PC 87-107RGSOf.,UTION N0. }?C87-107 A RL''SO:,U'i'TON UI' `PIIE ANAHE;iM CITY PLANNIN~i COMMi.SuI~~[d THAT P. F:'f.I'i'ION k'OR VARIANC~ N0. :3655 AB GRANZ'i;D WNI;Rh;AS, ~hF: Anaheirn Cit:y P1ann.ing Commis~ion dic3 receive a ~~eritie~l Petic~on ~or Vari<-nce Lrom KAZUMI HANAI~U AND f2Y0K0 MANANO, 12G1 North nLacentia ~venue, Anaheim, California 92805, own~rs an~ MAGI'~Y HANNA, 4000 tlacArtl~~ar fioulevar~i, }~b8f), Ncwport Beach, Calif.arnia 92f60, agent for cer~ain real ~roperty situaled in the City oE Anaheim, County of: Orang~, St~~e of CaZifornia, descr. ibcd as fo11o~•~s: PARCEL 1: 'i'HAT PORTIOIJ Uf' LO'P 4 Oi SOUTH PLACENTIA 'PRACT PIO. 'L, TN TEiE CITY OF ANAHCItd, COUNTY OI' ORAN~E, STA'CF OF CAL):E'ORNIA, ACCQRI)iNG `PO T}!E MAP E'IuED IN BOOK 5, PAC~E 4"1. ~H MISc:r,LLAN~OUS MAYS, TN THG 0[~FICE OE TNL•' COUNTY RECORUGR OF SATD CdUtdTY, D~SCRT~3En .1S E'OGLOWS: 13LCINtiINC AT A°OIN'i' !N THE P]OP.:"H [.ZNE OE THE PARCEL OH LAND DBSCI2IBF:D 'LN PARCCL 1 OF DGED TO W. L. I~fORRI5 AND WI['C t7~;CORDED APRIL .12, 1940 IN HOOK 1039 PAGC 285 Uf~ OFEICIAL RGCORDS DISTANT G55 ~EE'P EASTERLY FRQM `PHE INTF.RSEC'P7:QN Oc SAIb LItd~: CR THE EXTENSION 'PHGREO° WITN :'iiC; CENTL•'R LIt•~E OF CYPRESS AVENU~;; THEN~'E SOU'1H $9° 50' CAST ALONG SAYU NONTii L'SNE 38.1.2 E'EE'I'; TNENCE SOUTH 43° 37' EAST .135.6C EBE`P TO THl: 50UTIiL•'x,STERLY LINE !~[' SAIll L~T 4; THENC~ SOUTHWGSTERI.Y ALONG S~1ID SUUTHEAST~RLY G_NE TO A LINF ~X'~ENDING SOUTFII:RLY PARALLEL Wi'Pil TH;: WLST LINE OE `.",IL' LJT 4 I'ROM THE POINT Or FiEGINNINC;; 'PNF.NCE ;IORTEIFRLX ALOtIG SF,ID ~'ARALLEL LINE 164.88 CEuT `PO THG POIN'.P OF BGCTNNI[JG. PARCBL 2: 'PHAT POf2i'ION OF LO`P 4 OE SOU'CH PLACk;NTIA '!'RAC'T ~Tb. 2, IN TYE CITY OF ANANEIM, CUU'r~'CY (1F ORANGE, S2A'.CE 0[' CALTEC~R[JIA, ACCORULNG TO TH4 MAP b'ILEU IN E~OOK 5, PAGf. 4"l UF rtISCEt,LANL'OUS MAPS, IN THE OFCSCE OF THE CQUNTY Et~:c:URDER OF SAID COUNTY, UES~'RLBGD AS FOLi~CiWS: 'PHA'i' POP'PIOt'i OE LO'P 4 Ur SOUTFI PLAC ;N'PIA TRIC'P N0. 'l ~ A5 SHOWN OtJ MAP RECURDEU iN CiUOK ~, PAGE 42 OE t4I SCf:L1:ANE0US MAPS ~ IN THE pPFICE UC THF COUt~TY R~CORnEti OF SAID COUP~T'L, DESCRIBED AS FOLL~~WS: BE~INNING AT A E'QIN"P iN `ff!F. Nt~RTN LINC 4r^ 'PHE LAND DESCRIE~Ep IN nARCEL 1 0~ DEEU TO W. r,. I40RRIS A~ID WIFE~ RE:COfiDED APRIL 12~ 1940 IN BOOK I039, PAGfs 2~5 UF' UFFICTAL RECc)RpS IN SAID OFFICE, DISTAN'P `PElk;Rr^,ON 693.22 E~:ET I:ASTBP,GY FRON TEiE INTEY.SECTInN OF SATU LINE OR 'fH~ PROLO:~"'''PION TElERF.OF W!'Pii TH~ CFPITER LINE OF CYPRE,°iS AV~NUE; TH~NCE S. 89° 50' r,., AI~Ot~C ~AID NUEtI'H LI~I£ TJ A POINT IN TH~ 50UTNtiA~'P~Rf~Y LI;iE OlT SAID f,OT; THENC~ SUU'1'l~WESTGRLY ALONG ~AID 50C!':N[;ASTEkt.X LINB ~0 A POINT IN A f~ICJF. MEA5UFtF:D ~. 43° 37' F.. ~ 'PHRpUGEi 'rHc^ F.'UTNT f?P (3E~.INPI.ING; TEi~NCB N. 43° 37' W., 135.60 :~GET 'PU TNF POINT OP 3F.GINN.IhG. 1 i7, lr Y~.:87-107 i 'r'< ....'..'L. ,,<,~.\ CXCBl~Y' 'i'HF;REF'RpM TN11'P PURTION DESCRIF31:1) IP~ PARCEL 8 Qi THE LAND I2ELINQUISHEU TU TH~ CT.'rY QF ANAFIETM BY !