PC 86-77RI:;;ULUTIUN NO. L'Cf36-77 I, RI:SULU'1'iQN OF' TFIE ANAEiE:TM CI'1'Y PLANNING COMMI5STON 'PIiA'i' YL•"i'z`.CIUN I~Uit CQNI'.~.7'iONAI~ tJSE PERMI7' .~U. 2775 8G GRANTf i~ WtiH'RF.'AS, ~hcr Anahe.im c:ity P.lanniny Coinmission c3id receive a vrrified Pe.:ition tor Cunilitiunal Us~: Pcrrmit Ltom 'rJ~JRLD U.TL COtdPANY, 9302 South G~rlield AvEnue, sout:h C.:I:e, i;ali~:ornia 9U28U~s89G, A~'TN: E3L•'l2NAI2U ROTH, awn~~r, and LL F~OLLO LUi;U, I[JC., 14.11.1 Freeway urive, Santa ['e :;prings, Calitoriii<-~ 9U670, A~i'iN: RICE(Af'D k;S~'ALANTis, ag~nt Eor certain real proparty :;ituat:cd ir~ the city o[ Anahcim, C~unty of. Urange, St.ate of C.alifornia, Uesccibed as: 1~AItCL•:L 1.~S SHOnPJ UN l~ P1AP !'ILE:J) lM liqc~IC 47, PAGE 2]. OF' PAkCEL MAPS It~ '1'ttE UF['ICE. UE' TIIL Ci1UP7'1^i RE~C~~RU1:3t UF pRANCE: CUUNYY, CAI,I['ORN1A. :';i:CE•:P'i'IIJG 7.'EiT.RL'rRQI4, AN UNllIV.lp~;i) UNli-f1AL,F INTEftES`P JN A WLLL, AP~D TNL•; U5E U[' UN1:-HALF' UF '."EIG W;~i ;R THLKGC'R(1M, f~OCAi'L•'U 0~ TfIE ~vOR'PHCAS: QUAIt:'~E2 Ui' 'PFIC; NfjF2TE16'1;S'i' QUARTGR 0[' '1'HE ~1qRTHr.'AS'i' ~UAR`. ~R OF ~ECTIUN 23, TOWNSfJiP q SGU'i'H, RAP7C;:; l.l WE57', iN ~r~iE RANCf1U I.O5 CQYU1'ES, AS :itiOWN Ot~ ~ MA1' t~E:CUftU~D IN i3iJUf: 5i, I~AGF. 11 O!? MISCEI,LAN~;OUS MAPS~ 1tECUItliS OF SATI) GRANGE c:VUN7'Y, AS COP~VBYE;D F3Y FIENItY M. REGD AyU WIFL•', 'i'U J. t_, ALCORN, FsY ilL•'Gn RECOR~i;O CEIiRUARY .19, 1S~2.1 IN 1300F~ 3$6~ i'I~G~ 37 i.~P I)L:E:US~ FiECOilDS OF' SAIU UIlr1NGE C(i~N'PY. WItLRE:Aa, the City :~Lanning Commission did tco.ld r public heacing at tbe ~:ivic Cenr_4r in ~:he City ut Anaheim ~~n Murch 31, 1~86, at 1:30 p.m., natice c.~t :;ai~i ~~ublic hearing h~viny been duly gi.ven as rnyuic~d by law .and in accordancr with L-h~ pr.ovirion~~ ot ttie An~iheim Munic;iE~al Code, c;ha,pter 18.03, t~~ hear and r.on~;icl::r evzu~:nc~~ Eoe and r~gainst ~aid ~~roposed condit.ional use E~~~rmzt ano to investi<~~L< <,nc~ makr.~ cindi~~js and rt•~ommendation~ in connecti.on therewili~; ancl WllI:RL•'AS, said C~~rnmia::~ic~n, afr.~~r clur~ insper,ti~n, inve:~tigation and study made by i.~,erlt an:l in i~s beh.~if, an,~i atr_er due ~o: sideratiun of all evidr~nce ~~nd reE.orts ~~tierr.c~ at s.~id ti~~ariny, doe:; Li.nd ~nd rleterminn lhe t~~llvwi~~y 1~<.~te,: 1. 'Phat the E>roposcu u:~v i:, ~.~r;;p~~~rly une for whic}i a ccriditi~nal use per-ni.t i:; auL'hC~rl'1,«?d t,y Anaheim Munici.~~a2 r,o~t~~ ,r~~;tion 18.4~.U5U.300 tu w{t: tr~ con:3truct. a drive-throuyh c~~:~taurant witri waiver oE i:l~e Eol..loaing: ~Et:'~IL~N~' 18.