PC 87-106;~'^^~ RESOLUTION N0. PC87-106 A RESOLUTT_nN OF THE ANAHFIM ~ITY PLANNINC 'OMMISSION THAT PETITION H'OR RECGASSIFICATION NQ. Bb-8 ~•-33 BE C,ItAT~TEG WHGREP.~', the An~h~~im City F~lanning Commisaion did receive a verifi~d petiLion for ~eclassification from KFZUt4I HANANO AND F:YOKO HANANU, 1261 NoCth Placentia Avenue~ Anaheim, CailPornia 92805, owners an~l MAGDY HANNA, 4000 MacArthur Boulevar.d, #680, Ne~dport Beach, CaliL-orn~.a 92660, age~~t f~r certain rF~a1 property siL-uated in the City ef Anaheim, Count~y ~~f Orange, StaL•e of Cali.forn?.a, described as follows: PAF.CEL 1: THA'P PORTION OF LOZ' 4 OF SOUTH PLACEN`"IA TRACT NU. 2, IN THE C1TY UF ANAHEIM, C:OUN~PY OF ORrtNGE, SThT~ OI' CAL' IEf)RNTA, ~1CCORDING TO THE P'U~P FI~ED IN BOOK 5, P~GE 42 OF MTSCELI~ANL'JUS MAPS, TN THE OFFICE OF' THE COUNTY RF'CORDER Or' SAID COUDI'PY, ~~SCRIE3ED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ~.T A POINT IN THF. NORTK L~LVE Oi~ TfiE PARCEL OF LAND DL"SCRT}3ED IN PARCEL 1 OF D~ED TO h. L. MORRIS ANn Vv'IFE RECOP.DED ~PRIL 12, 1940 IN BOOK 1039 PAGE 285 UP' OFETCIAL R~CORDS DIS`.?'AN`C 655 FEET EASTERLY FROM 'PH~' IN'P.EFtSECTIODI OF SAIn LIN~ f~T1 7.'HE EXT~NSION 'r'tiEREGF WITH TEiE CENTER. L'INE UI' CYPRCSS AVEIJUE; THENCG SOUTH 89° 50' EAS'P ALl7NG SAID NOR`1'H LINB 38.22 k'EGT; THENCE SOUTH 43° 37' EAST 135.60 I'EE'r "~'0 THE SOUTkiEASTERLY LI?JE OD' SAID LOT 4; TEIE~]C~ SOU'.CHWE~~TLRLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTGRT~Y LIVC TO A LINE EXTI'sNDIrIG SOUTHERLY PAN.ALLEL WI'PH THF 4v'EST LINE OF SAtD LCT 4 FROM THE POINT OF BEGTNNI[vG; T.HErICE P10RTHERLY ALONG SAID FARALT~EL L' INE 184 .Bfi FEET T.0 '.CHF PUTNT OF BEGINNIN~_ . PARCEL 2: THAT POR'PIUN OF LO'i' 4 OF SOUTH PLACEN`PIA TRACT N0. 2, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEItd, COUNT.Y OF ~RANGL', S'PA'I'E OF C7~LIFORNIA, ACCORDI:'~ TO `PHE MAP FTLFD I~' BOOK 5, PAGE 42 OF MISCCLLANrOUS MAPS, IIV TH~ OFFTCE OF THE CQUNTY RECORDER OI` SAIU COUN'PY~ DESCRTBFD AS FOLLOWS: ~!'HAT PORTION OC L07.' 4 OE SGUTH Y[~ACL•'NT,T.A TRACT N0. 2, A~ SHOWN ON MAI' RECORDGD TN }300K 5, I~AGE 42 UF MI3CF,LliP.NE0U5 MAPS, IN TH~ OFb'`ICE OF' THE COUN`PY RECURDGR OE SATll C0~7NTY, DE~CRIBFD AS ~ULLOWS: i 'j BEGINi~ING AT A POTN'r IN 'PHE NORTH LIN~ OF TH~ LAND llESCY.TBFD 'IN : ,: E~ARCEL 1 OE' llf~,EU TO W. 'L. MORRIS AND WIFE, RECORDEL APRIL 12, 1940 ;; IN BOOK 1039~ PAGE 2a5 OE OFFICIAL RECORDS IN SAIU OFEICE, DISTANT ~; 4 7.'HER[:~hi 693 .2~ I~'Ek."P EASTEI2L:' i ROM ~P:iG INTGR.SECTION OF SAID LINE OR `PHP: FP.OL~ONGA'rION THEREn~ 4JITH THF~ CEN'1'ER ~,INE OI~ CYPRESS AVENUE; ''~'~ THEN(:E S. 89° 5U' G., AI~OI3G SATp NORTH LINE TO A P~TNT IN THE 1 ~OU`PHEf~STERLY LTNF Oe SAID LOT; TH~;NCE SOUTHWES'PERLY' ALONG SAID ~ ' SOUTHEASTERLY LI:NE TU A PU'[NT IN A LIN~ MEASUR~D S. 43° 37' E., %;~ THROU~H TI:E PUINT OF BGGINNING; 'rHCNCG iV. 43° 37' ;V. , 135.60 ~BCT TO ,:: THE ~OIN`.[' OF DEGINNING. ~~~ GXCEPT THL•'REFROM THAT PORT:ION DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 8 OF THE LANll ;*'' RELTNQU7SHED TO 'PHE CITY OF ANAHETM [iY. DEED RECORDED IN 900K 7756, ;'':~ ;; PAGL•' 472 OF OF~'TCiAr, RECORllS IN SAID OFb'ICC. I~~:~ i 1119r F~rb7-106 ;; _ ' ,:'.