~G~D RGC4RDGD ipl BOOK 7755 ~ PAGE 472 OE OEFIClAL ItECORDS IN SAID OFFIC:f:. WEIEREAS, the Ci~y Plaiin~ny Comrnisston did hold a p~iblic he~ring ~r the Civ.ic Cen~ec i~ the City of An~~h~i.m an May 11, 19~7 at 1:?0 p.m., notice of said publie heari.ny having aeen c1u.~y~ c~iven a~ re~~uiteci by law ~'~n~ in accordance wich t:hc pruvicions oC the Anaheim Municipal Cude. Chapter :8.03, to t~ear and consider evidence f-or anci against said praposed variance and t~o inv~stigate and make ~indinqs snd recommendatians in connection therewith; ~nd WHERE;AS, said Commissian, a~ter duF• in:~pection, investiyation and study made t~y itselt' and in .i~s behalt, and aEter due consideration of a.ll ~vi,der.ce and reports of-Eered at said hearing, doe:; Eina and determine the following fact:5: i• T}~~it thA ~~c.itioner pccposes ~.~~aiv~rs of the foYlowi.ng ko construct a 7.-~tory, l.3-uni.t apartment building : (a) SGC~r.~~r~ 1E3.34.U62,01"l - Maximum structural height. (1 story ~~ithin .150 Feet of single-family r~si.dential zone permitt.ed; 2 storips at S f.eet [~ro~osar]) ( t~! SECTION lfi .34 ,062 .020 -• [~laximum site coverag~ • ~ (552 permitted; 59~, propu:,ed) 2. Thak the above~menti.oned waivers are hereby granted on tl~e basis that: there are special circumstanr_es a~~l.ir.ab.le Co tY~e property such ti~s siz~, sh~~ape (triangular shaped), topography, location and sucr~undings which do not apply co other ic~r_ntic~tll}• zoq~~d property in th~a same vicinity; and thak ~trict a~plicaticn of the •7,onf-Zg Code de~,rives the proPerty oC qrivilegps enjoyed by other ~ceper~ies in tne idFnrical tone and classification iri tP~e vicinity. 3. That the proposed v~1C 1c1hCn is hereby gcan~:ed suoject to the EPr_itioner's stipulations a~ thc public hear.ina to submit revised p].ins with the patics £acing inward 'aG as n~t t~ intrudF int~o l•he mok+ilehame Park located t-, the north of subjecr prap;~rty; and further L•t~at all windows :acing adjacent rG~i:iential properties on tlit north ~ind ~rest sh~all be acr.e~ncd to eliminat•e any visual intrusi.on; an~ tt~ah ~he 5-toot lan~s;,app~ stcip ~n the north property line sha?..1 be planted witi~ minimum ].5-~a11on trees. Revised plans shall k~e a~pcoved by Che Planning Denartm~-~n~ prior. ~o .issuancF o[ any buildinq ~aermit~. 4. :~har. there are exce~tional or eat_aordinary circumsh.ances r~r condi~ions a~~licah.l~ to the propF~rty involved or r.o tlie intendtd use of the pro~erty that dr~ not a~~s.ly generally to ~he proE~erty or c.lass uE use in the ~tim~ vir.inity ancl z~~ne. ;'1i ~~, ,,`' :t , 5. ~hat the rAques~E~d variance i~ nacesyary for the ~,r.eacrvation and enjoyr~ient pf ~ sabstantial prr~pPc~y right po~ses:sed by other property in the aame vicinlty arid zone, and ~leni~~~.1 to ~i.~~~ pro~ert.y in quE~tion. ~ `2- ~CQ7-107 , ,~+ . '~~ _ , .. _. .,. ,.,..., ;;~~{ 4'~ ~t v~ ~4 ~ ~~} i!; ~ ~t 6. ~1'hat the rc~quested varlancE will ric~h be m~teriall~ detrimen~al to h.h~ ~ub.lic wel[are ~r. injurious ro the Pr.ope~t.y or impcovem~nts ir~ such vicinit;~ and zor~e in which the ~roperry 1S loc~Ztc~c~. ~,~ 7. ThaL• onc person indiczted her prPSence at said public hearing in , apposition; and that na correspondenc:e was ceceived in opposition to subyect ~el•ition. , '~ ENVZRONMLNTAL YMPAC7.' FINUING: Th~t. the Anahcim CLLy Pianning ~;~~ ,;,,, ~ _ Commission has revi~wed ~he proposal to reclassiF.y sub}ec~ pr.aperry from the ;ft !