3N6, by the fol].o, :ng vute of the memt~F~rs ~hereoE: AXL•'S: CUb1MIS~IUNERS: EiUUAS, G'RY, Nf.I2I3S'1', (,A CLAIR6, LA4~TCKI, MC BURNF.Y b1E5uis NO~S: c:0t4b1ISSIUNERS: NUNL' ABS~:NT: CU~ih;ISSIUNI:Ft:;: NUNF:' ~ IN W:'Pt~ESS WHLEtEUL', I h~iv,; her.eur~to set my hand this slst day of ~~ Marc:h, 1986. ~ ` ~~~~~ ~ ..~l~i~. . ~ -_._._d ~._.,~ j Sl:C:R~:T~RY; ANAHLIM CI'TY PLANNING CAMMISSIUN m~- -4- E`C8G-70 ~~~1 ~-. : . ~ . . ~ `i "~ ~1:.. . ~ . :,~.v~51 u~J!