°~: _ , ..; ,: .,; -`;ii c;~ :;'iw . ~ ......~ ... . , . :.,,. .. ,.,~.. . . . , ~, , ~:;~ , ~. . ... .......:.. :.:.. .~:•... -.~..;, . ....-r ~~•~^:>' ~'.,s~, ,, ~v~4iw°r`.'fyi WH~REAS, the City Planning Commissiu~~ did l~old a , Civic CenLer in the City ot An~.heim on Ma 11 :1987 a~ 1:~`public h~aring at the public h~aring having been dul~ y ' P•~., nctire of s~1id provisions of the ,~. 1 9iven as requ~reci by law and in accord~r.ce with the Anah„im Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, ~u hear and consider evz~ence ior and against said proposed r.eclassi.ficakion and to inveski ate a Eindings and reconmendati~ns in connecL-ion therewit't~; a~~d `~ n~ make ``~ WEiEREAS, said Commission, after c~ue inspection, investigaciori und sku `' mad~ by iL-self an~ in its behalf:, and aLt.;r due consiaeration of all avici reports offered :~t said h~arin ~• dy y, cSoea tind a.~d det~rmine t:he foa.lowing fac~s.ence and 1. 'Phat the oetitioner ~roposes reclassification of sub'ect RS-A-43,000 (Residenti.a]./~gr~,cultural) zonz ~ Property from Multiple•-Fa~i,ily) ~o~,~, t~ the P,Dt-120p (Fesi.denkial, i 2. That l-he An~~~ezm Ge«eral Plan desir~nare5 subject pr;,p~rty ~~r Comm~rc.ial Profess~onal land uses; however, the conti uous zonep RM-1200 (multiple-famil~ `~ Aroperty Lo the wesk is abuttii~y property ta the nor h is~ z ned al5_A 43 000 ~~VP.loped Frith aparf:ments, rhP mobilehom? park~ and the area across placentia Avenue to~ theasouth se des g a~ed~for medium density resi.dential land uses and is d e v P l o p e d w: t h a.partments. 3• '=ha~ the pro~osed reclassific;a~ion of G and/or desirable for the orderly and proper developmentuof~the ~ o munit;y~1S n~ceS~ary ~. Tl~at t.he prop~s~d reclassi~ication oF subjec.t ro ect relal• ~ to the zon~s anc~ theii p• P y does r~roperly l.o subj~cl: prupcrty 1nd to t-h~plon~sLanduLheir~permittedabs~shgentrailYsestablis ~~ throuahoul- the commanity. pro~~•mi,.~ hed 5' ~rh~t dnA perspn .:ndicated their presence at sa.id puolic hearinq in opposition; ~rir1 that no corrr.~~~ondence was receive~ in opp~,ition to ~ peL-ition. ,~ubject ENVIROtdt~lEt1TAL IMPACT FINPti~r,: has reviewed th- p poya~ to ;;~cZassify'~SUb~e`~Anaheim City i~lanning Commission (Residential;l~gricultura].) 'Lonp to tt~c .RM-].7.00 ~roperty Erom thc RS-A-43,0~0 ~o ^.onstruct a 2-story 13-unit apartmFnt build:~ny` with wa•_'vers oFlm~xie; m~{Structural height and cnaximum si~e cov~ragP on a triangu].arl ct~~ ~ y) ~on~ of ap~r~xima~ely 0.46 acre havi.n a y-'' ~~a Par4e1 of land consisttng northwesterly `~ Fr~~~d9e of approx.ima~ely 290 feet on the side oE Plac~ntia Avenue, and being l.ocated agprox.irnately 7a0 feeL northeasterly of the centerline o~ State Colleye Boiilevard and Eurther described as 1261 North Placentia Avenue; and does her.eby a~prove the Ne ativP fi.iiding tl7at it has consideced the Negative Declaration tog~ti~er wi,th any comments received during the p~.~hlic rev.iew proress and furt ~eC ~ Decla=atian upon i.nitial sti.