~S-A-43,OU0 {RESidenCial/Agricultural) Zone to tt~e RM-1200 (Residential, ;~ Mu.lti~le-lamily) zone L•o construct a 2-st~ry, 13-unit apartment building with ~ waivers of maximum structural heigli~• and maximum sita coverage ori ~ tri.anguJ.arly-shaped parcel of .land consisting nf a~proximaL•e1y 0.46 acre „ ~ havi.ny a frontagc~ aE approxima~ely 290 fee~. on thc ncrthwesterl,y side of , Placentia Avenue, and E~Elllc] located approximately 7f~0 feet noctheasterly of . the centerline oE State College Boulevard arid further described as .12G1 North . t~lacentia Avenue; and does hr~reUy apprave the pt~gative D~claration upon ':'.' Einding L•hat it has considerec] the Negakive Declaration L•oyethec witn any commenL•s receiveG duri~ig ttie public revi~:~ process and further find.ing on the ~ hasi:~ oE the in.itial stedy and any comments received that there is no ~ substantial evidence that ~he project wi11 have a signiEicant effect on the envir.onment. , NUW, THERF,FOkf:, D~ !~P RLSc~LVEll ~F~at the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion daes h~reby qrant subject Pet.itiun Eor Variance, upon the foll.uwing condit:ions which are hereby Eound t•o be a necesNary Prer~quisite to ~h~ aroposed use o~ the sul~ject E~roperty in ocder i:o preserve the safety and guncral weliar.e of the c:i.tizens o£ s:he City of- Anaheim: 1. Th~t t~ie owner oE subjecr. pr.o~er.'t~ shall ~ay to the City of Anaheim a fee Eer tree ~lant?.ng ~urposes along Placentia Avenue in an amount as deker.mined ~y ti.t~e Ci.ty Council. 'l. That ~r.ioc~ to issuance of a buildi.ng ~ermit, aPpropriat;e ~ark and r.~creation iri-li~u fees s:~~ll be paid to ri~e City ot Anah~sm in ~n atnount a., cletF~rminec~ by th~ CiLy Counci.l, ?. 'Phar. nrior to ~ssuance oE a builc:ing ~~ermit-, the apE~copriake tra£fic 3ignal as~essment Ee~a sha12 be p~~id to ch~ City ~[ Anaheim in an amount ar: deter.min~~~~] by th~ City Counc.il. 4. That no gate~ wha~.ac~EVer sh~~ll be inst~alled across any dC~veway serving s~bjeck pronecty. 5. Tnat ail Nngi,~cer ing eequirements ~f the c;ity of Anaheim along Placentia "`{ Avenu~, ine].udirig pre~aeu~ion of improvc~nenk; ~lans and fnst~lla~ion of all improvemenr.:; such ~is carbs and yu~Cers, sidewalk~, wal•er facilities, street gradir-y ~-cnd przverr~ent, ~nwer and c~cainage facil.ities, or uther appurtenant work ~•tiall be complic~ with a:~ required by the City ~nginEer and in accordanc«; r;i;.h speciEications ~~n filP in [:hr Office of th~: City ~nginc:er; and that security in the L•orm ot: a bonci, certifical~ of ~ deposit, tette: oE credit, oc c~~h, in an amr,unt ancl form 3atisfactory to ,i tne City of Anaheim, shai.l be po~ted with the City to yuaranFee the ' FatiRfactor.y completion of said imnr.ove,n~:nt,s. Said security shall be ;, ~ ; '3' PC87-J.07 9 :J . . . _ ... .. , . ..., , ., _ . . . ., , . . . , >~1,. ti`t'' i •;f, ~~ ~ ~ ,%+~ "'~. ;;}: ;,. t '~ i po~ted with the Cicy pri.or. to appr.oval aE i.mprr~v~~ment plans, to guarantee the in~ta.ilat;ion ~~f ~he above-recjuired improvzm~>.nts pri~r to occupancy. 