PC 86-88s i~ t r~sr4 +,y~? ,~, ;; ' ,': kGSULU`i'IUN N0. I~C86-8Ei A R1~50I,U'1'.IUN UE 'z'Hk~ ANAHETM C~~'~Y PLANNTNC; COMMISSTON '1'HA'1' Y~l'I'1TON FUR CUNll:I`i'7GNAL US~; PLRMT'i' NU. 2?80 13G GRAN`PED WtiF.'1tk:AS, thP Anaheim Cit:y piannir,~~ romn~ission iiid recei.ve a veri.[zed Petikion kur Condition~il Us~. Permit Yrom FuAiVCIITS~ l:~;AL`1'Y t:ONPURATT0~7~ MC ., UUNAL~U"S PLA'LA, Oakhrook Tlliii~is GU521, owner and JAMES H. FRISF3IL, 106U A :~+ Urtega Way, 1~1'acei~t~a, Calitornia ~i57U, z~gent ~or cer.tair, real pro~ecty " situ~l~ed in ttaa Cit:y o±• Anaheim, County of Oranye, State of CaliFornia, Y' c]e:~cr ib~~d a5: PAIt(:LLS A APJll B, AS SH04v'P~. (3I~ A PARCLL MA~' E'II.ED I~1 I3UUK 48 ~~~~G~, j UF PA1tCFL h]ANS, Ito '.!.'iIL'' UFFIC~; U~ TFiL•' i:UUlV7.'Y RECUZDER GF SAID CC)UNTY. PAkC:EI, l: '1~lit; SUU`1'cl~:k1,Y 3.UU NLE'1' U~' '1'(IAT POlt4'IUIJ OC~' LOT 7, q~RAC'!' NO. 3U9~1, ~a PLf: h1AP kEC:uRI)L•'U IN BU~)K 92, PAGLS 4~i ACfil 4'9 0:~ N1I:~CEI,LANEOUS MAPS, TN THI; UPFICL~. CE TliE c;QUM'1'Y kECO}?Urk 01 SAIU CGUN'lY, DESCIiIBEU AS E'ULL(JNlS: "! E~N:U1fJiJING A'l 'i'HE SUU'1'HI;A~'1' C:ORNE;R Gr' SAI1) LQ'1' 7; THBNCE NORTFI 00° ?7' UU" E~15'1' 15G.OU ~'k:~~l' ALUPIU '1'f1B f~AST f,INE OF LOT 7 TO AN ANGI~L PUIN'1' IN '1'HE L:A:;'L'LkLY LII~F' Cr[` SAlll L,0'i', SAJU l~OTN'P F3EING TH~ ; :iOUJ'HEAST CUR~JliiZ OE~ `PHE L,ANU DrSCRCBED IN A DELD TO 'i'HF HEFF~IER h~EDi~AL FsUILUING INC; 7't+.L•'NCE; SOUlti 8J° tib' S8" WE;ST 2 i5.U0 FEET A1,ONU '1'HE SOL"i'HERLY L~INr: Gi~' SAID L,'~NU UE HEl'.FDIE}2 MLDICA~ IiUILDING ` NC. r AND IS ~VI:STEkLY P12GLUnGA'L'ION, BEING AI,SO PARALLEL WI'!'H '.CHE: } UU'P1IERLY L:[NF.' UF' SA.Ill LOT; THrNCL SOUTH QO° 37' OU" WEST 150.00 ~ 't''k~~;`i' Pr1RALL~;L WI'1'H 'I'HL; ;AST LINL•' OF ATD LU'1` '"1'O A f?UI~:~ ON Tii[: SOU'i'[i LINL•' UF SAIU LU`1'; '1'H1:NCL NUIti'H (~9° 5G' S8" C,~ST 215.GU FF'ET ALUNG `• SATU SUU'~H I,I[~E TU '.L'HL; PUTiJ7' OF' BI:GINfJING. i SP.ID L11P;1~ IS llE:LINLA't`l:U ON A Mr~C~ FiLEU IN ~SOCit< 48 PAGG 1 OI•~ PARC};L MA1~S, IN '.l'ti[; U['r'1CE Uf' '1'klt. ~'t~UNTY 42LCU11UL;R OF ;iAIll COUI~1'I'Y, NIHF.'hLAS, tne C;i~y t~lanniny Cc~mrnission r~ic1 he1U a pub:i.c t,eari«g at ~ t1:E~ Civic Cen.*.er ~.n t~,~ (;ity ot. ~naheim on ~pr:i i 14, 1986, a!: 1:30 p.m., i notlc~ ot ~aiu put~ti:: hearin~ i~aviny betn ciuly g.ivF,n as required by law and in acc~~ruu~ice witn the ~CCIV.LSIU[1S ot ?'hr? An~il~~~im hluri.icipal ~oi1Q, Ch~:-p~;er 18.U3, } to nc~ar ~-,nu consic~er ervidenee tUr aad ayain5t saic~ pro~osed conditional use ~c:rtnit and to inv~stiyate anu ma~~ r.ir~dinr,s ~ir.ct cecom~nEnc~ations in connection tl~eCewith; and WHERL•'.15, sai~ Comr~~iss.ion, atter u~!F: inspecti~n, investi3a*..ion and Stur,ty n~aae ~y i*self ana in i*s bc.hali, ancl atree ~ue eonsideration o~ ali eviaen~~a an~ re~ort•.s otterea at saia neariny, daes find and determine r.he tollowinq Lacts: ~>~i l. '.