(3b.U5U.c)i"J., - Minimurn nun:ber uE_ ,a[king spac~~:, ib.U6.U5p.p'133y (51 y~ace: req.fi.red; 37 :,~ace:i ~~apo:>crd) 18.UE~.UE~I; ANU 1+3.4G.~1f~b.U`.iU __ i. T~zut ~1•~~. requ~~rt~d w~iv~r. is yr~rteei ~.. rhe ba~,i~ thr' tt~e p.~rkiny waiver wi.[I nor. cau:~~ a~~ xncrcra:,~ i.n tratftc run~ec~tion i.. th~ immt~ct~ate vicinity nor advc:rf.eia afEc~ct :~nv ar~joini~c3 Land u~t~ anci gr<~r,tinh ot the par-:i.ng H•ii~cr uri«~~~r t.he c~ nd;r.:c;ns impu~•rd , iC any, wi1J. not be ctc~Crim~~ntai ~o the [iR`.1CP, h.~alt}~, .;rac,,ty ~nci ,.,,ner~.l wclt:~-ce of the eiti;.ens cf. t.he City oE Anah~~itn. ~} )5~'~ pCH6-:'7 ,. ... ..<....~..~_ f , . , , I t;~, ~ _ 3• '~hat land u~e~ ana l:t~e the proF~ot;ed use will. gruwth .ind de~~~l • not ~c;versei~ ~.ittect: rhe adjoinin ~~ k~e 1~~cated. o~me~nL or tlir are~a ir1 ~oh.ich it g iU propo~~.~ ~. That ~~d~'y~a:~te l•o a11ow th~. ;;iz~ and shape or tt:N fu i l th~ si.t.e ~,rop o;;ed for hh~ u ;, de~trirnenta:l ~o th . . de~ve.l.~pirien~. nf ~I~~ propo,ecJ e parti~ulat iisc in ~ se is manner ~~•~ gen:~ral weli-'are af ar~:~, nor trie Ci~lj~n~ ~f Lh tc~ th~ ~~~~~., health, nat sa~ehy and ,> e ~l~y of. Anaheim. ~. '1~har. the grantinc~ ~:ondi;.i.~ns imposed iL a • ot• the Conditios~al (Is~ Permit und , nY, ~~:ft~ly and g~:nE al weliarr~ of h ill th~: not l~e c;itize detrimental • er to the , the e~~e, heal~h n~ oi t hE~ City ~ f An~7he.im , b. 'i~har_ th~~ tr.atl ic undut: burd~n i.~E~on th~~ ~e • gene rat~cf by thc: proposed u:~e wi11 n t i re;~l s Lrat:F:.c in thc ar~ } and ~~i.gh~~ay, de.,iyned and o imprcvec) t m~us~e ~n ~ , o car.ry the 1. That no one indicar,ed r_t~eir ~res~~tce at ,aid public i;earing in oPpositi,~n; and tha~ sub ec~- no r_pCf.P.Spon~icnct~ wa~ recc~ived in :~;~Position to J v E~etitia~, the ~;~~VIRONt4EN`i'AL IMYAC'%_gitJll.ING: Curnn;ission nas r~ , That r.t~F Anahcim City Planning vifwed L-he proposal to ca,~struct a dtivc-through restaurant wil-h waiver ot Ghe minimum numl.ez of parkin~ Jp!](~e~j on an irre parcel of land consisting c~t aE~E~roximatei ~ 9u'larly-shaped corner of Eia11 Ftoad and 3each i3ou.levarc3: and•do«~schereb`aded a~ `h~ soutt~west Dec.laratiun ~pon findiny that it ha:; con:~ider,~d t~~e~ Nec~aLive ~peclarati-~7 ~c~yetn~r with any co~nment:s rec~iv~~1 during the ~view ~z~ce~~ :~nd furthF~r Lindiny an t}~e h~,si:; of thc~ init:ia.1 atudy ~an~diany •comments recei.ved ! hat th~nethE ~- v Jubr,tanti~~l cvidenc~ t.hal• ti~e proje~~t will havc a s etfect ~ ~ ~ oninr~n,., igniFi~;;aiit NOLJ, 'PElEf2}:F'URf:, t~sE; I'I' !tE:SOLVED tha~ L-he Anahetm c'it Commissi.on doe~ tierel~Y 9rant sut~j~~ct F~e~iLiun fot~ Cond.it:ional q.,e F~:m~tann~'ton the tullo~~iny coridition:~ r;hic}i are hcreby L'~~und t~.; to thr~ ~ropo~ed uce ot ~n~; ; be :.i necessarY Pterequisile ~ubjecC prc,~~~c~rr_y in ocUF~r tr, prF~„eive the ~afer,y %-nci yener~,.l we.lfare ~t ti~e Citiz<~ns r~f ~he City oE Anahr~.ini: 1. 