PC 86-75r, ~ {~~ ` i ~n, ,, ~ ~ lt1:S0I,U7'_TON tIU. PCE36-75 A Rf;SULU'rIUN C)r' 'i'ElE ANAkIE:CM CITY PLANNING COMD1ISutON '1'ElA!' PGTI'iIpN POR VAklANCFJ N0. 3546 B3 GRAN'1'ED, IN I'AR•r WHE,}2~AS, the Anahei.m CiL-y Planning Co~nmission did receiv~ a veri.fied ; I~eli~iui: f:~r variance frc~m CARY ALI,EN AND CAROL MARY COLLINS, 2400 Gast Lincolr? Av~nue, ~1.15, Anaheim, Ca.lif~rnia 9'1E306, owners, and NICKEL-StCAHL ~~ UL'VE:i,C)PMLtJT, ~,, 0. }3ox '125, St.~nton, California ~0680, ATTN: BILL J. N.[~Kh'L/~3~RNARU J. :~T~NL, ag~n~ tor. certain real propert~• situaLed in the cir.X cr ~'~naheim, ~i~unty o,° Crange, St:«te o; Californi.a described as: PAI:(:EL 1.: '.~'11E; f;AS'i' ~14 F'i~LT 01~` TF:L~ NUR'Pfl 32~,,fi ['EE`P, GiLASURED TO 'PHF: CL;N'1'CR I.,iNES UF 't`tiE All~OINING STRr;ET~ OL' LO`i' li t~I' MtL::S RANCEIO~ IN `1'HE c:I'1'Y OE :,P;AH!:TM, COUNTY 01' ORANGF., STA'i'E UF i:ALIFORNIA, AS PER MP.P _°.L;C:~ftUL•'U I[v NGUK 4 PAGL•' 7 OF' MISCLLLANL•'OUS h~.~E~S, IN 'PHE OI'FICE OI~ ''i'HE COUIv~Y HE;CUR~liR U: SAIU l:OUN`1'Y. ~, ' 'r;XCi;P•i i'fiF: 'vJI,S'1' f~A E'F.[;'P OF `r'FIF; t;,1~.,^ '~4 FEt•:'i' OF TFIL•' NUR7.'Ci 17S I~EF".I' '1'iIL•'RI:QN', ~1LA:i....;:J) 'iU '1:I1: (,I:(1'I'I;R ~It~l'; l~t? `PFIF; AllJOINII~G ST~t~E'P. YAR!'}'i, ~: THL Wi;S`1' 84 E'EL•'~1' uE 'i'li'L•' L•'AS`i :4 FEE'1' QE Tt[E NC)RTH 175 I'F:~`P, Mr^.ASURED 1'U THE C~:NTER I,INF' c)r TEfF.' AllJUZNIN~; S'i'REL•'T, OF [,UT 12 OF MILES EtANCEiO, I~l Tl;i, CI'1'Y U[' ANAHEIM, CUUN'i'Y UF C~RI,Nuf', STA'I'~ OF CALIFui+NiA, AS PER MAP :?E~COFtll~D IN E3UOK ? PAGE 7 OJ? MISCELLA'1~UU~ NAPS, TN THI: Ui•'i'IC'E; OE' '1'HL' CQUNTY FZE:COR11E22 (lE~' ;;AIll :.'UUNTY. ;' ',~`HF.'F~AS, tr~e c:ity Plaunin~ C~~tnmission did ho.ld a public hear.ing 1t r; ~iie Civic ~enrer in r_rle City of. Aaaneim un Nlarc;h 31, 1y86, :~t 1:30 p.m., no~ice ot aaid Nubl~.c hearin~a h~avir~c~ bc~er~ a~ly gi.ven a, cequire~ k:y law and in ' ~.:carcanc:e w:i•h t~.hF: E:,rovisiai~: oF ;:he An~ih~ i.m t•tunicina:i Coc7e, Chapker 18.03, - : to hear a„d co~~:~ide~r evidcnce lor t~f~ri anainst saia propnsed ~iariance and Lo `' !' ,~ .inv~r;tigutc• and mak~ Yindi~~y:, and eeco~nmendal•ians in connectiotz lF,arewith; anc~ . fi ,*' WNERFAS, s~~id C~inmissio~, after due ir:~~,ecti•~n, investigati~n and " ~ st~ciy muUe by itself and in ~ ts hei~alf, and a.Ctec ~;ue eonsideration o£ all ` v s ~ evidence an~.i reports uf!~eced at said hearing, does Eind and determine the ' ~ Y. ~llowiny facts: G ''} ~ ~ 1. That th~ Ner_i-:ioner I~r<3poses waivers o.f tlie ioll~wina to r ti construct a'l-sl•ury, J.7--uni,t a,~arl•nr~nt comE~lex: (a) SE;C'1'I~iN ld.'s4.Ob2.U?2 - N'ax.imum structural. heiqht. (.l story wikhin 15G Eeet ~f a^ingle-f.amiYv re~iclential xone pecmitted; 2 storie~ at 77 fept from RS~7?.0~ zone ~o the norCh ~COpd3~d) fb) 5L•'CTtUN 1U~34.