PC 86-99~ ~ t RE3ULU7'ION N0. I~C;86-99 ~ /~~ ~ A RLSULU'PION OF THE ANAFIEIM CI'PY PLANNIIVG CU~dM:ISS70N '1'I:NMINATING AL1~ P1dUCEh;i)INGS IN CONN~CTION WTTH C'OND.L'I'lUNA.I, USE PEkM'I'1' N0. 1.'s3 i ~ ,,.. ,Y ' 1 1 ~ f4 ~_`~ ~ :;r," r,;~:i' WIIERLAS, an Auyust ~, 197?, c:onditior,al. Us~ Pecmik No. 1337 was grunted, in part:, ui~der k~i:solution No. PC72-183 by thc r~nahei.ri City plunning Commissic~n to est~-~lisr~ a chutch with a pre-school f.or l0U s`udents on a rectang!tlar.l.y-sYiaped parcel oE land consisting ~t approximatcly 0.9 acre locatea on rt~e north siae ot Hall Roaa, appCOxiriately 11~0 Eeet w~sh of r.he centerline of Knolt streer., ~~nd fuC~:h~C de;~CCik~ed as ,;633 We;;t (3a1.1 12~ad. W[~1~;1~13AS, t.r~c propert1 o~,~ner, pow ~lcy~ ha'~ subrnit.ked a lett-.er requestiny termir~ation oi Conditional U:.~ l~~cmit No. 1'337 in satisfaction ~f a condirion ot ~he ~rantiny ut k~classiiic;ation No, f34-F3~-25, hUw,- 1~t1;R[:~p~tF;, gl; :IT RESOLVED that: th~ Anahzim c.i.r.y Planning Commission does her, et~y terminatc: a l L proc~~~~clir~ys in connection H~ith Conditiona l Use Permit- No. 13;~7 un th~ baais ot the t'oCegoing ~.indings, 7'l3h' 'r"c)F~LGUIN~;; 1tL50f.U'!'lU~d i.:; sign~p and ap~roveu by tr~e thzs 14kh day or Apr. il, 19t~6. _ (` `~~2:y.~~..-c__:> /- ~~ ~~ f_'~c-~t_.c_~ ~:HAII.twOn1AN, AtJAHf1IM C.~ LANNTNr, COt4MISSi4N A`l"L' L S'P : ~ "~--------~_~_ Sh'CR~;'I'HftY AN11F;~IM ~:i'IY PLANNTiJ:] COM[~1I:;u~ON S'1~ATE; OE' C:ALIFUItiJI~a ; C:U~N1'Y O'r ORANC~,E ) s:~. CT'1'Y OH' ANAI-lIs':CM ) '; T, Eaith L. tiur.ri:;, S~.cretar.y of the Anaheim C,i!:y PLanning ~; C:ummissi.on, uo h~reby ccrtif~ Chat ti~e Por<~going resolution was passed and ' acJoptcra at a lneetiny u1 thF~ qnaheim Cihy I~l~n~iiny Com;niseton held on ~pri'~ l4, .ll~sb, by the tollc~winy v~~te ot the memUers L•t~ereu~; , r,i ~'1Yr%:i~ ~..'iJMMI;iSlON[;ftS: 3QUA5~ LA C:LAIi'F;~ Lt141ICKl; MC BUItt~LY, ~9ESSF NU~S: corsraisSlUNEi2S: NO[dE ~ A1~S~N'i': CUMMISSIUNLkS: 1~~1tY, HLRF~S'i ,,: . _ . ~: a~r:~1 ~ ~. :~ . IN WI~i~NESS WHEREOC, I h~:ve hcre~unku set my t~and ~his t4th day oF A~ri1, tycib. ~ _ , ~'~ .,~,- 1~~___G~ • _ .. 51...RL•"i'ARY ANAH]~T.M (.I~'Y PLANN.[ d ~ G C:c~MMISSI0t7 U"179r FCf36-99 '%~