'i~liat pcior ~o issuar~c~ uL' ~ bui Idiny ~•~~r.mit, thc a si~nal ~ssr,ssment Ece sf~ali bt~ paid h.o ~he cit , PPc~priate traL-'£S.c t,mourit ::i:; ~E~tE~minc~d l,y t:~e Clty Council fcr new c~r~merc.in.lhbUilrJi.ngsn '• ~r~it th~~ exi~r_i.n~ ~ y,. r ~ 3~lrivc,tir~ „ ori 3a11 Roar1 .incl ti~_ach Boulevard ;;I~al.l be reR;,ved ~in~ re,~.liced wiL•h a stanc:ard c:urb, <~u`~~r, ,i~aewa.ik and l.~n~~r~E~ltic~ , . ~• if1~JL h_})~ UWIIC`L Ui ,; C:r?C1t~:.JtE! ~o lhr~ ~:i~- ~i' u~j~~c:C E~eope[ty :~h,~ll t[revr~~a~ly ofPet F y lhe cenr:~_,1-1ine ot ;:!-,c ~ Analieim :;tc t a r_:trip of ;ancl .o 65 fF~et in width L-r~~ t~ . F~urE~ocie:i anrl ~.~ftc~r ~o ~ ~:e ,~ dicace alon~ J f~all Herad r o i : , for ~tceat wtdening in width :rr~rn t_he c~nte ~line c~~:' _ _ ~~ I,ub.iic a th rtcip a.E lt~nd 45 feer e -,treel• ~lonq f3each E3nulet•ar~.3. J f t t -2- PC~36-77 '`M\ . I~M`, ,.,.; f ~,. ," ~ ~4. '1'hat lhe dr~.veway ar~ t3a.11 Itoad sh~ll b~ conSCr:acl:ed t-o ~iccommodate t;en (lU) toot~. radiu<.; curb retucn ~ as rc~quired by i:he Clty Traffic 1:;nyiriec~r. ~. TYiat draina.ge o.t sub~ect ~~ro~erCy sha).1 5e dxs•E~r~,Sed of in ~i manner satisiacL•ory to thc ~i+~.y Lngineer. 6. ~Phat ~;ubjcct ~aroperty s~iall be servc~~.i by underground uti.lities. , 7. That steeet li.ghting .Eaciliti~s aluny L~all Road h,~ll be installecl as reyuire~.i by the [itili t.ie~ General ;.1~anag~r in ~7cc~r.dance with spe~~iiicatir.~ns oii file in r_!~e uff:ice of Utilities General Manage*, and thar :;ccur.ir.y ii~ the ir~rm of. a bond, r.~rkificztte of d~p~ait, ]etter c~.t ~.r.eair_, or cash, in an amount ~~nd ~orm sati.stdCff~!"y L•o the City ol Ar~aheim; sha~l be posted t,ith the ^.itv ;~+ g~,;~;ui,~~P the :~~tisiactor.y coir~Pletion af lhe above-mP.^,Lione.l .impCc~vement.s. Said s~i;urity sh~311 be posted wit'~ the Ciky of Anah~im prior l:~ is~ur~nce oi b~ildiny l~Nrmits. 'Pt~e above;-r~quired i-nprovements shall be installed f~ri.or tc~ accupan~~y. 8. That pr.ioz to commencer~ent of. structural framinc~, fire hydrAnts shal.l he i.n~talle~d and charged as r. cyuirt:d and deCermined t:o be necE:~;sarx by the i:h.ic~E ot the ['ir~~ Depar.tm~~nt. j. That tra~h stoc~~gE~ arEa:a sh~.11 be pCOVldn~! und m~intai~^y in e;cr.oraance with aL~proved pl.ans on fi1F~ ~~~i~h tt~e Stre.:c biaintenan~^e anu Sanit~ii:ion Division. 