6. 'i'hat pri.or to issuance at ;~ I~uildin7 permit, Lhe appropriate Eees due for ~~rimary, sec;ondary ar.d Pirc protectian sha11 be paid r_o ~he water Utility Uivision by Lhe Developer in ~~ccordr~nce with Rules 15A and 20 of. the Water Ut,ility Rates, Ru7.es and Regulat?.ons, 7. ~rhar_ a,ll driveway:. sha11 be constru%~L•ed to accommodate ten ( 10 ) fook cadius curb returns ~, ,equi~~d by tt~e Ci.t~y TrafEic EnginFe[. a. 7'h,,i: drain~gc at subject ~roper~~y shall be disposed oE in a manner satisFactory to L•he C.ity t:;noine~r.. 9. That subjcc:t oroperty shall be served by cn~3P~-y,.~und util.ities. 10. Tr~at prior to com~r.encement o£ scruc:t~!ral Craming, Lire hydrants shall be installed and charged as requ.ired ~nc? datermined Lo bH necessary by khe ChieE of the Fir.e De~artment. l.l. 7~hat trash storage areas shall. lie ~,rovided an~ mairitained in acc~rdance ~ith approved plan~ on f.ile wiL-h the Stree~ Maintenance and Sanitation Division, 1.7.„ ThaC the owner/d~velo~.~er shall extend the ex.isting sar.i~ary sawer a~ requir.eu uy 'r.he c:ity Er~yine~r to serve the subj~ct property. 13. t~hat street liyhring Lacilitie~ along Plac~ntia Avenue sti~~ll be i.nstalled as r.equired hy the Util.ities General Manager in accor.dance with ; s~ecxFications on Eile in the Of[ice oE Utilities General Manager, and tnat SQt+UI:1LY in th~ form o£- a bond, c~rtificate of de~~sit, let~er of credik, or. c:ash, in an amaunt and form sakisfactory to t•he Cit,y of Anaheim, sha11 bn pdsted with the City to guarantee the satisfactory corn~letion of rhe above-me-tti.oned impr~vements. Said securi~y shal) ~e postec3 with tF~e City of Anaheim priUr to approval of im~:~rovement plans. T:-e above~reyuired improvements shall be ins~al'led prior to occupancy. ' 14. Ttiat the proposed C~ac~king striictucc dcsi.gn ~,~all conform to Fngineering ~~ Stanaard P1an P~o. 402-8 pcrtaining to s~anuard detaiJ.s for pazking struc~~;rFS. ,,, '15. That in tl~e event a~arcel map is not record~d co~nbining the ~wo Nxi3ting lots, thc p~operty ownec sha.ll furnish the ryiann~.ng i)epartment a reeocded covenar.t and agreement in a form ap~rov~d by the C:~ty Attorn~~y t~ ho.ld subject pco~erty a.s one parcel, 1G. Tha~ orior to fina.l build:ng and zuning iny~~ect.ions, "No par.king ~pr ~r.reeh sweeping" aigns sha11 b~ inscalled as required by the Street Main~:enanc~ ancl Sanit~tion Division and in ac:curdance with s~aecifications an El1~ w.ith saic: division, 17 , That the c~irbing adjacent tc sub ject ~~roper ty shall be painted red Co fac.ilitr~te on-streCt t[ash pick-up. '`~ " PC87-107 ~,.n~ 18. That all air conditioning f~ril.ikics ar~d other roof and ground-mount~ ee~uipment sha].1 be pruper].y sni.Elded from vi~w, and the sound butterec from adja~enl: re~iden~ial propert.ies. ~F , , . . . t.:'(jG >~i t ( d 19. '1'hat przor to issuance oE building permits, the applicant shall present evidence salisfactory L•o t:he Chief auilding Inspector that th~ proposed ~roject is in conL•ormance with C~uncil. E~olicy Number 5A?. "Sounra Attenuatiun i.n ttesidential projects" and w.ith Naise Insulation Standards ; s~~eciEied in the California Administr~ative Code, Title 25. ~ 20. '1'hat ~his Variance is granted subject to the adoption a.C !:he Zoning Ordinance in connection with Reclassification No. 86-87-33, naw pa.nding. 