~c~y and any commen+;s received that there ~ 1~ ~indi.ng on the bae9.s of the the ~roj~ct will have a signi.f.icant eCfect on the en~~ir~nment.bstantial evidence rhat NGW, THLREEO.RE, 9C TT HESOL"J,D that th? Anaheim Cit Plannin does hereb~> gran~ subjr~C~ Petition for Rec.lassification and bv sc r3~in 18-7.oning Uf the Anaheitr Munici~al Code be amended to exclude tne abo PCdemission ~ ~, Ehat Ti~le ~r~.P~r~y from RS-A-43,004 saribed described property into the ~Residential/ Agricultural} and to inc~~r~orate said foll~wing conditions which areMhereb ~~esidential, ~ulti~le-Fami1`1) Zone upon the pronosed ~~se oE suuject y fOUi7~ tn be a necessary pretequisite to the of the Citizens of th~ C p~~ of Anahe ~m aer to preserve L•he safety and genecal welface <;:, !:, _2 _ PcA 7-106 ~..~... ,;,- - - . ~:; ~y,, :~( , :.. . . ... ,. , _ .._, . ..., ,, ,- , ~~, ; ~,; ~ ~ p~,~ , . >V~ ~ ~'f"''i~4"•nt1,~N~~~t' Yy b~ J~. ' ~, \~ ! 1. 'Pt~at thc awnc~r ot ,uhject ~ro~,er.ty sha11 irrevr,~~a~~.~ ofter r.o dc:dic t a e to the C:t~y oL from th Anahe.irn a striu of lar~~i ~5 E'eet in ~ai.dth e aenter.line nf c~ree~ widFning ~i tr os ~Pi~ strec~t ztong Placenti~ Avenue foc ~ . p ~ s , Z. Z'hat prior tu the introduck.ion oE an ordinance ce~oninc~ :~ubjec~ r p ope~ty, Cnndi~ion ~;o. Tl: I, above-mentionec~, sh~~ll be compl~ted ~ provisi.ons or rigl~ts n tl . grant:ed Y~y r.his resolution shall become u. and v~:~id by ar.tion c, :lition~ of the P~anning Commission unless s~ic~ ,. a::e com~lir~~ thi.s ceaolurior~ or h ~~zth wil•hi.n ~~ne year from the date oE , ~uc ma~,~ gr. ant . f.urther tin~e as the Plaiininy Commission ! .3E: I'I' ~JRTHCR RL•'SOL~IED thaG the Anz~hei.m City Planning Con~cniss~or~ does ;,. hEr.eb~+ f:ind and determine that adopkion of thi.s Resolution is e.xpres»lv predicated ' upon apolicant's compliance with ea~h and al.l aE the cc~nciitions Forkh. St~ould any such cor~ditian or ar~ hereina~ove set unenforcea.>le b~ ' Y P~~'r tt~ereof, be c~eclared invali.d or f the final judgment of any court of compel•ent jutisdiction, then ~t~i~ H~~~.t~~tion, and any apprc~vals hecein contziin~d, shall b~ deeri~ed null. and void. - THE: roFicc;or~~tG Re.S~:~i,U'1'10N is siyned urid approved by me thi~ :lth day of ` hlay, 1987 , J11~ ' ~ ;. % ~ •= r.~~,, ~ ' ~~ '' ~i '' .f'.~:. CHATRMAN ANF. ~IM C'ITY P~ NNING COMMISSTON AT'PEST: ~ `_' ,~ ~%~~l~i.,~-~~ SLCRETARI, APIAHEZM CI'PY ?Li~NC7ING COMh~I~SIOtJ STATE 0[' CAI,TFORNIA ) '?, CC~t7'PX UF ,~RAIvGE: ) s•s ~ ,~; C I'1'Y QP ANAH~ "[ ht 1 I, Ldi,:h G. Har.ris, Secret~iry oC the Anaheim City Pianning Co;nmission, do he[eoy cert:Ey that the ~oregoing resolution was passed anc adopted ~t a mAeting of t:hc~ An~iheim ~,;ily F~lanninq Commi~~ion he.ld on Ma~ lt, 1987, by the EOI.LUW1Ily voC~ of thn ;nembers thereof: AY~S: C0~4;"ISSIONEI2S: I30Ul~S, ~F;Y, HERt3S'1', LAPJICKI, MC EiUCtE7f;Y, MESSE N~'~~: COMM7;,SIONl.ItS: NONI: AIiS::NT: COMMISS[OM1E;F2,: LA CW~I(?F: IP~ WITNE;SS WEtERF;Or, i have he[nurlto set ;ny h~,nd ~hi:s 11r11 <iay of M~y, 198 ~~~4%~-~- _~ - ~ ..~ 5~~ci~~;r~kY, ttNAEtE7f~ ,. __ r f~I,p~ap~INC C7MMTSSIO:J ~3r PC87-:05