~~t3„~O~.l •• Minimum struchur.~1Z seCbacY.. (20_ ~oot avrraqe a~3_jacnnt to RAmneva privP requiced; 15_keFt ~roposed) 0752r ~ , - . PCBG-7S >,~ . , _ : ~s st ~ ~,,~ ; ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ '.~S~Ls~n ~~ , ~iR~~~ ~ ~ //~, . . ~ . ;,L ~ ~ ~ ~ . `," i ~; , (c) SE~~TION .1b.3q.UG3.0'l2 - '~~~ Min~.mum sic]ey~xcl sehback~. AND 18.34.U6J_U23 (5 eind 11 Eeet L•'rom :~ide proper~ lines requized; 3 feet from east and 1Q Feet ~ Lrom wast proposed) (d) 5LC'.PIUNS A 18.34.U63.0"l2 - Mfnimum di~kance between builcii.nys. • NU Z8.3~}.OG3YU7.3 (14 .feet required; 12 feet pr.oposed) 1. ~Phat the above-m~~nki.oned waivFr~ (a), (c) and (d) ar.e hercby grarltcd an thc bas:is tr,at ti~ere are special circum~tanc:es a~plicable to t~e proper.ty suah as size, shape, topograph}•, locaL-ion and ~urroundinys which do not apply tc~ oti~~r iclentical.ly zun~d pr~~perty .in ~he s~me vic~nity; and that stricL app.li~atian of the Zoniny Codt~ depri.ve~ the property aE privi..leges Fnjr~yed by other properties in the idenli.cal zone and clasr•3ifical:ion in the vici.niry. ', 3. ~.i'hat rhe above-mentioned waiver (b) i:; heret~y denied on the i basia thaL l•he ~etitioner stinu.tat~~d at the public: hea~ring L-o relncate th~ st~ueture to com~.~ly with ~c~pc. r.equirements pertaining to the rEqui.red ` structural sntbach along Itomneya Drive: a minimuro of 15 feet and an aver.age ~~ ot 2U feet. ~ 3. TYiat there are exce~>ttona.l or extraordinary circumstances or ; condil~ons aE~~licable to the proE~erly invo~ved or t~~ the int~rided use oF the ;, property ~hat do not apply yt~rtnra.lly ta the ~.~ropeztv or class ot use in t;he sar,te vicir~iCy and zone. ~. 7.'haL the requested vari~tnc~ is necessary Lur the preservation ;: 4nd enjciyment oY a substantial pro~~erry right possessed ay oChr~r proPt~rty in ; the s~~mf~ vicinil•y arzd zon~~, and denied ~o the r,ropecty in question. i; `~ 5• '1'hat th~ reques~e~1 varicjnce wil.l ~»t, bN mater.ia:!ly detrimental ~ to th~.~ ~ublic ~,~r~lfare or ir.jucious to l•he property or im~rovements in ~uch ~ vicinity and zone in wtiirh ~he property is locaY:ed. ~. ~ ~. 1'hak L•wo ~;er.~oii:, i.ndicated r.h~.ic pr.es~nec~ at „aid ~ i.n op~osik.iUn; and thal a ~• public hearing ' peCitinri way received containi.ny appt•oximaCply 40 ~ sianakure~ was r~c~ived in ~~~oc~ition tc, sut~ject pekition. -----__.`~_ ..._ ENVl40Nt,LN`.?'AL IMPIt(:''r E':iNDING: ~hat the An~heim Cit•y Planning Comrnission l~a5 revi.ewed the prc;pc~sal to con,struct~ a'Z-story, .17--unit apartma~nt cor.