21. That subject property sh~li be developed substantially in accordance wi~h p'lans and apeciEicatians on f~le with the City of I~naheim marked Exhibit No. 1; provided, however, that Exhibit No. 1 shal.l be revised, and approvec9 b~ the Planning DeparLment prior to issuance oi• building permits, to ir~dicate propo~ed patios facing the mobilshome oark on ~l:e nortr~ shal.l be rclocated to face inward; and that. all windows facing adjacent r.esid~ntia:~ ~roperti.e~ to L•he nar.+~h and west sP~all be ~creened to prever,t visual i.ntLUSion and i:he 5-f.oot wide planter strip on i:he north property linc shall b~ planted with mir~i~num 15-gallon sized trees. 22. That pr_ior to issuancc o£ a huildin~~ ~er.mit, or withi.n a period ~f one year L•rom the cf~ate oi this resolia~ion, whichever accurs tirst, C'undition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1.3, 14, 15, 19 and 20, above-mention~d, shall be cumplied with. F~;tensions C~r further tim~ to co:npJete said conditions may be grant~ d in accordance with Section 18.Q3.090 of ttie Anaheim Nunicipal Coc]e. 23. That pciur. t.~ ~ir~:l, build:ing and zoning inspectiuns, Condition iVos. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 13 and 21, sYiall ue com~>lied with. f3E !'C FUR'i'EiER RGSOLVED t:hat tne Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determi~e Ehat ado~tion of this Resolution i~ expre~sly predicated upon applirant's comE~liance witt~ each ~~nd all of ttie conditions hereinabove st~t f~rth. Should any si.~ch candition, or any part thereoE, be declare~3 inv~lid cr uner,forceable by the Einal judy:~ent o~ any court of c~mpetent juriEOiction, then Lhis Resolution, and any an~rovals hereirt contained, shall be deemed nul.l and void. 'PElE FOREGOI~G RESUL~JTION is siyned and a7proved b! me this .11th day of May~ 1907. /" : ;~,~ -L-=-,~j /%' / ,~y ~ C~iATRMAN~ Ai~AEI .~PLT, ING COMMIuSiQN A~ AT'EE ST : /~ J ~/~ - ~ , SECF.2ETA Y, ANAHEIM CI'.CY PLAN[dIP7G C0~{MISSION -5- 4{^ . , :~ ~r~ ~ ' ~ ~t~4 a - . .. -'tt ~i.~`. .r.. ~ ~ . , ~. . uTA'PG OF CALI~ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ~RANGF ) =,5. ~ 'Y OF AP~AfiFIM ) I C I ~ I, Edi~h L. ~Iarris, ;~cr.utary oC ~he Anah~im Ci.ty Planning Commission, do hereby cectify that the toregoing resu].ukion was passed and adopted ~t a meeki;ig nf thP Anaheim City ~lanning Commi.ssion held on May 11, 1987, by the follow~ng vece eG the members t.hezeof: AYES: COMMISSTONERS: DUUAS, ~RY, HERBS'P, LA~iJICKI , t4C f3UF2NEY, MErSG NO~S: COMMISSTONrR5: NON~ ABSEN'P: COMMISSTONLRS: LA CLATRE IN t4ITNESS WIiE RI?OF, 't. have hereunto set my hand this llth day of i~~y, 1987 . lk,i(, I~ i `.-"~'Vl,c'~/ SPCRE'P RY, ANA:3EZM CITY ' PLAt3NTNG COM,MISST.OId ~ .r, ;.{;; ;~1 -6- PC87-lU7 ';`r ',, ~ `,.~t.;. .`,,~s ,,a . ~j r;r:i~cYr . .' - .. . . . ._. . , . . . . . , ,.. , . .. ...~. . , . .. . na~'~ .. rJ~.. , „ . . .. . _ .. .~ ... ~.~ . ~, . .. . ~., . . . . ,. .. . . . ~ ., . ...~it