10. That subject E,roperr_y ~;,,,1.1 be ri~_velo~~d ;>ubsl•antia].ly in accorciance with pt.~~ns ~r.:: .,~t~cxCication::. on : ilF~ witn the Ci.ty ~f Anaheim mlrked L'xh ~ b::c Na. 1. 11. i~hat• p;r. ior t~~ :iss~anc~a nt.` a Gui1~.ling permik, or witnin a period uf one y~~ar. icom tl~e date oL r_hi; c~~r,olution, which2ver accurs first, Condition Nc~:,. 1, 3-anc~ '1, abovc-~n~~itiuned, sha.ll he complied with. N'•r.t:enUian:~ for Eur~t~er ti me to ~:ompletc said conditt~ns may be yranl-ed in accor.danc~~ wLr.h Secl•.ion 1E3.~,.U9U of L•he Anah~.im Nunictpal Cr3dL. ].2. 'L'hat ~rior tr~ t:inal huildin~~ and zoniny in~pection.^,, Condition Nos. 2~ 4, 5. f,, 7, 9~n~ lU, .~~iove-m~ntiuned, sha1~ be complied with., E~t•: i'i~ FUR'l,+l:ft R[:SULVGD th~~t th~ AnahF.im c:iF.~ Pl~~;uing ;:ommission doN~ ~ hereby fir,~a .,nd ~i~:tF_rmine r.hat ad~~~~~ion of ih~;; NF~:;uluti.on is exprP~sly prediraked ~ipun ,pE>lican~'s c~~inpliance t•r:~ h~:ach and .~11 of the con~aztions her41inahove ::r.t fo~th. Sne~.itrl .~ny ^~~~~, c;ondxti:;ns, c;r ary part Lhereof, be de:clared invaliU or unenEorcc:.;i~l~ by rhe f.inal j~, t~Jment of• any court ~f comp~Lcnt ju~iUdir_~i~n, then r.tii~ Ite~olur.iun, ~ir.ri a;~y ~z~,E~rovalU hrrFin con~ained, shall t~;. d~~emed r~n.~ 1~in~l void. ~i ~ - ~ ~ -~- PC3G-77 ; ~ . , , .. . . , ~ ~ , :j~i ~t1~1 ,,` ~~~~ . . . . . ~' . ' ,. : ~._'~~,' I '1'HL FuRLGO~NG ~ESOLUTIC'N is signed a~~ approve,~ by me th3s 3.lst da,~ of. ~7arch, 1986. ~i. `~J'' ~-..L~~~.L...:,1,~~.. ~.._!.~ ''~ ~t,C ~ CIIAIEtWOD1AN, ?~NAH~' ZTY LANNINC (:OMMISS.I'ON n~.~~r~;s~l~: `,,~ . _ l~-' '~'~~ ~1 J ~~' ~~'~ilti~ ~ S~;CRW'TA1tY, ANAHiIM CIi'X 1'LANNING COMFl:C5SI0Pi S'L'A1'F: UE' C;~1.ZFC~i2NIA ) GUUNTX UC UkAN~E ) ss, CI'PY UP AURHLIM ) a., rditl~ L. Flarris, JtCC~tary oF the Anaheim City Planning C.,mmission, do heret~y certify that c.h~ Fur~going resolutian was n~^sed a~tci adopred nt a meeting of the Ar:ahe.im City b~lanning Commission held nn Macch 3J~, Ui36, by the iallowi~iy vote af the member~ tiiereol; e AYES: CUMM:CS~iONER5: EiOUAS, FRl', t1I:RbST, LA CLAII2E, 1~.1WIC,:KI, F1C BURNEY~ r~~ssL NOF,S: ~::UMMTS5I.UNLRS: NONr: AI3S~NT: C(?t~it-fJSSIOtJF.kS: NUNt: TN WITNL•'SS WHl,i~LOC, i hav~~ h~reunto i~1dCCh ~ 1986. , ~ s~~c~ SL•'CR[:TARY, AP~AIJE:CM :;et my hand Ct~is 31s;: ~1wy of ~~~~ C.T.'rY PLANN:[NG COMMISSIUN , >~ ~: e :~ ~ :~ ~~~, y.- > > ~ ~.,__ -4- IC86-77 ti ~~ ~ .. ._ f.r~