~hat tc~e propusea u:~c, ~s firopt~rly one f.or whici~ a condirional use perrn.ih. i,~ aut•.horizeu by qna~~cim Mur~icipal Coue Section L8.44.U5U.3UU ~o wit: h.u exp~c~G e~ri axiytit~g arive~hhrouyti cesru~arant w.ith waiver ot: ~, U766r ' PC86-8$ ~~~, ;~ , : ;~ ~. ;`,~. ''~ ; ~~ S.~C'1':i~)NS 1+i.Ub.USU.U'1.33, - M:inimutn num~~er ot ~arkiny sp~~ceN„ ~~ 1.f3.Ub.UaQ ANli (6G paryinc~s~aaces requ:tred; 5~~aces ltt.44.Ubti.U~U proposed) "l. Tr~at: t:ne r.ec~uested waiver i: hc;reby gr.~r~t.~d on the b~asis ~hah the parki-~y wniver w~ll not cause an increase. ~n traEFic conges"ion in the imrneaiate vicini*.y nuc auve~:::e ty aff:ect ar:y adjoining land uses ,-ncI granting ot ttie p~'~rk ing w.liver uncler ~.tie condition~ imposcd, if a-Zy, ~vill not be ae*r.ime~~tal tc~ tn~_ p~~,~e, health, :;a1~ty and g~neral welfa re o~ the citizena ~t ttic~ City or. An<<c~e:ir.~. ;i„ 'L'nat thF pco~,ose~~ ~ise will n~r. adverscly aE£ect t:he adjo;~ning ?an~ uses rinca `h~:: yrowth a~id dev~.~ptn~iit oF tht area ir~ which iL- is proposed t~ ue: locdt~~q. 4. ici~it kne si:~e anu shape o1 ':he sitG ~~roposec~ ior the use is adec~uahe tc~ allow the full ~ev~lopmi~nt of the p~opos~d use in a manner zot. ~tett imer~ta I. t:~; ,.i~e E~articulur area nc~c to tne peace, tiealth, sa.fety anc! ~~eneral. wel.Larc oi L-he ~:;i.t.iz~~n~ •.~f the City oi Atldlll?llp. 5, Tuat ~tit: grantii~y oE t.t~~ Condi+:innal Use Ptrmit under. the conditions imj~GSed, it ~ny, ~d11L r~ot be detrimenr.at to thc~ peace, hea~th, s~seNLy and yenee~~l. welfu~e o:' r.~ie Cit_i~~.~n~ ot the City of Ac~~zheim. 6. That tiie `raftic yen~~r.at:eu b~~ the proposed use will not impose an undue i~~urci~:n u~on tne str~ets anci higi~wavs dcsigned ~nd improved ko carr.y *he tr.a~fic i~~ tt~e ar.ea. 7. 'Pt~at ~io one inaicatc~c; tn~ir ~r~:~ence at saicl public heariny in op~usition; and tnal no corres~c,naenct~ was received in oE~pasiti.an ro the s~l~jcc:t ~~c~t:itic~rl. E;NVIR~~NI~1GN'1'1:L IMPAC;'1~ E':[iJUItJG: Tha~~ the Anahc~im Cir.y ~lanning Coiami~sion has eeview~d th~ ^o~'oaosal to expand an ~xisting dcive-throuyh re:.,t~urant wi~.t~ waLVer Ui: In.1.~11.I11U111 number ot ~arking spsic~~s on a rectanyutac l,y-:~haped ~~arcel ot land consistiny ot approxim~tel,y 0.74 aere, naviny a Lrontay~ ot appcoxim~~~-ely 210 feet on the north side of Ba11. Road, l~einy locaGeu a~~~roximately l'/5 teet west ot L•he cent~=.rli.ne of Gi'l.bert Street, a~~a turthrr. de:5criue~a as ;~4i1 In~:st Eiall Roau (Mac Donald's Re:~*..aur.ant); and u~es t~ereby a~,prove tue N~yative Declaratiort upon Einding that. it haa cunsiuereu tn~: 1J~ya~.ive UE;clarat-.ior~ ~oyer..ner wir.h any ccmments received durinc~ the pubLic reviE~w process ~iic! turther ~inding on the basis oE trie i.ni~.ial stuuy anu ariy Cdl[IITIE?Ilfs receiveu that kr,ere is na sut~:,tt?I1~:lc1L cvidenc:c ttiat the pro~ect wili hav~ a sic~nificant etfe~:t on the envir~r~ment. NU1~~, 2'H1.1tEb'O1tE, fiE: I'i' RL;SUI:,VEI; tha` l.he F.nah~im r_it.y Plar;niny Commission aues hereby y_ra~it su~jec* Petirion tor Con.c?itianal U~e Permit, upor- ttic followiny conditions whici~ ace t~ereby ~ound t~ b~ a necessary preree~ui~i*_e to ~he ~copo:~ea use ot the suU~ecL- pronert.y in urder *o preserve the aaEety and gen~ral r~eltar~ ui the r.;ir.:izens c.L- tne Ci_~.y of Anaheim: L. Thar priar to is^uanc~ ot a building permi*, L•he ap~r~Priate traFfic caiynal assess~r~ent Lee s:~a ll k,e paid *..0 4he City of T~naheim in an ;a~ouctt as determi.ned uy the C:ity COUt1CJ. L for n~w commercial buildings. k' a; ' >,, , ;,, (i :. '~ _~_ PC86-88 ) ~; ;; ~ f~ . ~~~~i . ~.'L`.,J, . , . ~....ss...