~~,1ex ~ith waivers ot m-3ximum slructural height, minimun; struchur.a:l s~,tback, minimum :;ideyard se~backs ~nd minimum di~ztar,ce bctw~en builr~iiigS on a rectan,yular.ly-shaped parcel of land ~~on~i~ting qE appraxi.matel,y 0.63 acrA, having a fcunt~ge oi appro:cim~ite].y 94 Eeet on r_he saulh aide af Rom~~eya Drive and being 1,ocared ap~roximakely 38U f.cet west of the centerlin~ of Harbor Boulevard; and doe:. hereby apprave the Negative Declaratian upon findin~ thah it has con~icaer,:~ the Neyative Deciaration togQthex wi.l•h ,~r.y comments rcceivecl during the public rc;vzew pruce~, and t'ucther. Einding ~n the basis of ~he initial stuciy and any commente rec~iveci tliat r.here ia no sub~tantial evidence ~hat ttie proj~~.t wi.l.l have a signific~nt eEt'e~t on the envir~r~ment. NON, THFREG'ORT;, Bf: IT RES(3LV~D that khe Anaheim Cxhy P2anning Commissic~n dac.~~ hereby yrant s~~bject Per.ition foc V~riance, u~on t.t;~~ following - eonditiont; which ace hercl~y found to be a n~cessacy prFr.er~uisi.te to the prcpac~ed use ~t th~ subjPct nro~erty in ~rder ko pr.eserve khe .~af.c:tX an~ .~ yeneral welfare of th~. Citilens of the Cit:y at Anaheim: ' i w, . . _2_ ~'.:;; ...:;._ , , . . . : , . 1'C$6-75 - ' _ .,,. _....~ , ~?. ,*,',c .l. '1'l~at tt~e owiler o1 subjecE pr.operL-y shall ~ay to the Cily of. An~heim a Lee Lor tr~e ~lanl•inq purpo~FS along Itomneya Drive in an am~unt as deteemined by ~he CiLy Cuuncil. :?. 'l~h~t prior L-o issu~nce of a building ~ecmit, primary watnr mai.n iees sha11 be paid to the c:ity aL' ,~n~~~i~im~ in :~n amounL• as det~cmined by the OfticE cl l•.he Uti].iti~~s General Manager. 3. ~l~hat prior to issuanae o£ a bui.lding pei:m.it, ~ppropriale p~rk and rec:reatiun in-.lieu fees ~hall b~ paid to the City uf Anaheim in an amount ~s detertnir.ed by Lhe C.ily Council. 4, ~Ph~t ~rior to i;;suance oL a building pernut, the appropriaLe traCfic signal ~assessment fee shall be paxd i.o the City of Anaheim in an amount au del•~rmined by the c~ity Council for each new dwelling unit. 5. '1'hat thc: o~dner of subjecl• prop~rty ~hal.l irrevr~cably offer +~o de~~ica4e to tt~e i;ity of Anaheim a strip ot land 32 t~et in :,~id~h from thF centerline oL tt~e ~~treet a.tong Ronnc>.ya Urive ioc str:eeL• w:idening purpose~. 6. 1~i~at r,ll enyineeriny requir~ments of thc City of' Anaheim alcmg Ro~nn~ya Drive, including prepara~i~n of improvement plans and installat:iorz oi a11 i.tnprovements suct~ as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, wal-er facilities, st-reet yr~cding and pavemenl-, sewer and ~rainage facilil•ics, ur o~her apourtenant work :~hall i~e ~omplied with as reguired by tP~e Ci.ty Gngineer and in accordance wilh specif.'ir.ations on iile in the Otfic:e of' lhe City G.ngineer; and that secur.ity i.n the L•ocm u.