PC 87-112~! ~, i ~ ~ ' /'~ , ~FSOLUTION N0. PC 87-11'l `'~ A RrSOLUTION QF THE ANAHF.YM CITY }'LANNING CUMMTSSION CLARIEYING LAN^ USE F.EGCILATIOtdS - RESOLUTIQN OF UI3CERTAIN`PIES IPi CUNNECTION ;,'ITH PGRMITTBD USES IN THE Mi, ( INDUS~RTAL ) ZONE t'~f ~'~~ ^ ~ WHEFtEAS, Secta.on 1a.02.041 oE th~ Anahei-r~ Muriicipal Code specif•ie,~ th , ~ at it an ambiguiry ar.ises conceriZing the appropri.ate cJ.assification f~r a particu.lar use wlthin the mean~ng and intent of the Zoning ~ode it ~hall be , the duty of the Planning Commission to ascertain all pertinent facts ancl set Eorth its findings and Lhe reasons thereforr and such findings shall be ~: ~ refF~red to ti~~e City Counc?1 ancl, if apFr~~~~~ ~y C~uncil, theceaf~er such interpretations shall govern; an~9 ~,,:; ~. ~'~~ WHERCAS, on March 31, 1987, tt~e C.ity Council considered a r.eques~ed C d ' o e Ameizdment thak the in:;tallation re air anc! s ~ P ales of mobile te.tephones be ; ;:,~, Y a.].lowed as a permi~ted use in ch~ MI, "Industrial, Limitec~" Zone, originall re +o d d c mmen e for denial by the P.l~nr.inr, Commi~sion, and reFerred the item back to th~ Planning Cammission tor further consideratioh; and § WHE:tEAS, th~ petitioner and ):~is atL-orney made E resentations at ~he Marct~ lb, 1987, and Apr.il 13, 1987, Planning Commis~ian meetings and a letter. ;;; dated Apri.l 8, 1987, was uubmitted f~.-om ~ar.lene B. Fischer of Hill, Farrer and ;; Durrill, a}r.orn~ys re~resentir~g .7ames Shab, Global Telecommunic~tions ;`~ Coroora"r.ion, recommendir.g and Px~J ~inzng that the "assembly" which takes piace ~~: ' iii c;onne~tion with the installation, repair and sales af mobile telephones y~. should qualify as "products pro~uc~d r~n th~ premises" as descr.ibed i.n SQc~~on ;; 18 .61,030 ,060 and for the pur~ose o£ permitting r~tai'1 s~~].es as ar, accessor~r ~: use to a E:>rimary permi.tt.ed ML use; ~nd ;,; ti' C~: WHERr~AS, subsection 18.61.03U.()60 ,atat~s re~ail distrik~ution of ~~ r~duuts ~'. P produced on tiie ~,remises, where not the primary retail uutlet Eor ` said products, is a permitl-ed acc?sSOry us~~; and J `;, si ;: wHERE1~S, L-h~ Rnahe.im City PJ.anning Commission d:td consicier ~ubject r. request at tr~e.ir reguiar meeti~g o~ A~ra.l 13, 1987, and aftEr due investi.ga~ion and study made by i.t~e1F and in its beha:~f, and after due ~ cons?der.ation af all evidence and r~porrs o*'fered, ~ioes hereby find and ~ det~:rmine the fol'1.nwinq i:acl•s: 1. That t!:~ Plann:ing Commission cnntir~ues ~o ieel th~ "installation, repair a~id sales of rnobi.le te.lephones" a.s not an appropriate "persiitted ur acce:>sor use~~ " Y i.n MC, Zors~, but is an apProprLate "conditional usP". 2. That the speciEic use, as described, i.s "instal].ati~n", not "assembly". The equinment {c~r telephones) is ~roduced/ assemnled at another 'location ~nd is "install~d", not "assembled", in the customer'~ car. 3. That ttie retail ~~roduct ~car tele~hon~s) is 3n7.d and installed at thzs busines~ pr.emi4e, nc~t at otner ret~,il outlet prernises. lY ~ ~~~~.::•M 2329p PC87-112 , ~ ~,- t ~' ' . . . ~ - ', ~~)'r,' ~i~l Y ~ ~' 4. That it ~~~s baen an on•-going practice for uses such as the installation/remov~.l af. muEflers, car radios, etc. or o~her activi.ties invo.iving uustomer's cars to re consi.derPd as condi~.ion~l uses i.n ~he ML ? ~ne. ~', 5. That the peEiL•ioner had indicate~l at the March 16, 1.987, meeti.ng that. he woulci be will.ing to insl•.all sameon~ else's caL• phone, if requested. NOLJ, THCREFORE, B~ IT RE;SOLVED, that the AnahEim City P].anning Commission does hereby maice ~he deter.mination thah the "assembly" that takes place ~n co~nection wit.h the installation, repair anr3 sa'les of mor.ile tele~hones daes not quality as "produccs pr~duced on the premises" and shnuld not be ~ermitted as an accessory use to a prirnary induskrial use in the ML "Indus~.:riai, Limited" Zone. THL FOREGOIP~G RFSOLUTI~N i.s signed and appCO~: ed by me this llth day of May, .19~7. ~ l~ °~~c> ~,>,~/- ~ ~ CHAIRMAN, ANAH M CITY PLAN NG CO[~IMTSSTON RT1'~,'ST: ~ ~~~. ~' - ~ SECKL'TAKY, ANAHEIhI CTTY ?LANNING COMM7SSION ;i`.L'ATE OF CALI~'0l2NIA ) COl'JNT'1 OF OR~IP~GE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHL'IM ) -;; I, Edith L, Fiacris, SF:cretar.y of L-he Anaheim City Planning CcrR,miysion, ';; do h2reby c~rtify khat tne foregoing resolution was passed and adop~ed <zt a I rneeting oL thc Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion held on hlay 11, 19d7, by the F.ollowing vote of th~ members ther~of: ~ A^ AY.ES: COMMTSSIONF.RS: BOUAS, FRX HERFiST, LANITCKI, MC9URNE;Y, MLSSE ` NOLa: COMMISSIONERS: D10t3~ ~ AEiSL'NT: COMMISSIONERS: LA CLAIRL•' IN WITN~SS P1HEF?EOF, T~~ave hereunto ~et niy hand this llth day of. May, 1~87. ~ ~~~v j~ ~ . ~t..t.~'. S.CRE'PARY, ANAHGIM CITY PT~At1NING COMNIISSION ,~ ...: ~ -2- PC87-112 ;~