~..,....~,.'. . .. . ~rtt~tf~,}:.!4i~7P.~~h.~,,.~: ~ ~.~:'~rti ...~~~~~.. f u;, ~p,;;•~y ~,, ~ ; ..~.ti1 r,ap f.~,~ ~ .. r ~ ~1 ~ 2. 'rr~ar. all drivew~ys sha?1 be construa~ed or r.econs'tructe~ tc~ ~ accommc~ciate ten ( l4; Euot raalus c~~rb rerurr.~ as required by t.n~ Ci~y TratEic i;ngineer. 3. 'Piiat trasli starage ar~us ~hall b~ provided al~d ma::r~tainecl in accocdai;ce witti approved i~lar,s on tile with the Street Mai,ntenance ana Sariitation Divis:io-i. ~~. 4. ~1'hat pricr to issuance oi- a r~uttdiny ~ermit, pritnary +rrater main Fees ~hal'L be paid to t:hN Citiy of f~naheim, in un amount as determined b~~ t.i~e urtice ot the UtiLit.ies Gk'.neral Manager. ~ 5. That sub~ect property shal~ be developed substantially in accordance P wit~.n ~i:lans and s~ecii'ica*..io~is on f.ile with tue City of Anaheitn markec7 hj f Lxhibit Nos. L, l uncl :i. Ij b. `Pna+: prior to Linai 4uildin~ and •.;~niny inspect:ions, Conditien Nos. ~; 2, 3 an~ 5, above-m~ntionc~d, sh~l1 ae complied with. Bk; I'i' GUhTHG:? RP;SOLVED th~~t: t.he Ar~aneim ~~i.ty Planning ccmmissi.on c9oes ~ t~ereby tinu ancl aetermine that adoplian ot this Resolution is express~y precticate~ u~,on .E:,p~ia~nt.'s comp:l.iance with each and all of the conditions ` ner.einabc~ve set iorth. Should any sucl~~ conditions, or any part thereof, be u~clared invala.a ur un~~iforceable by the final ~uugrn~ni~ r~t ~~ny cosrt of `~ ;.ompetent ~urisaiction~ th~a ~4iis ~t~solut:.on, and any approvals herei.n ,; cu~it~ic~ea, 5t~d t l be aeemed ~~u ~ 1 a~~d void. '1'tiI3 F'URLGOING RL50LU'PION is siynGd anq approved LiX me l:his 1.4th day ot Apr.ii, 1')~b. /-J ~ G." -~l l~G. ~,_ ~~~~~..~~--.~ ~ `"- C' ~~.~-~. e_.~ i;HAIkWUf4Ah, ANAHF;'IM CI7Y Y;,ANtvING CONIMISSTUN A'i"1' L S'.C' : ~~ C.~ . ~~ti~~ SL(.RE'1'AlZ , AD!AHf'IN CITY 1~ LANNT[~G c:UP1MISSION S`!'ATE UI' CALIFC.IRNIA ) CUUNTY OL' OkANGL ) ss, C71'Y UP ANAtiEIM ) ,'; I, Eaitr~ L. E[urr.is, Secrctary of the Ana-~eirn Cihy Planninr~ `~, '~ Conimission, cya her.eUy cerr.it~y ?:hat h:he taregoiny resolution was passed and aaapteu ~~t a mF~c~tiny ot the ,Anahcim Ci.ty Planning Commission h c~ld on Ap: i l l4, „ :;., ly~b, ~y the tollowiny vote oF the members r.r~er::or: ,. ~`.~ AYE;:i: C~MM7.S:i.IONERS: E30UA5, E1L•'}tES'1'~ LA CLATk2L, LAWILKI, MC BU12NrY, MF.'^aSE `~ ' NU~;S: CUldi~ilSSTONEI2S: NONE ~" 1 A~i~~N'1': C~JMMISSTUNL'RS: hltl IN ~+I'1'NLSS WHf:.}'.EOE', T havc~ hercuf;~o sr~t- ~t?y hand this 14th day oE A~ril., lybb. . d~ ti-~-f~ -t • ,~,~.~ , SECRE7.'ARY, ANAN~IM CI'I~Y PLANN7NG COMMTSSION -3- PC86-88 i 1~ h t 3."t "8 0'8 0' ~ A? ~ S .. . ' ~~,nr~ ~.!'i ~ ; • . . . . `":~.rrl