[ a bund, certiEica~2 of dep~sit, letter of credit, or ca~h, in ~n amnunt and form sati;;factory to the Ciky of Anaheim, sh:i11 be posted with Che Cit:y to guarantee the sati:,fac~oc•p r.otnplction oL- :~aid .im~~rovem~nts. Said security shall bc posted with L•he Cit.~ pr..ior ta aE~pc~val o[ im~rovement plans, ta a~aaranteF the installation of the at.~ove-requiced im~rovem~~nts prior to occu~ancy. 7. `1'hat the ariveway shall be c~nst.rur..ted to accommodac:e ten ( 10) foot raaius cu::; returns as r.e<.~uirad by the C~ty ~raffi;: Erigineer. t3. 2~hat drainage ot suL~ject [JPGj7~CL'~l sh~11 be disposed of in a mar~ner satisPr.ctory t:o the City I;ngineer. y• x'har street lighting far,il~tiec, ~+long itomneya Drive sha].1 be inst:alled as requiied by the Utili~ies General Manag~r. in accor6ance ~ I witti specifi~ations on Eile in the Offi~.e ot Utilities General. Manager, and that securicy in ~:he fur.m oL a bond, certi.ficate af ~ d~E:osi~, l~tter of cre~lit, or cash, ;.n an amount at~d f'~rm ~ ~atis~ac~oc}~ to the Ci~y oL- AnahF~im, shall Ue po~ted with the City to ~ guarante~ the satzsf:ac~ory completion ot thE above-mentione,~ improvemenr.G. Said s~~;~irity ~hall be p~sce:~l with L•he i~ity af Anahrim ~ ~rior to is.su~nce UE building permit~. The ab~ve-required ~ im~rovements sha11 be installed ~:rior to r,ccupancy. ~ r i .if1. '.'.'h3C ~uh;ject prope:rry ~hall be s~rvea by undergr.ound utilities. t '3' PC86-75 ~•' 11. '1'hat prior to cc.nmcricer~u~n~ oL structural framing, fire hydrants sha11 be isisl•a.11Ed and r.tiarged as required and clctErmined to be necesr3ary by the Chief uf the fir.e D~~artmenL-. 7."1.. '.t~haL• lrasl.~ ~torage areas shall k;e provided a~d maintained in accordance witl~~ appro~~ed plans on ii.1e with the St~ee~ Maintenance a.~id sanitar.i.on Uivision. That the property owner si~all eithex (a) execut~ ~nd rec.orcl a covenant to obtain vehicular access to tr~~z::h enclosures acros:~ the adjacent propecty tu thE~ ~ast as indi.cated on Lhe appro~~ed exhibit., said cavenanL- sha11 be submii:ted ~.o and approv~d by l•he Cily f~~torney's OEfice as tu form and content, anc7 a re~c~rded copy ~ubmitted to the P.lanning Department; or (b) obtain approva:l c~Y revised rla~s Lor L•r~~h enclosur~s subjecl: to the approval. of the P.lanniriy Depar.i:ment ~and '~r:a£f.ic Engineer. "~~ 13, i'har_ prior to issuance uf huild~.ng permits, the ap~licart sha.ll r. ~~re~:ent evidence :;a~is!'actory to the Ch:~ef i3~:i.lding Inspector that - the prop~sed oroject is in coni:ormance r~ith Council Policy Number 5~~2 "Sound Attenuation in Residential Pcajects" and wit-h Noise insul~tion Standa~ds speciL-ied in the Calit.ornia Admini~trative Code, `.Cita~c 25. ~•. .14. That subject ~ropert,y shall be developed sui~stantia.lly in accordance witti plans ana :~per.ific:at•ions or. file with the City o£ Anah~im marked ~~hibit Nos. 1 through 5; prov.ided, however, that the buiYdiny ~aa11 be :~etback an avera~e of twenl~ (20) [ee~ frum Romneya i)riv~ with a minirnum oL L:ifteen (15) feet. 15. That urior to issuanc:e of a I-~iiiJ.~ling permitY or within a perioci of u;1e year irom t.hP date of this resolul-.ion, whicY,ever ~ccur.s first, Conditioi: Pdos. 1, 5, b, 9 and 13, above-mention~d, shal.l be c~mplied with. ~3xLtnsions ior iur.thc:r tim~ tu cornplete said CU(1C~1tlOIlS ma,y be yranted i.n accordance with ;;ection 18.03.U9~ of tt~e Anaheim Municip?1 C~~12. 16. `['hat prior. to Lina~ buildir.g ~nd zoning inspecl-ions, C~ndition Nos. ti, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 ancl 14, above-men~ioned, shal.'1 be complied with. IiF, IT E'URiH1:R RF;FOLVED t4~ak the Anaheim City P]anning C.ommission does hereby tinr~ and determine thar_ adoption of this Resolution is expressly pr~dicated upon a~~nlic~nl•'s compliance wilh each anr~ a'l1 0.[ the r,onditions herEain~bove set tort:h. Should any su<.h conci.i~ion, or any part thereoE, be df~clared i.n•ralid ar unenf~rceable 1,j the fin11 jucigme~~t uf ~ny court af cornpet~nL- jurisdiction, then this Re~olution, and any approvals herein contained, sliall tie dPemed r~ull and void. '1'FIE G'OR~;GOING RESOLUTIr~[~ is signed and appr.~~ved by me this .i1st day of Niarch, 1986. ~ ' C• y` C~G C_.~~t / c~~l<_'~ ~~ct .~C..L_ , CkIAZRWO~tAN, ANAF~. M CTTY PI.ANNINC COMMTSSION ~` AT'1'ES'1' : ~. "~ ~ ~~~ ~~!.`.f~~„=4= i I.1 t .._.- _.r - - ~f ~ ` SECRF.TAfYX, ANAIILih1 CIi'Y PLANNINC i:OMI4ISSIOtd , , ~' ' ;~, ~4- ~~i, I s _' I ,~,:a ~ t . f ~~* ~. _ i , 'r.~ P~86-75 'i ;~ ~ ~ ~. ~'.r~J';!7 ~; ~ ~~~ I` ~~ ~~~ j,} ~~ ~1.~ f ~ ~5 . . .''~~'.r~ ~ ~( s7'r,2~~ or C:?~LI50H~lIA ) C:OUN'i'Y UP OhANGE ) ss. CI'rl UF.' ANAH~;IM ) ~.': I, ~:dith L. Har.risr Secretar.y oL ~he AnahFim Ci.ty Planniny ~` c:ommission, do h~r.~by c?rtify lhat t.}:e toregning reyolution was pa:~sed and adopted at a m~eti:zg oi l•he finaheim Cy.ty Planning Commissi~n neld on ~tarch 3,1, 198Ei, l~y the Lollowiny vot~ ui' the members there~f: ;%'~ ',.~',~t{~ AYE:S: CUMNISSTONL•'RS: Bi)UAS, F12Y, HERBST, LA CLAII?E, LAWIChi, MI3SSE ~:;~~'I NUES: COP9MISSIONGRS: NQrli ~;;y ADSEt~IT: COt4MISSTUNE;RS: hIC BU~ NLY ;:,r~ .r. IN WI'[`N~Sfi t•~tir;REOE', I h~~ve hereunto set my hand th.is 3.lst day of ''';~ March, 1980. ~ -~;~. ` ,~ ~ ;;_` ~,r~-L~- :..~- ..~.:, -;~ S~C3:E~AR1, ANAHFIDI CITY PLANNING CQMMISSZON ',` o:; -'- PC86-75 l;Y